M.S. § 524.5-313(c)(3)
State of Minnesota
Select County County of ____________________
District Court Probate Division Judicial District: _______________ Court File No. __________________ Case Type: 14, Guardianship
Guardianship In Re: Conservatorship of ____________________________
Notice of Intent to Dispose of Clothing, Vehicles, Furniture or Other Personal Effects
TO: THE INTERESTED PARTIES OF THE ABOVE-NAMED GUARDIANSHIP: You are hereby notified that the Guardian intends to dispose of the following property belonging to the ward. The property to be disposed of and the manner of disposal is as follows: Clothing: (Description) __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. (Manner of Disposal) ___________________________________________________________. Furniture: (Description) _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. (Manner of Disposal) ___________________________________________________________. Vehicles: (Description)__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. (Manner of Disposal) ___________________________________________________________. Other Personal Effects: (Description)_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. (Manner of Disposal) ___________________________________________________________. You have the right to object to the disposition of this property within ten days from the date of this notice and to petition the Court for a review of this proposed action. Any objection should be filed directly with the Court, and notice of the objection must be served by mail or personal service on the Guardian, and on the ward unless the ward is the objector.
Dated:___________, 20_____
____________________________________ Signature of Guardian
Minn. Stat. § 524.5-313(c)(3); Notice of intent to dispose of property must be served on the ward and all interested persons at least ten days before the disposal of property. An affidavit of service of the notice must be filed with the court.
GAC 12-U
Rev 12/03
www.courts.state.mn.us/forms 1
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