Free Form 9 - Hawaii

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Pages: 2
Date: March 10, 2009
File Format: PDF
State: Hawaii
Category: Court Forms - State
Word Count: 819 Words, 5,031 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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STATE OF HAW AI#I In the _____________ Court of the ______________ Circuit

G Check here if request is for Record on Appeal

Trial Court/Agency Case Number:

Appellate Case Number:
(or name of agency)

Requestor's Name: Firm (if applicable): Address:


Phone No.: Fax No.: Email address: Attorney for: G Plaintiff/Petitioner G Defendant/Respondent G Other (specify):

PROCEEDINGS RECORDED BY: G Court Reporter G Check here if proceedings are G Electronic Recorder confidential. (See below) Date(s) of proceeding(s) Type of proceeding (e.g. trial, motion, sentencing, etc.)

Name of Court Reporter (if applicable):

(Please complete a separate request for each court reporter)

Portion of proceeding for which transcript is being requested

Name of Judge/Hearing Officer/Agency

Date notice of appeal filed: Date transcript(s) needed: Requestor's signature:

Is a Court Reporter's Certificate of Prepayment or Waiver of Payment attached, or is a deposit of fees being made? G Yes G No
If a deposit of fees is made, I direct the clerk of the court to use the deposit to pay the court reporter's fees upon completion of the transcript.


REQUEST FOR TRANSCRIPT OF CONFIDENTIAL PROCEEDINGS IS APPROVED. Judge's signature: ACKNOW LEDGM ENT AND RECEIPT Date request received: Court reporter's signature: Estimated completion date: Date:
For official use only

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other applicable State and Federal laws, if you require an accommodation for a disability when working with a court program, service, or activity please contact the Chief Clerk, Supreme Court Clerk's Office at PHONE NO. 539-4919, FAX 539-4928, or TTY 539-4853 at least ten (10) working days before your proceeding, hearing, or appointment date.

General Instructions for Requesting Transcripts of Court Proceedings for Appeal Purposes
Note: Please refer to Rule 10 of the Hawai#i Rules of Appellate Procedure for the specific requirements for requesting transcripts for appeal purposes. 1. Use a separate request form for each court reporter being asked to transcribe proceedings. You m ay list on one form m ultiple dates of proceedings to be transcribed by the sam e court reporter. Use a separate request form to request transcripts of electronically-recorded proceedings from the supervising court reporter for a court, or if there is none, the adm inistrator of the court whose proceedings are to be transcribed. You m ay list m ultiple dates of proceedings to be transcribed on one form . If you are requesting transcripts of a confidential proceeding, please note that you will need to obtain the approval signature of a judge. See Rule 25 of the Rules of the Circuit Court which states, "The official reporter shall not furnish a transcript of a confidential proceeding without the court's written approval, unless authorized by law." W ithin 10 days after filing a notice of appeal, you m ust file with the Legal Docum ents Section of the court you are appealing from the original and necessary copies of each request for transcripts, accom panied by one of the following (unless you are statutorily exem pt from the transcript prepaym ent or deposit requirem ent by HRS ยง 606-13): a. a certificate by the court reporter being required to prepare the transcript that the fees for the reporter's services have been paid or waived; a deposit of the approxim ate cost of the transcript fees, as com puted by the court reporter in advance in writing at the rate established by the Hawai#i Rules Governing Court Reporting; or a deposit of the approxim ate cost of the transcript fees, as com puted in advance in writing at the rate of $150 for each hour of proceedings to be transcribed.







W ithin 5 days of filing a request for transcripts, you m ust either deliver or m ail the required num ber of file-m arked copies of the request for transcripts and accom panying docum ents to the court reporter/supervising court reporter/court adm inistrator being requested to prepare the transcripts. In the alternative, you m ay deposit the required num ber of file-m arked copies of the request for transcripts and accom panying docum ents in the court jacket (folder) of the individual court reporter being asked to prepare a transcript, or in the court jacket (folder) for requests for transcripts of fam ily court proceedings or electronicallyrecorded proceedings. The following are the required num ber of file-m arked copies of a request for transcripts and its accom panying docum ents that you m ust provide to the court reporter, supervising court reporter, or court adm inistrator being requested to prepare transcripts:

For non-fam ily court proceedings recorded by court reporter For fam ily court proceedings

3 + no. of opposing parties/attorneys

4 + no. of opposing parties/ attorneys 1 for each audiotape/ videotape/com pact disk to be transcribed + no. of opposing parties/attorneys

For electronically-recorded proceedings