State of Minnesota
District Court
Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type: Dissolution
Select County
In Re the Marriage of:
Name of Petitioner and
Affidavit of Service by Mail Pursuant to Court Order
Minn. Stat. ยง518.11(c)
Name of Respondent
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF (County where Affidavit signed)
) ) SS )
I, (Name of person who mailed documents) state I am at least 18 years old, that on attached Summons and Petition upon
, being sworn/affirmed, upon oath, (date), I served the (Full name of by placing a
other party) based on the Order for Service by Alternate Means dated
true and correct copy of each document in an envelope marked "forwarding address requested" and addressed to: , State of in the City of , Zip Code and depositing the envelope City of .
with sufficient first class postage in the United State Mail at the Post Office located in the in the State of
Signature (Sign only in front of notary public or court administrator.)
Name: Sworn/affirmed before me this day of . Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: Notary Public \ Deputy Court Administrator
Rev 6/05-D
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