Free Motion to Remand to State Court - District Court of California - California

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Pages: 2
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
Word Count: 522 Words, 2,748 Characters
Page Size: 612.24 x 791.76 pts

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Preview Motion to Remand to State Court - District Court of California
Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 39-5

Filed 02/22/2008

Page 1 of 2



Chad Austin, Esq. SBN235457 3129 IndiaStreet SanDiego, 92103-6014 CA (6 Telephone:I 9) 297-8888 (619)295-1 Facsimile: 401 Attorney Plaintiff for JAMESM. KINDER,anindividual

4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll


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Consolidated Action I ' R O O I T I rS l r l t v I ( ' l i O

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I am ovcr the ageof I 8 years andnot apartyto this case; am enrployed andam a rcsident I in l. thc undersigncd. dcclare that:

22 of the Countyof SanDiego,State California, wherethewithin service of occurred. nry business and
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is address 3 129IndiaSt.,SanDiego.Califbrnia 03-6014. 921

24 25 26 27 28 PROOF ' F SER VIC E O '

Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 39-5

Filed 02/22/2008

Page 2 of 2


I caused be served February 22,2008,the fbllowing documents: to on MOTION FOR REMAND; DECLARATION OF CHAD AUSTIN; EXHIBITS on the interested partiesin this action throughtheir attorneys, statedbelow, who have as agreed accept to electronic service this matter,by electronically in filing and servingsaid documents the Court'sCM/ECI, electronic via filins server:

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5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll 12 l3 t4 l5 16 17

HARVEYM. MOORE BIDNA& KEYS.APLC hrnoorellrJbid nakc) Jonathan Andrews Bovnton
Kirby NoonanLanceand lloge ibo)' DITBBIE KIRKI,A.I.RICK P. Sessions. lrishman. Nathanand Israel In Calilbrnia. L.L.P. [email protected] DAVID ISRAEL IIRYAN C. SIIAItl't,ti S E S S I O N S . I S H M A N .N A I . H A N . F & ISRAEL, L.L.P. disraelfg) bsharlr:r I 4scssi on tly lirsl classUnitedStatcs Mail to: A n s i sV i k s n i r r s Lindouist andVennum 4 2 0 0 l D SC c n t e r 80 South8'nStreet M inneapolis. innesola 5 402 M 5

DavidJ. Kaminski Carlson Mcsser & (g)crnt conr kami snkd Iaw. Ronald Giusso R. SheaStokesRoberts Wagner & rsiusso(ZDsheastokes.con') 'l'om l{oddv Normandin Prenovost NormandinBcrgh 'l'Normandin(a)onbd.comand Dawe

Mark lillis: Andrcw Stcinhcintcr Ullis.Colenian, I)oiricr.LaVoic& S t e i n h c i m eL L P r.

l9 20

I declarcunderpenaltyof perjury.undcrthc laws of the Stateof Clalilbrnia and thc laws

2 1 of the tlnited States, the foregoingis true and corrcctandthat this declaration executed that was 22 on February 22.2008at SanDiego.California.

By:/s/ ChadAustin
Esq. CHAD AtJS'l-lN, M. Attorneyfor Plaintill'..larncs Kindcr nct Email: chadaustinr'altcox.

24 25 26 27 28 -2-