Free Declaration - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 13
Date: August 14, 2006
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 3,654 Words, 22,447 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 1:04-cv-00956-GMS

Document 232

Filed 08/14/2006

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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE : : : : Plaintiffs, : : v. : : COLONEL L. AARON CHAFFINCH, : individually and in his official capacity as : Superintendent of the Delaware State Police; : LIEUTENANT COLONEL THOMAS F. : MACLEISH, individually and in his official : capacity as Deputy Superintendent of the : Delaware State Police; DAVID B. MITCHELL, : in his official capacity as the Secretary of the : Department of Safety and Homeland Security of : the State of Delaware; and DIVISION OF : STATE POLICE, DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY : AND HOMELAND SECURITY, STATE OF : DELAWARE, : : Defendants. : CORPORAL B. KURT PRICE; CORPORAL WAYNE WARREN; and SERGEANT CHRISTOPHER D. FORAKER,



I, Thomas S. Neuberger, Esquire, hereby depose and state as follows: 1. I make this declaration on my own personal knowledge and I will testify hereto if

called as a witness. 2. On June 19, 2006 I executed my original declaration in this matter. At that time I

indicated in paragraph 35 that the time devoted to the fee application and other post trial Motions -1-

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would be set forth separately in another Declaration which I would file after briefing or oral argument on such Motions was completed. All post trial activity was completed on August 11, 2006 and so this is that supplemental fee Declaration that I indicated I would file. 3. The following attached exhibits are taken from my billing records which were

kept in the normal course of my law practice for the time from June 6 to August 13, 2006. Tab A, which is labeled "Sales by Customer Detail," is a printout from my original billing records. It is a three page chronology of all tasks performed and includes the date, the timekeeper and the time devoted to the task. The value of all this time is $86,842.50. Also attached as tab B, which is labeled "Time by Name," is a printout indicating the total time per timekeeper. My associate Cheryl Sasadeusz has recently married and so her married name, Cheryl A. Hertzog, also appears. Last is tab C, labeled "Time by Job Summary," which divides the time by tasks as previously identified in the time codes submitted as tab A with my earlier declaration. 4. A total of 366.5 hours of total time was devoted to the tasks described during this

period. This included the earlier fee application with its supporting declarations and legal memorandum; post trial briefing in response to the defense post trial motions which addressed numerous grounds for post trial relief from the jury verdict; post trial briefing on the legal issues initiated by the court; post trial briefing on the issues arising from the petition clause which the court deferred to post-trial; oral argument held by the court, and briefing on the issue of amending the Complaint to reflect speech to the media as a citizen by the plaintiffs. 5. In summary, of the 366.5 total hours expended during this time period: (a) 300.8

was devoted to the analysis of the twelve day trial record and preparation of the supporting


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appendices and post trial briefs1, 29.10 was devoted to preparation for and presentation of the oral argument to the court2, 14.5 to legal research3, the remaining 22.1 hours was devoted to client communications, meetings and correspondence. 6. Finally 3.0 hours of my time was devoted to the preparation of the present

declaration with its accompanying documents and analysis. The value of this time is $1,230. 7. The total value of the supplemental fee award which is being sought in this

supplemental Declaration is $88,072.50. 8. There also were expenses for document production and copying for the briefing

and appendices. Three checks were paid to the outside vendor Parcels, Inc. for this purpose totaling $320.32.4 9. The totals found in paragraphs 7 and 8 above should be added to those found in

paragraph 53 of the pending opening memorandum in support of this fee award. The total amount of fees and services sought for The Neuberger Firm thus becomes $731,548.50.5 The award for expenses and costs also becomes $39,049.33.6


From tab C this is time codes 90, 855, 250 and 500. From tab C this is time codes 50 and 60. From tab C this is time code 410.



Check 12195 on 7/17/06 for $67.10. Check 12202 on 7/18/06 for $35.26. Check 12203 on 7/18/06 for $217.96.


$643,476 + $88,072.50 = $731,548.50. $38,729.01 + $320.32 = $39,049.33. -3-


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/s/ Thomas S. Neuberger THOMAS S. NEUBERGER

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on August 14, 2006.
FTU\Atty Fees Briefing Post Trial \Supplemental Thomas S. Neuberger Fee Declaration


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Tab A

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11:21 AM 08/14/06 Accrual Basis Date

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The Neuberger Firm

Sales by Customer Detail
June 6 through August 13, 2006
Memo Item 855 Stephen Neuberger 430 Stephen Neuberger 110 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 855 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 CAS 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 CAS 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 110 CAS 855 CAS 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 855 Stephen Neuberger 630 855 CAS 410 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 110 90 90 855 CAS 855 CAS 110 CAS 90 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 410 CAS 790 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 855 Stephen Neuberger 110 CAS 430 CAS 855 CAS 855 Stephen Neuberger 110 CAS 110 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 855 Stephen Neuberger 90 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 CAS 110 CAS 855 CAS 855 CAS 90 90 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 CAS 410 110 90 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 CAS 855 CAS 410 CAS 855 CAS Qty 0.8 0.1 0.7 0.5 4.6 5 4.7 2 6.6 0.4 0.4 1.9 1.7 6.3 0.5 0.5 8.1 1.1 2 4.6 1.4 0.9 0.3 1.7 3.7 1 1 0.3 0.8 4 0.6 1.1 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.5 1.6 0.1 1.3 2 0.4 1.3 1 1 0.2 1.2 0.7 5.8 0.4 0.1 2.1 4 3 4 3.5 0.2 0.3 0.3 4.9 0.4 0.1 0.3 5.4 1 0.3 2 1.5 1 0.3 6.8 2.1 0.4 0.4 8.1 3.2 0.2 3.3 1 2 1.5 9.7 2.5 0.6 0.3 1.5 0.3 0.3 11.4 2 2 0.4 0.4 Page 1

Firearms Training Unit 5200-04 6/6/2006 Post-trial issues - meeting with MDH re: briefing; preparing thoughts on briefing 6/6/2006 E-mails from and to Ed 6/8/2006 Meeting with Chris 6/9/2006 Post-trial - working on post-trial briefing 6/9/2006 Post-trial briefing - working on motions and starting on briefing 6/9/2006 Prepare first draft of fee legal memo and supporting declaration without the actual numbers ... 6/10/2006 Finish first draft of fees and costs motion, declaration, and legal memo., 6/11/2006 Post-trial issues - working on fee application - draft.03 6/12/2006 Post-trial - working on fees briefing 6/15/2006 Meeting with CAS about post-trial issues 6/15/2006 Meeting with SJN about post-trial issues 6/16/2006 Post-trial motions - working on fees and petitioning motions and briefs 6/17/2006 Post-trial - Working on fees briefing 6/17/2006 Post-trial - working on petition clause briefing 6/18/2006 Post-trial - teleconferences with TSN re: briefing 6/18/2006 Post-trial - teleconferences with SJN re: briefing 6/18/2006 Post-trial briefing - petition clause OB 6/18/2006 Post-trial briefing - fees and costs OB 6/19/2006 Post-trial briefing - fees motion and OB 6/19/2006 Post-trial briefing - petition clause motion, OB and appendix 6/19/2006 Bluebook post-trial Petition clause brief. 6/19/2006 Review Petition Clause brief for SJN. 6/19/2006 Prepare TOC and TOA for Petiton Clause brief. 6/19/2006 Insert Appendix cites into Petition Clause brief. 6/19/2006 Review depositions and interrogatories for post-trial motions AB. 6/20/2006 Post-trial briefing - meeting with CAS re: merits briefing 6/20/2006 Post-trial briefing - meeting with SJN re: merits briefing 6/20/2006 Post-trial - meeting with CAS re: Garcetti 6/20/2006 Post-trial - working on briefing 6/20/2006 Review depositions and interrogatories for post-trail motions AB. 6/20/2006 Review Ceballos v. Garcetti for post-trail motion AB. 6/20/2006 Review Defendants' Opening Brief on post-trial motions. 6/20/2006 Discuss with SJN approach to post-trial motions AB. 6/20/2006 file memo on use of exhibits for post-trial motion AB. 6/21/2006 Post-trial - meeting with TSN re: post-trial merits briefing and Garcetti 6/21/2006 Post-trial - meeting with SJN re: post-trial merits briefing and Garcetti 6/21/2006 Post-trial briefing - working on merits/Garcetti AB 6/21/2006 Review order and calandar oral arugment. 6/21/2006 Review trial exhibits and defendant's OB and appendix for post-trial AB. 6/21/2006 Research legal standard of review for 59(e) motions to amend the judgment. 6/21/2006 Pick up Day 5 through 10 of trial transcirpts. 6/21/2006 Draft standard of reveiw for Rule 59(e) portion of AB. 6/21/2006 Pick up and disrtibute trial transcript for merits AB use. 6/21/2006 Review trial testimony for merits AB. 6/22/2006 Meet with CAS about posttrial issues. 6/22/2006 Review and analyze our petition clause brief and the logic of our argument for this ground to... 6/22/2006 Review our contempt brief and motion and email MH on a reply. 6/22/2006 Review Trial transcript for post-trial brief. 6/22/2006 Pick up transcript from court reporter for Day 11 and the verdict. 6/22/2006 Meeting with TSN regarding documents he needs for post-trial briefing. 6/23/2006 Review defense post trial merits brief and outline research topics for cocounsel. 6/23/2006 Compose table of contents and review Trial transcript for post-trial brief. 6/23/2006 Review plaintiffs' tesitmony for post-trial merits AB. 6/26/2006 Review trial testimony for post-trail merits AB. 6/27/2006 Legal Research on Rule 59(e) with regard to intervening change in controlling law. 6/28/2006 Telephone with WW. 6/29/2006 Post-trial briefing - Meeting with TSN 6/29/2006 Post-trial briefing - Meeting with SJN 6/29/2006 Post-trial motions - working on merits AB 6/29/2006 Meeting with SJN re post-trial merits AB assignments. 6/29/2006 Email to clients regarding issue for post trial briefing. 6/29/2006 Gather trial testimony for MDH for post-trial answering brief. 6/30/2006 Post-trial briefing - merits AB 6/30/2006 Meeting with SJN regarding appendix for post-trial AB. 6/30/2006 Meeting with MDH regarding post-trial AB legal issue. 6/30/2006 Legal research and drafting response to SJN on Rule 59(e) motions. 6/30/2006 Review trial testimony for post-trail answering brief. 6/30/2006 review cases and compose memo regarding Garcetti v. Cebalos and susequent case law. 6/30/2006 Contact copying service regarding appendix. 7/2/2006 Post-trial briefing - merits AB 7/3/2006 Revise our Garcetti argument in our Answering Brief, post trial. 7/3/2006 Post-trial - meeting with TSN re Merits AB 7/3/2006 Post-trial - meeting with SJN re Merits AB 7/3/2006 Post-trial briefing - working on merits AB 7/3/2006 Research and writing section for post-trial breif on punitive damages. 7/3/2006 Meet with SJN regarding punitives research and damages testimony re Foraker. 7/3/2006 Compile Appendix for post-trail AB. 7/3/2006 Review trial testimony regarding Foraker's damages. 7/4/2006 Rework Garcetti seciton of the brief, study the decison. 7/4/2006 Revise and edit post trial answering brief on merits. 7/4/2006 Post-trial briefing - working on merits AB 7/4/2006 Research and compile legal research on punitive damages. 7/5/2006 Legal research on punitive damages issues for the answering post trial brief. 7/5/2006 Meet with SJN to discuss post trial briefing on the punitive damages issue. 7/5/2006 Redraft of our AB to dedfense merits motions. 7/5/2006 Post-trial - meeting with TSN re: merits briefing 7/5/2006 Post-trial - meeting with SJN re: merits briefing 7/5/2006 Post-trial briefing - working on merits AB 7/5/2006 Compile documents and table of contents for post-trial AB appendix. 7/5/2006 Review post-trail AB draft and compile TOA and TOC. 7/5/2006 Research subsequent case law on Garcetti v. Ceballos. 7/5/2006 Review appendix for post trial AB.

Case 1:04-cv-00956-GMS
11:21 AM 08/14/06 Accrual Basis Date 7/5/2006 7/5/2006 7/6/2006 7/6/2006 7/6/2006 7/6/2006 7/6/2006 7/6/2006 7/6/2006 7/6/2006 7/6/2006 7/7/2006 7/7/2006 7/8/2006 7/9/2006 7/10/2006 7/11/2006 7/12/2006 7/13/2006 7/13/2006 7/14/2006 7/17/2006 7/17/2006 7/17/2006 7/17/2006 7/17/2006 7/18/2006 7/18/2006 7/19/2006 7/19/2006 7/19/2006 7/21/2006 7/23/2006 7/23/2006 7/23/2006 7/24/2006 7/26/2006 7/26/2006 7/26/2006 7/26/2006 7/26/2006 7/26/2006 7/26/2006 7/26/2006 7/28/2006 7/28/2006 7/28/2006 7/28/2006 7/28/2006 7/28/2006 7/29/2006 7/30/2006 7/30/2006 7/30/2006 7/30/2006 7/31/2006 7/31/2006 7/31/2006 7/31/2006 7/31/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/1/2006 8/2/2006 8/3/2006 8/4/2006 8/7/2006 8/8/2006 8/9/2006 8/9/2006 8/9/2006 8/9/2006 8/9/2006 8/9/2006 8/10/2006 8/10/2006 8/10/2006 8/10/2006 8/10/2006 8/10/2006 8/11/2006 8/11/2006 8/11/2006

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The Neuberger Firm

Sales by Customer Detail
June 6 through August 13, 2006
Memo Insert citations into brief. Review testimony for Foraker's defamation case. Revise latest draft of our A.B. on merits. Discuss brief with MH, SJN. Revise Fini and punitive damages sections of brief. Revise our Answering Brief on the merits. Post-trial - meeting with TSN re merits briefing Post-trial - meeting with TSN re merits briefing Post-trial - meeting with SJN re merits briefing Post-trial - working on merits AB Post-trial AB - Appendix and brief. Post-trial - working on merits and then fees and other briefing Post-trial AB appendix and brief. Post-trial - telephone with MDH re: RB's Post-trial briefing - working on attorneys fees RB Post-trial briefing - working on fees RB Post-trial briefing - working on petition clause RB Post-trial - working on petition clause RB Work on, edit, discuss our reply brief on the petition clause. Post-trial briefing - working on Petition clause RB and finalizing Fees RB Post-trial - working on fees; petition clause briefing Review and approve our final contempt reply brief. Review and approve our final atty fee reply briefs. Meeting with TSN re: state of post-trial briefing and merits RB Meeting with SJN re: state of post-trial briefing and merits RB Post-trial briefing - File organization and review Review and approve our reply brief on the motion relating to the petition clause. E-mail to Wayne Prepare issues for oral argument, memo to SJN, review defense arguments. Oral argument prep - Meeting with TSN re interplay between history of petition clause vs. fr... Oral argument prep - Meeting with SJN re interplay between history of petition clause vs. fre... Meet with MH on oral argument preparation on contempt. Set up and break-down of Plaintiffs' Trial Table and Trial Attendance Meeting with TSN re appeal briefing Meeting with SJN re appeal briefing Status telephone call from Wayne Legal research on amendment of the pleadings. Meeting with CAH re: amending complaint to conform to the evidence Meeting with TSN re: Rule 15(b) amendment to complaint to conform to the evidence and a... Meeting with SJN re: Rule 15(b) amendment to complaint to conform to the evidence and a... Calls to clients re amendments Call from Kurt re: status and further proceedings Meeting with SJN regarding research on Rule 15(b) legal research for amending compliant. Prepare outlines for use at oral argument next week, focusing on Garcetti issues.. Legal research - recent First Amendment Garcetti cases Oral argument prep - meeting with TSN re: Garcetti issues Oral argument prep - meeting with SJN re: Garcetti issues Argument prep - for Tuesday Research and prepare to draft speaking motion to amend complaint. Oral argument prep Legal research - latest Garcetti opinions Oral argument prep Complaint prep - drafting 2nd amended complaint Draft Motion to Amend the Pleadings. Revise second amended complaint pleading and motion. Revise and work on draft 2 of Rule 15(b) motion to amend Oral argument prep WOrking on motion to amend Review testimony and revise Motion to Amend the Complaint. project based tasks Attend SJN oral argument to the court on post trial motions. Present oral argument to the court on post trial motions. Meet with clients, meet with counsel about the oral argument today. Meet with clients, meet with cocounsel about the oral argument today. Prepare for oral argument today, review docunments and briefs to have ready. Oral argument prep - morning of argument Appeal - meeting with TSN about appeal briefing Appeal - meeting with SJN about appeal briefing Attend oral argument on post trial issues. Meeting with TSN regarding legal research on Rule 15(b) Legal research on Rule 15(b). Writing memo on Rule 15(b). Receive and download D.I. 230, answering brief on the motion to amend issue, distribute to ... composing memo on Rule 15(b) Compose memo on Rule 15(b). Motion to Amend - review D's AB and working on our RB Compose memo on Rule 15(b) Legal research on Rule 15(b) Meeting with SJN re motion to amend reply Meeting with SJN re motion to amend reply. Review pretrial transcript and depositions for reply brief for motion to amend. Edit reply brief on amendment issue. Meeting with TSN re: motion to amend RB Meeting with SJN re: motion to amend RB Working on motion to amend RB Review trial testimony and depositions for reply brief for motion to amend. Review reply brief on motion to amend. Work on Rule 15 reply brief. Begin work on supplemental fee affidavit. Meeting with TSN re: motion to amend RB Item 855 CAS 855 CAS 90 90 90 90 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 CAS 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 CAS 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 90 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 Stephen Neuberger 90 90 855 Stephen Neuberger 855 855 Stephen Neuberger 90 430 Stephen Neuberger 60 60 Stephen Neuberger 60 60 560 Joseph Robert 110 Stephen Neuberger 110 810 Stephen Neuberger 410 110 Stephen Neuberger 110 Stephen Neuberger 110 830 Stephen Neuberger 810 Stephen Neuberger 110 CAS 410 CAS 60 410 Stephen Neuberger 60 Stephen Neuberger 60 60 Stephen Neuberger 500 CAS 60 Stephen Neuberger 410 Stephen Neuberger 60 Stephen Neuberger 160 Stephen Neuberger 500 CAS 160 90 Stephen Neuberger 60 Stephen Neuberger 90 Stephen Neuberger 500 CAS project based tasks 50 50 Stephen Neuberger 120 120 Stephen Neuberger 350 60 Stephen Neuberger 110 Stephen Neuberger 110 70 CAS 110 CAS 410 CAS 250 CAS 90 250 CAS 250 CAS 90 Stephen Neuberger 250 CAS 410 CAS 110 CAS 110 CAS 90 CAS 90 110 Stephen Neuberger 110 90 Stephen Neuberger 90 CAS 90 CAS 90 855 110 Stephen Neuberger Qty 0.3 3.2 1.4 0.2 0.7 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 6.5 6 5.4 2.5 0.4 7.6 4.1 6.4 9 2.1 11.8 8.1 0.9 1 0.2 0.2 1 1.2 0.1 1.5 0.9 0.9 0.4 7.5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 1 1 0.1 0.3 0.1 2 2.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 3 6.4 0.5 7.4 0.6 3.5 0.2 1 4 3.2 5 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.7 1.1 0.4 0.4 1.7 0.1 3 1.2 0.5 1.2 2.2 5.8 4 1.8 0.2 0.1 2.1 0.6 0.3 0.3 7.4 2 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.2

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11:21 AM 08/14/06 Accrual Basis Date 8/11/2006 8/11/2006

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The Neuberger Firm

Sales by Customer Detail
June 6 through August 13, 2006
Memo Meeting with SJN re: motion to amend RB Cite check and prepare TOA for motion to amend RB. 110 90 CAS Item Qty 0.2 1.2

Total Firearms Training Unit 5200-04 TOTAL

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Tab B

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The Neuberger Firm

Time by Name
June 6 through August 13, 2006
Jun 6 - Aug 13, 06 Hertzog., Cheryl A. Firearms Training Unit 5200-04 Total Hertzog., Cheryl A. Joseph R. Neuberger. Firearms Training Unit 5200-04 Total Joseph R. Neuberger. Neuberger, Stephen J. Firearms Training Unit 5200-04 Total Neuberger, Stephen J. Neuberger, Thomas S. Firearms Training Unit 5200-04 Total Neuberger, Thomas S. Sasadeusz, Cheryl A. Firearms Training Unit 5200-04 Total Sasadeusz, Cheryl A. TOTAL 19:24 19:24 366:30 204:42 204:42 43:18 43:18 7:30 7:30

91:36 91:36

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Tab C

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The Neuberger Firm

Time by Job Summary
June 6 through August 13, 2006
Jun 6 - Aug 13, 06 Firearms Training Unit 5200-04 110 110 CAS 110 Stephen Neuberger 120 120 Stephen Neuberger 160 160 Stephen Neuberger 250 CAS 350 410 410 CAS 410 Stephen Neuberger 430 CAS 430 Stephen Neuberger 50 50 Stephen Neuberger 500 CAS 560 Joseph Robert 60 60 Stephen Neuberger 630 70 CAS 790 810 Stephen Neuberger 830 Stephen Neuberger 855 855 CAS 855 Stephen Neuberger 90 90 CAS 90 Stephen Neuberger Total Firearms Training Unit 5200-04 TOTAL

2:30 2:42 2:48 1:00 1:00 0:12 0:36 8:36 0:42 0:48 12:42 1:00 0:06 0:12 1:30 1:30 11:30 7:30 5:30 20:48 0:06 1:42 0:12 0:30 0:06 12:36 69:24 153:54 21:42 5:42 17:24 366:30 366:30

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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Stephen J. Neuberger, being a member of the bar of this Court do hereby certify that on August 14, 2006, I electronically filed this Pleadings with the Clerk of the Court using CM/ECF which will send notification of such filing to the following:

Robert Fitzgerald, Esquire Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads, LLP 123 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19109 Richard M. Donaldson, Esquire Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads, LLP 300 Delaware Avenue, Suite 750 Wilmington, DE 19801

/s/ Stephen J. Neuberger STEPHEN J. NEUBERGER, ESQ.
