Free Motion (Hearing) - Hawaii

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Pages: 2
Date: June 23, 2008
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State: Hawaii
Category: Court Forms - State
Author: Unknown
Word Count: 539 Words, 3,587 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Plaintiff(s)' DefenDant(s)' Motion to for ; Declaration; notice of Motion; certificate of service
in the District court of the fifth circuit state of hawai`i

Form #5DC38

Reserved for Court Use

Civil No. Defendant(s) Filing Party(ies)/Filing Party(ies)' Attorney (Name, Attorney Number, Firm Name (if applicable), Address, Telephone and Facsimile Numbers)

plaintiff(s)' defendant(s)' Motion to for __________________________________________ Filing Party(ies) requests that this Motion be set for hearing on a date and time certain. This Motion is based on the Declaration below and is made pursuant to: Rules of the District Court of the State of Hawai`i, Rule ____________________________ District Court Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule ____________________________ Rules of the Small Claims Division of the District Courts, Rule ____________________________; or Hawai`i Revised Statues § ____________________________
declaration I have read this Motion, known the contents and verify that the statements are true to my personal knowledge and belief. i declare Under penaltY of perJUrY Under tHe laWs of tHe state of HaWai`i tHat tHe folloWinG is trUe and correct: 1. 2. I am the Movant or associated with Movant as ________________________________________________________ The following are facts why the Motion should be granted (attach continuation page, if necessary):

Signature of Declarant: Date:
RepRogRaphics (06/08)

Print/Type Name:
MoThRng 5D-p-209

notice of HearinG TO: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please take notice that this Motion will be heard by the District Judge of the Court, in his/her Courtroom, at the address below: on ____________________________ _______________. 20_______ at _____ ___M., or as soon thereafter as parties may be heard. coUrt address Kaua`i Judiciary Complex Courtroom #2 3970 Ka`ana Street ¯ L¯ hu`e, Hawai`i i Mailing address for the above Court: 3970 Ka`ana Street, DC Civil Division, Suite 207, L¯ hu`e, Hawai`i 96766 ¯ i certificate of service I certify that a copy of this Motion was served at the last known address (es) of the Opposing Party(ies) or Opposing Party(ies)' attorney on _______________________________________ by Hand delivery or Mail, Postage Prepaid, at the following address(es)

Signature of Filing Party(ies)/Filing Party(ies)' Attorney Date: Print/Type Name

response to Motion/certificate of service

I DO NOT OBJECT to this Motion. I DISAGREE with this Motion for the following reasons: (Attach continuation page, if necessary)

Reserved for Court Use

I have read this Response, know the contents and verify that the statements are true to my personal knowledge and belief. i declare Under penaltY of perJUrY Under tHe laWs of tHe state of HaWai`i tHat tHe above is trUe and correct. certificate of service I certify that a copy of this Response was served at the last known address (es) of the Opposing Party(ies) or Opposing Party(ies)' attorney on _______________________________________ by Hand delivery or Mail, Postage Prepaid, at the following address(es)

Signature of Responding Party(ies)/Responding Party(ies)' Attorney Date: Print/Type Name In accordance with the americans with disabilities act if you require an accommodation for your disability, please contact the District Court Administration Office at PHONE NO. 482-2347, FAX 482-2509, OR TTY 482-2533 at least (10) working days in advance of your hearing or appointment date.
RepRogRaphics (06/08) MoThRng 5D-p-209

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