Free Notice (Other) - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 2
Date: June 9, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,104 Words, 6,775 Characters
Page Size: 622 x 792 pts

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AO BB gw 1/941 SQDa§§_la1,,;I(%¢5p,x{5§gQ927-KAJ Document 52-3 Filed 06/O9/2005 Page 1 of 2
issued by the
oisrnucr or
David Howard Fettermen
CASE NUMBER: 1 04-0927 KAJ
Choice Hotels Internationai, Inc.
d/b/a Comfort Inn, Comfort Inn and
Resort Hotel, LLC
TO; Mr. Eugene Yingling
15a Mercbentman Drive
Millsboro, DE 19966
1:1 YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the United States District Court at the place, date, and time specified belowto testify in
ine above case.
one Asp we
X YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear at the piece, date, and time specified below to testify at the taking of a deposition in fine
above case.
Phillips Goldman & Spence, P.A. June ia, 2005 at
1200 North Broom Street, Wilmington, DE 19806 1:00p.m.
Ei YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce and permit inspection and copying of the foliowing documents or objects at the place,
date, and time specified below (list documents or objects):
mcs I one me tins
E] YOU ARE COIV||‘v1ANDEDfo permit inspection ofthe foliowing premises at the date and time specified below.
premises I one Ann time
Any organization not e panytothls suit that is subpoenaed iorlhe taking of a deposition shalt designate one or more officers,
directors, or managing agents, or other persons who consent to testify on its behatf, and may set forth, for each person
designated, the matters on which the person will testify, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 30(b)(6).
assume orrioe slswswns me inolcit nnsvronfpolmirr on cersircimn one ""'
‘::;;i§i¤B June 6, 2005
£Z&V“~ Attorney for Plaintiff
resume or cette NA eaoossss Ans snows senses `"
Joseph J. Farnen, III, Esquire
Phillips Goldman & Spence, P.A., 1200 North Broom St., Wilmington, DE 19806
1 [Sue Ruta 45. Federal Flutes of Civil Procedure. Pans C & 9 on Reverse)
lt action is pending in district other than district of issuance. state district under case number

Case 1 :O4—cv—OO927-KAJ Document 52-3 Filed 06/O9/2005 Page 2 of 2
urns euros
ssnvso on tannin nrlnrn eminem or senvice
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(3RANvrr,r.r5, Monnjg PROCESS SERVER

I declare under penalty of perjury under the iaws ofthe United States of America that the foregoing information
contained in the Proof of Service is true and correct
Executed On
anna srouri one or ssnvsn
P.O. BOX I360
WILMINGTON, DE l9899—l.360
Rule 45, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Parts C & D-
tc) PROTECTION OF PERSONS SUBJECT TO SUBPOENAS subject to the provisions of clause (c)(3}(B) (iii) of this rule. such a person may
(1) A parrity or an attorney responsible for the issuance and service of a LQa°g;d§1r\§:°h§,;B31°;{tr§§;?§ gglgtzandss is Us"°°`s fmm any smh plscs Within the
subpoena s all take reasonable steps to avoid imposing undue burden or - - · . ·
expense on a person subject to that subpoena The court on behalf of which i. (H') rsqimss d]SIsI°5ws Df sflvllsgsd sr Gthsr pmmcwd mmtsrané
the subpoena was issued shall enforce this duty and impose upon the partyor HD Snap '°n.°r Waéysriaps *ES' Dr t d b d
attorney in breach of this duty an appropriate sanction which may include, but (N) Su IEC S a psts°n D Us Us ui sr
is not limited to, iost earnings and reasonabie attorneys fee. (B) lf a subpoena
(2) (A) A person commanded to produce and permit inspection and (i) requires disclosure of a trade secret or other confidential
copying of designated books, papers, documents or tangible things, or research, development, or commercial information, or
li’lSpECtiOl"l ot QFSITIISES DEEO l'lOtBppE3i'iti [JE-3i5¤l'i &ttl`lE QIBCE of production Of (li) requires disclosure of an unreteined expert's opinion or
inspection unless commanded to appear for deposition. hearing or trial information not describing specific events or occurrences in dispute and
B S b· h· resulting from the experts study rnadenot at the request of any party, or
iii irtjii iiri§%iii‘i'ii°ii,ii;§i‘r€ir7“iiiii¤”ii1iiiijirtiiitjiii tubt uritrust;treatin;ustziiiirinzittizriisrtrait;
0 su poena or e ore e irne speci ie or comp lance i suc time is ess . ·
tsnagr 14 uayil agar segiceé serre upon tile party or Httwnélj ¤¤Si9¤¤itif* liltiis mggjrjjjrgéogggégggiirsrgjnisshbéapcajrjg jimlzrggsagessalijlgessggrgggrsa ssuggséod
u poena rr en o ec lon o inspec ron or copying 0 any or a o e · · · - - -
designated materéaismcf the PIEUHSES Ifcbjecucn is made, the pmysgwmg shows asubstantral need fortne testimony or material that cannot be otherwise
the subpoenashail not be entitled to inspectand copyrnaterialsg or inspeolthe mst Wsmtut tmdug h‘s"sss'p snd sssurss that ms psrsss t° Wmm ms
premises except punrarrrrs an aaai ofthe court by which in subpoena was 5¤¤¤¤·r¤¤ •== ¤¤dr¤g,5¤¤.w·l* be r¤¤¤¤r·¤¤tv esrg,¤¤¤5gts¤· the ·=<=¤rt ear ¤r¤lsr
issued it objection has been made, the parlyserving the subpoena may, upon sppssrssss °F pm ssssn sniy sp"' spsm 's CO" 't'°“s
notice go the person oommalrlided to produce, move at any time for an orderto (dj [)t_j`['§ES [N RESPQNDQNG TO grjgpggpjp,
compa the production Suc an order to compel production shall protect any _
person whois not a party or an ofncer of a pany from significant expense ttl A Pgfslm VE·‘5P°"*d"iQ *0 A s”sF’°B"s te prcssss dssumsms shss
rdsujjjdg {mm {hd jj-jspddpdd and copying commanded produce thern as they are iteptrn the usuat course ofbusrness or shall organize
3 A O _ I _ _ _ and iabet them to correspond with the categories rn the demand
qUaEEh)O(r gm§jf§jr?j$EySng;g3;h;h§ Enum bywmch asubposnawas Issued Shag _ ‘{2) When information subject to asubpoena is withheldon a oiairn that it is
_ _ _ _ gnvrieged orsubjectto protection astrral preparation matenats, the ctarrn shalt
ir) frls to allow reasonable time for comptrance; e rnade expresslyand shall he supported bya description of the natureof the
(h) requires a person who is not a party or an ofhcer ota partyto documents, communications, orthings not produced that is sutticienttoenabie
travel to a place more than 1 DD miles from the place wnere that person resides, the demanding party to contest the claim
is ernpioyect or regularly transacts business in person, except that,