Free Response to Motion - District Court of California - California

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Date: December 31, 1969
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State: California
Category: District Court of California
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Preview Response to Motion - District Court of California
Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 68-2

Filed 05/30/2008

Page 1 of 16



ChadAustin,Bsq.SBN 235457 4632Berwick Drive SanDiego,CA92117 Telephone: (619) 992-7 100 (619\ 295-1 Facsimile: 401 Attorneyfor Plaintiff,JAMES M. KINDER, an individual

5 6 7 8 9 l0 1 1 JAMES M. KINDER. 12 l3 14
IIARRAH'S EN'I'trRTAINMENT. Inc.: 1 5 HARRAH'S OPERATINGCOMPANY. I n c . ;H A R R A H , SM A R K E T I N G 1 6 SERVICE,S CORPORATION;HARRAH'S I-ICENSE COMPANY. LLC: I]ARRAH,S t 7 I-AUGHLIN,Inc.;HBR REALTY CO.MPANY, Inc.andDOES 1 through100, Plaintiff. C a s e o . 0 7 C V 2 1 3 2D M S ( A . f ) N B idatedwith 07CY2226DMS (A.ll])l [Consof
Judge: I lon. [)ana M. Sabraw


Mag. Judge: I Ion. Anthony.f. Battaglia DECLARATION OF CHAD AUSTIN IN S U P P O R TO F P L A I N T I F F ' S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO REMAND INO ORAr. ARGt.lMEN]'l Datc: . fu n c 1 3 ,2 0 0 8 Time: p 1:30 .m. Courtroom: l0

18 19 20



as 2 1 I. CHAD AUSTIN. declare follows:

L-) 1A


I am an attorneyat law duly licensedand admittedto practicebeforeall courtsof

the Stateof California, United States the District Court,Southern District of Californiaandthe Ninth Circuit Court of Appealsand have beenattorneyof recordfor Plaintiff in this matter since

25 26 27 28
N C A S E O .0 7 C V 2 I 3 2D M S( A J B ) its inception. If calledas a witness, could andwould competently I testifyto all factswithin my

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1 l 2 ") 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll


personalknowledgeexceptwhere statedon informationand belief. 'fhe facts statedin this declaration true, of my own personalknowledge. are

^ 2.

Attachedheretoas Exhibit A is a true and correctcopv of the Notice of Removal

filed by defendant Harrah'sEntertainment, Inc. on November 21, 2007


Attachedheretoas Exhibit B is a true and correctcopy of my declaration datcd

D.."-ber 28, 2001 andfiledin supportof Plaintiff s Motion to File First AmendedComplaint, naming additionaldefendants.

l3 14 l5 16 4. Attached heretoas Exhibit C is a true and correctcopy of my declaration datcd

December 21,2007 and filed in supportof Plaintifl.sOpposition De{'endant to Ilarrah's Entertainment, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss.

l8 1g 20

I declare underpenaltyof perjuryunderthe laws of the Stateof Californiaand the lawsof the United States that the foregoingis true and correctand that this declaration was executed by mc on May 30, 2008 in SanDiego,California.

D AT E D : y3 0 ,2 0 0 8 Ma By: /s/ Chad Austin

1, -) 1A

CIIAD AUSTIN, Bsq.,Attorneyfor Plaintiff..IAMES M. KINDER net Email: chaclausti nr'i?cox.

25 26 27 28
N C A S E O .0 7 C V 2 I 3 2D M S( A J B )

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James Kinderv. Harrah's M. Entertainment, et al. Inc. Case 07CV2132 No. DMS (AJB) Consolidated 01CV2226 with DMS (AJB)

Index of Exhibits ExhibitA ExhibitB E xhibitC Pages 1-3 Pages 4-7 Pages 13 8-

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- i : , q r . , , - r:.l :i . T i: i : c 0 u R T :
T N ) r , ) . J i i i r :t J ; i s i , i l r J 0 i j c i . L I F 0 R i A ;


D T P I I\ T

..er1!l 4 ntl " / .CASE . ' NU. nrs,t. 1 (t

JAMES zuNDER, M. Plaintiff,


i a

NOTICEOF REMOVALOF CIVI ACTION gg to 1441( b) ] fPur suanr28 U.S.C. 1332,


I 4 HARRAH'S ENTERTAINMENT, INC. and DOESI through inclusive, 100, t5

l6 l7 18 19
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thatspeciallyAppearing DefendanrHARRAH'S


2 0 ENTERTAINMENT, INC' herebyremoves the United States to District Court,Southern District

2 l of California, DiegoCountySuperior San CourtCase No. 3l-2007-000761I4-CU-MC-CTL (the 22 "StateAction").


Removalis basedupondiversity jurisdictionin that the Plaintiff and, Specialty Appearing

2 5 Defendants citizens different are of srates. u.s,c. $$ 1332,1441(b).) (28 26 27 28

e x h ; b iA +
\rnTr^r n r nrr

l Caset 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

ill t

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1 ll

Pursuant 28 U.S.C. 1446, to attached hereto collectively ExhibitA aretheSummons as $

Z anaComplaint theState in Action,Civil Case Cover Sheet, Noticeof Case and Assignment. ff r t-" - lllpraintiffsComplaint not include Stipulation Useof Alternative did a to Dispute Resolution 4 Process. furtherproceedings been or documents in the Superior No have had filed Courtfor the ll


s llCounty San of Diego.

'll ThisNoticeof Removal timelyin thatit hasbeen is filedwithinthirty(30)days of tl tl 8llSneciatly Appearing Defendant's receipt theSummons Complaint, or aboutOctober of and on 24,

tl t t ff a. 12 ll

ellzoot tl
Removal ProperBased Diversitv is on Jurisdiction. 1. PlaintiffJames Kinder a citizen Califom (See, M. is of ia. Complaint,t .) tf

r3l l
14 ll



t S at all timesrelevant this actionbeen, Delaware to a corporationSpecialty . Appearing Defendant is ll r O t"t a citizenof California because is neither it incorporated Califomia hasitsprrncipal in nor place ff
l7 llof business Califomia. in



SpeciallyAppearing DefendantHARRAH'S ENTERTAINMENT, INC. is, and has


Plaintiff alleges 3. that Defendants havemademultiple callsto Plaintiffs numberin ll i l . 20 llviolationof47'U.S.C. andthatPlaintiffmay recover to $1,500 a $227(bXlXAXiii), up as tl 2l llviolationfor eachsuchcall that was willful. (Complaint, 8-9). In addition,plaintiff seeks flfl 22




and attorneys' feespursuantto Califo -:rlia Civil Code sectionI 780(d) anclCalifomia Code lldamages

23 of Civil Proceduresection I02I .5. When attomeys'feesare recoverable plaintiff by statute, by the ll 2a llfee claim is includedin determining amountin controversy purposes diversity the for of regardless whetherthe fee awardis mandatory discretionary. of or (Galt G/S v. ./SS lljurisdiction, tl 2 6 l l S c a n d i n a v i a4 2 F . 3 d 1 1 5 0 ,1 1 5 5 - 1 1 5(6 t hC i r . 1 9 9 8 )M o r r i s o nv . A l l s t a t e n d e m . o . , 2 2 8 F . 3 d I, 9 ; I C 25




- -sl l r r r zi
ruu//oo4 uvL ll

(l lth Cir. 2000).)As such, is facially it apparent Plaintiffsclaims that morelikely |111255,1265




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1 thannot exceed on $75,000based the list of damages. (Sanchez Monumentat v. Life Ins,.Co.,95 2 F . 3 d8 5 6 ,8 6 0( 9 t hC i r . 1 9 9 6 ) . )


WHEREFORE, pursuant 28 U.S.c.gg133l,1332, 1441, to and Specially Appearing

removes case 5 Defendant this fromtheSuperior Courtof theState California andfor the of in 6 County SanDiegoto theUnited of States District Courtfor theSouthem Districtof Califomia. 7 8 9 10 1l T2 l3 t4 15 l6 17 18 l9 20 2T 22


N o v e m b e2 1 , 2 0 0 7 r

Maria C. Roberts RonaldR. Giusso Attorneys for Specially Appearing Defendant HARRAH'S ENTERTAINMENT. INC.



24 25 26 27 28
a -J-


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, I ^ z " . 4

Chad Austin. I:sq. SBN235451 3 12 9 d i a tre e r In S S a nD i cg oC A 9 2 1 0 3 -6 0 14 , T cl e p h o n(6 1 ) 2 9 7 -8 8 8 8 e: 9 liacsimile: (619)295-1401 Attornsy Plaintifl, lbr JAMESM. KINDIjR,anindir,,idual

5 6 7

ti 9
II 12

tJNt'rED srA'r'Fts Dtsl'RtcrcouR't. sourHERN DISTRICT cALu. otoRNtA
. r A M I t sM . K I N D t T R . plaintifl, ( ' a s c o 0 7 ( ' V 2 2 2 6l ) M S ( A . l t l ) N .ludgc: I l o n . I ) a n aM . S a b r a w M a g .. l u d g:e l l o n . A n t h o n l . f. I l a t t a g l i a , D E C I , A R A ' I ' I O NO I . 'C I I A t ) A T I S ' I ' I N I I i S T ] P P O R -O' F P I , A I N T I F F ' S I MOTION I'O I.II,E I.'IRSI' AM F]NI)I'I)
.lanuary2-5.2008 l:-i0p.rn. l0

14 ,J r( l6

v' t I A R R A I I ' S l i N I I : R ' I ' A I N M I I N ' I n c .a n d l'. I)OI-,.I through 00. nclusivc. S 1 i

'l)atc: I irtrc: ('ouflroom:

ro I Y 20
1 l

l , C t I A D A t J S ' l ' l Nd e c l a r a s l b l l o w s : , e l. I am an attorncy law duly licenscd admittcd practicc at and to bclirrcall courts ol-

Lt ,.).

thc Stateof California, [JnitedStates the DistrictC]ourt. Soulhern I)islricto1'(lalilirrnia thc and Ninth CircuitCourtof Appeals andhavebeenattorney recordlirr Plaintiffin this mattcrsincc of

:'. )4

its inccption.lf callcdas a witness. couldancl wouldcompctcntly'tcstily all lnctsrvithinnry I to


personal knowledge except where stated infornralion belie on and l.

26 Ut 27 28
N D C A S E O . 0 7 C V 2 2 2 6 M S( A J B )


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I 2 r: 4 5 case.

2. 'l'his

I am fully tamiliarwith all of the lactsandcircuntstanccs surrounding this declaration submitted supportof Plaintilf s Motion to liile First Amended is in

^ L omplalnt. I he matters stated this declaration true.of mr, own pcrsonal in arc knowledge.

3. 6 , 8 ') l0 ll 12 l3 14
tJ '<

I h a v ep e r s o n a l l ys t e n e t o t h c t a p cr c c o r d i n go l ' c a c h n dc v c r ) , c a l(l 7 i n t s t a l ) i d s a

nrade Def-endant Plaintilfs numbcrassigned a paging by ()19-999-999(). to to scrvicc


Oneof the 7 callsmadeto PlaintifJ-s numbcrassigncd a pagingscrvicc. to which

was madcon I)ccember 9.2003 at l0:19 r,r,as whatclcarlvappcarcd bc a prcrccordcd 1o t c l e m a r k c t i n g l lw h i c hs t a t c dh a ti t w ' a s n a d c n b c h a l l ' o l " ' l l a r r a hl' ls n c o r - r a s i n o . " ' l ' h a r ca (' t r o i casinois locatcd Vallcy(lcntcr.Sanl)icgo ('ounty.('alilirrnia.Mv invcstigation rcvcalcd in has thatthe Ilarrah'sl{inconCasino ownedby the Rinconbandol'Missi
16 l7

l9 20

21 22
5. .) 4 ^ My investigation publictitle docunrcnts revealed of has that IIARIiAI I'S 'l'wo ( (2)o1'thc L A U G I i I - l N , I n c .( a N c v a d a o r p o r a t i o n )w n s" l l a r r a h ' s a u g h l i n ' a s i n o . " c L o

prerecorded werecallspromoting thc telemarketing complained in thisaction calls of 25 unlawful 26 Ilarrah'sLaughlin in Nevada. Casino Laughlin, 2 Zg 7 ) ( AJ ? CAS[: 07C.V 2261) M S B) NO.

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My investigationpublic of titledocuments revealcd IIARI{AII'S has rhat

COMPANY, Inc. owns"Harrah's (]asino."'lwo (2) ol'theunlawful 2 OPERA'I'ING [.asVegas

prerecordcd telemarketing complained in this action calls of r.l,crc callsprontgtilgthc Ilarrah's Las VcgasCasinoin LasVcgas. Nevada.

4 5 6 7 tt 9 l0
l l


My invcstigation o1'public title docurnents rcr.,calcd Iltll{ ltUAL l'y has thar

COMPANY, Inc. (a nr-evada corporalion) owns"l larrah's Councillllul'l.s C'asino." Onc ( I ) o1' the unlawlulprerecorded telemarkcting callscomplaincd in this actior.r a call prornotirrg of w,as thc Ilanah's ('ouncilIlluffs Clasino ('ouncilIllLrl'li. in Iowa.

t2 l3
8. Onc (l) o1'thc unlawfulprcrecordcd tclernarketing conrplainccl this calls ol'in

(lasinoin Metropolis. t 4 aclionwas a call promoting Hanah'sMctropolis thc lllinois. I do not yct

l5 16
1 I I

know which llarrah'scntityor cntities ('asino. own llarrah'sMctropolis but I bclicvcthatowncr to be I{BR RI'.AL]'YCOMPANY. Inc..the sanre entitvwho ow'ns Ilarrah's('oLrncil l}lrrl'fis Clasino.

l8 l9 20 2l 22
. A


25 26 27 28
D N C A S E O .0 7 C V 2 2 2 6 M S( A J I I )

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I 2


I visitedeachof thc websites the llarrah'sCasinos 1br (IIarrah'sLaughlin Casino,

Harrah'sLasVegasCasino, Harrah's RinconCasino. Hanah'sMetropolis Casino and Ilarrah's CouncilBluffs Casino).Eachof thosewebsites listsat thc bottonr paltc"() 200] llarrah's o1-thc 'l'hcrelbrc. License Company, LLC. All rightsreservcd." I arninlbrnicdand bclicr,'c thal Ilarrah'sl,iccnsc Company. LLC is or nraybc a nccessar)i party'to this action.

5 6 7 8 9 10
l l

I declare underpenalty perjuryunderthc lawso1'thc of State o1-('alilornia thc lawsolanci the UnitedStates the forcgoing trueandcorrcct that is andthatthis dcclaration cxccutcd was by m e on l)ccembcr 2007in SanDicso.('alilbrnia. 28.

2U. l 3 I)A l'DD: l)ccember 2007 l4 l5 l6 I l y : / s / ( ' h a dA u s t i n C l l n l ) A t , S ' lI N . l : s q . A t t o r r r cly r r . i I ' } l a i n 1 i.l l A M lr S M . K I N I ) l r l t . l:maiI : chadausti nl.4cox. nct

t7 l8
l9 20 2l 22

1A L1

25 26 27 28
D N C I A S I : O .0 7 C Y 2 2 2 6 M S( A J B )

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, | ^ z ,

Chad Austin. l-sq. SBN235457 3129ndia treet I S S a nD i e g oC A 9 2 l 0 3 -6 0 14 , T el cp h o n(6 1 9 ) 9 7 -8 8 8 8 c: 2 F a csi mi l (6 1 9 ) 9 5 -1 4 0 1 e: 2 Attorncy l,lainriff, fbr JAMESM. KIr-DEI{. individual an


5 6 7 8 9 l0
II 12 l:i 14 ,r t< v' l l n R R A Il ' S I j N ' l ' L R A I N M I : N ' t 'I.n c .a n d 'l I ) O F S I r h r o u g h 0 0 .i n c l u s i v c . 1 Defendants. .rAMFts . KI^\t)tiR, M lrlaintiff. ( ' a s e o .0 7 ( ' V 2 2 2 ( r ) M S ( n j l ] ) N I .lLrdgc: Ilon. I)anaM. Sabraw M a g i s t r a t c : I I o n .A n t h o n y . l l l a t t a g l i a . DI.]CI,ARA'I'IONOF (JHAD A TJST'I N IN ST]PPORT F PLAIN'I'IFF'S O OPPOSI'l'lONTO DItl'I,lNl)ANT'S MOTION'I'() DISMISS 'I)atc: c : I'irtr .lanuary 2008 7. l 0 : 3 0a . n r . ('ourtnr

1 1

t t


I, C'HnDAUSTIN. dcclare follows: as l. I amanattomey law duly licensed admittcd practice at and to belbre courts all ol.

20 21 22

theState Califbmia, United of the States District Court. Southern District o1'Calilbrnia thc and

and attorney o1'record Plaintill'inthismattcr lbr since 23 NinthCircuitCourtof Appeals havebeen
aA /'1

its inccption. called a witness.couldandil'ouldcon, If as I petently to withinmy testify all facts personal knowledge except where stated information belicf. on and

26 2 2g



r D ( NO. CASE 07Cv 2226 M S AJ B)

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| 2 3 4 5


I am fully lamiliarwith all ol'thelactsandcircumsranccs surrounding this

'l'his oase. declaration submitted support Plaintilfs Opposition I)ef'endanl's is in of to Morionto Dismiss. The matters stated this dcclaration true.of my own pcrsonal in arc knowledgc.

3. 6 g 9 l0 ll 12 l3 l4 t5 l6 4.

Plaintiffhasin his posscssion Ihavc pcrsonally and listcncd thc tapcrccordings to

ol'cachand cvcrycall (7 in total)madcby Del'endant l,laintill-snumberassiglcdto a paging to service619-999-9999, SanDiego,Calilbrnianumbcr. a

Onc ( I ) of thc unlawfulprcrecordcd tclcmarkcting callscontplaincd ol'ip this

aotion. which wasmadcon I)cccmber 2003at I 0:l 9 9. was wlratclcarlyappcarcd bc a 1o

prerecordcdtelcmarkctingcall.'l'hcprcrccordcdnrcssagcslatcdthatitwasntaciconbc "llarrah's RinconCasino," (lalilirrnia.My located Vallcy Clcnter. l)icgo (-'ounty'. in San lnvcstlgatlon revealed thc Ilanah's Rincon('asinois owncdby,thc llincon bando1' has that MissionIndians andoperatcd onc or morco1-scvcral by llarrah'scntitics. includinR not but

t /

Itt l9

n e ce ssa riilmi te d d e l b n dant l y to IIARRn I' S IiN' l' l:R' l' n I INMI:N' l'lnc.( a I) claw ar e . corporation). IIAI{RAIl'SOI'>HItA l'lN(i tlOMPnNY. lnc.(a l)clawarc corporation).

20 tlARRAtl'S MARKE'I'ING SBRVICI:S (a r\'evada CIORI)ORA'I'ION curporarion) ancl
a L1 t

I I A R R A t I ' S L I C E N S E o M P A N Y . l , l - C ( a N e v a d ai m i t e dl i a b i l i t y o m p a n y ) I l o w e v e r . C l c . discovery will ultimately rcquircd orderto dclcrminc be in cxactlywhich llarrah'scntityoperates


24 25

the Harrah'sRinconCasino. A true and corrcctvcrbatirn transcript o1'tlicl)cccmbcr9. 2003at l0:19 is attached hercto ExhibitIl. as

26 ur


N D C A S E O .0 7 C V 2 2 2 6 M S( A J t s )


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One(1)o1'the unlawful prcrecorded telemarkcring complained this calls ol'in

whichwasmade February5. 2007al2:53p.m..includecl on I 2 action, whatclearly appeare6 bc to

'l'he a man'sprcrecorded voice. prerecorded message voicc promoted Harrah's Vegas thc Las Casino. l'hc gcntlcman in theprerccorded said messagc hc was"Scott that with Harrah's
Entertainment." A truc and corrcct vcrbatinrtranscriplolthat prcrccorcicd ntessagc attachccJ is

4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 il 12 l3 t4 l5 l6

hercto l:xhibitC. as


On l)eccmber 2007.1accessed wcbsitelor thc North ('ountytirnes 11. thc and

foundan articlccntitlcd "(iamblinggrowthcouldlcadto unlriendly conrpctition." trucand a corrcctcopyol'which is attached hcreto lrxhibitI). whichstarcd. as intar uliu. "ltincon. which haspartnered with l.asVcgas giantIlarrah's Entertainmcnt. hassaidthat its casino with 1.600 slot machines can't compcte with its neiqhbors withoutntoreslots."

7. tl l8

O n D c c c m b c3 . 2 0 0 7 .I a c c c s s c t h e I l a r r a h ' s c b s i t e .S p c c i l i c a l l y .n d c r r d w u

"COR I'OR A 'I'Il V IT S 'I' OR l.A IONS PROI,I:R S' lA' l' S" : IN Rfr I' lY

irol-l)ropcrtyStatsl, a listing I lirund of t 9 I[phocnix.zhtnrl'.)c:84772&p

20 properties various and statistics relatcd thcreto.At thctopol'thetablcrcad"HARltAlI'S 21 22

ENTERTAINMENT) INVESTOR r REI-AI-IONSPROPERTY STATS."Iboldand 'l'he underlining "IIARRAH'SI:NTER'|AINMENT'' of added emphasisl. subheading for read "STATIS.fICAL DATA AS OF JUNE30.2007."Oncof thcentries thattablc in rclatcd to


I Rincon refening llanah'sRincon Casino to Casino.According thctablc. larrah's to 25 "Rincon,"

26 has6l table hotel games, pokertables, f'eet l2 1,600 machines, slot 69.949 square of casino,552 21 28
( ' A S H N O . 0 7 C V 2 2 2 6 ) M S( A J B ) r


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(non-suite), hotei 101 suites,653 rooms/suites 7,648 1 rooms total and convcntion ccnter square I
2 .)
A r

feet. A true and conectcopy of the websiteprintoutis atrached heretoas lrxhibit I...


On or aboutl)ecentbcr l. 2007.I acccsscd. thc inte I via rnct.thc docunrcnt truc a

6 [i

'l'lre and correct copyol'whichis attachcd hercto t:xhibitIf. as documcnt. sntitlcd"Capruringthc Benefits ol'Casino Gaming: Economic An Developmcnt lnitiativclbr RhodeIslandSubmittcd by llarrah's Entertainment, Inc. to the RhodelslandSpccial llousc ('onrmission Study 10 (iaming.March 14.2003" assembly/gaming/whitcvcrsion.dgcl [


l0 ll

was acccsscd mc on thc Statc RhodeIslandGcneral by of Asscntblv's websitc" Itttn:// appcarcd lollowinglanguagc: thc Uldcr1_4;$nlb\'/. In thatdocunrcnt "ln l)ecember 2002,Harrah's l-ntertainment,Inc. ("Harrah's"), thc owncr/opcrator o1'26

,; l4
l' J <

c a s i n o s i n3 s t a t e s , a n n o u n c e d a p a r t n c r s h i p w i t h l { h o d c l s l a n d ' s N a r r a g a n s c t l ' l ' r iIb c . . . " ( l , third full paragraph). PagcI 0 of thatdocumcnt. thc third paragraph. thc following On in was "Harrah's haswitnessed on tribal landswith thc Ak ('hin Indianreservation language: it outside ol'l)hocnix. Chcrokcc the rcscrvation North(larolina. I'rairic[]andol'l)ottawatorni in thc Indians Kansas in and the Rincon band of MissionIndiansoutsirlcof San l)iego. And, the samecan be said for Harrah's olher propertiesin Missouri. Louisiana. AtlanticCity, New Jersey, Nevada, andlowa." [Bold and italicsadded emphasis.l for

l6 t7 ,o

l9 2A


24 25
)A zo


in On December 2007.1 20, lirr acccsscd websitc llarrah'sl{inconClasino the

Valley Center,SanDiegoCounty.California. I

san-diego/hotel-casino/property-home.shtml] of In thewindowin thetop,center thepage
7 A



D ( C CASE O.07 v 2226 MSAJB) N




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immediately "Harrah's Entertainment LoadingContent." 'l'hewindowthensaid (E rcad

Action,SanDiego 2 "Las Vegas Style!"
a -)

A .t

10. 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll 12
1 a l-)

lt is absolutely untrue that I'laintifl-filcd "l)cclaration a of'.larlcsM. Kindcrin

Supporlol-l;ilingIly Vexatious l.itigantin" in Juma.y Kindcr v Sprintl,(,\,4.y,s,ats, cl M. LL(:, a/., UnitedStates DistrictCourt.Southcrn Districto1-Clalilbrnia. No.07CV2049Welt Case JMA. No suchdeclaration filed in thatcase. was


I t i s t r u ct h a t .i n s o m cp r c v i o u s ' l ' ( ' l ' }rA a t t c r s .l r l c dl ) e c l a r a t i o n sy n r yc l i c n tt o n I b

'l'hat support initialcomplaint the liled therewith. is bccausc clcrk'solljcc at the SanI)icgcr thc SuperiorClourt ("civil business ol}icc") crroncously rcquircdsarne bclirrcthcy would acccpta

t 4 n e w f i l i n g . A f t e r . i u m p i n g t h r o u g h t h e u n n e c e s s a r y h o o p stcmc rs .a s i n , J u n t c s . K i n d c r v . i v c al M l 5 Allied Inter.ctate. Dicgo ('aseNo. (il('lJ-50543. San Supcrior Clourl w,hich liling rvasapproved by I6 17 l8 l9
thenPrcsiding Judge Janis Sammarlino liebruary on 26.2007. civil busincss krnger the no requircd clicntto submita dcclaration bc approvcd thc l)rcsiding my to by Judgc. At somcpoint on a dateI cannotrecall,a clerk with the court statcdthatthc Court's in-housclcgal dcparlment

20 had advisedthem that as long as my client liled throughcounscl. approvalliom the I'residing no 2l 22
filing by Mr. Kinder.whether actionwas for violations the o1'thc'l'('PA not. or
/J 1A

Judgewas necessary. suchapprovalhasbeenrequircdby thc court in any ncw



T'he thatno courtapproval fact should have everbeen required whenmy client

26 filedthrough counsel ratified thenPresiding was Judge Sammartino June28.2007.ln on by 27 28
D N C A S E O .0 7 C V 2 2 2 6 M S( A J B )


Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 68-2

Filed 05/30/2008

Page 16 of 16

I 2
a J

JamesM. Kinder v. Adecco,1nc., DiegoSuperior San CourrCaseNo. G1C882000. Adeccollled a Notice of Vexatious Litigant,affectingan automatic stayof that litigation. I timely filed an {

opposition Judge and Sammarlino liftedthc stay, holdingthatthc pre-lilingorclcr ('Cp ancl


5 6 7 8 9 IO 1t 12

391'7did not applybecause Kindcr had f rlcdthataclionthrough Mr. counscl and not In prsprig I'er'sona-A truc and corrcctcopy ol'JudgeSarnrnartino's Orcler attachcd is heretoas ljxhibit A.

I declare undcrpenalty perjuryunderthe lawsof rhe State of o1'('alilgrnia the lawsoland the UnitedStatcs thatthe forcgoing trueandcorrecl is andthatthis dcclaration cxccutcd was by me on l)eccmbcr .2007 in SanDieeo.California. 21

'l:l): l)A'f D c c c m b c2 l . 2 0 0 7 r

t4 l5 l6 17

Ily:lilelad ^ruUn
( ' l l A I ) A t J SI I N . l : s q . A t r o r n c yi r r . l I ' } l a i n t i l.l l.A M l : SM . K I N I ) l - . R I:nrai: chadaustin(zu,:cox. I nct

l9 20 2l 22

25 26 27 28
C A S LN O .0 7 C V 2 2 2 6 s (AJB) DM