Free Answering Brief in Opposition - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 2
Date: March 14, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 820 Words, 5,572 Characters
Page Size: 612 x 793.1 pts

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Preview Answering Brief in Opposition - District Court of Delaware
Case 1:04-cv-00920-KAJ Document 43-6 Filed O3/14/2006 Page ‘Pap_te27 oi`28
Not Reported in A.2d Page 1
Not Reported in A.2d. 1993 Wl., 258798 (Del.Super.)
(Cite as: 1993 ’WL 258798 (Del.Super.))
H Mcztterii v. Del.Super., 532 A.2d S5. 85
Only the Westlaw citation is currently available. (1987), citin __ tement, (Second) of Torts, §
46( 1). "·'·'
RULES BEFORE CITING. Extreme con _ E!- jtifit-ir
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Superior Court ofDe1aware. New Castle County. regarded ir y
von-vo wianoetnim, PlaintiftQ communi rn, · ,,.. *1H*T"'
v_ f‘·=2-tre ·-4· 'imq. dl hug-;} -$ *5-2:*:* I
Connie Bovo,oorononnt. nyu .."F".'!-"*·"
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Decided: June 14, 1993. *"‘* -. w to ucase
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D-ecision Upon Del`endant's Motion to Disntiss. "where t lh the
pafllus -.---IL-11p-I.:'I;ELl_:- I I__: 1 [-101
ORDER amounting to `- T____*·| · . P ' "
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DEL PEBCO, Judge 3he. distress · '
inflicted is so seve -· ag l_-_;_=-at=.;-tz;-_.;-._·_;_
*1 This 14th day of June, 1993, upon eo " ` r -· · I; J '- ` -· intensity and
_ __ . I - · -·i-·¤l=t-.¤;-we-·:t'.,.tI,·. tt-·t·r·t;· F U . _ _
ofthe rccoid in this case and the papers I . _ ________ _;;_ -___1.;_ R-- __ are factors to be
parties, it appears that: consid t=erity" lt]. ln
l. Plaintiff Yah-Ya Mandelaka filed the instant condu =-- 532 A.2d
complaint against defendant Connie Boyd, R.N. at S6.' ` " I
("Boyd"), alleging various facts in support a claim
{nt- intonttnnnl i .= ." __1. _ 3. In support of his claim, plaintiff alleges the
Boyd, o Correct `"` j. - f¤|l9~··ti¤al%¤¤l5·
_ -_ _ __,_‘·._ g.·'·':-JZ¤|·r-·- il".- .-i{`;··§*a-t __
supervisor and U gh., 1I£i_5:g§t' i-
ground that l____‘:j_ ¤Erll__?t;I '§_=*-Eff- · a Plaintiff was housed in the Maximum Security Unit
cause of action. ' ":”"1€' _ " " "+'·- n that ("MSU`) of the Delaware Correctional Center
motion. ("DCC") in 1989 when he first came in contact with
Boyd. Apparently, plaiiitiff was having stomach
2. The tort of tional infliction oi" emotional problems and hc reported to the appropriate
distress has adopted in Delaware. Its treatment area. He visited the area on numerous
requirements may e stated as follows: occasions, and alleges that Boyd treated him in a
One who by extreme and outrageous conduct hostile matter, different from the other prisoners.
in ‘ ¤i · 9V ask ¤ I ··--— - ··‘= ... .,, ... ..,...... - . ..
di _. I , t' Such Later, af moved out he
C . J- -.· - i. : I- . otnot- went to where -_·_ in
results from it, for such bodily harm. called him ¥"`_
U 2006 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
http;/fprint.westlawcomfdelivery.html?dest;atp&format=l—I'l`MLE&dataid=A0055800000... 3/I4/2006

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Case 1:04-cv-00920-KAJ Document 43-6 Filed O3/14/2006 Page Ecoql 2
Not Reported in A.2d Page 2
Not Reported in A.2d, 1993 WL 258798 (Del.Super.)
(Cite as: 1993 WL 258798 (DcI.Supcr.))
Accor ` :ve been inziny END Ol·` DOCUMENT
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back to the MSU. due to the
above-gtgited gittigitirmi hg *3:-"·‘ ¥"i’=’··*`·"·'·-·-; Cmmicnat
4. For her part. Boyd states in an allidavit that she
never threatened or irt1·Q§";?Z§:5;if *9
medical care, ailthougli ri ns
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Not Reported in A.2d. 1993 WL 258798
Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
http:ffprir1t.westlawcom./delivery.html‘?dest=atp&l`ormal=IITMLE&clataid:AO055800000... 3/14/2006