Free Response to Motion - District Court of California - California

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Pages: 2
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
Word Count: 387 Words, 2,216 Characters
Page Size: 612.24 x 791.76 pts

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Preview Response to Motion - District Court of California
Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 17-2

Filed 01/08/2008

Page 1 of 2

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Chad Austin" Esq.SBN235457 3129IndiaStreef SanDiego, 92103-6014 CA Telephone: 9) 297-8888 (61 (619)295-1401 Facsimile: Attorney Plaintiff fbr JAMESM. KINDER,an individual

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I am overtheageof 18years andnot a partyto this casc;I am cmployedin andam a rcsidcnt l, the undersigned, dcclare that:

22 of the Countyof SanDiego,State California. of wherethewithin servicc occurrcd, my busincss and
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address 3129IndiaSt..SanDieso.Califbrnia is 92103-6014.

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Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 17-2

Filed 01/08/2008

Page 2 of 2


I caused be served January 8, 2008,the following documents: to on OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR PARTIAL JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS on the interested partiesin this actionthroughtheir attorneys, statcdbelow,who have as agreed accept to electronic service this matter,by clectronically in filing and scrvingsaid documents the Court'sCM/ECF electronic via filins server:

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8 9 10 11

DEBBIE P. KIRKPAI'RICK SESSIONS, FISHMAN & NATHAN IN CALIFORNIA.L.I,.P, SanDiego,California92106 ( 6 1 9 )7 5 8 - 1 8 9 - T e l e p h o n e 1 619) 222-3667 F'acsimile BRYAN C. SHARTLE S E S S I O N S , I S H M A N& N A T H A N . I , . I - . P . F LakewayTwo. Suite 1240 3850North Causeway Boulevard Metairie,Louisiana 0002-17 7 52 (504)828-3700 Telephone (504)828-3737 F'acsimile ATT'ORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTNAl'lON WI D ti RtsC'OV F.RYSYS'l'liMS.L'l'l).

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I declare underpenaltyof perjury.underthe laws of the Stateol-Calilbrniaand the laws of the United States, that the fbregoingis true and correctand that this declaration was executed on January 2008 at SanDiego,California. 8,

Bv: /s/ ChadAustin C I I A D A U S ' l ' l N .I : s q . Attorney Plaintill.James Kinder fbr M. Ilmai|: chadaustinr?lcox.ncL

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