Free Letter - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 3
Date: December 19, 2006
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 938 Words, 5,852 Characters
Page Size: 622 x 792 pts

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Case 1 :04-cv-01256-JJF Document 1 10 Filed 12/19/2006 Page 1 of 3
BLANKE RO/\/lEtrr·
counselors AT LAW
!’Irane: (302) 425-6467
Fax: (302) 425·6464
Email: r!ahegri>blar1kr·grrr;·,goin
December 19, 2006
The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr.
United States District Court
District of Delaware
844 King Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Re: Magten Asset Management Carp. and Law Debentare Trust C0. v.
North Western Corp.; C.A. N0. 04-1494-JJ F;
Magten Asset Management Corp. v. Mike .L Hansen and Ernie J Kintlt;
C.A. N0. 05-0499-JJ F; and
1 Magten Asset Management Carp. v. Paul Hastings Jarwfsky & Walker
LLP; C.A. N0. 04-1256-JFF.
Your Honor:
Enclosed is a courtesy copy of the Motion to Compel Discovery (the "Motion to
Compe1“) filed on Friday, December 15, 2006, on behalf of plaintiffs Magten Asset Management
Corporation and Law Debenture Trust Company of New York in the above-captioned matters.
By copy of this letter, we are also forwarding a copy of the Motion to John James, who was
appointed Special Discovery Master in these cases. D.I. 63.*
The Motion to Compel is directed to detendant NorthWestern and defendants Hanson
and Kindt. While Plaintiffs have tiled the Motion to Compel with this Court, we believe that, in
accordance with the Court’s order appointing the Special Master, the Motion to Compel should
be decided by the Special Master.
Magten and Law Debenture have reason to believe that NorthWestern may take the
view that the absence of a reference to the Special Master in this Court’s Scheduling Order
entered in the above-captioned matters, has revoked this Court’s prior order appointing a Special
Master. However, Plaintiffs maintain that, in the absence of an express revocation, the Order
Appointing Special Master remains a valid order in these cases and the Scheduling Order must
be read in harmony therewith. Moreover, Magten and Law Debenture believe that NorthWestern
i Unless otherwise specified, the docket items cited herein are those assigned in case 04-1494.
Chase Manhattan Centre 1201 Market Street Suite 800 Wilmington, DE 19801
l200gj.·_@q!g*gg·,ar0r•662qigrJ;jq • New Jersey • New York • Ohio • Pennsylvania • Washington, DC • Hong Kong

Case 1:04-cv-01256-JJF Document 110 Filed 12/19/2006 Page 2 cf 3
The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr.
December 19, 2006
Page 2
has waived any other objections to the appointment of a Special Master by virtue of its
application to the Court for the appointment of a Special Discovery Master. See D.I. 59 ("we
write to confirm that the appointment of John E. James, Esq. as Special Master in connection
with the three above-referenced actions is acceptable to NorthWestern."); and D.I. 38 ("The
parties are in agreement that a Special Master should be appointed for purposes of coordinating
discovery in the Actions.") Additionally, none of the parties to the above—referenced actions
objected to the appointment ofthe Special Master. See D.I. 61 ("we write to confirm that the
appointment of John E. James, Esquire as Special Master in connection with the three above-
referenced actions is acceptable to Messrs. Hanson and Kindt."); and D.I. 60 (“Paul Hastings
provides notice that it has no objection to the appointment of Mr. James as Special Master").
Unless the Court indicates otherwise, Magten and Law Debenture intend to proceed by
pressing their Motion to Compel with the Special Master.
Respectfully submitted,
./..2 ray
‘ was
Dale R. Dubé
LD. No. 2863
cc: (All cc’s sent without enclosures)
Clerk ofCou1t (via CM/ECF and hand delivery)
John E. James, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Bijan Amini, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Jesse H. Austin, III, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Kimberly A. Beatty, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Philip Bentley, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
John W. Brewer, Esquire
Rebecca L. Butcher, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Brenda E. Cooke, Esquire
Victoria W. Counihan, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Amanda Darwin, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Robert J. Dehney, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Nancy E. Delaney, Esquire (via e~mail and Federal Express)
Karol K. Denniston, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Bonnie Glantz Fatell, Esquire
Dennis E. Glazer, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)

Case 1:04-cv-01256-JJF Document 110 Filed 12/19/2006 Page 3 of 3
The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr.
December 19, 2006
Page 3
Miriam K. Harwood, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
David A. Jenkins, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Stanley T. Kaleczye, Esquire (via e—mai1 and Federal Express)
Gary L. Kaplan, Esquire
Denise Seastone Kraft, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Adam G. Landis, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Dennis A. Meloro, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Curtis S. Miller, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Kathleen M. Miller, Esquire (via e-mail and hand delivery)
Kerri K. Mumford, Esquire (via e—mai1 and hand delivery)
J ordanna L. Nadriteh, Esquire
Mark J. Packel, Esquire
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Joseph D. Pizzurro, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Steven J. Reisman, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Avery Samet, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Bradley F. Silverman, Esquire (via e—mail and Federal Express)
John V. Snellings, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Paul Spagnoletti, Esquire (via e-mail and Federal Express)
Bonnie Steingart, Esquire
Matthew J. Williams, Esquire (via e—mail and Federal Express)