Free Consent Judgment - District Court of California - California

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Date: June 19, 2008
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State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
Word Count: 768 Words, 4,893 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 3:07-cv-02156-L-AJB

Document 27

Filed 06/19/2008

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 v. 15 TZERO TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED, 16 17 18 AND RELATED COUNTERCLAIMS. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 For good cause having been shown, the parties' joint motion to approve consent judgment, filed June 18, 2008, is hereby GRANTED. The complaint filed November 9, 2007 and the counterclaims asserted in the answer filed January 2, 2008 are hereby DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE. Pursuant to the parties' joint motion, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: Defendant. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CASE NO. 07 CV 2156 L (AJB) ORDER GRANTING JOINT MOTION TO APPROVE CONSTENT JUDGMENT AND DISMISSING CLAIMS AND COUNTERCLAIMS WITH PREJUDICE AND CONSENT JUDGMENT


Case 3:07-cv-02156-L-AJB

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Filed 06/19/2008

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1 3 92008. 4


Plaintiff Pulse~Link is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the

2 state of Delaware, with its principal place of business at 1969 Kellogg Avenue, Carlsbad, California


Defendant Tzero Technologies Incorporated ("Tzero") is a corporation organized

5 and existing under the laws of the state of Delaware, with its principal place of business at 455 6 West Maude Ave. Ste 100 Sunnyvale, California 94085. 7
3. This Court has jurisdiction over this action, personal jurisdiction over the parties and

8 venue is proper in this judicial district. The patent claims arise under the patent laws of the United 9 States, Title 35 U.S.C. §§ 1, et seq. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over these claims 10 pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a). Venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C. 11 §§ 1391(b) and (c), and 1400(b). The Court has jurisdiction to enter and enforce this Consent 12 Judgment. 13
4. The Plaintiff and Defendant each, on behalf of themselves and their agents,

14 employees, independent contractors, personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and attorneys, hereby 15 releases the other party from any and all claims, demands, liens, actions, suits, causes of action, 16 controversies, debts, costs, attorneys' fees, damages, expenses, judgments, orders, indemnities, 17 injuries, and obligations of every kind and character at law, in equity, or otherwise related to: (1) 18 U.S. Patent Nos. 6,895,034 and/or 7,099,368 (including foreign counterparts); and/or (2) any 19 patents or patent applications (including foreign counterparts) that are continuations, continuations20 in-part, divisionals, reissues, reexaminations, or extensions of: (a) any of the applications that gave 21 rise to U.S. Patent No. 6,895,034 or 7,099,368 and/or (b) U.S. Patent Nos. 6,895,034 or 7,099,368 22 ( "Related Patents"). 23
5. Tzero has suspended development of an Ultra-Wideband product that was the

24 subject of the action now being settled. If Tzero (including any successor, subsidiary, subsidiary of 25 subsidiary, division, or affiliate in which it owns a majority or a controlling interest), reintroduces 26 the product that was the subject of the action now being settled or makes, has made, uses, sells, 27 imports or offers for sale products designed and intended to use Ultra-Wideband technology to 28 transmit data through a wire, and that reintroduced product or new product infringes directly,

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1 indirectly, literally or by the doctrine of equivalents the 6,895,034 or 7,099,368 patents or Related 2 Patents, Tzero shall first obtain, and Pulse~Link agrees to grant, a license from Pulse~Link. 3 Pulse~Link shall grant such a license to Tzero on fair and commercially reasonable terms. 4 Pulse~Link shall use good faith efforts to grant such a license within 3 months of Tzero's request 5 for such a license. 6
6. Accordingly, the counts, claims, and causes of actions contained in Pulse~Link's

7 Complaint for Patent Infringement and Injunctive Relief, filed on November 9, 2007, and in 8 Tzero's Answer to Complaint for Patent Infringement and Injunctive Relief and Counterclaims, 9 filed on January 2, 2008, are dismissed with prejudice. 10 12 13 14 15
7. U.S. Patent Nos. 6,895,034 and 7,099,368 are valid, enforceable, and owned by

11 Pulse~Link.
8. 9. 10. 11. The parties waive all right to appeal from this judgment. Each party shall bear its own costs and attorneys fees. The Court shall retain jurisdiction to enforce this Consent Judgment. The validity, construction and performance of this Consent Judgment shall be

16 governed by the laws of the United States of America or the State of California, as applicable, 17 without reference to any conflicts of law provisions of California law. 18 19 Dated: June 19, 2008 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28