State Form 3833 3 (R10 /1-03) App roved by State B oard of Acco unts, 1 995
TODD RO KITA SECRETARY OF STATE CO RP ORATIONS DIVISION 302 W. Washingto n St., Rm. E0 18 Ind ianap olis, IN 46204 Te lephon e: (317) 232 -6576
Use 8 1/2" x 11" white paper for attachments. Present original and one copy to address in upper right hand corner of this form. Please TYPE or PRINT. Please visit our office on the web at ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF
Indiana Code 23-1-38-1 et seq. Filing Fee: $30.00
Name of Corporation
Da te of in co rporation
Th e u ndersigne d o ffice rs of the above referen ced Corpo ration (herein after referred to as the "Corpor atio n") existing pu rsu ant to the pro visions of: (indicate approp riate a ct)
Indiana Professional Corporation Act of 1983 Indiana Business Corporation Law as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), desiring to give notice of corporate action effectuating amendment of certain provisions of its Articles of Incorporation, certify the following facts: ARTICLE I Amendment(s) The exact text of Article(s) __________________________________________________________________________________________ of the Articles of Incorporation is now as follows:
(NOTE: If amending the name of corporation, write Article "I" in space above and write "The name of the Corporation is ____________________," below.)
ARTICLE II Date of each amendment's adoption:
(Continued on the reverse side)
ARTICLE III Manner of Adoption and Vote Mark applicable section: NOTE - Only in limited situations does Indiana law permit an Amendment without shareholder approval. Because a name change requires shareholder approval, Section 2 must be marked and either A or B completed. SECTION 1 This amendment was adopted by the Board of Directors or incorporators and shareholder action was not required. SECTION 2 The shareholders of the Corporation entitled to vote in respect to the amendment adopted the proposed amendment. The amendment was adopted by: (Shareholder approval may be by either A or B.) A. Vote of such shareholders during a meeting called by the Board of Directors. The result of such vote is as follows: Shares entitled to vote. Number of shares represented at the meeting. Shares voted in favor. Shares voted against. B. Unanimous written consent executed on _______________________ , 20 _____ and signed by all shareholders entitled to vote. ARTICLE IV Compliance with Legal Requirements
The manner of the adoption of the Articles of Amendment and the vote by which they were adopted constitute full legal compliance with the provisions of the Act, the Articles of Incorporation, and the By-Laws of the Corporation. I hereby verify, subject to the penalties of perjury, that the statements contained herein a re tru e, this ____________ day of ________________________________ , 20 ___ .
Signa ture of cur rent offi cer or chairman of the boa rd Printed name of officer or chairman of the boar d
Signa tor's title