Free Motion for New Trial - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 2
Date: April 27, 2007
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 743 Words, 4,532 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 1:04-cv—O1254-G|\/IS Document 226-3 Filed O4/27/2007 Page1 0f2
TO: Jeseph M, Pennell
· Chief ef Pelice
FROM: P. Kevin Smith .
Patrel Lieutenant
SUBJ: Felice Academy Training en December 24, 1956
p ”The Use Of Deadly Ferce“
I Sir, -
l This repert is intended as decumentatien ef the fact that the
recruits ef the 77th Wilmingten Pelice Academy have received sixteen
l heurs ef training in the use ef deadly ferce. The curriculum centent
fecused en the decisien making precess by previding the recruits with
\ a thereugh explanatien ef Title ll, Sectien 467, Directives 6.21, 7.3,
N and 7.9. Additienally, each recruit participated in a series ef
practical exercises te test their ability te make deadly ferce
decisiens under stress. The majer tepics cevered were divided inte
: the fellewing blecks ef instructien:
Part I — Intreductien
Part II — Histery ·
Part III — The Legal Issues
Part IV — Deadly Ferce Decisiens
§ Part V — Officer Judgment
I - Part VI · The Impact Of A Felice Sheeting
Part VII — Sheet / Den’t Sheet (Exercise)
i Part VIII — Critique Of Sheeting Decisien
i In an effert te cenfirm receipt ef the abeve training en this
\ delicate issue, I have cempesed the fellewing statement ef
“As a law enfercement efficer, I have been charged by the State ef
Delaware and City ef Wilmingten te carry a firearm fer the
` pretectien ef the cemmunity and fer my self defense. I recegnize
I that this great respensibility requires censtant training and
understanding ef the cemmunity’s desire fer law enfercement. I
acknewledge that it is my duty te attempt te make an arrest n
witheut vielence and with ne mere ferce than necessary. I will
make every effert te arrest witheut the use ef firearms where the
effender creates ne danger ef serieus injury er death te myself er
te ethers. I will net fire my weapen at the risk ef endangering
citizens, even when fired upen. I further understand that it may
even be necessary te allew the effender’s escape rather than
endanger any fellew efficer er citizen.”
DATE; Z? Ddig gis Rncnum SIGNATURE _ r*~ §7/$(§/ _
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I Case1:O4-cv-01254-GIVIS Document 226-3 Filed O4/27/2007 Page20f2
TO: Jcseph H, Pennell
Chief cf Pclice
FROM: P. Kevin Smith
Patrel Lieutenant
SUBJ: Pclice Academy Training cn December 24, 1956
"The Use Of Deadly Fcrce"
` Sir,
I This repart is intended as dccumentaticn cf the fact that the
I recruits cf the 77th Wilmingtcn Pclice Academy have received sixteen
I heurs cf training in the use cf deadly fcrce. The curriculum ccntent
I fccused an the decisicn making prccess by prcviding the recruits with
I a thcrcugh explanaticn cf Title ll, Secticn 457, Directives 6.21, 7.3,
I and 7.9. Additicnally, each recruit participated in a series cf
I practical exercises tc test their ability te make deadly farce ‘
I decisicns under stress. The majcr tcpics ccvered were divided intc
§ the fcllcwing blacks cf instructicn:
E Part I ~ Intrcducticn
I Part II F Histcry
I Part III — The Legal Issues
Part IV - Deadly Fcrce Decisicns (Exercise)
Part V — Officer Judgment
In Part VI · The Impact Of A Pclice Shccting
Part VII r Shcct / Dcn't Shcct (Exercise)
Part VIII — Critique Of Shccting Decisicn
In an effcrt tc ccnfirm receipt cf the abcve training cn this
f delicate issue, I have ccmpcsed the fcllcwing_statement cf
I understanding:
? "As a law enfcrcement cfficer, I have been charged by the State cf
I Delaware and City ef Wilmingtcn tc carry a firearm fcr the
_ prctecticn cf the ccmmunity and fcr my self defense. I reccgnize
Q that this great respcnsibility requires ccnstant training and
I understanding cf the ccmmunity’s desire far law enfcrcement. I
I ackncwledge that it is my duty tc attempt tc make an arrest
. withcut viclence and with nc mcre fcrce than necessary, I will
' make every effcrt tc arrest withcut the use cf firearm where the
Q cffender creates nc danger cf sericus injury cr death tc myself cr
E tc ethers. I will nct fire my weapcn at the risk cf endangering
L citizens, even when fired upcn. I further understand that it may
I even be necessary tc allcw the cffender's escape rather than
I endanger any fellcw cfficer cr citizen."
DATE: _§_@Q§; ,,3; Rncnum SIGNATURE x
___;r;j r. N