Free Declaration in Support - District Court of California - California

File Size: 2,631.4 kB
Pages: 61
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
Word Count: 13,012 Words, 66,316 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

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Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

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(6riinded Dii;:;;ei FlJet)

Facilibr ~

CIJs:cmer .A.Ci:OIJ1t: 0998690

THIS AMENDMENT, dated as of , amends the Contract Dealer Gasoline
Agre2menn ("Agreement) dated , be.tween BP West Coast PrOdUC;:S LLC.
organizer: in De!awõ;re 1"8PIJCP") and STTN Enterorises. Inc. ("Buyer") with delïvery premises at 63'1 San
Felioe Road. Honister. CA 95035 ("Preises").
II is hereby c.ç;reed by and between the par¡ies that effective on the date written abovp. or the C,)mmencement Date of the Agreement, whrcnelJer is later, the Agreement is ¡iereby amended ,0 provide ih:si except as set

fortbelow, any reference~ to "motor fuels comprising gi;solines and gasoline",;ont::ining mate!'als be::nng the
ARCO (radeni¡rk and other ideniirying symbols: "gasoline" and "produc;r :insll be construed to iiic!ud'e such motor fuels comprising diesel fuee and dIesel ~uel-containing materials bearing the ARCO trademark and other

ideniirfÏng symbols ("AReO branded diesel fuels and diesel fuel..cntaining materials') as ClJyer may
purchase and r~ceive from BPWCP and 8PWCP may sell and deliver :0 Buyer at the Premises during tr,e

term hereof,
It is understood and agreed by and between the parties that Temporary Voluntary AlloW2nces ("TVA's") are not appliGable to diesel fuel or diesel fuel-containing matenals and. therefcr.., the terms and conditons relating

to TV.:~:s sei ¡ort in the Prices provisions. Paragraph 5 of the A",re::meni, are not amended end supplemented by this Amendment. It is further understood and ag~eed ~y and between the parties (hat.
except e:¡ herein specfically amended and supplemented, all other terms and conditions of the ,ilGreemenr, as previously emended and supplemented. shall be and remain in full ¡orce and effect.

Tni~ ,oVendmenl automaticclly supersedes 2nd terminates. a'S of the Effective Date hereaf, any and all och¡;r

contracts, agreements or understandings bet'olE;iw the panies covering the s;:le and delivery of ARGO
branded diesel fuels and dies,,1 fuel-containing materials to Buyer at the Pr2mises for resale therefrom,

This Amendment is not ~inding until2xecuted by Buyer and by an authorized offcer or manager of BPWCP.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment.

BP West CÄast Products LLC


-;¡ ¡1

~r- ~

Franchisee S'N Enterprises, Inc.





BP 03057

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Filed 07/03/2008

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Customtr Acet ,!¡j!)l)I(""O



F::cilir:i #~:~ ~ rn Cau::ifur::; R~br.nd


~f""~ ,~~
Bl' West Cuasr

'l1is C"n=i Dca1-: Giso.line ~gr-;cmenn (ttt "~re;::c.iii" Ls mack and c:tered into :: .,f i.c

of rJ /Z ,,~. ("Efecri'/c: D::rc")by ::na betW~n
Products LLC. ¡¡ Dclaw::re limited li::bûity cOIlt1Y, ("8,PWCP"). and

STT:' EnterorislJ. Inc. a C:1Iitnrnia COrll.¡ratioll ("Buyer").'wh~hdd:: !olie ¡¡rqpncrorship. p::c:hip, .:orpr.lirian iJr liniiteå 112bili(y i:omp::y ru.C); if r'::rtt~d,i'P~ the n::mi::; uf ..r partnL'n ::00 $b(i: 0,1 iJrl!:nz:ticn: if ':orpr"Don. thi. St::~ of :n-corpof"Jlirm; :f:m Ll ¡hI! Siate oi.)rg:miz:iioni

BPWCP maint:ir a pl::c:: oe busness at 4 C~ntcmn¡nu~' Drive. in the Citv of- L'1 P::lm:L, in rhe or Californa, BUYI.--s pLincioal place oïbusii~.. is loc.ced at ti3t San Felioe Road in thi:'Ciev oi 11"lIhtel', in U1 Sr:ce ,,¡ C'A ,,,ith

the ZrP code Q'5IH5, This Agreemenn constituces J "ftciise" as dc-fined iii thc'Perroleum :vrJrketing Prctices Acl 1.5
V.S.C, §§ .!801 -lS06 ("PMP.-\").


.-, BPWCP m:ke:s mucor :i"ll comprising g;¡salines ::id g::oli!1~ eomaining m:teI"JIS be:uing the
"-ReDiC tra.demark Jnd "die: idc:ntil:llg s~irQls (herein collecuvely, "G..,¡linc"t

B. Buyer owns or leJscs :rom J third pJrty t~1 ptop"I1Y a.nd lmro"ementS which Buycr would like lo
oper:te as a retail facilty selling Gasoline 10 end ùsers, The propi::" arJ împto"ements Jre located at ó31 S;irr Fdipe
RoaLl, in ihe Cir:/ or Town

oJf H,'l!st~r in:he Slate "fCA wirll :he llP code a5035 (The "P~emise$").

NOW, THERFORE, the parnes hereo a.gree a. rouows:

I. Term. This Ag.eeinnn shall be: bind:ing upon tl" paries :xud effective on the: date fust set ior',n Jbove,
Subjeci to e::rlier tem1nJtion uner P::gr::h ! i.1 below, (he "Commc:nccmc::t Date" of this Agreement sh:ll be~ii al iO:OO UIL on the Jnd the term shall ead at 10:00 ::.1I on the, U' no Commencement Dace is set tàrt at the EÎc this Agrcement is c;uculcil the Commr.cnceinent D::te slull be est::blislled by BPWÇp by notice to Buyer as thc ~tc the Pr=i.~es ô\e re:dy to rec~ive Gasolin~ delh'ery, which noik:: shall al~o set fort the expir::tion d::ii which shall be at 10:00 ;;ti .:n thll tim d::y ::fter the ¡XX1 12'" or 0 1:Z0'" or (J 2..0'" full ciilend::r month following ihe Commeiicemem Date. If 110 tie is checked, we boii for 120th sllI be de,:md eheck!tl. In ::ddition. BPWCP may, ::t its discretion.
extnd dde term oJ (hi Agreement for a period of tip to 130 day'S by giving written notiee to. BUí'er bcIorc the end of the

1.2 Cnnstruetion nr R::2C ::nd Rehuild. If ths Agreemi.iit is rQr I'erac: tht require new coiictioii of
an iUteo brandi: gasolie thcilicy or the =ig and rebuildiiig of JI AReO brandcd retail t::ciJjcy, Buyer wil promptly undemmkc such aew eon:cDoll or rebuilding ::Dd complete '~uch cÐl1mmenon or n:buildig and be rc::dy to tL'leive

Gasolii: delivery ivithin 2-1 momll, in we case of Ne-N Constrction. or 12 n:nth in the case of :: Razing and
Rtbuilding, af the Effective DtllC of this Agreement. II rhs .A.ecmcii is for Pre-J1es i:i:r require temodeling or reirfit,

Buyer w.l1 promptly underte ~uch woik and complete such 'n:moeli Ot tetroiit and be ready to re¡:;vc Gasoline

dc:li''!Y withn nie months of the Efectve Daii.
Orders. Buyer will oider ::nd make ::,~il.:le fat retail sale an grades i)f Gasoline 'ilch 8PWCP offers to Buyer
(hetciii::lìer collecTvely, "Pmdui:t'), in Jmouncs 5Ut!icie!1t to s::ti..¡ all fOTe:e::ble ret:ü =¡omcr d=nd ¡or
lToduur at, tbe PrC:ll¡j~cs 3ud will at all Wncs ¡i;vc a\"::ilabl~ tOT sale

ARCO o1.WF\.1 (.112006)


Page 1 oi 15

B1' 03039



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only to ;ill,)catioe ,if ProducL by 8PWCP in :1 m::nr.~r "¡~temun~d in BPWCP'õ :;)i~ düercuon in Bu'ICT. g,~ograpllie il~::. B pwCP wiil ,,~~ ir~ h.S( d'fo(U; tQ till Buvd. iJcders; howe'/er, BPWCP mu'i l,is~onl¡nu~
sale i)f ,my p:e i:f Priiduc( at ::ny rim~ upun rúte~n (l5¡, ~ah:i.iii days' prior writtcn ",Hice io Buyer, ,0\(

B,?WCP'. .ok i--~¡;~ciun. BPWC? ~i:~I'YCS me nght to provide ARCO br::ndc:d motor fue!~ '30lely ihill~ll

an Juuomauè GiI\1iiue ocdi!t1ng and ddiv'.rj system ied co i10( JC;;~pt individu:J QrdeN piac:d by 3uycr,
Buyer Jgrees to aectp( and pa-y ièè such Product ;; BPWCP d~hvi:rs LO ¡he Pn:11jses. Biiyyr shall pro\'idc
a.cL"Ur~l~ Jud timely iiomi:å,m JS re:son:bly requ;;ied b~' B!:WCP in comi~c:on with the ainorrci;;

ga;oline in';e::tory and delivery syst,,!1
.' "¡',, Wblllcs:line, Buy~r ',viIl sell proucr only 10 end usc,rs Cor th~i= persnnal use in

volumes noi ¿\~.:dig ,Lhe c:pai:t'! iif eueh '=iom~r's motor vchide fuel i;¡k. aiiy ~ii::iliary fiiel ian di~crly linud to the cU5tiimds mOlOr vt:hielt: ~ngiit~. aiid at! approved, propt:rly labi:leå emt:geacy
COllr.iner ¡;ayaolt: of holding len g:illoiis or l~ss. Th~ Premist:s shall b.. oJcn for b'J.~incss 5even (.) cah:nùar
days a wi:ek tiir a miimum of r"'el'e (I Z) ;,oiicciiÜ'/e hours t!ch "lay, '

-I. ~ BPWCP WIU doliver PrndL:I;L illo Biiyi:r's iio~'~~ t::ciliiic~ dcscr::"d IIe!ow,
T;rlc 10 and ris!: of loss of Product ',v;ii pass 10 Suyer upou dcl¡"'i:ry intO 'Buyer's S'Drage i::cilitit:s, BPWCP

,,¡,,!\: will .~!i:c¡ the m"tlod Jiid mod" olf shi9m~nl and dcliver:i, BPWCP è::~slì' res~r/cs Lhe right to

suppl:; Proiu:! t,) other ;et::il ouiJ~t. whciha uwiicd Jnd opciaied i.i~eily by BPWCP ,)r by i::dep~ndent
ov.ner~ :md iipcr:t:Js, r\:;;ardkss of how ncar .)r ;::r sucli othi:r r~i¡¡ii omle;, may b~ Iiicated relaeive iii thc

5, ~ Fi)r Product d..!i'/cred heceuner, Buyer wûl ;;ay ÙIC price spceiiiei. by BPWCP

in et1i:c! al ¡he ¡imc a::d ¡¡IJee of delivery fer pUleli.ccs in Bu:i~r'!õ cI::s ¡)f :t:dc. Price shall be IUbj"ci to
chang~ at Jny tie:. at the o:ieC:1l1n of BPWCP, v,;ihoul notice. Should BPWCP elect to pro'/idc nl)i~c: of priee: ~h::nges, It may \:0 ~() by tclephone, or ~t BPWCP'. sole elecnon. t::csinwe or ~i~ctrouic transmission. Buy.:r must have ih" c~p::bility to i~~ei'"c nutices ',if price ch::ngo:s and in",i)ic~ aL the Piemies by raç~irle or ~Iectroiiic transmission. At BI?WCP's sole dis~rerion, to "n;ibie Buyer to e\lmpo:tt morc effectivcly with

Bur~ts cump"tiiiics. B'PWCP may from iim. ¡O ii= grant Buy~ :: "tè:Ota! 'Iolulltir:l allowancc"(TV"J) :1pplic::lc to Product ¡o !x sold by BUïe~ under tl Agr~m::: irom m~tm:d iispeoser,¡ on ¡he picmies, Buycr has accepLed TV.-s on Ptoduct 'Iiicl is iioC sold (0 motorists Jt reail 1fBP'iVCP Jdcmmes that
ihou~h the metercd dispeiiscis on tll~ Pr::;;es, BPWc;P m:y temUmite thi Agrecm~nt. and Uie amoW1C or any 3uch TVA s.bal1 be ddie by Buyer 10 BPWCP on dcin:imi a:d BPWCP m~y .)tTsct sucll aroum agalrt any sus payable by BPWCP to Buyer. BPWCP may condicion the pa:o'm or allowaiices on Buyet5 tit rcgin
observal1ee uf maximum tet~il se!ling price~ det~m'.nc,i by ßPWCP or i:ximu.-n ~ro:; pro

deL~rocd 'Jy BPWCP or a reduction in .Bnyets retail selling pric~ ';()aU1cnsur~Lc with the al1iount iif the alluwance,

6, Pa'Yment. Unless BPWCP ~:t¡cnds crwit to Buyer as provided bdow, Bu:,=r wil pay for
Pioduct prior to it: delivery in U.S., doll:is, BP\VCP shall ¡i:quire a product adwuce p::~ï1~nL

::pp.roximtcly equ:: to the CUITCl1t coot of an ::ver:go: deLivery of ltOdUeL BPWCP may ÍDc~::e or decre-..e the amoiint iif t1~ advance p:::II~t\t ::t any li to reflect curent pm:es and Buyer wil pay any

additioiil JIDOunt ncc;s::ry if dd advance p::ymnt is in~"te::ed. P:::rment wil be made by decirnic tids
ira.ti=r iirtillted by SPWCp, wire ir¡¡tisíer. ';::iier's ~heck 'Jr business check. whicbo:\'cr BPWCP dircis.
lleliverrd by Buyer :u ih ¡¡Iti lTId pl::ce :: itc:iguati.l by BPWCP, Buyer's fin::iul instinntiol1 mrol1gh

which payment by d~cironic funds mmiis~r initited by BPWC? is imde mut be a mcmbi: of ?-ACK.. (The National Autommted Clcarin\; House .'i.soci::iion). P~ymenn wil be d~emed m:de ?/hen. and an1y
when. it! receipt h:is b~::a ''eiiii"d by BlWCP, If ihis "'~teem:nt reGu; or pemmc; payment by chi:k. ::il cht:cks slll bi mad~ pa:/able Irr "BPWCP" Jr "BP Wi:i COnsL p1'odue:s LLC," ::nd to tlO ()mer person. fir

or emiry, If this A~enni:nn rt:quiiis iir pi:rnis ?ayment "ry wire crllter. ~ii such paymenis ~hall be mae
LO" BPWCl',.;o CiLib::~ "i,\. foor Credit ,0 BP W,:st (oust P~rriÏuc(S ;;41)51-181-1 ABA 0210000S.9, No:w

Yi:rk. N~". YOtX 10043," and m no othor hunk or ,ceounn ul1mb"r '1'¡ess SD ::d\'iscd iii wrcing by ¡he C¡eùit

:vi¡¡n::g'!T. BPWC?, If ihis Ag~e::cnc rcquires or porrnns paymenn by auuomit: cie'Jring lloiise (EFT"), aJl ;ueb pu)'meats shall b~ made (0 "BI'WCP", ';:0 (itIDank. Dcluw::c. riir Cn:wt 10 t3P W':st C\iiir
Product¡ . AOi ;¡::8l5-2 \ i -I, New CJsrJe, De!'w"rc i~n:!o," .and to DO iiilier bunk or accoum ~unib~r

¡"RCO --o-WR1 (41200ßì

'2 oi ":8

BP \)3040


i is


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unl~~~ $£) advii: in wrting by lhi: Cc~dii iV::iia~cr. BPWCP, (r lI ,'\gte:mcnt r~(iuir~ or pe!'lS
paymcnt by di:cirnic fullÙS tmi~f~r L "EFT"), ::1I such pa~meDis $hail ~ madc in mici !!ccord with
prQCci!urcs ~,"t::blj~lled ,iiid promulg:uu;d by BPWCP, Buy~r agrcc; to incmnir¡ 8PWCP for ::iiy l'IJI or

~;tpc::i: ~:ii¡¡ed by BU;iccS t¡¡ilure Iii i:omply '.vin i,hi P::r.i;r::ph. Cpon dcm::nd. Buyer wil rcimburJc
BPWCP ille amounr or" JII:1 rempOfJry vOIIUliiry ::!low;:m;:: -:ITIIQcously applied ,a P:ouuct lither than
Producr sold uudcr th Agreel1\cnn trom meiered dispciisi:rs on the Pre:rc~. In addition to any l1ih.:

,emedies ;;v::ilab,lc to ii, BP\VCP iny oiT~t:r a!piiit any fuuurc lempOral"j '!olumary Jllowauce or a¡:Jint oiher .imouins owed:o Buver thc ::OUTI iif JDV reimburseinctl to which BP\VC? is eneirle.. uBuvcr f:ïls
to make JIIY payn1Cnt i¡r r~¡rribw:semi: when cÍue. Buyer ::doowit:úgi:s Jiid agree& thaoi BPWCP'; rce:iTJt

ill' p::ymem due ltereundcr at'ter ¡he ¡ssuaDC~ of a norii: of termnariiin or iiow:ene',~"1 does not constitUte' a ',V'~ivC' "fBP\VCP's tcmiuiauoii l)t LIOi:m=wa! rig'llis.

" Credit. ß'PWCl' IDay in it: sale discretion from time to li e:xte::d credir ,0 Buy¡r iii
what':"cr ::11OUI11S ::a 00. whatever Icon BP'NÇp aloii: 5ckci., (îBP'llCP' ~xi::nds B'uyer L"Iedii. SPWC?

may withdraw ii al aiiy tic without !Joiiee ;; tor aay ,c:!son, In BPWO"; sole judgment BPWCP ma:i
do :my 0' all 01' ¡he: follon,ing: (iì require thac Buyer pay for Produci by c:lliii:~ chcck, i)r bank wire
rransfc. prior to deli'/ery, (ü) m¡uir~ tær Buyer post 311 i.cvo.ab,lc ICltcr of credit issued by a l¡¡ulk

sarir"::c:ory to BpWC?, (iiij rrquire Buy~r preent cvidence oÏ tin~ncial solvency, and (iv) dei:larc BUj'e. in ddfault or" ihis i\~e",meni if Buyer tai1s to pay au)' imiebreàncss whcn due. provide ~/idciice or fiancial sulv/,ucy uporr n:qui:i or comply wittl ::y ~iher tcmm of Uù i\~re::merrt. Buyer ag!e'.. (hat re:'JrdlcS$ of whether Jiid ~'or how tong BPWCP ¡¡ extendeJ it i:redii. 8P'NC? :ny ,:~e cxicmJing w:dii at any time
and ii,;tcad require ih:i paymen: be m:de in ;he manner ocr forJJ I'n this Pac~gra9li or in Pa(J~rJph 6 ccbove,

$, Non-cunformities. ßuyer ,viII ::oii¡ BPWC? in writing of th~ c~,~cl rraM:: of Jny

nllni:onÏomUty in ¡ti~ :Ojp.:, qu~ntiC'! i)r price of any Produi:t deli"cree to Bu:ier '.,dim ihirt! (30) c::lendJi" :\f¡er del¡verj, Buyer bcrc:by waives an:. claim ~gainsi ßPWCP based on any LloUl:oniomm,y ofwhj¡;h Buyer d.)cs r.ot ~o notii¡ BPWCP,

9, Rt:ord K~pinl!, Foc each dcli'/ery of P'rodui:t, Buyi:c shall at all timc: !cei:p a dei:ileù
,ei;ord of the d:ie and tie of tlllivery, aDd lhe grd:: aDd amounr .)f Product ddivereJ e.,piess.d in I~Cm:
of g;!!ODS. '1\) asst B PWCP in deremiinig 1m: iieccssity of

:my t';mpocar voluni.u"j anow::ine descnò~d

in P::£'aph 5 ~bQve, Buyer wil (i) sell ~ii Product thllUgh ineierc: di,¡pi:D:crs which shall inúicJte the

gr.I(,k and amount of g::ol.ine pucch::cd. (ii) allow B PINel' ,to ¡ii~Ct Buyers P,oduci disenser.,
recorders uud meter., ::d boola and records rclating 10 delivery :md Product ill'/eutOry. and (iii) allow BPWCP to ::cenam the volume ofProducl ,in Buyet~ storage facilitieS.


10,1 Stor:!!C and Di.Dcnser~. B'uyer wil mainn::in storage i:nb or other tlppTopriaie

f,cilities 1)1 the Premies into ivroch Product '::: be ddi"ercd. Buyer win ensurc that the storage facilities
are compauòle with BPWCP's deliver¡ equipment:m Pfoduct rommullrion:; thaa its stor;e facilties v,rin ~ccl)mmodate such miniûm qu..miiiie~ per sinle delivery ::B'PWCP mmy se.lect; and ~t the Premies ::e
eotliglird in such a wny ,h::i P.ooct caD be illivercd tQ the P'teaascs consistent with an applicablc tirc

laws and regulaiion. and othi:r govemmnenmJ requmenis, Fu.r. Buyer wiI el~'jiire t!¡¡t all dispensing de,ices and stDr::ge fuciiiti~ al all times be properly pemmtted ::d corulecc\y comply widi all ap-liL-..ble

gQvemmcnn:: ,equircmenlS and ;my spi:fic::iioii which BPWCP m::y issue from iime to ure. Buyer
i'\\er agg=s tb:n Buyc:s motor Ñ6i dispening devices sh::1l be cq,uippcd at all ries widi P"roduct till=
',vith ren (lo) MÍL"tOQ fftcr'.ng ~apacity, Wiihoui remicTing ;my right 01' .cmody or B'P'WCP, Qr iinpo~-mg

any ..uto! Dr li:bilit'lllp'on BPWCP, upon BPWCP's request. Buyer will promptly ¡Umib B,PWCP wiiJ

'Nrnel1 :vii!encc that Buyers dispc::ing dc'liccs and ~WfJgi: f.i:ilitics cn,mply with ~U gDv=rrtal
requireinnmts aiid provide copie: oi'undcr;round :itor:~e iank ~ermi(S and specicarions. "nd altow S,PWCP re'Pn:~c:llatives 'D u:spect the dispel1sin~ dc'!ices ::d ¡torage i'acilitics :0 confirm such compli:nc:. BPWC.P
may sw.--i:nd deliveric~ in tle e'!enl ih:t Buyc, doi: Clot proviu.e ',mlten ~videTLcc thai tbe: d"jspccsing

Ji;'/icc:s :iid iI¡ragc :'¡¡ciliue~ i:ompiy iviil all ~ovemmem::l :cgulaUlms,

ARGO .. WR-1 (4/;.;06)

BP 03041



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Filed 07/03/2008

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\0.2 llC Euu;omeiii. Utúess rhe Pr~rct: arc'located in UUc ~tat~ orOr:~on. Buyc;

is required by B¡¡i/VCP (Q p\\huc or lc::c :lie E'a)1~uick, ~I::d C;;hier ("PIC Equipmenl") aru insnnI i;' at
dic Prernisc~. Thc PIC Equipment ;;\\all be of ¡he l'jpC. nuiiio.r::d .:on.rigu::lÏoll specilicd by BPWÇp,

1,;1:1 Buy"r ~g~s to a$C th prc Equipuieat ouly in cODJiei:åou with rhè
oper:tiotl of BI'WCP ~urhorie'¡ ousinc::es. Buy~r ig!eL'S !lot to tamper \\irl al(cr. change, disloul!c. dis¡¡i::.;c, ~ItOvC or othcrwisi: inttitere with die 0gernuona! Ìltf:~rity of thi: prc i:quipnn"nt. Buycr ag:;~ to m::iiiaii !?IC' E4uipmi:t in J .:Ieiin lld i'ly opcr:iiional condition at ::ll timcs for ¡he convenience of
Buyer';; c:::ott;s.

, (b) Buycr ',viil be re:poreiole for ::l m:i!1cmanc~ and reÌI oj the PIC

Equipment, Buyer will çoiur~ct tor mainreronec 3er..ic~s tliroiigh BPWCP approv(;d s"ryj.;c pmvidcrs ¡¡nd
undersands tbt B'PWCP wil not providc :uy !I::inie::::e~ and repair scrvices,
I.c) BP';\C!' will pco-ide twining to Buyer ;;d up co 5 el1lp!oyccs desì,!;n~ced by

Suyer 10 in.:nd lIainwi;, Tr.uug is m:Dd~tor:¡ for Buyer or 8uyer'; desig!'.:ied 11::::g~i, Tnerc is no
tuition tor öu.;h ir.inir.g, bUt ~U c:tpe::es in connection .,vitl such cr::inine. must be ¡¡,'me by 3uycr. If ßU:/er fails to atteiid lI::ining whea ,)ri~::lly scheL;;icd, rhere m:y be J t,:e of S 10iìO LO attend rrining,
(J) g.uycr's PIC Equipment will havi: one or more ~ash 3CC~¡;IOrS, e~;c=pc if. in

the sole opiiiion or BPWCP, Buyer's Premises a!T "pprapri;)!c ~x.:lusively ior debit only PIC Equipment
Cnles ih Piemiscs have nu ;;::h aCC~'Ptors. Buyer .1~ees to comr.!cr wirh ~n BPI,VCP approved lii;ensed

and bouded ::!ored securty scrorcc to dulle folkiwing: inolc ,;ash pick ups Oll;¡ r~gubr basis, am noc less frc4uciitly d1;¡ii IJnce pcr w;:ek, irini:i. p"5s~sion \Jf all kc)'S to the OUter do"r aiid the Yiuic .,f ¡hi: PLC
Equipmcnc, h~ndtc ::1l remo'ral of cash CJSSC!!e5 from the Pre Equipmenn and reinstall all cmpr, i:assi:l1c~

inco the pic EquipmcnL Rci:eipt paper wil be chaged ouly by armored securry pc~ol1nc:l or in their

(c:) Buyer is reqiiir~d 10 ui'¡taU and opcrt;: the: BPWCP ;¡Pprove:J Video
Surveillance Eqiiipmciit thc deLails \Jf whicb will be providc: 10 BU:icr and which may be chan,ged from

tie tIJ time hy BPWCP. In addidoD, Bu)'er rrr iiisr:J1, kc:ep opcrarjoncil 3nd iie one or ml.n: vide\J
surveiU::nce cameru de,lic:tc:d to recmding ihe .;u:tomcr ~cu"iry at eadi pic.

(I) Buyer is rcspol1:iblc for maint:IÏÏng:: supply orrc:e:ipt papcr al me premises
to b", \lC:.! in che PIC Equipment.

Ii BPWCP graDtS to Buyer a OOIl exclusive right and license to use the
PayQuick isl::d C::hier sc:rvke m:ks, rr;¡dernrks and tr.1.!c dri:s Îii coiijwwtion urtll the operation Oi pic
Equiment at the E'rcmiscs in 3 fomm pre:cribc:d by BPWCP,

(h) All infoimrioii rcgarcing ile PIC Equipment uicluitg,' I\'lrrc:n crl1u¡¡ls.
specUUeQ..Ons. data aad instrctions provided :0 Buye;r ;;e confidential and prop:nemr)' iiformation of

BPWCP and shall rciru the e:tlusive prop~i of BPWCP ¡¡d shall not be duplic:ted, in wholc or ii par: by Buyer aiid ~h:ll Dot be iised other ¡lmi :: set iort hcr::ii ~nd sh;;ll CC: iri¡¡t::ined ii confidence aDd ,!lot disclosed to anyone without the priur written ':Dnse:¡ ûCBP'illCP,

(i) Upou 130 days pr.ior ,,,,.itre:: DOriCe. Buyer may be requirt'l io upgrde the

pic Equipment or purcll::e ::d inst:ll more technolo~¡cany ¡¡dvanc=d c:: debiT or o\her pa~:11
~qirp=m in accordance wiÙl BPWC.P's ,;tem widi: ~o.ui?rrent requi::nems at dia( tie.

(j) Buy~r will Lnsi.ll BPWCP approved Point ,if Sal~ tauipment which ,is
necessary 10 oper::tc thc PIC or l)the, requited pn~mel1t ~q\1iplTlnt ;3uyer ".;U .:n.IUC ¡bat ¡IS Poin oi s¡¡i~

~quipmcii and marùr (uel ub1'"I::el' ~re l:omp¡¡li¡'le with the ?IC i:qirp1u.Dt. lii Jdditjon, VSA T :;arelliic

equipment i~ re~uired fur telccommui:icarions purposes lor. wiidi ¡j).re is a, roe for conneccion.
repositionii~ am.l maimc:l\~nc:,

4 or 16

BP OJ042

ARca.:O 'NR.' (4/2006)



Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

Page 8 of 61

tl. le-Jk p,.eyp,rrrion and DctcctiDn, B1iyer acknowledges and J'brf:'c'$ thr 'vith rep~et to

iny Produci ~tor::ge ¡'aaili¡je~ lo~;;(ed 'm tie P.C!IC:, inc!uwng \'ridd'Jut lii:iion uudergrounu ~tor.g~ t:c. lod reluied equ~meiiL Buyer is Si,..ely resparisibie for i:!cng, ::d wil ¡;ke die iòllowint\ leak and
w::ror com::miiion prevencii)u iud d~ctlQn in::ures:

L 1.1 Stick Rc::din!!s, Usill~ a pro~iy .;::,lib,r:ted wO((I::n ¡;,ik me:sur.iig dc'.;e:
ind \VIler ùniJiiig p;;te. Buycr will g;;ug!: Product st\rug~ ;::nk tor inventory lo.s or wa~r ~iin on a daily

II..! Re.uiidli:itions. Utilizing Jaily stick (eailigs lO ¡he nearest onc eighth ( 1/8ì

inch ~nd J.Ùipe::er meter re::rlings. Buyer ',vii tõke and reconcile operrig and c~.osing inventory Ic'/cis b:r

grdc, im:!uding dclh'crie:,

1 !. Record Ret.nti"o. Buyct \viii !w:p d:ily !t:oncili::tioll reeord~ ¡v::iJ::ble on tÎc
Prcrpjses lor ar le::t uvc (51 years,
l U iHonitl)nn!!, Buy\: \\11 ::ceram and periorm a::y and all oilcr monitoring

~roc~jurcs required b:: applic::bic: I~',ys, re:;uiation: ar govi:mmear;l ::thorities,

11.5 Seeondarv C,mt::inment. Buyer wil ~cen:Ü.c and ¡¡erfoim any ~l1i all
constrction or retro:ficri! liCCC5s::r:¡ to saris!'! or campi)' with tbe second:' eoniainment stanå;rds for iindcrgroiind srorag~ :a:: requiri: by apptic:blc l:ws. rcgulations or gove=~nt.l ,umarines. Buyer will
ensuue ihat an deliveries or .-\RCÒ Product ,rc ¡¡de into double w;;lled i:r.k,

i 1.6 Nadfie:1fion. Bu)-er will imricdiatdy in~'CSrig9tc ¡¡od report to BPVv'CP and aU

appropriate governeni::l authorities (i) ::y deteciable loss or "m'pccrcd lus5 th:¡¡ exceeds Rc~u¡aior/
'iariaril1" ti.--LS of any Prc,.1uct, (!Ï tile aciivalion or aiuru1 of uiiy leak delectOr or oriicr cantiiuuu¡

molltoring ~tem, (iii) the disco-;:r:¡ or an:, brokrn wèigbtS and measures seals or other scals in any Product dispen:cr, (iv) the dj;cov:r)' ol :my visible le:: it) any Product disenser, Producl piping or suhmagcd pump,;, (,') an)' change iD the condition of the l::d or sirac~ adjacent to fill bo;oes or
di:p~::~r., (vi) w';ier in e;.çess oi au.: in.:h (t ") in at\y sror:g~ con¡;inel'. or (vü) any ~iJs (Jr overflls ih::t
:: not UUmi~d¡atcly and properly connaiiied "no ele::ned up. úi the c';ent of ile occcmncc of any of (i)
thrugh ('/iï¡ aò,)'e. Buyer slJll i.ircòiaQ;l:1 invC3tig::te in accQrdance with regulatory Ii:~k Jeii:UQn

rcquirments, IT a le::!; is confrmed all Product rnt be remuved ffm the i: immediau:ly and
the tu secure,L ll addirion. Buyer will !eccp fill caps tig.llr. ke~ fiThoxcs free oC di. ice and snow, and

imcdi::tei~' rerno'/c any water in cxcess of oiie iiicb (1") in an)' Product storage: tank Buyer '..ill not pcmi.i any Product to ct\tcr :m public or private w::ter S'fStcm, stoi: drain or sev.-:gc di.sposal :rstem.
, Ii. Tr.iniOl!. B::' iny offer iriiig on enviniucnuul eompli:c:. Such rrainig;
wil '!lot exceed four (4) bour and ..i1l be offered iin an annual ba. or a llssc:r th:au.:y if specifed by

BP. The trJi.g w:i'be ootioD m:e. but any expenses in conm:crion with such triing sbbJ1 be borne !!y the


Gasoline Re~ul::rions.

1:2.1 ComoH::ncc. 9PWCP will cusur thnt llpOI1 delioery to Buyer by BPWCP. all
gi.:mlÚJc, "iH rnct die ¡pecif.c::rions ~òr lc::d and phospuorus set (orth. iu the reg'~J¡ltions proimg:tcå b:: iie Uilteu States E::viroTUeUt:1 i"rotcccioD ,'.gc:Uc;; (uEPA"), Buyer will c:"sure rh::t no gasoline ?uuchaed

!'om BPWCP ,is t:mpcrcu with ,11' coni:ated in a way ¡r.::t eouid c:rse tlle g::£l)lin~ not IQ =t tttc: EP.\.'s 11";e¡iications or aiiy orner ss~citic::iioiu required hy law, Buyer '"in UU1fc:diutCiy çe::c dispensing
any i,r¡solinc tht is .Jeiemùcù not (0 ((ic~i such specific::tioii~

5 oi 16 ARCO 40 'NR-I (4/2.006)

BP 03()1~::



Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

Page 9 of 61

1'12 Di~elnsure.~ ::nd W::rnilll!~. Buyer ::clcowiaag~$ ihar it bas be~n fully
iiu:ëmred of and is ::w::rc of (Iie o:ltirc and ::wiem:c ,)1' risks p1w:d by tra:iiortng, storig, u:ini;, h:iedhiig
and being c:qo$cd tu Product. Buyet 'viü in)rri ilS employees, ::geet:, ciniic;ctors and c:.iemers oi such risks. B'lI)'er wiU disp,lay, publish and di.irbiii: ¡uy saicry wnmings or disclosure as m:y be requested OJ
required by BP\VC? i,r ::ny govcrncnnl authority ::om time tq ¡j,



13,1 P::vment In' Buvcr, Buyi:r, win pay promptly wheo due ami bold BPWClI

h::e~ f¡c¡m ::l,! r:xes. exc:sc fees ::d "dier ~irri::r ,;harges (ineluding imereST. pen:iIlC:$ ::d additions to

t::~) whidi BPWCE i: (J¡W or in the futUte required 10 payor collect uiider ::y tète!J!. siate or lo.::: goverrneni:l rcquin:mem biied on dio: t');ufil.:iuo:, production, sale. trsf~'T, tr~iipon:rio,n. deli'ie!'j,
s;or:g~ b::dling, ,;i)nsmpiion or use "r' Product under tbi: Agri:ecr.=nl. or on any p::ymc::u made W1der

ihs Agremenr (c:tc::ii!! ::nv income I::X im::osed on BPWCP b::ed on incomm receiv;: frm Buver ::d
~ny interest i)r p.:nal~~ tl.:~tm). BPWCP ~ay, ~t ilS sole opiion. add ;;y ~uch i:~, ~:ocìs~ r~= or'sil:l

~!!::rg': to the JmoUDt to b~ ch::rg,=ú for Product. BuyeT ',~iI illso pay ¡¡romprl:( when due i1d hold BPWCP

h~ime~s from ::il ree5 ~r.d s::lis, iisc. reol::, gross receipts, in.'entcry, .::,cise, LLcl)mc a:id otll~r ia~~

(induding intereSt peml,lues ::d ::diiiorr 10 (¡x but not inclucling ::y income i:x imposed tJn BPWCP
based tJn U\ctJme rrcci'lcd from Buy~ and ::iiy iim:rellH penalties tbert:oii¡ imposed by any feder:l. state or

!oc::! governntal oiiihor:r¡ upon Buyer ')f BPWCP in connection wirh the operation of Buy:ts bllsirr,,5s,
, 13,1 !n::oolicobilitv or R~cner E::emptiotl. Wiih ,cse~t to Product purch::sed
h.:rrw:dcr. Buyer h~ri:by w::ivcs wy exe:upcii)n ::nd ~grc::s not to ::ss~ any right ct c;\ennption from

pa)me:: ro BPWC? of i:::ü:5 ,egg!:riy collec(d b~ BPW'CP upo!' delivery of ProduL't ¡o puudi:1Crs within

Buyers cI= ot ~d~ by virne of JIIY re""lIcr or ','nc¡lesaie-JistribuCQr i:~i:mplioii 10 ""hidi Buyer m:y
presenn!y or hereafter be cnriiled undcr wy provision ot led~r.i, ~::i~ or locall: w regulaiion or order.

lJ.3 Tu.:: !nforman..o. Buyer wil. provide ßP\VCP with ßuyet3 moior fud seller

number ami use i:~ rcgistrtion number. FlIhc:r, Buy.:r ".;\t provide BPWCP '~ith Jny infiirorion
requ"sied by BPWCP rCIJring to 1:-: credilS claimed b: Buy~r fur motor fud. sales, l:e ::d other !a"(CS paid
by Buyer in ~on.'1ecriorr with the Product fur U'" purpose of resolvii18 any thre::tencd or penóillg iax disyute "ith any govem:utal ::uibonty or for tho: purpose oi COti.uming Buyers compliance ',virh the relT 0 t this Agreemi:n(,

Trauenn::rk ami Tr::de Dri.s.

H, \ Comoli::nce, Within one blillCreu ilr! (150) calerrd:: d::ys after th.:
Coinencenni:t Dati: if this is ile fir:a ::gremc:nt between BU1'er:wd BPWCP for th.: supply of

Product ::i

dle Premises ::d upo.n' the Commnenc=eor Date if rbi is nor the tint agreerneut beiween Buyer ::d

BPWCP for the supply of Product at th Premises, unes BPWCP' COll01S other.-ise in wrting, Biiyc: wil
have fully complicd widd ail irdemarl :ud trde dress requiremcnts set fort in E:dbit A.. There::er,

thOUghOUT ¡he ter of rms .'\greemcnt. Buyel shall fully comply with ::ll trdemarks and irdd Ùll'SS
requrcmenrs as they may be cbanged from time to time, NOtWth:U1!ldiig ihe foregoing, Buyer must have

the ..eO tD, sign l.D. pole, price pod.~, and dec::l :õ~¡fic::uorr for pumps ::d dispcn:rs as descnòed
in Exhibii A (::it may b.: charrged from ti to time) in place ;l soon ¡¡~ B'uyer is seUini¡ ARCO branded

I?oåct but :lO! tater UI:uu dde fift deli\'ee of Product hl.':iidcr oed 110t before BuyL'r is sellng ARea braded Prduct under the ..ReO trde.i:ks descn"bed iilow. Buyer bereby ::¡:c:c:s ilr BPWCP may::d

nclu1Iwledges tl( in .11 lik:liilood SPWC? wil1 change sudi requiretleelS tram ii to 11. Buyer will
contomm ,ilS :rdenmrks ::d ,,::de dre~s to ill such. chaiiged requircmenlS withn niicr/ i90) c::lend: days Onet recc:i~.iog '.vrrre:: rroccc~ frm BPWCP of arry chang/!- In its sole discrciimi. BPWCP =)' loan to
Buyer v::rious items of trade dress $uch as ;igr. iüuioil1ated öigtl poles, s'!.'1 f~ces with ~, iiumcr~ls kit ::d

pum icler.iifio:::ciun ~igD, Buy"r hereby ::gree: that ::ny mmdi: drcss wruch BPWCP ¡¡.rvides to Buyer
hereiini:r shaH remnw the pro!,crry of ßPWCP regimllc:s of wheiher it is ::tTxed ¡O the ?rcrrses. Buyer sh~1l casur" ibai lit) such loaned trde dress is removed from the Preirui:s by pi:~ons other (han ßPWCP or.

6 of 13 '
~,RCO 40 WR-t (4I2D06)

BP OJ04''



Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

Page 10 of 61

ilS r~pr~sen!::(ives dther dung or ¡(rer ååo: iemm 1)( (hi Agreemeii witho\l B PWC?'s prior ",Tirren i:oiienl. Buyer shall bear th~ ~ost o( maiirattg, n:pui ;rd repiai:ing sui:h 10'\Icd rr;¡Je ùress.

14.2, ~ During lhe term of ths A:''T~=me::t. in i:=ciion with the resaie o..
Pro\iui:i. 6\I:,cr r.y displa:, the i:adcr.rj¡~, tr~dc rumet. ai.'icrtising. signs, Jevic::s, ;ymboi~. ¡I.:g¡xn:. designs aud other rr::åc u1dicia ¡¡domed, usc: "r aurhoriz:d for IJse by BPWCP in i:onection ;vith Product
(cQlk::rively, "~(ur,k:"), pro~ided rhat i,i) Buycr o~i:r::ies ¡he Premis~ seven (') calendar ùays ~ wcc!; for ¡¡
miiin of rweh'~ (1 Z) clmse:;U(,I,C hour each day, (ii) rhe M~ks ::re only dÏ!¡played or used in ååe

mUIU1er spcci.ed by BPWe?, iiid (¡ii) all rradcrr!c righcs ¡esuiting from such displa:i or u:a~: sb:U iiiutt: 10 BPWCP's oe::etk SP'Nep rcservc.~ the ri!!i ro subsriiuie ::noiht!r irde=k for AReO 1)1, iviibdr.w or

modify aiiy of th~ ~Iarks or l!eÍT muiuer ofdi;play without prior notice (0 8u~'i:r, lipon r:ccii.lIg ~oric:: of

::y withdrn"'::l or mcci.iik::iion "f 11e M::i\: ~r substitUtion of JJ0ther trmak. Buvcr wil fulv
implement an:r mociitk;;tinn ,1r ti:rmcion or substtUiion within ihe i:me .pccÜ1eu iii ine n¿uci: .mJ sucii

oUier tt::d"mark sh::1I he deemed sub.uiuicc for the "ARCO" rrdi:m::rk in;.ll r:fcren~ ,0 Gasolinc and
Pniduct in th~~ A;çe::cnn, (f Suyer tails :0 comply fully with any notice, "r w¡ihdr.w::l "r moditieariorr in adJition iU any ullicr ,em~¿ies .1v:ilablc to BPI,VCp for brea.:h of thí~ Agr"i:IJI1i. BPWCP may dem:nd th::! Buyer immeùiaidy ¡Groove all ~'i::ks from (lle ?remis~s al Buyer'.¡ sole cxpc:rrc. Lf Buy"r iJils :.0 do arks. and Buyer \~ill so, BP',Vep or EPW(P'$ eout!ctor ,may ¡mt:r the: Premises and rcmove 311 :VI
reimburse BPWCp (or such ¡cmoy::,

I..,'; Shared f:~penses, BPWCP wil reLinbursc Buyer a p.mion ,)1' the cost of
acquiring. ITJrrPQning ;oid ii15i:llng sigrr ami other erd.: dress rcquir~ hCreUi\dcr aad set forth in Exhibii, B. a. :¡pecilied bell!w The ::oum of such ieimbtIsemcnl ::oaU bi: die lesser of Ii) one hulf of
Buyer's a.:iu~i v~ri.lubk ':051, 11r (ii) the n¡¡'.mwn imowii indicateU on E:ddbit B, Tho; rCLmbllrscineut shaU

apply on a one-rime oiùy basis to the Premises durig its ~nr¡r" tranchise r~l::rinrrsliip wiÙ1 BPWCP regardless 'Jf whether this is the tir5t or a subsequent ag:e;:me::;::i Bu)'er amI BPWCP tor the slIply of Produ¡;i ¡¡I the Pn:iiuso:. Buyer shall be solc:y re~'PiJiisible for the cost of maiùi:ining, rc¡:airng and
r~ia.:ing all ¡¡ade dress. Requesi for the foregoiiig Nimbur$erneni sllJl\ be !il wiiri~ and accQmpanied by all original invC1ic~s (of which Buyer sh~1I !o~:¡ 'oo¡:ies),' Upon receiving such a requC!i. BPWep shall inspect BlIyets i::i:iliiy to .:on.i.rm that the ttaùe dress is of ¡he propei ripe aud prQperly irr~talled and ve:il'/

Buyets aCtUal .:ost. if BPWep con~ Wt the ir¡¡de dress meetS BPWC?'s requiremenlS and verities
Burer's submitted C¡Jst as accur:~,uien BPWÇI' sll11 either reimbunc: Buyer tho: uoount described abQve

or pay the e,~ti..; cost of siii:h trade dress direct!)' to the tlurd party veIldor. whiche';"r B I'WCP alone chooses, If BPWCP elects ¡Q piiy ¡he tIird par vendur dirct1ly, the:: V,;UUD tÏ\~e (5) cah:iidar da,ys after recevin !toiict: from BPWÇp that soch paymc: wil! be or has bi:eii rrde, Bu;'er will remit to BP\VCP tle diiference !xtween '.he ::ouiit of the inv"ic~ aud the amount of BP'i\iCP's rcibu:semc:nt :I calcuted above, Furrher, B.PWep may airnge diectly ..iui a third party vendor :0 saiisfy ine rrquiremeiiis of this
P::r:grph l,l. and collect from Buy~ tl1 aåvvce upon five dny¡ iionc.:. an amount equu to the tota

m;'Cii reinnbur~einent5 to which BIJ'.i: is .:titled undcnhis p¡¡r~grpll ¡¡d E;(::bii B, to cover Buyees
share of the ~o:r or trade dress Cipe:Js~s, Should the artoUlt of ¡!~ JdvaDce payment, exceed ani: half of

the actual ':0.1: of satisfying ilè tr~de dress requÍTi:ents berdn BpWCP ;vin refund the: e);c:: amount to

Buyer. (f the amount of the ad'/ance pa~'tent is less thm die ::tua cos~ of satifying the crde dress
requ4emmnts herein, l!eo Buyer sh:ll pay BPWCP the. amount of the deficiency iiOIl demnd. (n idditioii
to an other remedies availablc to it. B'?'~VCP tIy offset ag::ÌDI any :unouulS owcd to Buyer. the :uiit of
any rantt::nce 'JwmS to BP'\Vep !tere'Jiider, "rorni(tti:ding this P:!::grpl\ 14.3..Buycr may be obliged 10

pay BPWCP for any n:irroiiroc:mmrs rc:cind aiid direct vendor paymems made by BP'.'CP herc:umJJ"!
upoii .tlle ænnination or iilJnrenc:wal of lh~ ,\!¥C'me::t:l ~pecified in Par:grpu I i ,3,

14A Re:tT'icdon~. Buyer wiU not ::dullcr~tc, milabeL. mibrand or coiir.minaie
Produt1: add ~n,v ingredienis to, P!odd~t ';oitbi¡ut B P Wep's prior ,,'rnen ,;onse::: us~ any Matk ex!=cpt i. ';lJlWectiol1 '¡¡iih genuine ,~C() I:tOdUCI; d::im ::y righL ¡illl: Ór U\ie~cst in ,¡r to die Marks: dirctly or iodirecdy deny 'Jr ass¡¡il ,ir ;¡~Ist 'oih,m iii deiiying or a,¡aiJillg the ~nJi: aiid c.'tchisive o"l1~hip ofBPWCp in and to the ",I::rk:: r~gisicr, 3dop! :: (r~ ()WJ prop~rry, or us!' ')T assist \)tllei~ in rc:¡isterim;, adopting, or
using. !lny t'c.h:miirk. tT:u.ic namc:), ::dvc:rtÙi1iig1 ~igt's, device:;. :iymbo is. 3lO~Elns.. de:;g.ns, or ùtoe: lrdc: inùicia i:oiuiingi:i ôimil::r to the :Vl¡,r:G; or i:ommii other ~::dt:in::rk violations or JCtS thar eouid dù¡piir:ge

7 of 18

ARca ..o WR-1 (4/2UOHì CDG'"

B P Q3Q..5



Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

Page 11 of 61

CiJrn~i:r.s::iion insur::nce includg occup.irimi:l discase in ac;:ordnce with ¡he l::ws !)fdde SI::tc in wircb the Prcmi,cs '"c Io.:::ccd. ::r.d i:nnploye~' li::iiilit iii~u=cc in ;I :imouut of at le::t S I OO.IJOO dise'.1c' c:çtt eiiiphiyec amI SII)0;\100 each acçidem: accd ( ii ) gar:go: li~biii!"f insur¡iuce or \!enerÚ li::b:ilic"f
inur:çc, including coutnccwi li:bility, iasunClg Buyet'S indemnity obiig::iion se fo~th above, and
p,roduc:5-omplered 'opo:'-iimi:: ';overage, In amount of ai 1~:1S" :~ l,OOO.OOO combined limit e::ch

oci:eiice applicabh: to pi:rsor.:l injury, induuing bmtiy miiiey, sickness, dise::se or di:aih rod liiss of or d::aa¡\g': to pmpeny ¡with liquor I¡¡w liability cover::e if Buyer ,\lill si:ll .:r ,iispcn!e ::lc:bolic b~'ct;;g'.!). On ',yliicn BPWCP is a::med ::s ::n addirion::l inwwd. Buyer will fuish BPWC? ".iih cmific;ire: of insur::nci: o::ideni:ing the fOregoing coverage 1nd p'ro,-idd\g that ao policy of'in~.u=c may be c::clled i" modified without at le::t th l3'())c::lcuur J::ys' prior writt~rr notiçe to BPWCP, Buyçr herc:i:y
'undm¡i:nds an.i Jgrees (hac .:ove::~e provided ,BPWC1 b;i Buyer':; inur::nci; wwder this Altre:mc:Ol is
primary iIllIr:nce' ::å, ~hall not bc ¡;onsidcred coonibi¡¡ory insuI"t1ce '.vith ::ny inurJnc¡; plJlicics of


Tcrmin::tinn amI :"iinrcncw::l.

17, I Tril!ucdng E:vclls rnr Tcnrnnrion or Nimrcncw::l. In ::ddicion '0 1n:( ocher
ground BPWCP may h:lVc under r!e PMPA, Jnd iubj.:t only io iny iicccss::r¡ re~irctio!\ undi: ::pplic::ble law, SPWCP ii:ay rcrmiii¡¡te or nonrcnC'.' ¡his .-greerncnt upon Jny 0 r the tiillowing irggering events:
ia) 2u::er':; failure. (0 e,'(~rr good faith effor. to cnrr' Oll the pro\i$Îons ,)f

¡his i\g:e::inent following wr:me:: notice (0 Buyer fIom BPWCP "f $uch fOlilure and tiÚeen cak::dar day:; ta

cure such failure, '
(b¡ Uo~wful. ti::uùu!cll or d.:ccprive ::eis or pr.cricez or cnmirr::l
nnisi:oiidui:t by Buyer reley::t to the opcrariou of the Prcmisçs.


Dec\ar.lliQn of bank-utcy by Buyer or judicial dccemW:::ti"n ,)f

insolvcncy ofBuyet,
(Ú) Subject to Parignph 18... h-:rcoi: the de3ta or the prolonged S~"ere

physic:L tir ment::l dis::biliry or dis:blemem of Buyer (if Buycr is ::n individual), Buyers m.ijority
:;h:reholder (it' Buycr is a corpOI"JtiOD) or ::n.y of Buyets ~~"ter31 parmers iif Buyer is a p::rte~hip) for ::i leOlsr tbi:i; (3) moccuu wllch readcrs Buyer unabh: to proviie for (he contiQui: p.roper opcratio!! of the


The lass, of Buy~ts right (0 possess the Pri:nuscs.

(f) The corremnation or oth t::kig, in whole or in pare of the Prennses
pursuiit to the power of .:nint dom:iI\,


The d~ircåon of

all or a subsr:nii:: p:: oi the Premies,

leg~lly .:tiiled.

Buyets f~ilure to timely pay BPWCP aU :rms to whc11 BP'WCP is

(i) ßuvets !¡¡ilure to 'JPeme the Premises for sevi:n (i) consccuåYc

c::mdnr days, .)r ::ny Icsse! period \Vhi~n constiiutes an ~ensoa:blc period .,1' time,
(j) The willful ¡¡diilte~ri011 ,;omrghng, lUslabclil1g lIr mi~br:nuing of
Pcoduct or ')(her violarions by Buycr ntthe :Vlarks.

lk) Buyer's k:1Cwing f::iJurc to compiy with feder::!. ~r:te "r Inca! !::ws i)r

(egul:iioru rulc'rant to '.he tlSe ,ir 'Jfer:n,ion of ibe P.remiscs,

91,1 16

ARCO 40 INR-1 (4/2006)

B'P 03047



Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

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(he ~(arlc or ad"er~c!y ::ff~ci the nluc of (tt~ maks i)r BPWCP'~ go()ùwill aDd Qwuership righi: i1~ri:tn. ,,,i:y righ~~ (0 any Marks iJbiaiiied !!y Buyer conirry to th" tbre~oiDg ,,¡iaU be b.dd :. ::t i;)' Bí'WCP Jiid,

uplltl request. ßu~-er will ;!3ign stich nghL~ fr.: iii ;;haq~ lo SPWCI'.
i4.5 St::,nd::rds. T¡¡c E'rcmuc.~ mut be dc::i:. well aa::int.uiied, and graifiti fr~, wiih

;;lIciires, .jrivew::y~ and pavement in good rep::lI. B?WCP '\Viii perform p.modic insp';crioii tor ivhich rreati:d fuill.c .ir poor pertommiicc is ~rounds for ternn:(10n .)r nonrenew::l o(,hi Agreem::nt.
i 5,
C~inDIi:1Icc .nnl (niJelnnifc.ti"l1.

l5.1 .Cnnnnli::nce With L;¡w~ ::nd Re!!IIJ:Jtil)ns. Buycr shall comply wiih :UlY Jnd all

applic::ble t;:iier.l. s(aii:::mi loeallaws and regu::tions, including thiJsc pertaining (0 hum:m ue::l¡h. 5afcrr
or the enviroiicm, and shalt furthcr ';ottply with any :: all p=rirs or lic::nse p,m::ining to (he P!Cm¡'se~,

An~. refercnces in this P:r::grapll i 5.1 LO 1¡¡\\f i)r n:guJations shail incJJ,,;! ::ll such :iiws ",lid re:;liiions peiiainiiig to Product. or (he :I.r, ,)r sUrtac~ .)r .ubsur¡::~ watd, .ur~'ac~ or sÜbsur¡'::c~ soiL. anu ¡he handlin\!,
stor¡¡ge and di,;Qsal of haz:rduus sul:StõtlCCS, materals ,)r wasteS, or solid w::t¡:õ (whe!her ar noe defioc"cI

;; h:::tdl)us by suc!! 1.',"s ùr r~g!!j::rioasi.. and vapor ¡~~ovi:ry ::d vap~'r recover:. cquipm::ßt Buyer :ih::ll

~omply wiil any ::d all opel"J!ilg, r~portng am! rccord I.~~ping I¡¡W5 ::nd rcgul¡¡riIJus. ¡¡S well :: all
oper:ning, reomog aJ1d reclHd keeping proc~dtlr.s designed to ensw-e th¡¡( no !1au(horicd !cii:::e oi aoy Product ,)ccurs, and tha( iL\ tl\C e'/cm aoy Pr.,duct is Ic::c:d ::I, ::pplicable r~portng, record ke.piog and rc,
cIQnup requiemems ::: fully compiied with.

15,2 Il1d~nnnj(klii"n. Buyer ..'ill indcrnrrit:¡ anù hold h¡¡nnl~5 BP",,('P. i¡,

affliates. subsidiaries, shareholder.. ditec¡or., "meers, c:.loye:s and oih~ n:pn:senr.tivc;; piid
.llreholr1crs, diectors, offcers, employees and other rcpresent:tive$ of such affii::ees and subsldiaries,:1 (colb;nvdy, "indemnified P::ies") frm and Jgainst an daim, i.uses of actioa. liabilities, suir:. de:r.:nds, Itg:l proce~diiig~. govemmciit.l ¡¡elions, losses aed e:-pi:nses. indudirg withoul limiiation rea~ou;bk
txpert ::nd attmcrs fees ~r.d COSLS lc~!lectl':d)', "1¡¡d~mmificù Expl!iises"), arising oiir of liì ~ny bre:ch by Buyer (or any o.t its offcers, ~mplo~i:e$ or represc:nt::ii~'es) of any provision of this Agrc~mcnt, t,ii) the
storage, ll::iogc or othcr release of PNdu.:t oa, or fro,!I thc Premiscs. (iii) any de::nup. remedi~rion or

response ::ctivity cocducccd or ordtiJ UDdc( applie~ble law, (iv) Buyets iie'or .)ceupaocy ùf the PreITses,

!he: (v) Buyer's iJpcr::riiin of

business or use, ciircd!, or operation ofBP'.vCP-owncd equipmcnt or Jny otheT

equipmcm nn the Premies. cxec:rig any loss or d::ngc arising solely from 6PWCP's negligeace or

t::üur co perform iis obligations h~reuiidc:r. or (vi) any inni:nrioJ1¡¡1 Ot \!iiiic:Öonn. viobrion by Buyer oi ¡¡ny governt requiement a¡¡p,lii=lc to the Premises or Buycts storage or sale of Proùu.:L or th
disclosure or lvö1g of risks ¡¡~soci::ted \"ith Product at th~ Premises. This icdemniic::tion obli~riarr sb.all survive the termuarion or oonrencw::I of this Agreemeni.
IS.J Li::bHitv ¡or Ch::r!!es or Fines. Ie tb.e ;:e:ll ¡ha( BPWGP becami: li::blc for

payment of any cll¡¡rgcs or tines arsing out of Buyer's noncompliance with ai:y govcmmeniaI I¡¡ws i)r

rc¡¡atioDS or Buyer's f:luue to ~ccue :my aeec:sa licenses or permts or renc'.vls thereof. now or
hereafter aece::ö1j, in connection wiÙl the posession and use of the cquipmei:( ~nd other propert or the

conduct ,)f buinc: on the PTclUÏ5es or Biiyccs failure to pa-y :uy i:¡¡c:, imposes Qr chares itt1posed ey any gav=eni:l ::uiloi:C"j, E,PWCP sh¡¡1! have ile right to charge: Buyc:r the amount of::y such ch::rge or fine
paid by BPWCP,

15.+ ReoQrnnl(, !3uy~r shall report U) BPWCP within 2~ hoiirs each incidenc: 'Jf rrjor pcrsoWlI \njt~r ()r criminal ~cnviey, .'\ll athcr incidoollc~s of pe~somll injurj or .:rimiii activiiy sb:11 bc

reorted :I ~norr as pr::cric~bic, bui in ao e'lcnt later ¡hila 7~ hour. Uuyer ivil displ::y Jisplily sigii¡¡ge reg:uding BE'WCP'~ ~riiue deicm:::c~ and rewar ùtier in the rrnni:r spedicd by Spew, ßPWCP
resi:r-cs ~b.c: right 10 ¡;b;igc ¡¡r ."it!dr.I\Y aiiy reivard otfer in i1S sole discrer¡on ii: wlrch -:;;e, Bu!'er will rcmcwe i)r r~place tb.e sig:a!:,= immctiiaicly upon !locic:,

16. ¡n~unnce. Biiyer ';hall i',biai'l:ld maiiii::ìn Iht'ughom ihe tert at th¡~ Agreement .adi
.)f the :"nlloiving fa1m i)f insur.c: I¡um a ¡iL1in~lally si;nl11d anci ,cpm::i:lc WSIlr.!IC~ carner: (i) \Vo,rkcrs'

Ö of 18

!',RCO 40 WR-1 (412006)

BP O:(41)



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Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

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(I) Tct! ccuvici.oc of acy ti:louy involving n1)r- tUrpitude or iiidicuni:nt
tor any ,rima

I mi~comiu~t rtl~van( 10 the i,pec:cio¡¡ of lhe Pn:mi~t:5 \Ji Bu'/ei (ifì3u'ler IS an 'indi\'idualì

Bii)'c'' ir.:Jon¡y .h-.II':III)I¡j~t (if Buy~ is J ';orpoc:tioiii. Bllyer'$ rmjori(y o",Vtng mm~bt:r ~ir Buyer is ar
LLC) or any',)fBuyer'~ g~c.~;ai piirmm (ifBuyel is:: pare:izhip),

cour~e (jf bWiincs~. to wrrhi11v ftom the m::rk.::iog ot' miHor rue: ihougi re(ail ouileL~ iii tile rde'/ai:t
geognpbj; niarke¡ acea in wiih:11 the Premises ::re loc¡ncd.

(m) Thi: JeiemÜII::å.m by BPWCP, made in ~oiid fuith and in ih~ üiimml

(nj T~ó: oCC'JIcm:t oJr" ::iiy other i:'/e~t rdevnl\ !O (he: re!::iionsiiip bc:tWecii the paries which makes (e:m:1ion or (1onre:~WJi reason;ibie. including lvidlOil( lim(::oii ;hose set to,rti1 iii ?::i;~ap,h lï,2 below:

(0; The brr::ch b~' Boycr i,f Jny irierial, pro\'isioii oi thi ,-\grc~mcnr.
which B1Jycr !Je:ceb~' agTe~s ircludes i,\Viihout 1i.--utjl)n,1 ( i ,I Buyets f:ilure (0 order and tTak~ ai/::labi~ for
snle qU;¡niiri~5 :)r ~ach grdc of Product wbicii :U~ suficie:ir ,I' s¡¡ri,fi fore~eeablc c'WmnJt:r dem:mJ. (ii:i

Buyer's I';ilulc to keep ~ det::iled record of dd¡v~ry of P'rodlJc: :1) Buyc¡ or make those rtcoriis
availaiJle to BPWCP as iirovid~d in Par.~::ph 9, ( iii ) I3u~'~r's r::ilure to t:k. :uy of the leak ?rc':cnril)n 30.1 detection inc:ures IJlulioed in )'ar:grph ¡ i. (iv'¡ any anempc b~! Buyer It ;;igJ ai:y iiii~r~s¡ in thj~
AgremeD! witUQU( ¡;PWCP's prior wriiien ':Qiiscnt. and (v) i:ilure tQ .:omplcre COosiJci:on or rebuilding

',.itli.u ¡he tirn ;; set fonh in P::grpn l.~,
(1') If Buy~r is 3 P,lTf ".;t11 ('PWCP ,0 :: LI1::rr .-\greeme:: iX ;: Lo.n
Agtccmcm Jnd Sccwiiy A¡."!eem"m aaJ Rc1:tcd Proll:;oc:' ~i:te, and 'Buyer f.ils 10 cure';;y deÒul: iinder
the fore~Ding Loan Agreement, Loan Agreem~'m and Si:t:irit"j Agrccmcm and Proms.cry :-"te ::

requested, BPWCP may t~miite ii ..~eerm:::t.
17.2 Triu"criii!! I!nuts ror Nonrencw::l. ln addition 10 ::uy CJthcr grvui;ii 8PWCP

rny !!ive under (he PMPA, ::d subjecc only 10 any necessary resmcti,)Il' uoder applicable law, ßPWCP
may uonn:n.e'.'. du~ Agn:cmut upon ;ul:: of U\": foLlo\\"Ìng tr~g-:g ~vt:nt.t:

(a) Buyds failure 10 ::g~e to changes or additions 10 itS fr:n:chisc
relationship widi BE"NCP, wwch BPWCP requests b::ed 00 BPWCP's detel\Jin::riD11 cmde in good iàith and the no rm:: I course of business and withou( the puipo:¡c of pre,'cDting úie renew::l of ihe: tr.nch~

concernng Buy.r's operatioii of thePrcrmes. "f which Buye ..'t apprised ¡¡iid, to tbe e:Olent they rel::(ed to the coudiuou of the Prccsc: or conduct 0 ( Bu)' or Buyer's employees, which Buyer tàiled to ci:te

(b) BPWCP's rec.ip( or num~rous bOa: tide cu!om.r ci)mplaiiiis

(c) Failore of Buyer (0 CJpcr:lc the Pre:si: in a dc::: ¡at;: ::nd healthfui

manner on al le::r two pre'Vou: occ::ioii.
(d) A good t'aith decermin::tion by BPWCP m:de in it. nlmnaJ C\JU(~ of
biisioes: tbat renew::1 of the frclWi: relauonship Ï3 li:e!y (0 be uu;;cOUOl1ical to BPWCP de$pite any

cc::onable clge5 ,)r addiiions tfJ the :1¡,\'Tccmers berween the p~es. which m:y be ::ccpaal.: 10 Buyer.

li,3 Effeet DCTernnin:nion iir !''IIi-new;¡l. ...fier recei'/ing ooiite "i¡¡::.,iiin:uou or
no,orencw¡¡ iiid until :he ~ffectte d::ie oi the (ecmiii¡o OT ¡¡onrenew¡¡l. Buyer will continue to opc~::te the

Premises in accordam:~ wit! tli: .,,grc~meDL

(::'¡ Frme ¡¡no aiicr ihe ~ffcciive ùate of temiim:uoi: or 110nreo"",,.I, Buyer

wii iiiimctiiately discoOlinoc all iise .:i crdc dre:; ;Ud ""larks assoc.i::icd WIth ßPI,VCP, including wi(houi
liltui.tion ast: ii rub. ¡rad~ dress, anù Marks on d.i~peic¡ers. pumps. ccni;wers. norag~ ~,!uipii"n(,

-:0 i)t 16

AReo.¡o \NR-~ (-4/2006)


BP 03048



Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

Page 14 of 61

bui.ldings. O:Jiiopi~s. pump islands. polt: sigu::. ¡¡vei1isiD~, stattJni:r:; and inQICC~, from Jnd ¡¡feeT dd

dlcc:i\'~ daie oJr u:nninauon oJr nonrcne:wJI. BU1er ',vill noJt adopt ,)r w¡c ::ny trildt:mark. trade: ,1rr:~3 ,)r
s¡mbols iii the oper-riim or ¡b. P,emies mat .JIe confusingly simlar to BPWCP's, ineludilJ~ withoUt
limturion. any tour I~rrcr mime i)r mark siang with ( i ) the letter ""," or ( ii) ;my vtJwel Jnd bavig tbe

hmer orR" as J sciind (cttr. Jlui Buyer wil nut ust: or employ as J gymboL rnr!( or de:;~ Jny gcornc:::e
design ihat ii red Qr any colored llonZQni:1 strpÏÏg tht is prediimiarely red aml blUl, FUr"J.ier. Buycr wil

remove trriri 'III :r::de .irectOri~s ::ud ¡elephonc book listjrr::~ ::1l reÝcreocl: co tlll:'M::. IJpmi ihe dÏi:rie
dare o( ¡he :emJll::ritJII or nnnrcncwal. Buyer ivill ¡¡roinpdy r:tUIU to BPWCP or dt:Jtrl)Y, wlûclle';cr

BPWCr Jin:ctZ. JI! signs, ::d'/crtismg, gr;phii: and oiher mmte:rials ii Buyer's posseMion be::ng :my
Miirks ur u~cd ~u ;my tr::oe ctess, In JddÜiOti., Bttycr hi:reby agrecs tht BlWCP may cOler th~ Premises io
remove: i)r cover up ~uy ¡i::de dicss D! ,ldv~rtiStm~nis be::ns an:,' ~i::rk If 3uyer term::ie~ Qr dot! not

renew th Agr~i:c:nt !)r :f a pwcp tell:j or does not (e¡¡ew il Agrc::ne:: tor ~ n:~:jl)n set (ort in
P::::graph 17,\ or i i 2 Jhm'c. then Buyer shall pay (or ibe n:mov::l \1r covering up of 311 inde dr~ss Jnd

ir..dem~rks it¡ required IIer~under, For:: re::oí1::bl" period îollowing' the: elfec~';e date of Buyets iermin::tion or nOruc::e.~i and Jt !1 ':aarge. ßPWCP may keep any BPWCP properly stil luc::id on uie

Pre:nise~ in place wQi" ncgl1ti:iin for iis s::i~ ar remov:l. '
(b i If ¡his is me tirsi agr~erni:ut betweco Buyer and gPWCp for the supply

,)f Produci at ihe Premises, Buyer wiil r~pay BP\VCP all rcimbur~c:nnenrs ¡¡nd direcr p::ymenis m.ile by
BPWCP und"r P:II:lhrr::ph 1~,3 upon (ïi ¡he mutUal ¡~imna(ion of this ,.Jgreemenr prÎ"r to or ar me end of ih~ nrsl r":c¡'/~ !Ii)mh~, l.iìlib.C tcr.ination 'Jf 1h. Agreement by 8P'.;CP or Buyer ¡"ie iirst twelve

ITl)nih.; ,¡r I,iii) th~ ""mc~..wal 'Jf ihh: AT.cem::t by BPWCP or Buyer ::t tlie cnd of ¡he 11m tV'':I,,,c ¡nonnh~ (:1' ths is a trial tr::ndiisc:: J~iin"o uiidec :;",,1,,11230:; OÎt!c PMPA),
(c,i If ths Ls ..'' first ::gr~cmcnr 1xt\i¡c~:: Buy,:r and BPWÇp for dic supply

of Product ::t the Premises with a ¡erm or mOTe than one: ye::r ::nd Buyer !!s ;,c:~n :: par-y to an agrcment ' regarding ùie Premises with BPWC.P for me .iiply of Product for less rJi::n rJiirty-six montl, the:n dter the

iim twdve monlbs Buyer '..iil pay B?WCP, on :: 2! in basi" as desribed Di:!O\\. th~ amou¡¡ l)Î all
to:imbur¡;enne::is ::d direct p::ymcnlS m:dd by BP\VCP uiider P3IJgr:pb. 1''.3 upon th~ nuuiu::l tecun:tion
of (hi:; :\gr:emmm or (etmnauon ()r noorenewal b~' Buyer or by BPWCP fur a rcaso,n set tort in P::r:¡;"'ph
I i, i or 17,2 ::bo"". n,e:!l ~ amount which Buyer is oblig::ted to pay shall be r.alculJtCd by multilyin::

ddc iot:l! of lIe r~iinbur:c:meills aad ciirc~i pa:rmenns made by BPWCP under Par::grapll I,D ties (a) tWo-

thùd: during: ibe uûneennh ihrugh l.venry-fow- month of ths .J..grreme:"i or ¡bj ono:-rhd durng tho iwenry-t1fih tlough th-sixth month uf th Agreement
Assí'inment. Ri!!ht IJr Fir,st Refusal and Succes.son In ¡nterest.

IS.L ,J"~si!!,m.'cnt, Buyer \.it not sell, (or ::llo\v Buyer's foreclosing lender to
con1plcte a sale :,. assign gi';;: OJ i)d\e:iwi~c: iran:,,e:r, any inic:re::tin ii Agr~c:ent. itS frncmsc relariooship with BPWCP, or ¡IS ownership, Ic:::ehold ii suble::lchold interest in thi: r~ ¡¡ropc:rt or imrovcm~ms on

i!t constitub: tbe Piimie:s, to ;uy ioilvi..ual or eiitity othr tban BPWCP, without fit complying \Vim¡¡ph I S.2 below ;ud obiaiti.ig BP'/oCP's prior wrttn conent to sucb ;rfer. y;hich coiuent sh:l

not be unre::sonably del:)'ed "r ivith!!eld.l'wter, Ü' Buyer is a cOTtJr.tioa or paroe:'hip or LLC. neidier
Buyer iior Jny shar~hold.r. membei or pamer or Buyer wil sell, ::sign give o,r othere irnsfer. or
morrg¡¡g~. pli:\;c J, s~c:uriy or iJtherwe encunib~r ::y shares of stock. piiei¡hip intC::i or othc:r

OIVi:b'ip innen:st in Buyer !O rmy individu: or entity widdut BP\YCP's pnor v.Tincn COnsCllt To e:i:e

diat BPWCP h:: adequute tie 10 ev~luaie :lilY ~s~;g!mt:nt or tXer request. Biiy~r \\ill ::llo", BPWCP at six'Y (GO) ~alenci¡¡r days :0 evaluate aiiy ::::ignmiic or transfer n:quc:t, A. iequc:t tor ccyn~nt m:de
less !hii. :15 r.Jys bc:orc the: ::vir.rioll diiie of ibi Agreemet ':vll be consiåercù :: request for consent to
the rell1!wal a!:~cml:nt, ptovided ihnt one has bee:: i¡t'ercd to Buyer, Boyer Ji:kno\Vlcd!!~s wu ~gIcC$ thaI

;my iransf-::, .:n;umbr::ncc. ::cmpicd irnsfe: or attempteå cncumimiie'c ':vhicll does 1101 ~::rity thcse: prerequlsH~S ,hiill be: void and ,viihoui diëct, Biiyer adaiowl"dges J.å ::gtces th::i fIPWCP may impose;; tr.rui:i fee '190n any tr:uisfcr or ~ncumbraiicc o,¡ Buyer5 imcr~i in 115 fr..nchise rei:tionship with BPWCP, 1110 ii::: is ';urrcndy SI.OOn, hUi BPWCP rcser'lc:~ the ri~i1i m -mise tho: i~ to J m::ximum of

11 oi 18

,"Reo 40 WH.! (4/2aC6)

8P \)~1J.J9



Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

Page 15 of 61

1.32 RJebt ~r Fir~"t Ro:u~:1i. (n" retUrn cor valu::i.: i;)nsjde~tiQI1, Buyer's receipt ,¡f wlli~h i5 hereby a~k¡¡owl=ijged. ('ii upon receh'ing or eiGc:::din ;;uy tina! oI!::r co ;;callU:e any or a II of

Buyet.- imeresi iii rlli. Agn::tm::: tts, tÌncllise: relationship '.!iih BPWCP, or Its Q\Vl1erslÜp, le::ehold or
subleasclli)ld inicrC5! ¡n the rcal properiy or in:proverne::is thar conStitUte th.: P~scs, whether conve:;cd thQl1~h ~ Î'wincss braki: or direcrly, to :iny ~ncity "i' person oiher than Buycr'5 CItrr:1t $prJuæ fir adult child
(l1anirl or adoprcd)or (ü) ucon the: recordaiion of a Notice oc Defi:ult :b:i commctices BU'.er's lender's

tÕ'recloslI-: ot ;i cnorii;ge o~ 11eed \,t (rust encumbcri;¡ the Premises. Buyer Sb:iU otTer iU~h imcrcsr to BPWCP. in writing, 11 the saim price and on tIlt: samm i)thcr term :: those .:onnaÍled in tbe itnal.)t'er or

Noiicc .)Í !Je-tànlr. Buyer ,hail give Bl'WÇp a compkte. legible CQPY ,,( the tinal otTer iiicluding 1 breakdowo i)f ¡he ,amOlml ror reil properr, ~quipinent ::ll ~oodwill. an ::eemc:is ii coiioection ',.,iill uie pt0PI)$ed ¡ale J'nd the me and address of the proposcd buyeritrnsferec.. In the c:e "r foreclosure, ine pr~'I wiU equal the alIuum requied to p:y the foreclosing k:nder to ternmiic the foreclosure ¡¡roc;c~ding,
Buycr ~b;¡1t give BPWCP ~ complete. !t:::ibli: copy f)f tho: recorded Noece ôf De:auit ind Jny later recorded
i'otit: ul'Silc. BI'WÇp sh::llllave th;; (31)) calend::r d:ys afur ilS rec!:ip( orill dac Jnd do,;umenrai:on

requu-ed by ii to ~vaiuaii the .¡Efer and c:oe,rcise itS right of fir-a reMal by t1mit;ing 611~"er in writing (hut it iniends :0 t:xercist: irs ri~hi uf flrsr relÍal Jnd Jgtcciiig to pay 811)"er the purÒ;;se less r1e lßlount ot

:my applicable tr::nstiir t~c. on tle te= s!aicd in the: tiaii otTcr, or the amount r~"uired to pay the
foreclosing le::der to termate the roreclosure proccedintf.. :i applicable. During rhe 30 day period. BP'NC? shD.I have thc right or entry upon (he pre/Ises 10 ';ocduct reasonable envirmiiicm::l tcsting" If BPWCP e,,:rcisi: iis right oi fist ret\a~ e:ch tic¡e ~riod in chi: fin::l 'JiTi:r will be :iuiom¡uically e:tleiuled
so thatii ;(;rt~ on inc clmc ¡hat SP'NCP exercised iis right .)f iirSl rdw::L BP',VCr ma~' :1~ir?n irs ri~hr of

firsr r~tll;;l ¡o ;;ny tlld part. IfBPWC? iJoes :Jot ~,~~n:ise IL righi of tini refu~al. Buyer m;y ci)ns::iare
¡he pmpr)5cd crl1sii:, but nor;;t lo"'"er price or on more favor::Í.le ierm th::n il1Ise .)tT~rc:J 10 BPWCP, If

Buyer uc¡es (lot UO $1) wÏ\wii oue; hundred eigliL;¡ (LSO) calendar J.iys after t~ d::le BPi'V'CP receivd
Bu~'ees ''-Tltten otTer. then Buyer mu:ï recommel1c~ the roregoin rigbi of firsi refïlS'a¡ pcoc~diie ;;iid misf'¡

¡he rcr.uire::"iii~ of this P::agrapn ! 3,2. BP\VCl"s exercise iif its ri~hr of tìm rcnisai shall not be
dc:eiident au its piio.! refilSa! to upprl)\'C ¡he p.ropused ¡¡iiiferee. Buyer ::grce: to e:'~~ciie a m"cror::nduin

of (his Ag!eeme!lt (I) be recorded in the Otfci~i Records of rhe county where the Premscs are localed ilnd !.ike all other actioo iiccessar¡ to !:-ive effect 10 this rihi of fisr refu::l.
18.3 SOCCe5$ors In Inrerl!. Not\\ith::ïanding Par..grpbs L3, i :uii 18.:!, il upon the i.e::ili or iDcapacicciioii for II10l'e than ¡tine!) (90) euuisceutive ealet1dar days' of Bu~er (if Buyer is a ultUr::1 persQn). a general parter otBu)'er (if Buyer is a pammership) or:: rn::jorir'l sbiiehlJ! or Buyer (ifBuyer

is :: corpor.ii,,(1), or rajoniy.i)"nig mecnb~r of an LLe. (if Buyer is ao LLC). ¡he interest ii ÚliS
Agreenicar of such d.:i:cd or inc::ppcit:ted peron p::es diectly to an ::1igible person or persons whom

the deceased or ÎIr:ioaciiatr:d hil di:i"tlated as his succesor in inteest in v.iiung in a tÌ)rni piescrio.d by
and til~d \\ith 8PWCP. and who ¡¡oå.fi:s BP\Vep within t\veniy-oo. (2J) calenda da~"S :Ler the death or

inc:paciiacion of his ÍItentioD to )'Ucce::d IU sucb inierest, thee. this A~reeme:: sb::ll cOlUinue for the

rc:g 1= hereo ( provided ibat such successor in interest agrees in wrring to assume all of the
IJblig:i-ions under tbis :\grecment of the dc!cea.ed or incapaci¡ared and satisiies BPWCP's Iben currenn criteria for s'imlar lriicm::ees. A person who is eligible 10 ~ di:iggied :: ruCe.'iOI in Í1itcrc is one who

is 0) the; Jdult spouse '1r adult child (nunltl! or adopted) or parnn af the cieci:ed f)r incapaciii(et! (ii) ::
general parmer of ¡he decosed or inc::aeitaicd (iü), a tellow sharcDolder or the deci:sed or inc-Jpacitaied,

(iv) a ii:llow member of r1e deceased or i.apacir:ied or, (v) if Buyer is :: sole proprietor, ;; desiggari:d legal heiI. Ouly the most rcc:muy properly åesiggated SUcc~ssor in intcr~st will be reco~ized ;; such: If Bu~'er ha a, spouse ::d de5igDa.te:: someone other thn Buyers spous!:. Buy= spouse m~i agree 10 ¡he

i~.. 3PWCP', Ri"'ht to :..~,~i"n, BPWCP shall have the Ul1essicled rightto traiist\r
,)r ::i~!1 ail OT Jny paru ..f :l~ righis or obiig:Hions uncier chis ,.gI'~me:1l, iiiduding itS right of rim refusil
described :n P::::gr::ii I d .Z. ;0 ~ny perSQO or ;.:';,11 ~:\ti¡,,,

IZof 18

AReo.:o ':R-1 (4/20061 GOGA




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Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

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i~\i Ri!!ht of i:ntrv. Buyer tt~cby :Jives BPWCP (h.: nght tl) ontcr rh~ P,rciijs'es at all reasmiablc unics ~d .viddo\l prior aotiç:, to di:ttnnI1C: Bii~¡ers ~ompJiul1:e with ¡he prevision:; of :hi:
Agri:ment. BPWCP may determe BU)i~ts compli:mc:: by any nie:ms BPWCP ;;\:ie::ts. including wiw()ui limrnrioc, ihe sampling, ilnd l::bor::iory :e:iing 'JiProduc:.
19,;! Successor~ "nd Assi2ns. Tnis Agrccme:nt shan be bindiug upon Jnd inure to ¡he

iit of in.: p,i1l'eg hercro ::å U1cir resecti\'e successors ::tl ::sigg: pro\'itied, howe'/er, ¡hat Buy~r sll::ll

Iia'/e III) righL to assign ihis Agreemcm. either volunt::rily or by op=tion of law, e:tccpi :: providcii in E'::r~.g::li IS .bove,
19,,3 l'orcc :\bjeur:. In rUe C':-:nl ¡bat áiher par hereto shall be Jd::yeri .Jr iie.ble

to perforni an)' act required herrucdc~ by reason or' Act "fN~nnTe.. sir!.i:S, lockccut., ~ois. insurteciion. war.
~over.ei1tal Joc: or inåcr. 'lr 'lthe, rccoii "f a lik~ nature not lh~ tllult i,r or in th" control ?C ¡h~ oarTV

delayed in ,"erk or doicg ::et' requird ur.der the: h:rn of ¡bh ,,;¡recmt::c. lh~n pcrfnnrn~e ;1' such act .lull b. e~cu5cd t;,r t~ period of (he delay, 11~0; provisions ,)f ( S,,~tiun sh::ll ni'! np.:r.¡" to c;ocuse Opc:aiccr from prompt pa)menn of all tces or ::ny odicr paymeuCJ required b~' rhe temm ot this Agreemt:ot.

19.~ 1'Qcici:, E,XCaH J. limted by applic::bk law or :: olhctwi~. rol'cd In .his
Agreement, any ::od all ni)(ic~ :iiid other c'Jmmunic.:i:ons hereunder shall be uee:n...j to have be:: lid::
given when dcli"cn:d po:rsonalJy oc torty..ig,ht (48) ho~ aíær being m.:iled. .;"riifd or r,,~istercd m::il or

overnight mail. ,ecu receTp' requested, postage prepaid, ii, the E'Iglish lang'Jage, to the P,cmi.lcs if to Buyer and to the adùr= \'et fort oil the rirc paye or this Agre-:,ni:nn if to BPWCP, unles: oihe..vist.
directed in "Tiiing by BPWCP,

19.5 Rel:.tiiioshi¡¡ or the P::rties.' Buycr agrees that nothig in tl\ .",gr::mem creates a joint ventue, agency, ~mpioyment parership or sil:: rel:uolishhp belNecn ii acd BP'NCP, and Buyer shall no ::uthi:rity to bim SI'Wer ia any 'HOly. BU)''r wil Dot =e-rt "tlli:rwso:, Buyer shall
uiiderr::e ::ll obligauons ~ :: indepndeii COnlrJctor and shall e:oercise aed be resp.msible tor die
e:tcltisive control ot the Pærr.ies, the emplo~'ecs ¡tad ¡¡U ac;twiries concucted there. Op.:r::tor sh::ll be

iespoasible tor complying with aU dde applicable workrs' and unemplo:l1ent compt:ii::tioa. occupational
disc::sc, wage acd hour, dis::biliry .nd similar ia'ò~. BPWCP sh::l h;ve no control over cinpioy~cs of the
Oper:uor, includig without limii:tioll !he ter ::nd conditons ut theiT emp!oyment. Oper.tot sb::1I

com::uo.iily display oo the c;li;crior of th:: buidig ii a consicuous m:nner at .: poinc visiblo: and
::cccssòle to tho: publ.ic a legible sign mcedng BPWCP's spcifk::iions. shccwing th¡¡IOperator is ¡he oWTcr
ot the bus,Îuss bcing eoeduC".cd ihcrcoii.

1~I,Ó ~ Nu puroned waiver by eitha p::J bcrcLO of my proviion of th
Agxeemeuu or of acy bro::ch thece-of slll bo: deemed to be a waiver of ruh provision or bre:\cll urùo: such

waivc:r is in writing signed by the party iml:ir such wah'o:. No sucb \\':iver sllU be deemed 10 be il subsequent ivaiver of such provisicli OJ :: ",¡¡i'ier of any subscquu:m breacb of chi: g::me or ¡¡ny udie,
pro visio n hhri: (,

19.7 Ciimoli::ncc. Buyer shall ::L al ti comply ',rith ::l laws aiid ::pplicabJ.:
gu'/e=cmi requirements and ild maini:in all nect:sary Iicen.tS and pemmcs (or tbe perfommoce of

iLS oblig.::tion: hereunder.

I~J.3 Authnnrv, Buyer høreiy repie~ent£ inai .s of the i:::e herenf. Buyer ha~ the
;;ut!!onry ¡U o:lt:r inco lhi~ ,..çcc:"tenn ;;i. :,bat :10 con:eot. "f thir ?arries "the\' thao those wttich have hcc::
"br:UUecl .nu 3re .tmcheJ hc:c\o ::e uec~ss:rr"l to enable Buyer iu ?erform itS obtig::tiQlI3 hcn:under, Buyer

reprcscnis ¡b-at ,15 or' the: dare of :rus .'greernellt. BILyer is in coaali:rncc with all leases, COnlr~c:s ::t1
a.!l\:mcuL~ ;u1i:crug ¡he Premises and Buyer's u:c anti possession of ¡he PTemies,

1~ ,)f 18
,~,RCO '10 WR. \ (412006) CDGA

BP 03051



Case 5:07-cv-04808-JF

Document 49-3

Filed 07/03/2008

Page 17 of 61

19,9 Prior iie De::linu, BPWCP;ud Buyer acknowledge Jnd a~~ ihat this

AgTe.::mc:nt i. not II be reformed. ::teicd, or modilcd in an;' way 'oy :ly prnctic:: or course oJ de::liiig úuring or prior to thc:' term il t the: Agrcment or by Jny rcpresenrndons, ~tipnl;;iions. w=iiies. igreement
oi imåer~i:nùings. e:tpres~ or impLied. e~c~pt a., fully ~nd ,;pr.:~ly ser iorrh hcre:in ,1r c:((Xpt :: may

suoscqu,,:)(ly be c:\¡¡rc:;ly amended by tbe: wiiiien allemem of Buyer :il1d BPWCP by ihi:ir iuùio~e:d

repn:ciic:ti'¡i:, '
matter ijf thi:: ..1.~!'et:mem.

19, LO Further .\.ssur::m:e.,. Buyer agrc~ to execute ;;d deliver such otbcr JocucnlS
ii:d i:k~ such ,orner :icnot1 ,¡S may be: ::e:CC:SSilT"l to marc et'fcctivcly con.o;mm.:ic the puiposes ~Dd subject

19, i i i'oii-e¡;clnsivit\. Buycr has 110 e::clusive ¡e:rtOry, BPWCP mii? esi::blish

proxiiy to we Pn:rnscs. '

additional AReO or other ar:ud or ao br::ud Gasoline or odde:r fuding tåciities in 1111)' \oi:rion and

19,12 Other Busine.,ses. ll ord~r to eii5ur~ diat there i$ no inn~::i:r':nc~ \Vith J¡;,tt&S tiir åel¡';ery crd:s, siorage or de:livery, Buyer will ;)b~'1in BPWCP:s ¡¡nor ',vrrten coI\nn to rhe plae~me::t of any ome: biisjn~~ses or cquipiner.i on th~ PPcmisi:s wllicíi .;onseni \\'i1L not be unre~sonallly ddaj'ciL i)r

1'),13 ~ Buyer aç!criowl:::;es w..t giving paymenis or ,idier induce::1cm.s to any

i:m'Plo~/ei: .)r agent of BP\VCP Ln connect:on -,vith tliis .-\gre~:nent or Buyer's cranchise rd::iionsllp with
BPWCP ,iola¡c. BPWCP's ~tl1ii:ai p'Jli,ics ond entiiles BPWCP to terminate Ù1is "'gre.ment. Franr.hisi:e

shall wwiifi BP\VC\,'s Si:writy Dcparenn if ai:~' employees or a~':ni: solicit pa;'meiit or mher
19.1-1 A.oolic::ble L::w, E,~cepc wberc ths .~greerni:'t would o(heT",vis~ bc go,'erni:d

by federal law. this A.greemeni shal in::U respects bc iiterpreted. enIorced ::l1d governed uudcr the law,~ oi .

dde: state where the ~mies nI locared, If any provision of ths Agreem~rr should be dcter.ed to bi:
invillid ar unenforceable, such piovision shall be deemed to be severed or limited, but ~nJ 10 the e:Uent tcquied to render the re:nining provisions of th AgreemeUt ent,)rcC".luli:, aad ihe Agreemenl ;; thus amended shall be enforced to !Pve drt:t to the intcnrion ofdde partes' insofii as wi is possible,
19.15 He::din~s .nd Gender. The¡ he::dings in this Ag:r~emect are inle:nd.:d

~olely for convenience of rcti:ence ood ~b:::l not in any way or m::nner amplify, limt, modit) or oll1erise ::ffeci the inierpret:tion ot':my piovisimi of d1s Agreement, ::nd the neUter gender and the singul:: or plur::l number sb;;l be to Tiicluúe the oilr ,g"nders or numbas wbenever we contc;t so indicates or requires.

19.16 EJlire A!!re~ment. Th A:¡eemeiii and !be cltiiis iilt:ched hewo ind my
writm a!,'reemi:::1S e;\e:i;uued contempoi:nnusly wiw wis Agreeint (claMg 10 the Pmtes, set forth tbe entire agreement between the pares and ,fully sup~ede ::ny ::nd ::Ll pror agrements or undcrsr..'idings
bi:t:wc.n the pnric:, pen::iiing to ihe subject matter hereof. 'id, e::ccpt :I oih"'vise c;\,?ressly provided

herin, DO ch::ge Tn delerion from or ::d.itiOD to ths Aff'1ei:nt shall be valid u.Less ~t fort in writing

and ';!,'Ted and dated by we partes he:cio. '

This ~p::i;e is inteniiumil1y luit blaiik.

i4 oj 18