Free Amended Complaint - District Court of California - California

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Pages: 64
Date: December 31, 1969
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State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
Word Count: 12,168 Words, 66,163 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Preview Amended Complaint - District Court of California
Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

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Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

Page 2 of 64

BP West Coast Pröducts LLC ~


GUarantee Agreement

ïhe undersigned Nazim Faquirvn and (spèuse, If marred), intending to

legally bound hereby and in consideration of BP West Coast Products LLC, organizad In Delaware (hereinafter


called "BPWCp.) advancing credit to STTN Enterprises, Inc. (hereinaftercallad "Debtor"), and also in
consideration of BPWCP, at its sale discretion, (a) agreeing to any additional crdit at any time hereafter to Debtor for petroleum products and other merchandise, or (b) to extend credit, advance mon!:y, or defer time for payment of any money due or to become due under contrct or obligation arising from any le.asB or Idan, or (c) to extend credit in any other manner to, or at the request or for the account of Debtor, either with or Without security (all such

liabilty and obligation of Debtor to BPWCP now or hereafter existing being hereinafter referred to as
"Obligations"), do hereby jóintJyand severally guarantee and agree to pay to BPWCP, upon demand, all of the Obligations together With interestthereon,and any and all expenses, Including but not liinted to, reasonable

attomeys' fees which may be incurred by BPWCP in collectng all or any of the Obligations .andlor enfordng any rights hereunder, it being furter understood and agreed that the liabilty hereunder of the undersigned shall be unlimited as to the amount of Obligations covered by this Guaranty.
The undersigned waive any right to require BPWCP to (a) proceed against Debtor or any other party; (b) proceed
against or exaust any security held from Debtor; or (c) pursue any other remey in BPWCP's power whatsoever. The undersigned waive any defense based on or arising aut of any defense of Debtor other than paymnt in full of the indebtedness, including Without limitation any defense basw on orarìsing out of the disabilty of Debior, or the un enforceabilty of the indebtedness or any part thereof fro any cause, or the cesation from any cause of the liabilty of Debtor other than payment in full of the Indebtednes. BPWCP may. at its electon, foreclose on any
security held by BPWCP by one or more judicial or nonjudicial sales whether or not every aspect at any

is commercially reasonable, or. exercise any other right or remedy BPWCP may have against Debtor, or any

such sale

security. without affectng or impairing in any way the liabilty of the. undersigned except to the extent the
indebtedness has been paid. The undersigned waive any defense arising out of any such electon by BPWCP, even though such elecon operates to impair or extnguish any right of reimburSement or subrogation or other right
or remey of the undersigned against Debtor or any serity. Until all indebtednes of Debtor to'.BPWCP 'shall
have been paid in full, even though such indebtedness'

is in excess of the undersigned's liabilty'hereunder, .the undersigned shall have no right of subrogation and waive any right to enforce any remedy which BPWCP now has .or may hereafter have against Debtor, and waive any benefit of, or any right to partcipate in any secucit'f1w. or .

hereafter held by BPWCP. .' .
Execuledat ,this_Y_daYOf~ ,20~.

If this Guaranty is executed by two or more partes, they shall be severlly liable hereunder~ and' the word

"Ùndersigned" wherever used herein shall be constred to refer to each of such partes separated, all jn the same mariner and with the same effect as if each of them had signed separat instrments; and in any such case this Guaranty shall not be revoked or impaired as to anyone or more of such partes by the death. of any of thè others. or by the revoction or release of any liabiltIes hereunder of anyone or more of such other partes.

. f

Residence of Guarantor (street, city, state, zip code)

Guarantor - Spouse

Residence of Guarantor (street, dty, state, zip code)

, Subscribed and swom to before me this

.2ó.. day of

,- hA-n¿

,20& ¿.

'Required In all states



'Noi:Pu' .~,

Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

Page 3 of 64

BP West Coast Products LLC ~~

\.::Jarantee Agreement Individual
Facilty: 82461


The undersigned legally bound hereby

Saved Faouirvan and

(spouse, If marred), intending to be and in considertion of BP West Coast Products LLC, organized in Delaware (hereinafter

called "BPWCP':) advandng credit to STTN Enterprises. Inc. (hereinafter called ~Debtor"), and also in
consideration of for

BPWCP , at its sole discretion, (a) agreeing to any additional any time hereafter lo Debtor
money, or defer time for payment
or loan, or (c) to e;.end Debtor, eitherwitJ or without security (all such from. any lease

petroleum prodacts and other merchandise, or (b) to extend credit, advance.

of any money due .or to become due under contrct ar obligation arising credit In any other manner to, or at the request or for tle account of

liabilty and obligation of Debtor to BPWCP now or hereafter existing being hereinafter referred to as
'Obligations"), do hereby,

jointly and severally guarantee and agree to pay to BPWCP, upon demand, all of the Obligations together with interest thereon, and any and all expenses, inccuding. but not limited to, reasonable attomeyy' fees which may be incurrd by BPWCP in collecting all or any of the Obligations andlor enfordng any

rights hereunder, it being furter understoo and agred that tle liabilty herender of the undersigned shall be unlimited as to the amount of Obligations covered by this Guaranty. .

The undersigned w8ive any right to require BPWCP to (a) proeed against Debtor or any otJer part; (b) proceed against or exhaust any secrity held from Debtor, or (c) pursue any other reme in BPWCP's power whatsoever. The undersigned waive any çlefense based on or arising out of any defense of Debtor other than payment in full of the indebtedness, including without limitation any defense based on or arising out of the disabilty of Debtor, or the

unenforceabilty of the indebtedness or any part tlereof fr any cause, or the ceaton from any cause of the liabilty of Debtor other than payment in full of the indebtedness. BPWCP ma, at its election, forecJose on any
security held by BPWCP by one or more judiciaì or nonjudicial sales whether or not every aspect of any such sale

is commercally reasonable, or exerdse any otJer right or remedy BPWCP may have against Debtor, or any
securi, without affecting or impairing in any way the liability of the undersigned except to the extent the

indebtedness has ben paid. The undersigned waive any defense arising out of any such electon by BPWCP. even though such electon operates to impair or extinguish any right of reimbursement or subrogation or other right or remey of the undersigned against Debtor or any security. Until all indebtedness of Debtor to BPWCP shall have been paid in full. even tlough such indebtednes is in excess of the undersigned's liability hereunder, the

undersigned shall have no right of subrogation and waiv any right to enforc any remed which BPWCP now has
or may hereafter have against Debtor. and waive any beneft of, or any right to partcipate in any security now or hereafter held by BPWCP.

If this Guaranty is executed by Iwo or more partes. they shall be severally liable hereunder, and the word 'underigned" wherever used herein shall be constred to refer to each of such partes separated, all in the same manner and with the same effec as if each of them had signed separate instments; and in any such case this
Guaranty shall not be revoked or impaired as to anyone or more of such partes or by the revocation

by the death of any of the others or release of any liabilties hereunder of anyone or more of such other partes.

Executed at

, UUis ~ - day of -4J/)

Residence of Guarantor (street. city, state, zip code)

II i
-Guarantor - Spouse
, !!;¿ ;1--

, 20 il-

Guarantor - Sayed Faquiryn

Residence of Guarantor (stret. city; state, zip code)

. Subscribed and swom to before me this


ZilM day



, 200t,


-"Required in aU state

Nõtary Public

. . Sao,Oa Co

~~.. . NoayPu-Cd.

MvCO~i:!m .

Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

Page 4 of 64


Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

Page 5 of 64


(Branded oie:;el Fuel)

Faciliy: 82592 Custcmer Account: 0998690
, amends the Contract Dealer Gasoline THIS AivENOlvlENT, dated as of , between BP V'lest Coast PrOdUc:s LLC, Agreemem CAgreemem") d;:e,j organized in De!aware I,"BPWCP") and STTN Enterorises. Inc. ("Buyer") with delivery premises at 63'I San
Felioe Road, Hollister. CA 95035 ("Premises").

It is hereby agreed by and between the parde:: that effective on the date written above or the C,)mmencement
Date of the ,';greement, whichever is later, the Agreement is hereby amended ,0 provide mal exceot as set forthbelow, any reference~ to "motor fuels comprising gasolines and gasoline-containing materials bearing the ARCO traderr¡¡rk and other identifying symbols." "gasoline" and 'product" shall be construed to include such motor fuels comprising diesel fuel and diesel ruet-containing materials bearing the AP,CO trademark and other

identifying symbols ("AReO branded diesel ruels and diesel ftel-containirrg materials") as Buyer may
purchase and receive from BPWCP and BPWe? may se!1 and deil¡er to Buyer at the Premises during the term hereof.
It is understood and agreed by and between the parties that Temporary Voluntary .~lIowances ("TVA's") are not applicable to diesel fuel or diesel fuel-containing materials ar:d. t.''erefore, the terms end conditions relating

to TVA's set forth in the Prices provisions, Paragraph 5 of the Açeement. are not amended and
supplemented by this Amendment. It is further understood and agreed by and between the p;-jrties that,
except a:) herein specifically amended end supplemented, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement. as previously amended and supplemented. shall be and remain in full force and effect. .'vnendmeiit automatically supersedes and terminates, as of the Effective Date hereof, any and all other contracts, agreements or uriderstandings be~.v8err the paiiies covering the sale and deJi'lery of ARGO branded diesel rue!s and diesel fuel-containing materials to Buyer at the Premises for resale therefrom.

This Amendment is not binding until executed by Buyer and by an authorized offcer or manager of BPWCP.

IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have executed this Amendment.

BP West C~ast Products LLC

Franchisee STIN Enterprises, Inc.

L-tJ~0:1 'j~.IÔ l) a;

/Jg 01 // U'


LQQk Date




BP 03057

i 13

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Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

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Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

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Customer ,1,cct Wl99X1):1( F:.cilic:i #~,:~:,a1

Cal\::!fur::: R,:brand

.l~is Cüimai;t D~ai,, Gnsoline ~!lr~emenc (rh.s "~æ~::e!lt") ¡: .-:¡de and ~nten:d into :: üf mc


o( -_rJ l-L '. --èè ,1"EtIe::n'/e Darc"')by and benvi:n BP West Cuast
Products LLC, a Dc!awan: limited liabûÜy compauy, ("SPWCP"), :md

S'IT' EnterDr1SCS. Inc. a COllitorlli:: Corn'Jratioll ("Buyer").
(s;:~te.wht:thd:: ::oh: r'roçm~tOrshTp. p:m~hip. .:orpor-tion or IinnÜ~ tiïicilicy compwy rtLC1~ if ;J::r~C'shijJ.. the ¡¡::mIS
¡1i iit ~iJrtnl.'T ::nd Statc or i)rg:mìz:ticn: if ':rpr:uon. thi. St::i: ni ;n-corpor".!tiQn; ¡em LLC. ii~\: Sia.te. or" l)rg::níz.:nionJ

BPWCP aminUin a plac:: of busincss at 4 CcnæmnilUe Driv::. in the Ciry of L. Palma. in ¡he Stare ot Californa. Buyer's principal pbce of business is loc::ted at ttj t SOln Fe!iD" Ro::d ¡II the City of Hollister'. in the State vf CA wim
the ZlP code 1)5035. This A~''eemem coiirirutcs ~ "" as dc:I-ned in tbc Petroleum :V(~r\;ering PT'crices Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 2301-2306 ("P¡"l1.-'").


:\. BPWCP m::k"rs motOr ¡'ids comprising g~soli:es ::nd g::ol¡ne containing materials be::ing the:
ARCOiI trademark: and odier idenriJYing s)1ttols (herein colkctively, "Gasoline").
, B. Buyer owns or lease: from a third p::ny real property and lmrovementS which Buyer would like to

operate as ~ retail t::cilit'j selling Gasoline to caå Users. The prope,ry ar.J lmpro'¡ements are located at ò31 S:iii Ft.!ipl'

Ro~ij. in tho; Clr:i or Tawn of Hi,iii~rer in the SU.te of CA wi'b ¡he ZTP code a5iJ35 (Tne "Premises").

NOW, THEREFORE. the p:mies hereto agree a¡; foUows:

I. Term. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties :md effective on me d~te first set for'JJ above.
Subji:t to earlier termnation under P=graph n. I below, the "Commencemeat Daæ" of this Agreement sh:ll begi. at lO:OO a.m. on the and the term shall end at lO:OO a.rn oii the. If no Commencemtrl Date is s.~t forth at mt: Ein,e mis Agreemt:ni is execute(L the Commcnccmtnt Date sh:ll be established by BPWCP by noric~ to Buyer as the d:ie the Premises are ready to receive Gasoline deli'¡erj, which nonce shall also set fort Û1C expiration d:lte wh.ich shall be at IO:OO::m. on the tirs day after me rXXl 12ih or 0 120"' or (J 2..0'" full ca.lendar monch fonowing (he Commencement Oat". If no tie is chi:cked, the box for ¡20th sh:I be deemd check-~d. In addition. BPWCP may. at its discretion, extnd me term of this Agreement for a period of up to lSO days by giving '-witten notice to Buyer before me t:nd of the

1.2 Constrnctton or R::ze ::nd Rehuild. If ths Agreemeiit is for P-ernse:s that rcquire new consction of an ARea branded gasoline t;¡ciliiy or ¡he rag and rebuilding of an .-\CO branded rerail t;¡cility, Buyer will promptly undcrtke such new CDJ1s!retion or rebuilding and eompkie 'such consmietlon or rebuilding and be re::~\y to receive

Gasolie deliverj withiii 24 momhs, in the case of New Constrction. or 12 months. in the: ease of a Razing and
Rebuilding, af me Effective D::tc of ihis Agreement (f rhis Agreemi:m is for P-re-.ns~ di::r requi:rt cemodeliiig or relIoti!,

Buyer w111 prPmptly undertt: such work and compkte such .remodelig or cecrottt and bt Tt:ady Co teeeive Gasoline
delivO:l'r ,\-itln nie months of me Effective Date.
Orders. Buyer will order and make lY:ilable for teail oale an grades of Gasolicce wmch BPWCP offers

to Buyer

(hereinafter eol1e~vely, "Pmduet"), iii Jmouncs su!1ìcIent to satisfy ~LL torese::b1c rctail =¡omer demand for

Produc¡ at. the Premises Jud will at all Qrcs hav~ available lor sale

P3ge 1 oi 13
AReo ~O.WR-I (-12.006)


B1' 03039


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Filed 06/18/2008

Page 8 of 64

only to ~iiiocatwo "f Producl by 8PWCP in ;1 maiir~r ¿et~mmne:d in BPINep'3 ,ok discretion in 8u'l'd) geugr;;pl1ic Cli:::. BP'NCP wiilll$~ its best drims to ¡ill Buver', orders; l10wt:.¡t:r. BPINCP ma': ili,c;Jntinue
salt: of ;;ny g::;;dc of Pnjduct at ~lty timo: upun tlftcen (15ì.~::íc:id::r days' ¡¡riot written notice ~o Buyer. At BP\VCP's sok ,!isC;ciiun, BPWC? ,c:erves ehe rrght to provide ARCO br:nndcii motOr fue!$ 30ldv thromdi

an aUtomatic (ja:miim: ordenng and ddiv,"ry system and co il)( accept individual ()rders piaced by 3uy~r.
Buyer Jgrees to accept and pay to.r ,iich Product a: BP\VCP delivers to the Pn:-m.ises. Buyer shall provide

accur::ti: aiid timdy lliJrmaQon as re::sorrably requesred by Bl'\VCP in COlUlectioll with the: alloin::ric
gasoline iiwc::tory and de1i:crj system.

, ~"Wllolc~':lim:. Buyer will sell Producr only it end usc.r5 Cor rheir personal iise in
volumes 110t e:"i¡;e~diug ÜiC c::pa¡;iry of each .;uwmer's motOr vchide fuel ¡::nk. aIlY auxiliary fud tank
directly lined (Q rhc ¡;ustomds motOr vdiicle ~ngute. and an ipproved. propcriy labeled cmcrgeacy

cour:iner capable of holding lea gallL)ltS lJr bs. The Premiscs ,iial1 be '.JpCIl for blJsiness scve:: (ì) caltndar

d::ys a wed; tin l miimum of r.'d"ic (I Z) ':l1nseciiÜ'¡c hours e::d1 ,.lav.

... De!iverY. SPINCP ..,~U deliver Product into Buyds smr.;;e faciliries desi:be¡j below.
T,rk to and risk of !os: of Product w,il p:Js 10 Buyer UpOtl deli':er;r intO Buy"'s ;¡iragr; i::cilities. SPwc.""

akme will select me me:iloJ and mode ,)f shipment and d.divery. B?\VC.P exprc;sly reser/es the right to
supply Produ¡;! to other ;ci::il outklS '.vhetlltt ùwno:d ami operated Jiæctly by' BPWC? ,)) by imiependent ov.nt:rs :md t1pcr:¡ rc;ardIi:s .Jf how near 'Jr far such other rcrall ùmte:5 m~; bo: loc:Ht:tt rebrivc to the

5. Price:. F'Jr prodm;¡ ddivered hereundo:r, Buyer wÜI pay ine pric~ 5pecii-i~d by BPWCP

in ell,,:t at ¡he tim:: a¡¡d plac: of ddiver¡ fer purch::sers in Bu:ids d::ss nr ¡r:!tk Price ,hail be ,ubject to
change at Jny time, at ihe eicctiorl of BP\VCP. 'l.ithoiii iiotic:. Should BPWCP eleCtlO provide notic:: or
price dianges. It rry;.o so by telephone. or at BPWCP';; sole ekct1on, facsimile or cleccroiiiC transmission.

Buyer must l1a'"c the cap::biliey to tecei';e notices ..ü. price chang~s ::nd in'icice. at the Premises by fac5imle

or electronic tra.nsmission. At BP\VCP's soie discrction,. (0 enable Buyer co compete more dfe:ri\"ely with
BUi'ds competitors, BPWCP m::)' from lime to orne grant Buyer ;; "teuipor..ry voluotary allowance"(TVA)

applica.b le to Product to be sold by Buier under ¡hi. ..J5r~m::rr ¡'rom merered dispenser.; on the Premises.

IfBPWCP deiemiies ilatSuyer has accepted TVAs on Product wwch is not sold co moeorists at rrt;;il
rhough the metered dispensers on. ehe Premises, BPINCI' rny termnate thi Agreement, ::nd the amoum of any such TVA shan be due by Buyer to BPWCP on dem::nnl ::d BPWCP may 'JeTset such :1rnourr against
any sums payable by BPWCP to Buyer. BPWCP may cond¡¡ion ;;e p;;ymem of allowances on Buyds observauce of m:!.ximur retaíl se!ling piice~ deti:mÜned by BPWC? or mi1x.imuill grass protit m:gin

delemiid by BP\I¡'CP or 3 reduction tn Buyer's retail sclEng ¡¡rice ';cin¡m:nsur:ne with the amount of the

6. Pavment. Urness BP,VCP ex¡ends credit to Buyer as provided below, Buyer will pay for
Produce priur to ie; dt:ivcr¡ in U.S. doll:rs. BP\VCP sh::ll ie.quire a product advance paymo:nt

approximtdy equ:: to the current eost of an ;;verage delivery of Product. BPWCP may ÌDCt1ase or
de.crC"..e ,he Jmount of the. advanc~ payment at any tie to renect GUIent prices and Buyer will pay any
addihonnl ::inollU necessary if the advance payment is increased. P:::rmt:nt wil be made by dectrni¿ fuds
tranfer in:tiarei. by BPWCP, wire rrmlSfcr, ';::hiees ch.:k or buÚness check. ',¡hicbever BP',VCP direc!S.

delivered by Buyer :u the time and place as designated by BP\'VCP. Buyds financial instirution thrOligb

which pa;ment by dectronie funds CTnsr"r initited by BPWCP is n)¡de mu,r be a member of ?-ACK-\ (The National Automatt: C!c::nng HOUEC ."-sociation). Paymt:nt ,..ill bc deemed m:de ",helL and orny
wheIL its receipt h::s been ':eritied by BP\VCP. (f this Agf'~em::nt rei:iiire~ ur permts payi:nt:nt by check.. ail .;hecks shall bc made pa:rable to "BP\VCP" or "B.P West Coasl P,oduc:s LLC:' and to no Qiler pc.rsorr tinn

or emiry. If this ,-\~enu:nl requircs i)r ¡¡e..mits ~a;,menr by win: i:rrtt;r. ,tll such payments ,hall be made iO" BPWCP. cio C:tii:arrk ,,¡A. For Credit:o BP W,:S! CmtS1 Prodm;¡s ;;405\..!8ï4 ABA 0210000S9. N~w
Y,))k. 0j",.v York 10043." aud m no other hank or "c;;ount ::umber '.uiless so advised iiJ ..'Tting by the Credit :vi:in::g'~r, BP',VC? If tlm Ag~e~:nent requires or permiis p::;mieni by lItOm::td de::ring !louse ¡"EFT"),
aJl ,ucb payments shaH b~ madc to "BPWC?". ;;:0 Ciubank D::aware, for Credit m 81' W'~st CiJU~r

Product¡ . :'D-l ;i3S LS.2 \ ¡l. New Casi!e. DeI;nvare 19ï?O,"Jnd m ao other bank or aCCQum ~ullbçr

f..RCO ..O-WR1 (4/2006ì

2 oi .,8

BP 1)3040



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Filed 06/18/2008

Page 9 of 64

unkss £() auvisë: in writing by uu: Ccedit Manai;ec. ßPWCP. (f ths Agccc!1::nt r::qulrt:s or pi:rmits
güim::n1 by dectmnic mnll tr..nstÚ l"EFT"), J.U such paymenes shaH be mad:: in mict accQrd with

proce-:!urcs estahlished .md promulg:ued by BPWCP. Buy::r ¡¡gt~::s to indeiruuf¡ 8P\IiCP for any l¡¡!iS or e::pe:1se c::used by Bu:/er's tailure to ~omply '"ich r.his PJ.r:graph. Cpon &~mand. Buyer wi. ecimllur.:æ BPWCP the amoune r)r" any ¡¡~mporary "oluncar¡ allo'.v::nc:: -erroneously J.pplíed co P:oùuce ocher mall Pmduct sold under th .'\greeinem from metered (i.ispel!5o:rs on the Pn:mis::s. Ln Jddieioii to any other

remdit:s J.vailabl:: to ie, BP\VCP may otlst:r ag:L(lt any futUre temporary '!oluiiary ::l1awJuc:: or agairt

orht:r ..mounis owed:a Buver (he ::maune of auv ¡eimbueseim:n. to which SP\VC? is encirbi ¡fBuver fails to ¡¡iake any payment i)r r~irrbursemc:i:t when due, Buyer ::cb.owitdges and ::gr~e:. ¡h;¡t BPWCP'; re:eilJt
of payment dueheæunuer ::fter (he issuance of a notice of terrÜnarion or iioii.rene',val d'Je.s nor cOlltlute' J. waiver ofBP'i\iCP's temiinarrou rJt iiooreni:w::l righis.

Credit. BP'NCP may in itS sok discretion from time to tue exte::u credir ,0 Buyer ia
whatever amoiintS and on whatever ¡emm BpINCP alone selects. If

BP\I¡'CP'cx¡ends Buyer ~--edi(, BPWC?

may wÜhdraw it at any dme without aotice cmd for ::ny rt:::son. in SPINO's sok juctgmcnl BPWCP m::y
do aiiy or all of ¡he t"ollon'-Lllg: (i) require thac Buyt:r pay for Product by; check. rJr bank wcre

rr:msfer prior to delive~, (ü) requir~ (!lit Buyer post an iIevocable kIter ot' w:dir issued by a bank
sarir:ctory co BPWC?, (iii) require Buyer prescm evidence of iinancia! solvency, ::¡¡d (iv) do:clare Buyer in
default of ihis Agreement if Buyer tails \0 pay Jay imi:bEedue-s when due. pmviJe c':ideucc of tinancia!

snlv';ucy UpOll rrqllt:1 or comply with :iy orher term of thi .'\gre~me:1t. Buyer agr~::s (hat re~ardkss of
whether and t'or how long BPWCP ha ~:-tcnd~J it r:r~dic. BP\i¡CP =y ,:e::e extenuing cr,:dit at any timc and in:itt:aJ r~quure that pJyrnen: be made in the manner see fordi rn di.s Paragraph or in Para~r~pll 6 above.

S. Nnn-cunf!)rmiti~s, Buyer '.,ill :1ociy BPWC? in writing ot' me e,,;;ct aaru" 1)1' :Lny
nonconIòrmir! in :ho: rjpc. quanticy or pnce ot any ProJuct delivered to Buyer witiun thirr¡ (~;()) calcnd:, (!.ys c, ¿kliverj, Buyer llen:by waives ::ny claim against B PWCP based on my llOriconi"ornry of wllj¡;h Buyer do~s not so notify BP\VCP.

9. Record Kc~ping, For each di:i"t:r! of P"roduct, Buyer shall at all !in1es keep a deiailel
r~corù uf the Jate ::nd tie of delivery. and the grade: aud amount of Product delivcred e.'(pressed in IcnI'",

of galloas. To asst BPWCP in de(emiinig the neccssity. of any temporJr volunury allo',,'ance desc;oed
in P:tagr::ph 5 above, Buy::r ",ill I,i) sell all Product through meiered di'TcDScrs wllich shall indicate the
grde and amount of g::oline purchascd. (ii) allow B PWCP 10 tnspecr Buyds Product ùispenscrs,

recorders and meters. and books iiid records rdaring to ddiver/ ami Pwduc! in''':uiory, ap.d (iii) allow BPWCP to J.certaÎ: the vo!umt: ofProducl in Buyer':; siorage faciliti~.

10.1 Storage and DiSDensers. Buyer \Vir maimain storage tanle or other appTopriate

facilities on the Premises into which Product .;:: be delivercd. Buyer 'Ñ'j\ ensurc that the stOrage facilities
are compan"ble with BPWCP's delivery equipment and Product formul:rions; ¡hat itS stor:gt: facilcies ",-¡n

accommodate such minium quamities per single delivery as BPWCP may select; and tb:r the Premises ::e coiigured in such a way rhai Product can be. cllivcrro to the Premist:s consistent ,..,ith aU applicab1e fire
laws and regul:rions and other gaverrnenrnJ rrquu:e=ms. Furher, Buyer wiI! el!.'iure that aU dispt:nsiug

dc,ict:s and storage tåciiiries J! all times be properly perrrtcd and carulctdy comply widi all applicable govt:mrenral reauIrem~nrs anu anY sDt:cificanoll which BPWCP iiay issue from tie to rime, Buyer furrher agrees tb;t Buyets motor fu'el dispensing devices shall be equipped at all :it:S widi Product tilters
'.vith !en (I m rnit:ron ¡iltering capacity. W ¡thaui rcsniering any right or n::nedy 0 f BPWCP, or imposIng any duty or Liabi!ic'jllp'ou BPWCP. upon BPWCP's request. Buycr will promptly ¡\mihBPWCP "''1th

wrirrcn evidence (har ßuyt:s dispcnsiDg devices and :;tOr.ig~ f.cilities comply '"ith :ill gavemmim.l
rcquJremems Jud providt: COtJies or" underground 3torag:e t:!Uk pemmiis and spc:;c::rion5. and allow S.PWCP repi-eseiiaci'¡es m inspect the jispcnsing dc'.1.cCS ::d :¡wrage faciliiies ;0 r:onffrm òudi ëOmpliance. BPWCP

may suspend ddiveries iii ¡he e'!ent (!11( Buyer tioes ¡¡ot provide ..vntte:i evidence (hat the ,lispensing
Jt:':ice~ ,inÙ j!orage :aciìicces i:omplv "itll alJ ~o"ernnnenn::l reguiiltJom.

BP 03041
30í 18

ARca 40 WR-l (4/20061


Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

Page 10 of 64

10.2 prc Euuiomenc. Unless (h~ Premi~ are located in !.e state o/" On:~on. Bu:ri:~ is required by BP'¡\'CP 10 purc!le or le::.: ;he P::yQuick l:hmd Cashii::r ("p(e Eqwpmenl") ami inst::tll it;:t (he Pn::mises, The PIC Equiprni:m ,hall b~ of ¡he c'fp~. number :md .:onccgur::tion ,pedied by BPWCP.
C;1:1 Buy",r Jgr~s to asc the pic EquLpuueIlI only in cuwleccLon wl(l¡ the

operation of ßPWCP authorid busine:;es. Buyer Jgrecs Qot ,0 tamper wid~ ::Iter. dian!!e. dis.lot.ire.
dispÎ:ce, :emove 'Jr vthenvise tncerrere with ¡he i)pt:~::tr()na! imeg:riry of (hi: PLC EqLiìprri:¡¡(. Biiyer agr;es

to maim::iii FIC Equipmenc in J ck::a Jmi fully oper::uional condition a( ::ll (imes tor ¡he convenience of
Buyer":3 cus¡om~rs.
. (b) Buyer '.viii be resporuible for all rninne:nance and repiir Dt" ¡lie PIC

Equipment. Buyer -.vill concract tor maintc:o.nce se::\'ices rllrough BP\\iCP J!Jpro;'ed $~rvict: providers Jiid
understands th;¡( BPWCP wiI! oot provide ::y maIIiæ::::ce Jad repair scrJici:.

(.c) BPWCP will p(\vid~ training co Buyer :md up co 5 ~mpioyc~s d~sl.;ii::¡ed by
Buyer to ::ttcnd tT::ining. T(::uung is mandatoi-¡ for Buyer or Buyer's desigp.::ted man::g~i. TCle~c ,s no

tuition l-or such tr:ining. but aU c:-pe::e$ in connecÙoa,virll such a::inine. must be ¡¡"me by Buyer. If Euyer fails (0 atteiid tr::ining when originally sche,-õuleti, there may be ,1 t,::: of S lOOO to attend tT::Ining.

(J) 8uyer's PiC Equipment wl11 have one or more :ash acceptors, except if. iCl
the sale opiiion 'J!" 8l'\VCP, Buyer's Premises are appropriate exdusively for debit oniy PIC Equipment.
Cnkss the PTemises h:;'~ 110 c::sh Jcc~"p(Ors. Bu:¡e! Jgtees to comr::c( wÜh JI BP\VCP approved li,;::nscd

and boudcd ::io!ed secur!'j ser,''cc to do the follo"~ng: mile ,;ash pick ups on a rtgular basis. bm not less trequently th:m orree per w;:ck, mainoin possession of all keys to tbe: Duler door and th~ vault .ir ¡hi: P1C
Equipment, h~ndlc ~1l remo'fal of cash casserres trom the PLC Equipm~m and reÍClstal! ~LL empty c3s:;e(1e~

inm the pic Equipment. R~çeipt paper wi.ll be changd only by armored securiry persol1ae! or ¡n (heir

(e) Buycr is required 10 lt1$$::U and ope:.rte ¡he BP'NCP apprrweJ Video Surveilance EqllipmenL !.e details of '",hich wiU be prov;dd to Buye! ~nd w\\ich may be changed from tie to time by 8PWCP, In addition, Buyer must ltt5r.lL kee!J opeta(ii)n~l and iise one or lTQre .¡ideo survei!ance camera d".licated to recording ¡he custOmer ;;cn'li!'f at e::di pie.
(I) Buyer is responsible tor mamt::inng a supply iirreceipt paper at the premises
to be used in the PlC Eqitipment.

(g) BPWCP grams to Buyer a non e;,clusivc ri~ht and licens~ to use die PayQuick Jsland C::hier service ni:ks, trademarks and dress in conjunction with ¡he opeTation of PIC Equipment at the Pcc¡;uses tn a form prescribed by BPWCP.
(h) AI! ínûrrcioii regarding the PIC Equipment, inciudifg written =iiuaIs,

õpecifications. d::(a and instrctioi: provided ~o Buy~! arC' confidenual md proprie(:!I"' inloroiatiol1 of BPWCP and shall rem:n!.e ex-elusive ptoperty ofBPWCP and shall not be duplic:ied, in whole or ih parr
by Buyer and $h::U not be used oth~r ddaii :: set fort ~iid shall DC maillain~d in conLidt:m:e and .!lot disclosed (0 anyone without the prior writtcIl ':onsi::: oCßP'i\lCP.

(i) Upon l80 days priOT ';;'ntte:: !lodce. Buyer may be requi!L-d co upgrde the
PIC Equipment or purchase Jrrd iru¡¡¡JI mote (echl1ologically ::dvai:c::d cash. debÜ or lJther p;iyme:iii equipmem in accurdanc:: with BPWCP's 5jsæw ."¡de equipment æquIre:nentS at chat Üme.
ij) ßuyor will insraU BPWC? Jpproved Point of Sale equipment which .is

m::cessar"j (Q operate the PiC or iJher requiæd pa~,ment ~quipme¡lf. 3uyer will ensiire ¡bat ilS Point of Salt:

~qiÜpmel1 and mOtor ¡tiel disp,,¡,sCtS are ';Dnipal1ble with the PIC Equi¡mient. In addition, VS.-'.T :¡arellite

eqiupmenr is required for tdecominur.icallons purpo~es Cor wrnch there is ::. ree for connection.
reposiuoning and mainrenaiic:.
J of 13

BP 030.:2

ARca 40 'NR-1 (4/2006)


Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

Page 11 of 64

1 i. Leak Prcvcnrion aiid Dc!cdion. Blly~r ackno'.vledg~s and :J!,'1:':::: tli.r with r.:sp~ct to
1ny Product ~torag~ facil:ri::s located 011 me P~trrcs. inc!utiing "'imout liini:tion under~rounci ,roral!'~

taw Jnd tdated equrçrnerr. Buyer is ,,)lely respor1sibh: for taking, ::d wil rake ddc Îoil~win!f kak a~J warer conramition prevention :md de.i;c!lon measures:

ind water tlndiiig paste, Buyer '!,ill gauge Pio¿uct storage ¡¡:mks ror lnventoty loss or warer 3ain on a dad

b::¡s. . .
l Li Stick Rc::diU!!s. Using a properly c:Ü¡brated wooden r:mk dc'/ice


11.2 Re1:lJl1ciii:itinns. Utilizing J::Ll:r s¡¡ck readings to the ne:msr one ei!!h(h (1/Sì in,;h and Jisp~rut: meter r~adirtgs. Buyer '.vill and reconcile opening: :md ,;!osing invemory-levels hy

grade, induding ddi'ienes.

l!. Record Retention. Buyer will ke::p daily reconciliatioii recards )v::ihblc: on the
Pre:rÜses for ar !ca:;r five (5) iears.
lL.~ i\!onitoi-;ng. Buyer \,;11 ~cert::Í! and pi:rÎotm any and all other monitoring
procedures required. by )pplicabii: i:ws. re;:ui::rions or gov~rri:(J::1 authorities.

11.5 Seconda". Cuntainmenr. Buyer wiU ascerti. and ¡¡erform any ::mj aJl
construction or retroti.rrirg r1:cess::rj to s::risf! or comply with the second.¡ conr;¡inrent sr::ndards for

undergrOlind swrage t;nk; required by applicabk laws. regulations or governental mddoriiies. Buyer wiil ensure tb::t an ddivc:ni:s of .-\RCO Producr ::re made into double: w::llld tanks.
l1.6 l' oåffc:irion. Buyer will immedi::tdy in'¡estigate and report to BPWCP and all
appropri::te governemal audionries (i) :my detectable loss or ~"Uspc:cred Ius:; tht exceeds Regulatory
variation li.--uts of any Produci: I,Ü) the activation or a,arm ot any leak detector or orher contUUuDus sys¡e:n, (iii) the disco\~r:¡ of any brokm weights and measures seals or other SCJls in any
Product dispenser, (iv) the discovery of my visible kak iii JOY Product dispi:I1er, Product piping or

submerged purnp$, (v) ::y change in the condition of die land or surace adjacent to till boxes or
dispe::ers, (vi" water il excess of oue: inch (I") i: any c"nc:Ürrer, or (vii) ::ny spins ùr overflls that

are not ininediattly anJ properly comained and cleaned up. Iii the e'ient of the occurrence of liy of (i)
through (viiì aco'/e. Buyer sllll Lmrnediatdy invcstig::te i. accordance with ~guiatory lc::k. Jetection

requinmi:nts. If a lca.!; is confrmed all Producr mur be remuved ITom the storage ta immediately ::d the taw secured. Ln addition. Buyer wûi keep fill caps righr. ke:: fflboxes free of dd, ice and snow, Jnd imediately r.cmove any water in excess of cne incb (i ") in any Product storage tank Buyer '"ill aot permit
any Product to eater any public or private water system, sro= drain or sewage di5josa1 :;stem.
i L.ï Trninin!!. BP may offer trinig 00. en--iranrnental compliant:. Such ITaining

not exceed four (4) hour and. ,,,il1 be oiTered on J: aunual bas IJr a lesser frequency if specitied by

BP. The training will

be ruition n-ee. but ::y expenses in connection ",itl such trainng shall be borne by the

F ranchisi:e.

(;::solinc Re2ularions.
I:.J COffo.Ial1Ce. BPWCP win ensure tÌllt iipon deli'ie:;' to Buyer by BPWCP, all

gasoline, win rner tiie öpecit1cariol1s for lead and phosphorus ser forell iu rhe regulations promulgateå by
the Unnted St:ites E::\-uoruentJI Protection .~.gency ("EP .,,'). Buyer will ensure ¡hat no ~nsoli1Je ;;uich:c:d

from BP\,'CPis tampe:cd with ,ir cont::ated i. a wa,! ¡hat couid cause the gasoline !lor to mi:i:t thi:
EP .\'5 ,p,;cÜi.cations or ~Ily orlli:r s-peciiications required by law. Buyer ',-in ininediaieiy o;c::e :iisp~nsing
Jnl' g;;soiio.c that is deærmned !lOr (0 meet such specifications

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BP 03011:3

t..RCO 40 WR-t (4/2005)


Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

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11.1 Di~cIosur~~ and \Varnin!!5. Buyer ick:owb.ig~~ thar it has b~en fully
informed of and is iwar~ of die natUe md ~:Ut~nc~ 0 l risks posed by traos-portng, storing, usím;. li;ndling. ind being ~;-"pQscd lo Product. Buyer wi.ll infi)rni ics empicyei:s, agentS, comr:ctors ;md :::torn~rs of such
risks. Buyer will display, publish and ¡jisinburt any safet;, wû.mings or disclo~--rC$ as may be requested o.r

required by BPWCP or .:ny~\)v~rrerr1 aULlloriry ::om time t~ ti:me.

l3.1 P;;vnnent!Tv Buver. Buyer will pay promptly when due imi hold BPWCP

harn::kss from III r:i.xes. exc:se fees and otll~r ~irrlJ.r Òarges (including interesT. penaltii:s ind ;¡dditiOli. to

l:l-') wluch BPWCE is now or in the fui:r~ teqUlred to payor collect under iny tederal. or loc:: goverrneiit:l require:nent based on rho: manufacrre, produi;tion, sale. rrnsfer, cranSpOrlirioU. ddi'iery,
s¡, handling. ,;onsumption or u:e 1.1' Producr under this Agreement. I.r on any payments made under lhs Agre;menr (ex~el)ci~ ~ny income ¡ax ¡m;¡oseå on BP\VCP ba.ed on income receivedfnJQ\ Buyer ;;d any interest iJr penalties ååereo-ii). BPWep m::y. ie itS sole OpilOll. add J.ny such tax. ~:-cisc fi:e or similar

ch::rg'; to the arnounl ¡o be ch::rg;ei1 for Product. Buyer will J.Iso p::y promprly when due and hold BPl,v'CP harmless from all fees ind sales. lIse. remaL gross receiptS, invenÚ)ry. e:':C'i,~. income ;;id otho:r taxes iincluding imerest, penalties ind ldditions 10 aax but noe inducting any income t:x irnposeLi on BPWCP basi:d on income reci:;''"d from Buyer and any ¡merest or penalties there::m) imposed by any fedcr.J. state or local governmental Juihor.ry upon Buyer or BPI¡IiCP in conncc:ion '.virli the oper:iioo ot Buycr's business.

13.2 InaDolic::biltv or Re.eller Exemption. Wiih respect to Proåui;t purchased
llerew:d~r. Buyer hereby w::ives iny exemprion ind agrees aor to issert an:-' of exemption ¡"rom
pa:-mem to BPWCP at" t~xo: ;egul::riy collected by BP'iVCP upon ddivery of Product ¡o purctl:lcrs wÜhm
Suyei's cl= of trd~ by vimme ot- :ì!Y r~dia or who¡c;sak-distribuwr excmption to wtúdi Buyer may

ptesemly or hereaÎ!cr be writled under my provi,ion oftedi:.::L stat;: or 10i;3.1 bw regulation. or order.
13.3 Tn Inforrnatinn. Buyer wiU provide BPWCP wirh ßuyees motor fud selkr

numb~r and use t:x regisrr..tion number. FlfheL Biiy'~r \v;U pnwidc BPWep '"ith arry informtion
requested by BPWCP relaring to L::~ credits claimed by Buyer wr motor Cud, sales, use iid other t:xe: paid

by Buyer in coiirecrion with th~ Produi;r tor di" purposc ofreso\ving any threatened or peading tax dis-pure with :iny govemreiit::l authority or for th~ purpose of confuming Buyds compliance .,'lth the ecmm 0 f this
Tr::dem::rks ::nd Tr::de DrL"Ss.

14.1 Cumoli::nce. Within on~ hundred -nit'! (i 50) calendar d::ys itkr th~
Commencemo:nt Date if this is the fir:t agreement be~weeii Buyer and BPWep for the supply of

Product at

the Premises JId upon th~ eoinmenCemeDT Date if rIDS is nor the tiJ"t igreement b~iween Buyer ::d
BPWCP for the supply of hodui;t at the Premises, uness BPWcp. consents oeher,vise i11 wrting, Buyr:r ',.i.ll

h::ve fully complied with aU rrdemark and trade dress requiIements set fort in Exhbit A.. There::fter,
thoughoUt the tenn of ths Agr~~mcnt. Buyer sttIl fully comply wieh ::11 trd~mirks and trdt dress
r~quiremeni: :: they may be changed from time to time. Norwthsllndllig the foregoing, Buyer must have

the ARCO LD. sign 1.0. pol", price ¡¡ods, and dei;al ;;ecifii;arions for pumps and dispenser: :: described
in Exhibit A (:l ir m::)' be i;hanged from ri ro time) in place ;; soon as Buyer is sellng ARea bTanded

Produi;¡ but aot lale. than the iift delivery \Jf Producr hcn:i.der and not before Buyer is selling A..eO brnnded Product under the ARea rrdem::ks desi;ribcd below. Buyer hereby agrees tht BPWCP may Jld acknowledges tht in '111 li~iihood BPWCP \vil change such requiremencs from Lie to rie. Buyer will confo=.ics trdematKs ;;d tT~de dress ro :l!1 sui;h changed requirements withn !Jilc!,! 1,90) c:Jlendar d:ys
after rei;eíving wricrca ¡¡oi:G~ crom BPWCP of Jny changc- In its sole disi;retlmi, BPWCl' may loan to
Buy.:r v::rious item: of trade dress slIch lS 3Igns. illuminated ;¡ign poìes, sa,'1 faces ':Vth ~. iiumerals kit Jld

pum identiiii:::lÌon sigll. Buyer hereby igre~s drat any rrde dress which BPWCP ¡iItwides to Biiyer
hereunder shall remain di~ properry of BPWCP rc~¡¡rrl\css of whether it is itffxcd ,0 the Pr~mises. Bu~'er :;hall ensure tbat 110 such loaned trade dress is removed from ;;ic Premises by p",sons other (han ßPWCP or

1);)1 'i3

SP 0304.+

".RCO 40 WR-1 (412006)


Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

Page 13 of 64

itS r~pr~setlarives e.irher or ::Ïter the ie:m o( ¡his Agrcemeii withom GPWCP's prior written ~onsenL
Buyer shall beer lhe .;ost of maiiitaing, æpaircn and repiacing such loaii~d rrade dress.
l~.: Licenses. During the term of this Agre~me::t In connecnon wirh the resale of

Product. Buyer may display the i:;¡demarKs. trade names. ad~ertising. ,igns. Jevic~s. ;:,mboìs. slogans. designs and ocher i:nd;: iiidicin adopt;:d. usd ,)r authorized for use by ßPWCP in conrrection ..,.(h Pt~UC(

(cQlkc;1vely. ":,lark;"), provvd,~d (ha( (i) Buyer operates the Premises ,even ('7) cah:ndar days J '.ed~ tor a
mituunwtJ of ¡wdv:: (1 Z) CC)tSeCUrril. hours each day, lii) the Marks an: only di~;playd or used in the

maiuuer ,peciried by BPWCP. ind iiiïlall rrademak righis resuiting from 5uch display or u:age sb:lJ inure to BPWCP's be::~f!l. SP'Nep reserves the riglu m 5ubstirut:: another tradem::k for .'..eO 'Jr "it!1¡:w or modify any of (he :V(::rks or lheir manner of display without prior notice (0 Buyer. l:pon :~ceiying rroric:: of lIy withd¡:waj or mQdifÍ\arion of die Matb ()r substitution of another ¡rademak, Buver wilt fuly
implement any mociitiç::tion 11r rerminarion or 3ubsTirucioii withiu (he cimc spe::if¡::d in the n~tic~ and meli

other trad~mark :ili:dl be rlee:ned subsTItUred for die" AReO" rrdemark in .,dl reference's ,0 Gasowie ~nd
Product m this :\~ee:nem. If Buyer fails co compiy fully with any notice of wirlldr::'.'ial or modiiicarron. in adJition to :lIy other remedies ::v:ilable to BPWCP tor breach of ttiis A.gre::nneiii ßPWCP may (k:nnd

lha( Buyer immeJi::tdy ¡~moYc all :.-1rb ITom (he Pn;mises at Buyer'.; sok expcrre. ir Buyer f::ils ,0 do so, BP';VCP or BPINe?'s COllIacior may enter lhe Premises ::nd reino"e ::i! :Vi:rks. IDd Buyer will
reimburse ß I",VC? for such removaL.

I.¡.~ Shared ~::( 8P\VCP will reimburse Buyer a p,Jnion of the C()st of acquiring, lTarrporÜn,; ;uud illralling ce.r.atn sigrr and oih~: crdo: dr~ss rcquir~d hereunder md set forth in E:J1ibit. 8, :1S speciticd bdl)w The ;;ount of such æimblls~mem shall be die lesser of ri) one hal t ot Buyer's ¡¡i:;:al 'ierifiabk cost, or (ii) the maximum 1110UlllndicateJ oil E;ilbii B. The reimbuisement shall apply on a one-lime oiùy basis (0 (he) Preinse~ ¿uring its entire tTanchise n:lanonsliip with BP\Vep regardless of whether this is the tirot or a ,ubscquent agreement bet\vee:i Buyer ::d BPWep for rlie slIpply
of Product at the Pn:niist:s. Bllyer shall be soldy re~"ponsible for the cost of maiütainiiig, repairng ind

replaclng all trade dress. Requi:st t'or ¡he foregoing reimbursement shall be :11 writig anti accompanied by all original invoices (of which Bllya shall keep .:opies). . Upon receivir.g such a request, BPWCP shall inspect Buyees t':cilir/ to eocifim1 that the cr::de dress is ot die proper rypo; and properly installd and verify
81Iyi:r's acmal cost, If BPWCP coni:!$ ilt che trade dress meetS BP\'iCP's requirements and '/erittes

Buyer's submilted cost as aci:urte, then BPWCP shall eirlier reimbure Buyer the amQunt dtseribed abov'e or pay the entir'; cost of such trade dress directly to the third party vendor. which~ver BPWep alone
chooses. If BP\VCP elects ¡o pay ¡he third parj v~ndor direL"tly, then ",ithin tiye (5) cakiidar days atcer receiving rK)tice from BPWCP that such payment will bi: or has been made, Bu::er ..ill reITr to BPWCP tlle:

ditTerencc between the ::ourrt of the lnvf)iee and the amount ot BPWCP's rt:imbursemcii as calculated
above. Further, BPWep may irrange ¡fi:::tly widi a third part'! vendor CD satisfy the requiremems of this
Paragi-pti l4.3 and colìect from Buyer in aavace upon flvi: days' nO

rice. in amount equal to the tota

ma~(imum reimbursements to '.vhich Buyer is entitled undenhis Parag:ph and Exhibit B, to co'ier Buyer's share of the êO.:H of trade dress expe:ises. Should the arnourrt of ths ::dvance payment exceed oni: half of

the actual cost of satisfying the tr.lde drcss requirements berein BP\VCP wil refuiid the exc:: amount to Buyer. if thi: amount or the id'/ance paymenn is less tha: we actual cost of satisfying the crde dress
requirements herein. t:en Buyer shall pay BPWCP ine amounn of the t.dicicncy apOD demand. ln addition

to all other remedies available to it. BP\VCP may offset ag::icst any JIIOunts owed iO Buyer, the ::iint of
aiiy reITcrance owing to ßPWCP hereunder. " ¡hjs P:!::graph l4.3.Buyer may be obliged co

pay BPWCP tor ;1ny reimbu1"Jemenrs received and direct vendor pa:;me:ir. made by BP\VCP llereurrdL"T upou the tenninatiiin or nonrenewal of this :\grceine::t :: s¡:eciEícd in Par:g.r;ph i i.3.
14.- Re;IT'icrions. Buyer '.vii not ::dultcr.lte, mi.label. mibrand or contaminate

í'rodur;t; add anY ingredienis to ?!OdlJ;t '...ithout BP\VCP's prior ,..tinen .;onsent: ll~ any Mark e:t.ccpt In èonnection with genuine ."'..ReO i:tOdiicl: claim auy right. title .:r inte~eS( in 'Jr to rhe ~iark5; direcrly or indiredy deny 'Jr :issail ,Jr :\S¡st ,.)thers in denying or a$3alliiig the: :ioie ::nd cxciiis..e owneröhip otBPWCP ;n and to the :V(arks; r~gisii:r. "dopt as tr$ own property, ür iise or a.sis; ',)tJ.er5 m registering, adopi:ng, or using. Jny trademarks. li:lllc names. J.dve!1sirg, :;i~ns, de'licc5. ;ymbo is. slogans. design;, or other lrd~
inùicia ';oruuccingl:¡ ;iini.b.r to riie :VI¡rÓ::;: or èOTIUTut oiher J:;;i:cmark violaiions or Jcts Üi.r eouid di~"pacagc

7 of 18

ARCO .10 wR..i (112006ì COG"

SP 03045


Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 42-3

Filed 06/18/2008

Page 14 of 64

thi= :,(arb or advi=rsdy afft:cr the ',:i.ue of (ht m:b or 8PWCP'~ gomiwi!l and Qwuershio ri2hl5 him:m.
.'\.nv righL'i (Q :my Marks obtaiiied by Buyer conirary to (ht: foregoing siiull be held jj ert t;;r B?WC? and,
upon ri=i¡ui=sr. Buyer will J.sign such nghL'i fro: iit chaq~ to BE' WCT!.

i4.5 Staud:mls. Tae Premises musi be dt::m. '.vell rnaItit::ned. and graffiti free. with muctiire5. driveways and puvement irr goi)d repaLL BPWCP '",'ÜL perfoff periodic it1sp;crions tor wliich
n:pe:m:d tailu:c i)r poor perfùrniaiice is lrounds for t.:mrn;¡(ion or norrenewai of:hi Agrcement.
COlToii:uii:e Jnd !ndeiruillc::tiul\.

l5. ¡ Comoli::rrce With L::IV5 :uud Regul:Jtions. Buyer shall comply with :li:/ and all

appLicable icderal. 's(a(eami loc::llaws and regu::tions, including those pertainnng to human ae::lrh. :;afet'/ or the environment. and snail ti.mJJer .;omply with any and al1 ¡:o::"!uirs or lic~nsc pC:¡:ining to the Prcmises.

A¡¡~' refcrences in rhi:¡ P~r::~r:pll 1:5. i to laws or ;'gubtions sll:Úl includt ::U such laws and re:rulations
pertaining to Product. or lac -au. or surt::cc: or subsun';ce WJ(a, su.:::c~ or sÜbsunace soiL. and the i~Jndlim:,
stor::~e and disposal of haz:rdous SUbSCLices. m;t¡:rÜ!s ,)r wastes. or solid w::t",; (who:mer or not Jettn';d

:: h::::rc.ol1 b:r sud! l:ws ür reg'.lÌarioos).. and vapor re,;ovi:ry ::d '.'apor recovery equipment Buyer shan

.;omply with any and all operatÌig. reportng Jnd record keeping !:ws and regulJÜ,)!l. JS well :: all
oper:ttng, repomng and rec"rd kee?ing procedures designed ro ensw-e thJt no !laUdiorizeå rcie::e oi arry
Product occurs. and that in the e'/em iny Pmduct ¡s rek::ed. ::1l applicable repomng. record keeping and

de:imp requiements :ltC fully com¡¡iit:d wita.

15.2 !ndemnific::tjon. Buyer ..ill indemnit'y anù hold llarmlt:s BP'.liCP. its
iffiiatcs. subidiaries. slureholder:. directors. oaacers. einloye:s Jnd other repn:sem::t¡vC':. (:ind

shardiolder:, dIrecrors, omeers, c::pi()yee~ ::nd other reprcsencÜves of such affiiia¡es and $ubsidiaries.i (coUectivdy, "Indemnified P::ties") from and Jg'Jwsr In daÍl, causes of Jction, liabilities, suitS. tiernnds,
leg:l proceediiigs. govemmeiit.l actions. losses aDd e:,penses, induding without limitation reasouable

expert Jnd Jctorney;; fees :ioct costS tcolleCII':dy. "Indemnified Expenses"). arising our of lii Jny bre:ca by Buyer (or Jny or i~ officers, '~mployees or representJri'\'es) of any provision of this Agn:emc:llt. (ii) the
storJge, leak:gc or other release of PNduet on, or from the Premises. (iii) any cleanup. remediation or
response activity conductd or orderd under applicable taw, (iv) Buyees use

or occupancy ¡¡f the Premises,

('I) Buyer's ùpcrJrion of the busim:ss or use, custOdy or operation ofBPWCP-owned equipmi=n( or any other

eljuiprneuc on the Premies, exct:(1.g any loss or d::agc Jrising solely from BPWCP's negligenct or t::i.luæ to perform its obligations hereunèi=r. or (vi) any intentional úr i.mictenriona. violarion by Buyer of any governnt requirement ipp.licabk to th~ Pre::rses or Buyer's stOrage or sale of Producl or the

disclosure or warg of risks ¡¡SSOciaied ',i.ith Product at tho: Premises. This indemnification oblig::rion
shan survive the temiin::tÙJr! or nonrenc:wal of this Agreement.
l:5,J Li::biltv ¡or Chan!cs or Fine-i. In the evem that BPWCP becomes liable for

payment of any charges or tines irÜng out of Bu;;eÓ noncompliaIlce with ~ny govemmenci laws or reguations or Buyer's failure to si=cce Jny necessar ticenses or permtS or renc:';vls thereof. now or
hereafter necessary, in connecrion wiil (he poSScssiiin ::J use of the equipment and odier property or the

conduct ofbusiress on the Premises or Buyers failure to pa-y ::y t:xes, imposts or ch::ges imposed ËËy any govemmcncl ::uthorit'j. BPWCP shaH hJve the right to charge Buyer thi= amoum i)f:my such charge or fine
paid by BPWCP.

15... Rcoorrin\!. Buyer shaH reporr to BP'NCP wiili.n N hours each incidence of m::jor personal injury CJr criminal acrivity. ociier incicknc:'s of personal injury or crimina. Jcriviry shaH be
reponed :! soon :: pracricJble, but in no c'/ent l::ter LÌiau ,~ hour. Buyer will display display siggiage

regarding BPWCP's crime dcrcITe::ce and reward offer in the manner spec:tied by SPCWP. ßPWCP

reserves ¡he right to c:haug'~ i)r wÜht.r:iw any reward offer in its sole ¡jj,cn:iion in which c::e. Buyer will
rernc,ve ,)r repiace the sigr::gi: immediately upon notice.

16. !nsunncc. Buyer .;li:ll obtain and main(ain tlu'oiigholl the term of this .~.greemel1 eadi
,)f the ~'ol\owing fomis of insurance liOm 1 riu;;nciaUy siJlUld ami ,eputaDIt ilsuranC8 c~rrier: (ïi \Voà:crs'

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.~.RCO 40 WR-l (4/2Q06)

BP 0::0-"1)



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compi:r.sation in.ur~nce im;ludii:g rjt;cupm:ol1::! disca:;c msiir;;m:e iii ac;;ordanc~ ';;irh the laws of ¡he St:it: in
wllich thi: Prl~mis::5 are lo,:aced. and ~mployers' liaoilicy in~ur:ce in :u amouut of at It:::t ~ 1¡)().OOO disease

e-cll ~mplo.ycc ami Slr)O;GO!) e::ch ::ccide:u: ac.d ( li ) g::rag;; IÜibiliry llsurauce or ~"n"rai liability
ltlUr..m;c. including co mr::ccu

i li::biJiry. Itlunc.g Buyer's indemnicy obÜg:rrou set torch ::bove, and

produc:s-Çompleced .opr:ratÙ¡ru ':ovenge, in amouncs \J( ::t leas" :5 l,Oo.O,OOO combined :;¡TI~k limit each occurence applic::blt to pi:rs()r.:l injury, including blJdily inji;C'!, sidaaess. disease or '.k¡¡h ::nd loss of or

d=g'~ to pmpert ('kith liquor law liability coverage ¡fBuy"r will sell or dispense alcoholic bever;¡g':SJ, on which BPWCP is iiamed as :u: additional lnwrd. 8uy~r \Vill fuish BPV'¡C? with .:~rtific:He: of
rag': and p'rovicfig Chat ¡¡o policy ofim;ur:ce m:y be cancdlcd ,)r maæri::iy maditied ',virhout at leasr ilirty i)Oh::imiir days' prior notice to B P'NC? Buya hereby unde:st:nd. :uuii ;¡gn:es (hat cove::g~ provided .BP\VCP by Buyer'ö Lnsuram:e under this :\g,rc::ment is primary in.ut:l1cc. and ,hall not be consider.;d conrroiioC'! llsuraccce with anYlnUf'JnCe policies or BPWC?
in.uranc" t::.idcnci.g the foregoing cove


Termination and 'ii)nrenewa!.
17. I Trig,!cring Evenrs for Termiii:nion or ",¡¡nrenew:i!. In addition to an,' other

ground BPWCP may have iinder the PMP..l and subjc'Ct only to any nccess::f'j rc:micríons under applicable

law, BPWCP ieay tcrmuiate or nonrenew this .-\gretmenr upon :iny 0 f the tl!l1owing trggering events:

¡ai 8uytr's failure. to exert good faith .:fforc co carr:, Ollt the pro\;siocc rJ(
this Ag:e::inem folt.wiing '.,TIten notice co Buy"r crom B PWCP of such f::i!ur~ and tiireen .;akndar days m

cure such tiilurc.
(bi Uo.l;!wfuL. tt:!uduleiH or d.:ccprive acrs or pracrices or cninir.aj

rriseOlIJuct by Buyer relevant to the operarioii of the Premises.
Declaration of bank.¡'1pt.;y by Buyer or judicial dc¡cmiiJr.on ,)r

insolvency ofEuyer.
(d) Subject to Paragraph ISJ ho:reoC the death or the prolonged 3e..."r~

pllysic;ù ')1' ffi:nt:tl dis::bility or di:;bkmi::: of Buyer (if Buyer is an individual). Buyers majoriry sllarrholJcr (if Buyer is a corporJtion) or :my of Buyets general parmers i:if Buy~r is a partership) for at
least thee (3) month ...vhich r.:o.dcrs Buyer unabii to provide for ¡he continued prop"r operatioii of the

The loss of Buyd5 right to posse~s the Premises.

if) The condemnation or other t::kig, in whol~ or in part of ¡he Premises

pursuant to the power of e¡nienc domain.

The d"strction of all or a subst:nti:: p:J of the Premies.
Buyd5 faiiure to timely pay BP,VCP all sums to wh.ich BP'WCP is

legally c:ticled.

(i' ßuyers tjilme to "'per::te the Premises l'or sev~n (() consecutive

calenccr d::ys, or any ks;¡er pcriod which coruniutes an uneasonable period 0 t time.
(j) The ';villful adultemiolL commgling, mislabcliiig l1 misbr:mtiing of
Proouct or ')her violaricjns by Buyer oÎ the :Vlarks.

(k) Buyds :010wing t::ulure to ,:ompi:i with federaL. óC::e or hical laws or
ceguJatioru relevanl ,0 rlli: ~LSe ,ir 'ipcr:n.ioii of (he Premises.

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(I) Tn~ convK:uon of any tô:lony involving. mor::l tUrpitude or iiidícunent

for any c,immmil rrsconJuct relevanr to the IJper:uio!l of th~ Premise:; oi Buyer (ifi3uyer ~s an individualì,

Buyer's maloncy :;h:rdiolJer (if Buyer i. a ';o.ffaratiani. B1.Lyer's rna¡arity owning member (if Buver is an
LLC) a.r any of Buyet$ general parmer3 (if

Buyer iS a parership'. - .

(m) The Jetennin::åon by BP'i,iCP. made in good t::ith ¡¡nd in die nnrmal
course nr business, to wididriv from the marke~ing of L1UJlOr li.e! úu:ou!fh re¡¡.ii ()u~kts iii the ¡de'¡ant
gen:Ça¡:hic nlirker J.rea in which the Premises are IOC¡¡iCd.

(n) The OCCii::nce 'J( any other eve:1t rdev;;nt !O rhe relationship bcr,vecn the parics whicS mahs (cmun¡¡iun or nunre::ewal reasOtiabk. including withour lirr;;joii those set (ai.h
in. Paragrap.h l7.2 bl: 0 \\0.

(0) 111C breach b~- Buyer iif any rmtenaJ - provisioii oI thi ._I_g¡":~menc.
wllch Buyer !lereby agrees includes ¡without li.niution.i ( i .1 Buy~ts r::ihire eo order and make a'i::ilabk for
sde qu::niiùe~ of each gr'.! of Producr which are mffii:ient if) sarisf¡ foreseeable i;U'lfOmer demand, (¡¡:i

Buyer's ¡¡¡¡hin: co kec¡J a dce::iled æcord of ~ch ddivery Oi P-roduce (0 Buyer or m::ke those records

availaiJle to SPWC? ;; ¡:rovided in Paragraph 9. ( ili ) Buyer's failure to t:kc iny of the le::k ?re':enrion and

detei:ti.on ine::ures outlined in Par.grph L i. iiv) any attempr by Buyer to l5ign any imeres, in ¡hi:¡
Ag.reement without B P VvCP's prior wrirren consent. ami (v) failure co i;oin¡:!ere cunsiTct:on or rebi.ildi ng

\'itlun the cime as set forth inParJ.grpn L.2.
lp) If Buyr.r is a parT! ',-itli BPWCP iO :: Loan ;\gre~me;;t or ;: Loan

Agreemem and Securty .-b'le::mem ami R.dated Promissor:- t'i;.te, and Buyer fails to cure. iny de:f.uJt under
the fQr~going Loan .-\grt:~ment, Loan A

g:n::t:ff'.:nt ~tf S~curity .-grccm~n( and Prümi$30ry Note i:

requested, BP';V'CP may temúiite tl A:fremlt:at.

If.:: Tri2gerill\! E'ients rOT è"onrenewal. tn addition to an:- Qther gwunLi 2-?\VCP

may h.::ve under rbe PMPA, ::nd subject only to any necessary resmcríl)l1'i under applicabk law, ßPWCP may Qonrene''' rtt~ i\gree:meIlt upon aiiy of the foiio"irrg aiggerig events:

(a) Buyds failuæ m ::gr\e to changes o.r a.dditions (0 its lr::r:chise
rdationship with BP'NCl', wweb BPWC? requests based ,m BPWCP', åererminarioii =de in good fairh and (be no iiia I course of business and wit!our the purpose of pre'.-euciug tht: renewal of (he tT:tnchise relatiuns.hip.
(b) Bl-WCP's receipr of numerou.s bOIla tide =tomer complaims

conccming Bu:,d~ operation of the Premises. c¡f wbich Buyer '¡.-:s appnseå ::rrd. to ¡be extent ;bey relared
to tbe caudiùoo of tbe ?-emises or conduct of Buy~-- or Buyer's employe::s, whieh Buyer t:ikd to promptly.
(c) Failure of Buyer ro operate: the Premses in :: clean ¡at;: and healthful
iriim:r un at leasr two previoU5 occasion.s.

(d1 A good tàith determination by BPWep made in iLS nomi:J ';ourse of busine~ tbat reiit:wal oi ehe iiandii.e relaùoiihip is likely to be l1ecouomic::1 to BPWep despite any reasonable change: or ::dditious to the :Jgreeruenrs berweeu IDe p"-es, which may be 'icceprabk to Buyer.
17.3 Errett ofTermin:irion ,)r NonrenewaL After receiving ::orice ofæmmjn:tioii or
iionrencwal and until :he dfecrive date a l the termnation or ¡¡onrciiewal, Bu:,'er will coiitJnue 1.0 op~r::te the Premises Ln accordanc:: wirh this AgreemenL
(a) From ;JUG atrer ¡he ~ffecÜ'le Jate of temun¡;noa or Lion.en~'Nal, Buyer
wiD immediately discaminue aU us.: of cr::de dress J.d 'vI

arks associ::¡ed wiih 13PI,VCP. including widioui

limir::!ioii :Jsi: ,if ;;ch cr;;de Li"Iess and Marks on dj~pt:¡1.ers, pumps. c:oaiainers. ¡¡omge ",!uiprnent.
:0 of 13

AP.CO 40 'NR-1 (A/20m;)

BP 03048


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buildings. c~nopie$. pump islands. pole sigus. advertising, st:moneT"? ~nd l.1VOlces. From and after (he d:rec:iv'~ da¡i~ ,)r termination or rlonrencw::l. Buyer '.viil not adopt or u.~c any iradi:marb tradc (iress ,)r

s:mbols in ,he oper-rion of ¡he P,emises ma( .are!y sirlar to BPWCP's. includiu!! withoUt

limitaÜon, ;;ny tour lerrcr name or mark srang ",it!! ( i ) the lerrer ".-" or ( ii) any vowel and havig the
teeter "R" as :J second ket~r. and Buyer will rllH use or employ:: J ~ymboL mark or de~ign any gcomc::c
design ¡hat is red or any colored horizont::I strping. ::at is predommmue!y red CUt. blue. Fur-dier. Buyer wil remove from all :rade.iirecmrics aud ¡ekpho!1~ book listirrg.$ aU reie(euc'~ co dæ'M~rb. UIJl!1 rlle etJecrivc

dare ,)( the :em:n~cion or l1onrene'.::1. Buyer ivill promptly r~ruru to BPWep or dt-.¡troy. wliicllever BP\VCP dirrc::. all siggis, advertising, gr:pmes and other materials in Buyer's possession be::nng ::ny
,i"larks or used iu Jl\Y tr::lie dress. III ::ddiÜou, Buyer herr~by ::grecs th::t BPWCP may ~l1er the: Premises to
remove or cover up ;;UY ¡iade dress Oi .1d'ferrisemenL~ be::ng. ::ny :\lark. If 3uyer ¡ermates or does nor

rene'. this "~.greermmt or ¡f 8PWCP tttatë"J or does iiot renew ¡hi ."-.greme:: tòr J rc::SO(! set ¡orrb. in
P::agraph ! 7.l or i 72 Jbove. then Buyer ,hall pay lòr rhe remov::l or covering up of Jil Inde dress and

irademarkó as required hereunder. For a re::on::bie period ìollo'' the effective date of Buyets
termin:nion or nonreiie'.v;l and J( aD ';h::rge, ßPWCP may keep Jny BPWCP property stin luc::td on the Premises in place wlle m:;;o¡i::ring for :ts s::lt OT remm":i.
(bi Lf ¡his is me first agreement between 8uy~ ~nd BP\VCP tor the supply

of Product at ihe Premises. Buyer wíi repay BP\YCP ::ll reimbursemenrs ::nd direcr payme::cs made by 8P'iVCP under P'.ir:a,'T::ph ~';.3 UP0!1 (ïi ¡he muma! termnation of this ..Jgreemenr prior to or Jt the el1d of

¡he ¡'¡rst r'.\;e!''~ l1omhs- I.ii', (he termination of thi .-\greemem by 8P'NCP or Buyer during ¡he tim twelve
month,; ar i.iii) die nlJnre!1ewal ,jft!!is A:;~em:=t by BPWCP or Buyer at die ~nd of

the ftest twdvc mûmhs

(if ¡hJS is a trial ttandiis~ :: ddiicå under S~Gtlûii 2303 oÎ the PM? --.).
(C) Lfilis ~s the Erst agr~emcnt Det\vee:J 8uy,:r and ßPWCP tor ¡li~ supply

of Product at the ?:emises ''''ith a teem of mOTe th::n one year and Buyer h~-¡ veen a party co an ::grement
reg::rding the Pr~r¡¡s~s \.ith BPWCP for the suply of

Product for less tJian tliirty-six mol1th, then ~f¡er the

first (wdve £1omll Buyer '..iil pay BP1,VCP, on a Il rat~ b;;iõ J5 described below, ihe amounr of all

¡eimbur5ements ind direct payments made by BPWer under Paugr::ph ¡-I.3 unon ¡he iiiimal temmn:tion
of ¡his Agreement or termmation Qr !loi:enew¡¡l by Buyer or by BPWCP for a re~$o.n set forJJ in Par:g::ph
I ì. i or L7.2 ::bovc. -n,e!2 ra(:: ¡¡mounr which Buyer is obligated to pay shall be ç::lcul::ted by mu!trplying

we to¡;il o(ihe reimbur,cmerus ::iià direct paymems made by BPWCP under Paragraph l~-3 rimes (:1) two-

(hirds during tll~ thineenth i!irough r.venry-four inonii of trus Agreement or (b) one-i:d durn); the
rwen¡y-tifrh ilirougli th.r.y-sixth month of this :\greemem.


Assi~nment. Right of Refiisa! and Successor; In ¡nterest.
I S.l Assi!.n1lent. Buyer will not sdl, (or allow Buyer's foreclosing lender to

compleie:: sale). assign giY¡: or otherwise ¡runsfá, any interest in th Agreement. itS fr::nchise (elarìonsh.p ",i:: BPWCP, or iis ownership. Ie:::enold or subleasehold interest in the rcl ¡:ropert or improvementS on

that consntult ¡be Pn:mises, to anj' individual or entity other than BPWCP, without first complying wi:tl

Paragr::ph 13.2 below ::d obraic.g BP'NCP's prior wrirren consem to such üarrsfer. which consent shall
l10t be unre::son~b¡y dd::yed or withheld.

Furt11er, if Buyer is a corporation or parmership or LLC. i:eidier

Buyer nor any shareholder. member or parrner of Buyer wi1 set!, assign give or otherwse rrnsfer, or

mortgage. pkdge J. security or otherwie encumber any shares of stock. parership i.nere$t or other ,)wner:;l1ip innct'st in Buyer to ::y ind.ividuaJ or cntity '.viwout BP\VCP's prior ?¡ntten consent To ei:re tli::t BPWCP has adequate am" to evalualè any JssiT-rnent or lrnsfer request Buyer ..ill altow BPWCP at sixty (60) calendar days to =v::luate aiiy assignm"iit or transfer request. A request t'or consent m:de

less than cl5 days bet'ore the expir:rron date Qf thi Agreement ';vl! be consiiiered J. reque:¡¡ for consent to the n:ncw¡¡J ..,,'Teement, pw"ided (hat oiie has bee:: ()!feTed co Buyer. Buyer Jck::ow\cdges and ~g!ce~ t!!::t
Jny cransf.;r. i:l1cumbrancc, irrennptd cr~ns,f:r or J.('erupted encumbr..ce ':vmdi does iior ,acify these prereqiisltes sl¡;li be 'iaid ¡¡nd without dftc¡. Buyer further ;ick..(jwlèdg~$ ::rrà agrees tl::i 8PWCP may
impose it iunster fe:: ";Jon ;iiy tr:uisfer or i:ncumbr::nc:: of Buyer:; imerc:t in its ii-..nchise rebrìonship with

BPWCP. The fee is .:ilIcndy S LOOt). buu BPWCP r~scrves the right (Qr:is~ ¡h:: It:e ¡o a maximum of

11 or 18

...RCO 40 WH.' (412QC6)


BP 02049


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l3.2 Right f)f Fini: RdusaL. rn r!:cum tor valuabk ':onsider.tion. Buyer'3 re~t'ipt ,¡f
wui~h is hereby a~kiiowbiged. (i') upon receiving or exæ auy tinal t)tT~r to acquire any or J l! of

BUyee!i imerest in (his Ag=enL lts frrrchise rel::tionship with BPWCP, or itS Qwai:rspjp. leasehold or
suble::sc!0Id um:n:st in the re::! pro¡¡err' or iU:jrovi:me::s thar consLicuti: (be P,i:miscs. wherner convi:ved
though J. OUSIICSS broke: or direcdy, to :1.ny ~ntj¡y or person orner than Buyer's curre;u spouæ or adult d~iliJ

(narunl or adoprcci1or (Ü) ucon the recordation of a Notice of Det::uJt ,har commences Bu':"r's bidi:ts
fOTeciosuT1: ot" a rnortpge o~ di:ed ot trust i:ncumberig the Preinises. Buyer shall otTer m~h imerest co

BP\l.lCP. in '.vnting, :i. th" same price and on the same i)ther term :: those .;iu::ind in (be tinal IJffer or

Norice IJÎ Defauir. Buyer shaH g.ive BlWCP a r;ompleii. legible ':opY of ¡be tinal oifer induding a
breakdown r¡f the .amOlffl ror ~al pmperry. ~quipment ::d gooihyi.ll, al1igreeinmis in cOIlnection '.vith ihe proposed ¡ale and the ile and addreS3 of thc proposcd buyer.ransferc::.. In the c:se .1t foreclosure. (he

price will equal tbe alIoum requird to pay the foreclosing knder to (emmmiic ¡he fori:losure procceding.
Buyer ôh;:1! give BPWCP a c:omplete. legible copy of the recoTded Notic~ òf De:::ult and iny tarer reccrrdd
"Notic: olSak. BPWCP shall have th;; (:,0) çalendar days after itS æc:,ipr orall data

and doo;urnenGlton

r~quiied by ít to ~VJ¡uate the offer aiid exeicise ¡¡s light or fut rei'us;;l by Dtlifying Buyer in "TIring ¡hat it

¡mends to i:,\t:rc¡si: itS ri~ht i.r ¡iI's! reM'll and agreeing ¡o pay Buyer the t)urc:ase pr.e~. less theinnount of any applic::ble ITansfer fee. o£l the term stated in the ti::al otTcr, or tlle amount required to pay the
foreclosing le::åer to ~cnna¡e ¡he foreclosure proceeding.. :: applicable. During rhe 30 d.y period.

BP\VCP shaH have the right of entry i¡pOn (he premises to ';oDduct reasonable env;mnnnenc::l tcsting. Lf BPWCP r:xr:n;is~ ilS nglu of flfSt tdusal, e:ch (ime period in the tinal '.Jt1'çr will be iutorrti~aII/ extended
so thaLit 5r;¡rt~ on the rlalc ¡hat BP'NCP exercised ir.~ righ( of firSt rdi.i:aL BPWCP may ::ôig.ii ItS righr of
firs( retll::lto any tllfl parr. IfBPV.iCP does aot ~~:e1"ise its right of tint retìL~ai. Buyer may C:OMUI1Iiate

the proposed rransièr. buc noc at lower pricc or on more favor::ble term than tllose l¡tlcred ¡o BPWCP. If Buyer dOC3 not do 50 within om: hundred eigluy (LSO) c::h::ndar Jays after tbe dale BPWCP receivd

Buyds '''TItten otler. thcn Buyer must recommcnce the foregoing rigbr of tirst cefïlSaL procdure and satisfy the requiremr:nr., of diis Paragraph 13.2. BP\VCl's exercise of its ri:;h¡ of tim relÌlsa! shall not br: dependent ou its prioi retilSal to approve the proposed a-:msferee. Buyer igre,:s (0 execute ;; m.;muranÔurn of this .-\greerne!1t (0 be recorded in the Offcial Records of the counry where rhe Premises are located ::nd
r.1ke all otha action ()cccssaT'j to give dIec: to ctis right of fisr refual.

1 S.3 Successoi's In If)tercst. No(',';distaiiding P::r.lgraphs is. i and 18.2, if upon the death or iDCapaL'~tion lor more rhan ¡tinct)' (90) coiisecuti,'e calendar dai's of Buyer (if Buyer is i. iiarur::l Buyi: (if Buyer persoii), a genera! parter of Buyer (if Buyer is:: partership) or:: majoriry soar~hoider of

is a corporaÜon), or rnjority-riwning member of an lie (if Buyer is an LLC), the iiucr~st in uuis
Agreemem of such de::~":sed or inc::p::cit:lted person passes dir~ctly to an dig:ible person or persons whom
the decea~ed or inc::oaciratcd has desii:mated as his successor in Late!!:; in v.i-tig in a tì:mi prescribed by

and tiled ..,;th 8PWCP, and who aociEes BPWCP within twenty-one (21) calendar days afer the death or
inc:pacii.tion ot his inænåor. to succeed to such incen:sL therr this Agreement shall conrinue tor the

remig term hereot: provided dial $Uch succeSSOT in imerest agrees in wrtiiig to assume all of the:
oblig::rions under this Agreement of the deceased or incapacitared and satisiies BP~VCP's then current
criteria for simlar fruuchisees. A person who is eligible to be desig:æi. a successor in interest is one who

is (j) the adult spouse 'ìr adult child (nacuro! or adopted) or parent \if the deceased or incapacit:tecc (ii) a

general parmer of ¡he dw::ased or incapacitated, (iiï). a fellow shareholder of the decL":sed or incapacÜ::ted, (iv) a fdlo'" member .)f the deceased aT incapaciraced or, (v) if Bu-yer is a sole proprietor, a designated leg'll
heir. Only the most reccniJy prDper!y designated successor in interest '.:viil be re~ogniztd as 3UCO: If Buyer
ha a. spou.e a.d desigDat