Free Affidavit - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Date: December 31, 1969
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Category: District Court of Delaware
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Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS

Document 48-7

Filed 03/31/2005

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Constitution of the Russian Federation
Article 10 State power in the Russian Federation shall be exercised on the basis of its division into legislative , executive and judicial. The legislative , executive and judicial authorities shall be independent. Article 15 1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation shall have the supreme juridical force direct application and shall be used on the whole territory of the Russian Federation. Laws and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation shall not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 2. The bodies of state authority, bodies of local self- government , officials , private

citizens and their associations shall be obliged to observe the
Russian Federation and laws.

Constitution of the

3. Laws shall be officially published. Unpublished laws shall not be used.


legal acts concerning human rights , freedoms and duties of man and citizen may not be used , if they are not officially published for general knowledge. 4. The universally-recognised norms of international law and international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation shall be a component part of its legal system. If an international treaty or agreement of the Russian Federation establishes other rules than those envisaged by law , the rules of the international agreement shall be applied.

Article 19 1. All people shall be equal before the law and courts. 2. The State shall guarantee the equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen regardless of sex , race , nationality, language , origin , property and official status, place of residence , religion, convictions , membership of public associations , and also of other circumstances. All forms of limitations of human rights on social , racial , national linguistic or religious grounds shall be banned. 3. Men and women shall enjoy equal rights and freedoms and have equal possibilities to exercise them.
Article 120 1. Judges shall be independent and submit only to the Constitution and federal law. 2. If after considering a case the court of law decides that an act of a state or other body contradicts the law it shall pass an appropriate decision according to the law.
Article 121 1. Judges shall be irremovable. 2. The powers of a judge may be ceased or suspended only on the grounds and according to the rules fixed by federal law.

Article 122 1. Judges shall possess immunity. 2. A judge may not face criminal responsibility other than according to the rules fixed by
federal law.

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Article 123 1. Examination of cases in all courts shall be open. Examinations in camera shall be allowed only in the cases envisaged by federal law. 2. Trial in absentia in criminal courts shall not be allowed except in cases fixed by the
federal law.

3. Judicial proceedings shall be held on the basis of confrontation and equality of the

4. In cases prescribed by the federal law justice shall be administered by a jury court.

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Document 48-7

Filed 03/31/2005

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CTaTbs:l 1 0



ocYLl\eCTBns:leTCs:I Ha OCHOBe

pa3AeneHIiIs:I Ha 3aKoHoAaTenbHYIO, IiIcnonHIiITenbHYIO III cYAe6HYIO. OpraHbl
3aKoHoAaTenbHOIl1 , IiIcnonHIiITenbHOll11i1 cYAe6Holl1 BnaCTIiI caMOCTOs:lTenbHbl.
CTaTbs:l 15





Aell1CTBlile iii nplilMeHs:leTCs:I Ha BCell1

TepplilToplil1il POCCIiIII1CKOIl1 cDeAepaLlIiIIiI.

3aKoHbi iii

IiIHbie npaBoBble aKTbl, nplilHIiIMaeMble B POCCIiIII1CKOIl1 cDeAep a LlIiI iii ,

He AomKHbl

2. OpraHbl rocYAapcTBeHHoll1 BnaCTIiI
3. 3aKoHbi nOAne)/(aT


opraHbl MeCTHoro caMoynpaBneHliIs:I

AomKHOCTHble nlilLla , rpa)/(,QaHe iii IiIX 06beAIiIHeHIiIs:I 06s:13aHbi c06nlOAaTb KOHCTIiITYLlIilIO
iii 3aKOHbi.
ocblilUlilanbHoMY Ony6nIilKOBaHIilIO. Heony6nlilKoBaHHbie 3aKOHbi He

nplilMeHs:lIOTCs:I. nlO6ble HopMaTIiIBHble npaBOBble aKTbl 3aTparlilBalOLl\IiIe npaBa, CB060Abi iii 06s:13aHHOCTIiI 4enOBeKa iii rpa)/(,QaHIiIHa , He MOryT npIilMeHs:lTbCs:I ecnlil OHIiI He ony6nlilKoBaHbi ocplilLllilanbHO Ans:l Bce06Ll\ero CBeAeHliIs:I. 4. 06Ll\enplil3HaHHbie nplilHLllilnbl iii HOpMbl Me)/(,QYHapoAHoro npaBa iii Me)/(,QYHapoAHble AoroBopbl POCCIiIII1CKOIl1 cDeAepaLlliI1iI s:lBns:llOTCs:I coCTaBHOIl1 4aCTblO ee npaBOBOIl1 CIiICTeMbl. Ecnlil Me)/(,QYHapoAHbIM AOroBOpOM POCCIiIII1CKOIl1 cDeAepaLlliI1iI ycTaHoBneHbl
IiIHbie npaBlllna

, 4eM npeAycMoTpeHHble 3aKOHOM, TO n P iii Me Hs:I IOTCs:I npaBlilna

Me)/(,QYHapoAHoro AorOBopa.
CTaTbs:l 19

1. Bce paBHbl nepeA 3aKOHOM iii CYAOM.
2. rocYAapcTBo rapaHTlilpyeT paBeHcTBo npaB iii cB060A 4enOBeKa
iii rpa)/(,QaHIiIHa

He3aBlilCIiIMO OT nona , pacbl ,

HaLlliloHanbHocTliI , s:l3bIKa , npolilcxo)/(,QeHliIs:I

IiIMYLl\eCTBeHHoro iii AOn)/(HOCTHOro nOnO)/(eHliIs:I , MeCTa )/(IiITenbCTBa ,

pen iii rlil III , y6e)/(,QeH iii 111 , npIilHaAne)/(HOCTIiI K 06Ll\eCTBeHHbiM 06beAIiIHeHliIs:lM

, a TaK)f(e

APyrlilx 06CTOs:lTenbcTB. 3anpe~alOTcs:I nlO6ble cpOpMbl orpaHIiI4eHIiIs:I npaB rpa)/(,QaH no nplil3HaKaM coLllilanbHoll1 , paCOBOIl1 , HaLlliloHanbHOIl1 s:l3bIKOBOIl1 IiInlil penlilrlil03HOll1
3. MY)/(4I11Ha

npIilHaAne)/(HOcTIII. iii )/(eHLl.\IiIHa IiIMelOT paBHble npaBa iii cB060Abi iii paBHble B03MO)/(HOCTIiI Ans:l IiIX peanlil3aLlIiIIiI.

CTaTbs:l 120
1. CYAblil He3aBlilCIiIMbi iii nOA4Ii1Hs:lIOTCs:I TOnbKO KOHCTIiITYLlIiIIiI POCCIiIII1CKOIl1 cDeAepaLlliI1iI iii

2. CYA, ycTaHoBIiIB

cpeAepanbHoMY 3aKoHY. nplil paccMoTpeHliI1iI Aena HeCOOTBeTCTBlile



IiIHOro opraHa 3aKoHY, nplilHIiIMaeT peweHlile B COOTBeTCTBliI1iI C 3aKOHOM.

CTaTbs:l 121 1. CYAblil HeCMeHs:leMbl.

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2. nonHOM041i1s:1 CYAblil

MorYT 6blTb npeKpaLl\eHbl

nOps:lAKe iii no OCHOBaHliIs:lM ,

nplilOCTaHOBneHbl He IiIHa4e KaK B YCTaHOBneHHblM cpeAepanbHblM 3aKOHOM.

CTaTbs:l 122 1. CYAblil HenplilKocHOBeHHbl.
2. CYAbs:l He MO)/(eT 6blTb nplilBne4eH K yronoBHOIl1 OTBeTCTBeHHOCTIiI IiIHa4e KaK B nOps:lAKe , onpeAens:leMOM cpeAepanbHblM 3aKOHOM.

CTaTbs:l 123

1. Pa361i1paTenbcTBo Aen BO Bcex cYAax OTKpblToe. CnywaHlile Aena B 3aKpblToM 3aceAaHIiIIII AonycKaeTcs:I B cnY4as:lX , npeAycMoTpeHHblx cpeAepanbHblM 3aKOHOM. 2. 3a04Hoe pa361i1paTenbcTBo yronoBHblx Aen B cYAax He AonYCKaeTCs:I, KpOMe cnY4aeB , npeAYCMOTpeHHblX cpeAepanbHblM 3aKOHOM. 3. CYAonpolil3BoACTBO ocYLl\eCTBns:leTCs:I Ha OCHOBe COCTs:l3aTenbHOCTIiI iii paBHOnpaBliIs:I

B cnY4as:lX, npeAycMoTpeHHblx cpeAepanbHblM 3aKOHOM , cYAonpolil3BoACTBO ocYLl\eCTBns:leTCs:I C Y4acTlileM npliICs:I)/(HblX 3aceAaTenell1.


qacnutDZO npaB3 BPU npe3Ugellme PoccDilclnBlJJegepaquu

Private law Research Center
Attached tn the Dffice of the President af the Russian ftderation

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS

(palgaHcKuu KogeKc

The Civil Code
Of The
nus s ia n fe de ratio

PDCCUU cion Ibege p


Document 48-7

Parts 1 and 2

~acmu 1 u 2

llpeaHcnOBHe A. JI.MaKoBcKoro BBOJJ.HBJI crans A.J1. MaKO8CKoro H C. A-XmCJlOBa

and an Introduction by A. L.

With a Preface by A.L. Makovsky Makovsky and S. A, Kbokhlov
Edited and Translated by Peter:D. Maggs with A.N. ZbUtsov

Filed 03/31/2005

llepeBOll. HD 8HrJJniicKJlJi mldK R naY'IBOe pea:aKTHpOBaHBe llHTepa );. M:)frca npD yqaCTHR A.H.2CH.JIJ.uoBa

Me)l(gyHapOgHbm qeHrnp $lUI3HCOBO-3KOROMUlfeCKO20 paSBUffiUR

International centre fOf fmancial and Economic Development
Moscow, 1991

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, "

- -

~ '

........................_................... ,.............-......... ~._

The Civil Code of the - Russian Federation. Parts 1 and 2. - Mos-

cow, Intemation~l Centre for Financial and Economic Development,

1997 , - 703 p.


ISBN 5-7709- 0037.

PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE CIVIL CODE ..........--..................................................
ACK:NOWLEDGEl\1ENTS ....................................................... 59

TO THE CIVIL CODE ....................--........................................ 60

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS


First Part """""""""""""""""""""""'h.................................. 145

Document 48-7


Div. I. General Provisions """"""""""................................. :......... 145 Subdiv. 1. Basic Provisions .................................--......-..... ,.......... 145 Chap. 1. Civil LegislatiOn................... .......... 145 Art. 1. _ Basic: Principles ofCival Legislation ........-..... 145 Relations Regulated by Civil Legislation .....u- 146 Art. 3. CMI. Legislation and Other Acts Containing Norms ofCivi) Law ...................-.. 147 Art. 4. Th~ Effect of Civil Legislation in Tune """""- 147 Art. 5. Customs of Trade .... ,..--....-.-.....................- 148 Art. 6. Application of Civil Legislation by Analogy ................--.................--....--............ 148 Art. 7. Civil Legislation and the Rules

Art. 2.

Chap. 2. The Origin Of Civil Law Rights And Duties,

ofIntemational Law ....-.-........................---.... 148

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Art. 8.

The Exercise And Protection Of Civil Law Rights _....._.._.......oooo..._---......._............149 Grounds for the Origin of Civil Law Rights and Duties ..............................-....................-- 149 Art. 9Exercise ofCivi1 Law Rights """""""""""'-'" ISO Art. 10. LimitsofEXCICise ofCivULaw Rights """""" 150 Art. 11. fndicia! Protection of Civil Law Rights ..... ...... 150 Art. 12. Means of Protection of Civil Law Rights ......n. 150 Art. 13Declaration of an Act of a Slatt: Agency or of an Agency of Local Self-Government
as Invalid........_....-.....oo.......--...............-........... IS I
151 Art. 15. Compensation for Damages.............................. 151
Art, 14. Self- Protection

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10 International Centre for Financial and Economic Development , 1997

of Civil Law Rights ....__..........

Such a solution of a long existing problem of the relation of obli-

gations from unjust ' enrichment with other institutions of civil law is

First Part

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS

useful. It is a matter of having the nQrms on unjust enrichment contain answers to certain qu~tions that have not always been solved in the rules on the invalidity of transactions , on vindicatory actions, on deJicts , on the return of excess received under a contract. In particular, it is the question on the fate of income exlrncted nom property unlawfully received (or saved) or withheld , on compensation for expenditures for the maintenance of this property. In this and in other cases , the supplementary application of the rules on unjUSt enrichment allows the solution of questions for which the statute does not give a direct answer.


Document 48-7

Article 1. Basic Principles of Civil Legislation
1. Civil legislation is based on the recognition of the equality of the participants in the relations regulated by it, the inviolability of ownership, freedom of contract , the impermissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in private affairs , the necessity of the unhindered realization of civil law rights, ensuring the restoration ofviolated rights and judicial protection of Ihem. 2. Citizens (natural persons) and legal persons shall obtain and
exercise their civil law rights by their own will and in their own interest. They sha1l be free in the establishment of their rights and duties on the basis of contract and in detenniDing any terms of contract not
contradictory to legislation.

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Civil law rightS may be limited on the basis of a Federal Statute
and only to the extent to ' which it is necessary for the purposes of

defending the bases of the Constitutional order, the morals , health, rights , and legal interests of other pel"S()ns , of ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state.
3. Goods, services , and financial assets may be moved freely about on the whole territory of the Russian Federation.

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--_.---, -- ----

Limitations on the movement of goods and services maybe introduced in accordance with a Federal statute if this is necessary to ensure safety, defense of human life and bealth. or the protection of nature and of cultural values.

Article 3. Civil Legislation and Other Acts Containing Nonns of Civil Law
L In accordance with the Constitution oftbe Russian Federation, civil legislation is in the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. 2. Civil legislation consists of the present Code and other Federal
statutes adopted in accordance with it (hereinafter-statutes),

Article 2. Relations ReguJated by Civil Legislation
present Code.


lating the relations indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 2 oithe

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS

the present Code.

Nonns of civil law contained in other statutes must confonn to

Document 48-7

3. The relations indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 2 of the present Code may also be regulated by edicts oCtIle President of the Russian Federation, which must not contradict the present Code nor other statutes. 4. On the basis and in fulfil1ment of the present Code and other statutes . and of edicts of the President afthe Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation bas the right to adopt decrees containing norms of civi1law. 5. In case of contradiction between an edict of the President of the Russian Federation or a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and the present Code or another statute, the present Code or the respective statute shall be applied. 6. The effect and application of DODDS of civil law contained in edicts of the President of the Russian F~deration and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (herein.a:fter--other legal acts), shall be determined by the rules of the present Chapter. 7. Ministries and other Federal agencies of executive authority

may issue acts containing nonns of civil law in fuc1nstances and within the limits provided by the present Code , other statutes , and
other legal actsArticle 4. The Effect of Civil Legislation

1, Civil legislation determines tl1e legal position of the participants in civil commerce , the grounds for the origin and the procedure for realization of the right of ownership and other rights in things. of exclusive rights to the results ofintellectual activity (intellectual property). regulates contractual and other obligations and also other property relations and related personal non-property relations based upon equality, autonomy ofwi~l and the property independence of the participants. Citizens and legal persons are the participants in relations regulated by civil legislatioll. The Russian Federation . subjects of the Russian Federation , and municipal fOl111ations may also participate in (elations regulated by civil legislation (Article 124). Civil legislation regulates the relations between persons engaging in entrepreneurial activity or with their participation, proceeding from the position that entrepreneurial activity is independent activity done at one s own risk directed at the systematic receipt of profit from the use of property, sale of goods , performance of work, or rendering of service by persOt18 registered in this capacity by theprocedure established by a statute. Tbe rules established by civil legislation shall be applied to rela- tions w~th the participation of foreigtl. citizens , persons without citizenship, and foreign legal persons, unless otherwise provided by a Federal statute. 2. Inalienable rigbts and freedoms of man and other nonmaterial values shall be protected by civil legislation unless it follows otherwise from the nature oftbese nonmaterial values.

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in TIme
I. Acts of civil1egis1ation do not have retroactive force and shall
be applied to relations that have arisen after they came into effect. The effect of a stiitute shall extend to relations that arose before it

3. Civil legislation shall not be applied to property relations based on administrative or other authoritative subordination of one party to another, including tax and other fInancial and administrative relations , unless otherwise provided by legislatioo.

went into effect only in the cases when this is directiy provided by a statute.

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established by a statute.
threat ofits violation;

2, Rights to property subject to state registration arise nom the time of registration of the respective rights to it, unless otherwise

reinstating the situation that existed before the violation of the right and stopping the activities that violated the right or created a
declaration of an avoidabfe transaction as invalid and applying the consequences of its invalidity or applying the consequences of
the invaliditY of a void transaction;
declaration of the invalidity of an act of a state agency or

Article 9. Exercise of Civil Law "Rights

I. Citizens and legal persons may exercise at their discretion the civil law rights belonging to them. 2. Failure by citizens or legal persons to exercise rights belonging to them shall not entail tennination of these rights , with the exception of cases provided by a statute.

agency oflocal self- government; self-protection of a right;
ajudgme~t forperfonnance


Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS

Article 10. Limits of Exercise of Civil Law Rights

of an obligation in kind; compensation for damages; recovery of a penalty; compensation for moral hann; tennination or alteration of a legal relation; non-application by a court of an act of a state agency or of an agency of local self-government that contradicts a statute; by other manners provided by a statute.

Article 1.3. Declaration of 3n Act of a State Agency or of an Agency of Local Self-Governm ent as IDvalid
A non-normative act of a state agency or of an agency of local
, also a act, not complying with a statute or other legal acts andnormative violating
c.ivi1law rights or interestS protected by a statute of a
sel f- government and , in cases provided by a statute

Document 48-7

1. ActiODS , of citizens and legal persons taken exclusively with the intention to cause hanIi to another person are not allowed, nor is abuse of a legal right allowed in other forms. Use of civil law rights for the pUIpOse of restricting competition is not allowed, nor is abuse of a dominant position on the market. 2. In case of failure to observe the requirements provided by Paragraph I of the present Article , the court. commercial coUrt , or court of private arbitration may refuse the person protection of the right belonging ~ him. 3. In cases when a statute places protection of civil law rights in dependence upon whether these rights were exercised reasonably and in good faith , the reasonableness of actions and the good faith of the participants in civil legal relations shall be presumed.

dtizen or legal

Article 11. Judicial Protection of CivD Law Rights

person may be declared invalid by a court. In case of declaration by a court of an act as invalid the violated right shall be subject to re~temeDt or to protection. in the other manners provided by Article 12 of the present Code.
Article 14. Seif-ProtedioB

1. Protection of violated or dispuu;d ci vi1 Jaw rights shall be provided, in accordance with the jurisdiction over cases establisl;1ed by procedural legislation, by a court, commercial court, or court of pri-

of Civil Law Rights'
Self-protection of civil Jaw rights is allowed. The means of self-protection must be proportional to the violation and not go outside the bounds of the actions necessary for stop.
ping the violation.

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vate arbitration


2. Protection of civil law rights by an administrative procedure shalJ be effectuated only In cases provided for by a statute. A decision taken by an administrative procedure may be appealed in court.

Article 12. Means of Protection of Civil Law Rights

Article 15. Compensation for Damages
1. A person whose nght has been violated may demand full

The protection of civil law rights is effectuated by way of: recognition of a right;

compensation for the, damagcs caused to it unless a statute or contract provides for compensation for damages m a lesser amount.


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... h

. ~-


-,,-- ---- .'.

2. Damages means the expenses that the person whose right was violated has made or must make to reinstatethe right that was violat, or the loss or hann to its property (actual damage), and also in-

not forbi dden by a statute; found legal persons independently or jointly

come not received tbat this person would have received under the

with other citizen~ and legal persons; conclude any other transac. tions 110t contrary-to a statute and participate in obligations; choose a

usual conditions of civil commerce if

place of residence; have the rights of authors of works ' of scielKe literature, and art, of inventions and other results of inteIlectual acnonproperty rights.

tivity protected by a statute; have other property rights and personal

its right had not been violated (lost profit). If the person who has violated a right has received income as a result, the person whose right has been violated shall be entitled to demand-along with other damages--compensation for Jost profit in an amount not less than such income.

Article 19. The Name of a Citizen

Article 16. Compensation for the Damages Caused by
State Agencies and Agencies of Local Self-

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS


Damages caused to a citizen or legal person as the result ofillegal actions of (or failure to act by) state agencies self-government, or officials of these agencies , agencies of local , including the issuance of an act of a state agency or agency onocal self-government

1. A citizen shall obtain and exercise rights and duties under his own name, including his family name and given name , and also his patronymic unless otherwise follows from a statute or ethnic custom. In cases and by the procedure provided by a statute , a citizen may use a pseudonym (made-up name). 2. A citizen has the. right to change his name by the procedure established ~y a statute. A change of name by a citizen shall not be a basis for terminating or ooanging his rights and duties obtained
del" the previous namc.

that does not correspond to a statute or other legal act,

Document 48-7

ject to compensation by the Russian Federation the respective subject of the Russian Federation , or the municipal ,fonnation.

be sub-

A citizen is obligated to take the necessazy measures to notifY bis debtors and creditors of the change onus name and bears the risk of consequences caused if these persons lack information on his change

Subdivision 2. PERSONS


A citizen wbo bas changed bis name has the right to demand the entry, at his expense, of tbe relevant changes in docwnents fonnalized in his former name. 3. The name obtained by a citizen at birth and also a change of name are subject to registration by the procedure established for registration of acts of civil status.
4. Obtaining rights and duties undel" the

Article t 7. The Legal Capacity of a Citizen
1. The ability to have civil law rights and bear duties (civil legal

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recognized in equal measure for all citizens.

2. The legal capacity ora citizen arises at the time of his birth and is tenninated by death.

Article 18. Content of the Legal Capacity of Citizens

Citizens may have property by right of ownership; inherit and bequeath property; engage in entrepreneurial andany other activity

name of another person is not allowed. 5. Harm caused to a citizen as the result of improper use of his name is subject to compensation in accordance with the pl'esent Code. In case of distortion or use of the name of a citizen in mannCIB or in a form that impinges upon his bonor, dignity, or business reputation, the rules provided by Article J 52 of the present Code shall be applied.


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Article 56. Liability


a Legal Person

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS

organizations and also of unitary enterprises and , in cases provided by a statute , of other commercial organizations must contain an indi- ' cation of the nature of the activity of the legal person. ~. Th~ seat of a legal person is dctennined by the place of its state registration , unless, in accordance with a statute, it has been established otherwise in the founding documents of the legal person. 3. The name and seat of a legal person shall be indicated in its ' ; founding documents. 4. A legal person that is a commercial organization must have a firm name. . A legal person whose firm name has been registered by the estabhsbcd procedure bas the exclusive right to its use. A person who has unlawfully used another s registered firm name, ' on demand of the holder of the right to the firm name, shall be obligated to stop its use and compensate for the damages caused.

j' , 1. Legal

The procedure for registration and use of firm names shall be determined by a statute and other legal acts in accordance with the '

present Code.

Document 48-7

Article 55. Representative Offices and Branches

peTSOns other than owner- financed institutions shaH be iitble for their obligations with all property belonging to them. , .., 2. A Treasury enterprise or an institution financed by its owner s~all be liable for its obligations by the procedure and on the condiby Paragraph 5 of Article 113 , by Article 115, and by ~ons provided Article 120 oftbe present Code. : '- 3. The founder of( or a participant in) a legal person or the o""'"Iler of its property shall not be liable for the obligations ofthe legal person. and the legal person shall not be liable for the obligations of the founder (or participant) or owner, with the exception of cases pro" ~ided by the present Code or by the founding documents of the legal person. lfthe insolvency (or bankruptcy) of a legal person is caused by \he founders (or participants), by the owner of the property of the ~egal Pc:rson, or by other persons that have the right to give instruc~ons obligatory for this person or otherwise have the possibility to , determine its actions , then subsidiary liability for its obligations may be placed upon such persons in case of ins~1fIiciency of the property of the legal person.

1. A repres~tative office is a separate subdivision ofa legal person located outsIde the place where the legal person is located which rep~eseDts the interests of the legal person and engages in their pro-tectlon.

Article 57. Reorganization of a Legal ,Person
1. Reorganization of a legal person (metget, accession, division, of ns founders spin-off, transformation) may be realized by decision (or participants) or by the body of the legal peTSon so authorized by
~e foUnding documents.

~. A bmach is a separate subdivision of a legal person located

?uts1de t~e place where the legal person is located and conducting all

~S functions or part of them, including the function of representa-

2. In cases established by a statute , reorganization of a legal per. ~on in the form of a

tion. 3. Representative offices and branches are not legal persons. They

division of it or a spin-off from it of one or

are allotted property by the legal person that has created them and
The heads of representative offices and branches are appointed the legal person and act on the basis of a power of attorney fiom

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. act on the basis of regulations approved by it


Representative offices and branches must be indicated in the

founding documents of the legal person that has created them.

. severat legal persons shall be done by decision of the authorized state agencies ot by decision of a court. , If the founders of (or the participants in) a legal person, a body authorized by them, or a body ofllie legal person authorized to reorganize it by the founding documents fails to conduct the reorganization of the legal personwitbin me period determined by a decision of the authorized government agency, a court upon suit by the aforementioned government agency shall designate an outside manager for the legal person and delegate to him the conduct of the reorgani173

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172 .


~. . .
shares (or contributions) of the founders (or participants). Prope~ created at the expense of the contributions of the founders (or partiCipants) and also that produced or obtained by the business pa~er-

from the property of the legal person undergoing liquidation that remains after the satisfaction of the claims of creditors presented on

time. 6: The claims of creditors not satisfied because of the insufficiency of tbe property of the liquidated legal person shall be considered canceled. Creditors ' claims not recognized by the liquidation commission sha11 be considered canceled if the creditor has not brought a suit in court, and also claims for which the creditor has been refused

satisfaction by a decision ofa court shall be ccnsidered canceJed.

ship or company in the process of its activity shall belong to It by right of ownership. In cases provided by the present Code, a business company may be created by one person, who shall become the only participant. 2. Business partnerships may be created in the fonn of a general

partnership or a limited partnership (a special partnership).

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Article 65. Insolvency (or Bankruptcy) of a Legal Person

L A legal person that is a commercial organization, with the exception of a Treasury enterprise , and also a legal person operating in the Conn of a consumer cooperative or a charitable or other foundation, may be declared insolvent (or bankrupt) by decision of a court, if it is not in a position to satisfy the claims of creditors.

JOlntstock company, a company with limited liability, or a company with supplementary liability. 4. Individual entrepreneurs and/or commercial organizations may

3. Business companies may be created in the form of a

be participants in general partnerships and the general panners in limited partnerships. Citizens and legal persons may be participants in business com-

The dcclararion of a legal person bankrupt shall entail its liquidation.

panies and investors in limited partner~hips.
State agencies and agencies oflocal selfgDV~mment do notba the right to be participants in business compames nor mvestors In limited partnerships, unless otherwise established b~ a statut

Document 48-7

2. A legal person that is a commercia! organization and also a legal pen;on that is operating in the fonn of a consumer cooperative or a charitable or other foundation , may jointly with creditors take a decision to declare its bankruptcy and voluntary liquidation.

3. The grounds fora declaration by a com of a legal person bankrupt or for declaration by a legal person of its own bankruptcy and.

also the procedure for liquidation of such a legal person shaIl be

established by the statute on insolvency (or bankruptcy). The claims of creditors shaH be satisfied in the order provided by Paragraph 1 of Article 64 of the present Code.

Instinitions fimlIJced by their owners may be partIcipants In buSIness ccm~ies and investors in partnerships with the permission of the. owner, unless otherwise established by a statute. A statute may forbid or limit the participation of individual categories of citizens in business partnerships and companies , except in open joint-stock companies. 5. Business partnerships and companies may be founders of (or
participaI:lts in) other business partnerships and companies with the

S 2.

Business Partnership s

and Companies

exception of cases provided by Ihe present Code and other statut 6. An inveSlment in the property of a business partnership or company may be money, securities, commercial paper, other things
property or other rights having a monetary evaluation.

, or

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General Provisions

Article 66. Basic Provisions on Business

and Companies I . Business partnerships and companies are commercial organizations with charter (or investment) capital broken down into the


The monetary evaluation of the inves1ment of a partICIpant In a business company shall be made by agreement among the founders of (or pa.rticipants--in) the ccmpany and; in cases provided by a statute , shall be subject to independent expert review. 7. Business partnerships and also companies with limited and supplementary liability do not have the right to issue stock.

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contract with it), answers jointly with the subsidiary company for
tTansactions concluded b)' the latter in tlJe fulfiJlmentofsuch instructions.

general information the documents indicated in Part 1 of Article 97 of the present Code must, for verification and confirmation of the correctness of the annual financial report, each year involve a professional auditor nol (;onnected by property interests with the company or its participants.

An audit review of the activity of a joint-stock company, includ-

ing that of one not obligated to publish the aforementioned docu-

In cafe of insolvency (or bankruptcy) of the subsidiary company due to th~ fauJt of the principal company (OT Partnership), the latter shall bea:- subsidiary liabi!ity for the debts of the subsidiary compa-

ments for general information, must be conducted at any time upon

3. Participants in (or stockholders of) the subsidiary company have the iight to demand compensation from the principal company (or partnership) for the damages caused by its fault to the subsidiary
COmpany unless otherwise established

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS
by statutes on business com-

the demand of stockholders whose total share in the charter capital constitutes ten or more percent. The procedure for conducting audit reviews of the activity of a joint- stock company is determined by a statute and the cbarterofthe company.

Article 104. Reorganization and Liquidation of a Joint. Stock Company

Article 106. Dependent Business Company

Document 48-7
1- A business company is dependent if anolher (the dominant or participant) company bas more than twenty percent of the voting
shares of .tock of a joint-stock company or more than twenty percent of the charter capital of a limited 1iamlity company. 2. A business company that has obtained more than twenty percent of th: voting shares of stock of a joint-stock company or more than twenty percent of the charter capital of a limited liability company is obligated to immediately publish wonnation on this by the procedure provided by the statutes on business companies. 3. The limits of mutual participation of bu siness companies in the

L A joint-stock company may be reorganized or liquidated voluntarily upon a decision oftbe general meering of stockholders. Other bases and the procedure for reorganization and liquidation of a joint-stock company shall be determined by the present Code and other statutes. 2. A joint-stock company has the right to transfonn itself into a Jimited liability company or a production cooperative.


Subsidiary and Depentknt Companies

Article 105. Subsidiary Business Company

charter capital of one another and the number of votes that one of these companies may exercise at the general meeting of the participants or stockholders of another company shall be determined by a

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9 3.

Production Cooperatives

Article 107. Definition of a Production Cooperative
of citizens on the basis of membership for joint production or other business activity (production; processing; sale of industrial, agricultural , and other products; performing work; trade; personal services;

I. A business company is a subsidiary business company if another (or principal) business company or partnership by virtue of dominant participation in its charter capital or in accordance with a contract concluded between them or in another manDer has the JWssibility of detennining decisions taken by such a company. 2- A subsidiary company does not answer for the debts of the principal company (or partnerslrip). A principal company (or partnership) that has the right to give the subsidiary company instruction:; obligatory for it (including by

1. A productigD cooperative (ormel)

is a voluntary combination

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--'it I




Article 1063. Conduct of Lotteries , Pari-mutuels and, Other Games by State and Municipal FGrmations or by Their Permission


I. The relations betWeen organizers of lotteries, pari-mutuels

(mutual wagers).and other games based on risk-the Russian Federation, subjecta oftlle Russian Federation, municipal formations , persons who have received permission (or a license) trom an authorized state or municipal a~ency-and participants in games shall he base~
h Causing of

Article 1064. General Bases of Liability for the

on contract

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS

2. In the cases provided by the roles of organization of games , th~ contract between the organizer and the participant in the game shall
~, J

be fQIrnalized by the issuance of a receipt, or other document. a contract lotteI)' Paragraph 1 of 3. A proposal to make provided for

I. Harm caused to the person or property of a citizen and also harm caused to the property of a legal person shall be subject to ~mpensation by the person who has caused the harm in full mea-

the present Article must include conditions on the time of oouduct of games and the procedure for determining the winning and its amount.

Astatute may place an obliga~on for compensation for harm on a

In case of refusal of the organizer of the games

per~on who is not tbe person that caused the harm. ~.: A statute or ' contract may establish an obligation- for the person

conduct them at

Document 48-7

the established time, the participants in the games shall have the Ii ght to demand from their organizer compensation for the actual loss su ffered as the result of the cancellation of the games ortheirIKJstpo


4. Persons who, in accordance with the conditions ofthe conduct

of a lottery, pari-mutuel,- or other games Ue recognized as the win-

ners must be paid the winnings by the organizer of the games in the amount , in the fonn (in money or in kind), and time provided by the conditions Gfllie game, or if the time is not indicated in these conditions , not later than ten days ftom the time of determining the resultS

w~o has caused the harm to pay the victim compensation in addition to compensation for harm. ' 2. The person who has caused the harm is freed from compensation for the harm if it shows thattbeharm was caused not by its fault. A statute may provide for compeusation for the bam1 even in the abs~nce of fault of the person who camed the 3. Harm-(:aused by lawful actions sball be subject to compensation- in the cases provided by a statute. , Compensation for hann may be refused if the harm w caused at a.:the ~equest , or with the consent, of the vicfuJ.t. and the act ~ of the


of the games.

~rSon who caused the harm do not violate the moral pnnclples of

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pant who has won in the lotteI)', pari-mutuel , or other games shall have the right to demand from the organizer of the games payment of the winnings and also COmpensation for the damages caused by vio-

5. In case ofnonperfonnance by the organizer oftbe games ofthe obliga~ion indicated in Paragraph 4 of the present Article, a partici-

Article 1065. Preventing the Causing ofBarm

lation of the contract on the part of the organizer.

- 1. The danger of causing harm in the future may be the basis for suit for prohibition of actions creating such a danger. 2:' Ifbann caused is a consequence of the exploitation of an enterprise, strUcture , or ofhu-production activity that continues to cause hann or threatens with new harm, a court, in addition to compensation for harm , shall have the right to obligate the defendant to suspend or cease the respective activity.

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-0'. ,

A court may refuse a suit for the suspension or cessation of the respective activity only in the case when its suspension or cessation
Article 1069. Liability for

would viqlate social interests. A refusal of suspension or cessation of

conduct by the latter of entrepreneurial, production or other activity oftbe partnership or coopemtive.

such activity does not deprive the victim of the right to compensation for the harm caused by such activityo

Article 1066. Causing Harm in a State of Necessary Defense

Agencies , Agencies of Low Self-Government, and Also Their Officials

Harm Caused by State

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS

Harm is not subject to compensation if it is caused in a state of necessary defertse, provided that its limits were not exceeded.

Article 1067. Causing Harm in a State of Extreme Necessity ,
1 '

Hann caused in a state of extreme necessity, i. a ~ger thre ~tening the person causmg the hann or e. to eliminate if. oth~r persons. this danger 111 the gi~en circ~stances could not be eiiminated by other means , must be compensated by the person who bas caused the

Harm caused to a citizen or legal person as the result of illegal actions (or inactions) of state agencies, agencies of local selfgovernment or officials of these agencies, including as the result of the issuance of an act of a state agency or an act of an agency of local self-government not coJ:responding to a statute or other legal act. is subject to compensation. The hann shall be compensated at the expense respectively of the Treasury of the Russian Federation , the treasury of the subject of the Russian Federation, or the treasury of a municipal formation.
Article 107.0. Liability for Harm Caused by megal Actions of Agencies of Inquiry, Preliminary Investigation, the Procuracy, and the Court I. Hano caUSed. to a citizen u the result of illegal conviction.

Document 48-7

under which such harm was caused, a court may place the obligation to compensate for it upon the trurd persons in whose interest~e person who caused the :. free both this third person and the person who caused hmm acted or the harm &om compensation for the hann in whole or in part.

harm. Considering the


illegal bringing to criminal liability, illegal applicatiOJ;l. as a measure bf restraint of confinement under guard or signed cominitment not to depart , or i1Iega) iinposition of an administrative pe,naity in the form

Article 1068. LiabiUty of a LegalO Person or a Citizen for Harm Caused by Its Employee
for hann ca ~sed

of detention or corrective work, shall be compensated at the expense of the Treasuryof'lhe Russian Federation and, incases provided by a

.1. A legal person or a citizen shall compeW!ate

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lJy its employee in the performance oflabor (or employment, or om. cia!) obligations. With resp~~t to the rules provided by the present Chapter, employees cl~~cns, perfonning work under a Jabor agreement (or contract-m-wntmg), and also citizens perfonning work under a civil

by a statute.

statute , at the *-.i1se of the treaswy of the subject of the RussianFederation grJ:he.treasury of a municipal foanation..~full regardless of the fault of the officials of the agencies of inquiry, preliminazy investigation; PI"Oeuracy, and the court , by the procedure established

, law contract if thereby they acted or

were required to act on a t8sk of the respective .legal person or ~itizen and under its supezvision for

safe conduct of work.
in the

2. Harm caused to a: citizen or legal person as the result of illegal activity of agencies of inquiry, preliminary investigation, or procuracy, that bave not caused the consequences provided by Paragraph I of the present Article shall be compensated on the bases and by the

2. Economic partnerships and production cooperatives shall com-

procedure that are provided by Artide 1069 of the present

pensate for harm caused by their participants (or mem~rs)

Harm caused in the course of court proceedings shall be compensat-


ed in the case when the fault of the judge is esta'blished by a verdictsentence of a court, that has gone into legal force.

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, u,- '

' ,

Th~ nat ~re

?fphysical and moral suffering shall be evaluated by circumstanCes under which moral hann was caused and the individual peculiarities of the victim.

a court taking !Dlo account the factual

Article 1164. Physical Return of Unjust Enrichment .


ligence before this rime.

I. Property constituting unjust enrichment of the recipient must be physically returned to the victim. 2. The recipient shall be liable to the victim for every, including accidental, shortage or worsening of the unjustly received or economized property that occurred afteJ:" it knew or should have known of the unjust emichment. It shall be liable only for intent and gross neg-

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS

ArtiCle 1102. The Obligation to Return Unjust

, provided

Article 1105. Compensation for the Value of Unjust Enricbment

, other legal . a~ts , or a transaction has obtained or economized property (the

I. A person who without baSes established by a Statute

recipient) at the expense of another person (the victim) shall be obli-

gated to ~tum t ? the latter ~e WljUStly obtained or economized property (unjus! ennchment), WIth the exception of the cases

by Article 1109

the present Code. 2. The rules provided by the present Chapter shall be applied

Document 48-7

regardless ofwbethcJ:" the unjust

emicbmentwas the result of the conduct of the r~ci~ient o~the property, the victim itself, third persons

or occurred agaInst their wil1.

Article n03. Relation of

Clai~ for the Return of UnjustEnrichmen~ to Other Claims for the Protection

1. In case of the impossibility of the physical return of the unjustly received or economized property, the recipient must compensate the victim for the actual valne ' of this property at the time it was obtained and also for the damages caused by later change in the value ~f the property if the recipient has not compensated for its value promptly after it learned of the unjust enrichme~t. 2. A person who has unjustifIably made temporary use of anoths property without the intent m obtain it or-of another s services must compensate tbe victim for what the person economized as the result of such use at the price existing at the time when the use ended and in the place where it occu~.

of CtviJ..Law Rights

Article 1106. Consequences of Unjustified Transfer Rights to Another Person


To the extent not otherwise established by the ' present er statutes or other legal acts , nor otherwiSe follows from Code , oththe nature of the respective relations, the rules provided by the present Chapter

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shall also be applied to claims:
s un-

lawful possession;

1) for return ofperfonnance under an invalid transaction; 2) for the recovery of property by an oWner from another

A person whew transferred by way of assignment ora claim or in another manner a right belonging to himself to another person on the basis of a nonexistent or invalid obligation shall have the right to demand re-establishment of the fOtmer position including the return to it of documents confinning the right transferred.

3) o.f one P8I1?' in a.n obligation to another for return of perf ormance m connection with this obligation;

Article 1107. Compensation to the Victim for Income Not Received
1. A person who has unjustly received or economized property shall be obligated to return to or compensate the victim for all incorne that it extracted or should have extracted from this property

. 4) for compensation for harm including t11at caused by the badfaIth conduct of the enriched persan.


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rpa)I(,QaHCKHH Ko,qeKC POCCHHCKOH Cbe,qepa4HH lJaCTb nepBaH OT 30 HOH6pH 1994 f. N 51- Cb3
lJaCTb BTOpas:l OT 26 s:lHBapH

1996 f. N 14- Cb3

H lJaCTb TpeTbH OT 26 Hos:l6pH 2001 f. N 146- Cb3

(c H3MeHeHHs:lMH OT 26 s:lHBapH ,
, 8


, 26

20 cj:)eBpaI1H , 12 aBfycTa 1996 r. , 24 OKTH6pH 1997 17 ,qeKa6pH 1999 f. , 16 anpeI1H , 15 MaH , 26 HOH6pH 2001 , 21 MapTa HOH6pH 2002 f. , 10 HHBapH, 26 MapTa, 11 HOH6pH , 23 ,qeKa6pH 2003 r. , 29

HIOHH , 29 HIOI1H , 2 ,

29, 30 ,qeKa6pH 2004 f

KOHCTIiITYLlIiIOHHoro CTpOs:l , HpaBCTBeHHOCTIiI , 3AOPOBbs:l , npaB iii 3aKOHHbiX IiIHTepeCOB APyrlilx nlilLl, 06ecne4eHIiIs:I 060POHbi CTpaHbl iii 6e30naCHOCTIiI roCYAapCTBa. 3.ToBapbl , ycnyrlil iii cplilHaHCOBbie cpeACTBa CB060AHO nepeMeLl\alOTCs:I Ha BCell1 TepplilToplil1il POCCIiIII1CKOIl1 cDeAepaLlIiIIiI. OrpaHIiI4eHIiIs:I nepeMeLl.\eHliIs:I TOBapOB iii ycnyr MorYT BBOAIiITbCs:I B COOTBeTCTBliI1iI C cpeAepanbHblM 3aKOHOM , ecnlll 3TO He06xOAIiIMO Ans:l 06ecne4eHIiIs:I 6e30naCHOCTIiI , 3aLl\IiITbi )/(1iI3HIiI iii 3AOPOBbs:l nlOAell1 , oxpaHbl nplilpOAbl VI KynbTypHblX LleHHOCTell1.
CTaTbs:l 12.

CTaTbs:l 1. OCHoBHble Ha4ana rpa)/(,QaHcKoro 3aKOHOAaTenbCTBa rpa)/(,QaHcKoe 3aKOHOAaTenbCTBO OCHOBblBaeTCs:I Ha nplil3HaHIiIIiI paBeHcTBa Y4acTHIiIKoB perynlilpyeMblx IiIM oTHOWeHIIIII1, HenplilKocHoBeHHocTIiI c06cTBeHHocTIiI cB060Abi AoroBopa , HeAonycTIiIMoCTIiI npolil3BonbHoro BMewaTenbCTBa Koro-nlil60 B 4aCTHbie Aena , He06xoAIiIMOCTIiI 6eCnpens:lTCTBeHHoro ocYLl\eCTBneHliIs:I rpa)f(AaHCKlilx npaB , 06ecne4eHIiIs:I BOCCTaHOBneHliIs:I HapyweHHblx npaB , IiIX cYAe6Holl1 3aLl\IiITbi. 2. rpa)/(,QaHe (cp1il31i14eCKlile nlilLla) iii IOplilAIiI4ecKlile nlilLla nplil06peTalOT iii ocYLl\eCTBns:llOT CBOIiI rpa)/(,QaHcKlile npaBa CBOell1 Bonelli III B CBoeM IiIHTepece. OHIiI CB060AHbi B YCTaHOBneHliI1iI CBOIiIX npaB iii 06s:13aHHOCTell1 Ha OCHOBe AorOBopa iii B onpeAeneHliI1iI nlO6blX He npOTIiIBOpe4aLl\IiIX 3aKOHOAaTenbCTBY ycnoBliI1I1 AorOBopa. rpa)/(,QaHCKlile npaBa MorYT 6blTb orpaHIiI4eHbi Ha OCHOBaHliI1iI cpeAepanbHoro 3aKOHa iii TonbKO B TO 111 Mepe, KaKOIl1 3TO He06xOAIiIMO B Llens:lx 3aLl\IiITbi OCHOB


Cnoc06bl 3aLl\IiITbi rpa)/(,QaHcKlilx npaB

3aLl\IiITa rpa)/(,QaHcKlilx npaB ocYLl\eCTBns:leTcs:I nYTeM: nplll3HaHIiIs:I npaBa; BOCCTaHOBneHliIs:I nOnO)/(eHliIs:I , cYLl\eCTBOBaBwero AO HapyweHliIs:I npaBa , iii npeCe4eHIiIs:I
Aell1CTB iii 111 , HapywalOLl\lIIx
IiInlil C03AalOLl\IiIX yrp03Y ero HapyweHliIs:I; nplil3HaHIiIs:I ocnOplilMOIl1 CAenKIiI HeAell1CTBIiITenbHOIl1 iii nplilMeHeHliIs:I nocneAcTBliI1I1 ee HeAeIl1CTBIiITenbHocTIiI nplilMeHeHliIs:I nocneAcTBliI1I1 HeAell1CTBIiITenbHocTIiI HIiI4TO)/(HOIl1 npaBo


nplil3HaHIiIs:I HeAell1CTBIiITenbHblM aKTa rocYAapcTBeHHoro



opraHa MecTHoro

caMoynpaBneHlIIs:I; CaM03aLl\IiITbi npaBa;
nplilcY)/(,QeHliIs:I K IiIcnonHeHlil1O 06s:13aHHOCTIiI B HaType; B03MeLl\eHIiIs:I y6bITKOB;
B3blCKaHIiIs:I HeycToll1KIiI;

KOMneHcaLlliI1iI MopanbHoro BpeAa; npeKpaLl.\eHliIs:I IIInlil 1i13MeHeHIiIs:I npaBooTHOWeHliIs:I;

HenplilMeHeHliIs:I CYAOM aKTa rocYAapcTBeHHoro opraHa caMoynpaBneHlIIs:I , npoTIiIBOpe4aLl\ero 3aKoHY; IiIHblMIiI cnoc06aMIII , npeAycMoTpeHHblMIiI 3aKOHOM.


opraHa MecTHoro

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CTaTbs:l 15. B03MeLl\eHlile y6blTKOB
1. nIilLlO ,

npaBo KOTOpOro HapyweHo

MO)/(eT Tpe60BaTb nonHoro B03MeLl\eHIiIs:I

nplil41i1HeHHbix eMY y6bITKOB ecnlil 3aKOHOM IiInlil AOroBOpOM He npeAYCMOTpeHO B03MeLl\eHlile y6blTKOB B MeHbweM pa3Mepe. 2. nOA y6blTKaMIiI nOHIiIMalOTCs:I pacxoAbl , KoTopble nIilLlO , 4be npaBo HapyweHo npolil3Beno IiInlil AOn)/(HO 6YAeT npolll3BecTIiI Ans:l BOCCTaHOBneHliIs:I HapyweHHoro npaBa
YTpaTa IiInlil

noBpe)/(,QeHlile ero IiIMYLl.\eCTBa (peanbHblll1
nlilLlO nonY41i1no

YLl\ep6), a TaK)f(e HenonY4eHHbie

AOXOAbl , KoTopble 3TO

6bl nplil 06bl4HbiX ycnoBliIs:lx rpa)/(,QaHcKoro


6bl ero npaBO He 6blno HapyweHo (ynYLl.\eHHas:l BblroAa). , HapywliIBwee npaBO nonY41i1no BcneACTBlile 3Toro AOXOAbl nlil LlO , npaBO KOToporo HapyweHo BnpaBe Tpe60BaTb B03MeLl\eHIiIs:I Haps:lAY C APyrlilMIiI y6blTKaMIiI

Ecnlll nIilLlO

ynYLl\eHHOIl1 BblrOAbl B

pa3Mepe He MeHbweM , 4eM TaKlile AOXOAbl.

CTaTbs:l 56. OTBeTcTBeHHocTb IOplilAIiI4ecKoro nlilLla

1. IOplilAIiI4ecKlile nlilLla, KpoMe cplilHaHclilpyeMblx c06cTBeHHIiIKoM Y4 pe)/(,QeHIiIII1 ,

OTBe4alOT no CBOIiIM 06s:13aTenbcTBaM BceM npliIHaAne)/(aLl.\IiIM IiIM IiIMYLl\eCTBoM.

2. Ka3eHHoe npeAnplils:lTlile iii cplilHaHclilpyeMoe c06cTBeHHIiIKoM Y4pe)/(,QeHlile OTBe4alOT no CBOIiIM 06s:13aTenbcTBaM B nOps:lAKe iii Ha ycnOBliIs:lX , npeAycMoTpeHHblx nYHKTOM 5 CTaTblil 113 , CTaTbs:lMIiI 115 iii 120 HaCTOs:lLl\ero KoAeKca.
3. Y4peAIiITenb
(Y4acTHIiIK) IOplilAIiI4ecKoro nlilLla IiInlil

c06cTBeHHIiIK ero IiIMYLl.\eCTBa

He OTBe4alOT no 06s:13aTenbCTBaM IOplilAIiI4eCKoro nlilLla


IOplilAIiI4eCKoe nlilLlo He

OTBe4aeT no 06s:13aTenbCTBaM Y4peAIiITens:l (Y4aCTHIiIKa) IiICKnlO4eHlileM cnY4aeB npeAYCMOTpeHHblX HaCTOs:lLl\IiIM

c06CTBeHHIiIKa , 3a


Y4peAIiITenbHblMIiI AOKYMeHTaMIiI IOplilAIiI4ecKoro nlilLla. Ecnlil HeCOCTOs:lTenbHOCTb (6aHKpOTCTBO) IOplilAIiI4ecKoro nlilLla Bbl3BaHa Y4peAIiITens:lMIiI IiInlil (Y4aCTHIiIKaMIiI), c06CTBeHHIiIKOM IIIMYLl\eCTBa IOplilAIiI4eCKoro nlilLla APyrlilMIiI nlllLla Mill , KOTopble IiIMelOT npaBO AaBaTb 06s:13aTenbHbie Ans:l 3Toro IOplilAIiI4eCKoro nlilLla nlil60 IiIHblM 06pa30M IiIMelOT B03MO)/(HOCTb onpeAens:lTb era AeIl1CTBliIs:I , Ha YKa3aHIiIs:I TaKIiIX nlilLl B cnY4ae HeAOCTaT04HOCTIiI IiIMYLl.\eCTBa IOplilAIiI4ecKoro nlilLla MO)/(eT 6blTb B03nO)/(eHa cy6cIiIAlilapHas:l OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb no ero 06s:13aTenbCTBaM.
CTaTbs:l 65.

HeCOCTOs:lTenbHOcTb (6aHKpoTcTBO) IOplilAIiI4ecKoro nlilLla 1. IOplilAIiI4ecKoe nIilLlO , s:lBns:llOLl\eeCs:I KoMMep4eCKOll1 opraHliI3aLllilell1 , 3a IiICKnlO4eHlileM Ka3eHHoro npeAnplils:lTliIs:I TalOKe IOplilAIiI4ecKoe nIilLlO , Aell1CTBYIOLl\ee B cpopMe


noTpe61i1TenbCKoro KoonepaTIiIBa


6naroTBoplilTenbHoro HeCOCTOs:lTenbHblM (6aHKpoToM),


IiIHoro cpoHAa, no

ecnlil OHO He B Tpe60BaHIiIs:I KpeAIiITopOB. nplil3HaHlile IOplilAIiI4eCKoro nlilLla 6aHKpOTOM CYAOM Bne4eT era nIilKBIiIAaLlIilIO. IOplilAIII4ecKoe nlilLlO s:lBns:llOLl\eeCs:I KoMMep4eCKOll1 opraHliI3aLllilell1 TaK)f(e IOplilAIiI4ecKoe nIilLlO , Aell1cTBYIOLl\ee B cpopMe noTpe61i1TenbCKoro KoonepaTIiIBa nlil60 6naroTBoplilTenbHoro IiInlil IiIHOro cpoHAa , MO)/(eT COBMeCTHO C KpeAIiITopaMIiI nplilHs:lTb peweHllle 06 06bs:lBneHIiIIiI 0 CBoeM 6aHKpoTcTBe iii 0 A06poBonbHoll1 nIilKBIiIAaLlIiIIiI. 3. OcHOBaHliIs:I nplil3HaHIiIs:I CYAOM IOplilAIiI4ecKoro nlilLla 6aHKpoToM nlll60 06bs:lBneHIiIs:I IiIM 0 CBoeM 6aHKpoTcTBe , a TaK)f(e nOps:lAOK nlilKBIiIAaLlliI1iI TaKoro IOplilAIiI4ecKoro nlilLla ycTaHaBnlilBalOTcs:I 3aKOHOM HeCOCTOs:lTenbHOCTIiI (6aHKpoTcTBe). Tpe60BaHIiIs:I KpeAIiITopoB YAoBneTBops:llOTCs:I B 04epeAHocTIiI , npeAycMoTpeHHoll1 nYHKTOM 1 CTaTblil HaCTOs:lLl\ero KoAeKca.

peweHlil1O cYAa MO)/(eT 6blTb nplil3HaHo

COCTOs:lHliI1iI YAOBneTBoplilTb



CTaTbs:l 105. ,lJ,04epHee X03s:1111cTBeHHoe

1. X03s:1111cTBeHHoe 06Ll\eCTBO nplil3HaeTCs:I A04epHIiIM
IiInlil TOBaplilLl\eCTBO B clilny



APyroe (OcHoBHoe)

X03s:1111CTBeHHoe 06Ll\eCTBo

npe06naAalOLl\ero Y4acTIiIs:I B ero

Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS
YCTaBHoM KanlilTane
nlll60 IiIHblM

Document 48-7

Filed 03/31/2005

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06pa30M IiIMeeT B03MO)/(HOCTb onpeAens:lTb peWeHliIs:I , nplllHIiIMaeMble TaKIiIM

3aKnlO4eHHbiM Me)/(,QY HIiIMIiI AorOBopOM,

2. ,Q04epHee 06Ll\eCTBO He OTBe4aeT
06Ll\eCTBY, B


no AonraM OCHOBHoro 06Ll\eCTBa

OCHOBHoe 06Ll\eCTBO (TOBapIiILl\eCTBO), KOTopoe IiIMeeT npaBO AaBaTb A04epHeMY TOM 41i1Cne no AOroBOpy C HIiIM , 06s:13aTenbHbie Ans:l Hero YKa3aHliIs:I,

OTBe4aeT conlilAapHO C A04epHIiIM 06Ll\eCTBOM no CAenKaM , 3aKnlO4eHHbiM nocneAHIiIM BO IiIcnonHeHlile TaKIiIX YKa3aHIiIII1. cnY4ae HeCOCTOs:lTenbHOCTIiI (6aHKpOTCTBa) A04epHero 06Ll\eCTBa no BIiIHe OCHOBHoro 06Ll\eCTBa (TOBapIilLl\eCTBa) nocneAHee HeceT cy6cIiIAlilapHYlO OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb no ero

AonraM. 3. Y4acTHIiIKIiI (aKLlliloHepbl) A04epHero 06Ll\eCTBa BnpaBe Tpe60BaTb B03MeLl\eHIiIs:I
OCHOBHblM 06Ll\eCTBoM (ToBapIllLl\eCTBoM) y6bITKOB
nplil4111HeHHbix no





era BIiIHe

0 X03s:1111cTBeHHbix

CTaTbs:l 1064. 06Ll\IiIe OCHOBaHliIs:I OTBeTCTBeHHOCTIiI 3a nplil41i1HeHlile


1. BpeA,

nplil41i1HeHHblll1 nlil4HOCTIiI


IiIMYLl.\eCTBY rpa)/(,QaHIiIHa, a TaK)f(e BpeA,

nplil41i1HeHHblll1 IiIMYLl.\eCTBY IOplilAIiI4ecKoro nlilLla, nOAne)/(IiIT B03MeLl\eHlilIO B nonHOM 06beMe nIilLlOM , nplil41i1HIiIBWIiIM BpeA. 3aKoHoM 06s:13aHHOCTb B03MeLl\eHIiIs:I BpeAa MO)/(eT 6blTb B03nO)/(eHa Ha nlilLlo,

s:lBns:llOLl\eeCs:I nplil41i1HIiITeneM BpeAa.
IiInlil AorOBopOM MO)/(eT 6blTb YCTaHOBneHa 06s:13aHHOCTb nplll41i1HIiITens:l BpeAa BblnnaTIIITb nOTepneBWIiIM KOMneHcaLllil1O CBepx B03MeLl\eHIiIs:I BpeAa. 2. nIilLlO , nplil41i1HIiIBWee BpeA, ocB060)/(,QaeTCs:I OT B03MeLl\eHIiIs:I BpeAa ecnlil AOKa)/(eT 4TO BpeA nplil41i1HeH He BIiIHe. 3aKOHOM MO)/(eT 6blTb npeAYCMOTpeHO 3aKOHOM

no ero

B03MeLl\eHlile BpeAa iii nplil OTCYTCTBIiIIiI BIIIHbl nplil41i1HIiITens:l BpeAa. 3. BpeA, nplil41i1HeHHblll1 npaBoMepHblMIiI AeIl1CTBliIs:lMIiI nOAne)/(IiIT B03MeLl\eHlilIO B cnY4as:lX , npeAycMoTpeHHblx 3aKOHOM. B B03MeLl\eHIiIIiI BpeAa MO)/(eT 6blTb OTKa3aHO ecnlil BpeA nplil41i1HeH no npocb6e IiInlil cornaCliIs:I noTepneBwero , a Aell1CTBliIs:I nplil41i1HIiITens:l BpeAa HapywalOT


HpaBCTBeHHble nplilHLllilnbl 06Ll\eCTBa.
CTaTbs:l 1070. OTBeTcTBeHHocTb 3a BpeA, nplil4111HeHHblll1 He3aKOHHblMIiI Aell1CTBliIs:lMIII

opraHoB A03HaHliIs:I , npeABaplilTenbHoro cneACTBliIs:I, npoKypaTypbl iii cYAa BpeA, nplil41i1HeHHblll1 rpa)/(,QaHIiIHY B pe3ynbTaTe He3aKOHHoro ocY)/(,QeHliIs:I He3aKOHHoro nplilBne4eHIiIs:I K yronOBHOIl1 OTBeTCTBeH HOCTIII , He3aKoHHoro nplllMeHeHliIs:I B Ka4eCTBe Mepbl npeCe4eHIiIs:I 3aKnlO4eHIiIs:I nOA CTpa)/(y IiInlil nOAnlilCKIiI 0 HeBble3Ae,


He3aKOHHoro HanO)/(eHliIs:I aAMIiIHlilcTpaTIiIBHoro B3blCKaHIiIs:I B BIiIAe apecTa


IiIcnpaBIiITenbHblx pa60T , B03MeLl\aeTCs:I 3a C4eT Ka3Hbi POCCIiIII1CKOIl1 cDeAepaLlIiIIll , a B cnY4as:lX npeAycMoTpeHHblx 3aKOHOM , 3a C4eT Ka3Hbi cy6beKTa POCCIiIII1CKOIl1

Ka3Hbi MYHIiILllilnanbHoro 06pa30BaHIiIs:I B nonHOM 06beMe He3aBlilCIiIMO OT BIiIHbl AOn)/(HOCTHbIX nlilLl opraHoB A03HaHliIs:I , npeABaplilTenbHoro cneACTBliIs:I

2. BpeA,

npoKypaTypbl1il cYAa B nOps:lAKe ,
nplil41i1HeHHblll1 rpa)/(,QaHIiIHY

ycTaHoBneHHoM 3aKOHOM.

IOplilAIiI4ecKoMY nlilLlY B


He3aKOHHOll1 Aes:lTenbHOCTIiI opraHoB A03HaHliIs:I npeABaplilTenbHoro cneACTBliIs:I npoKypaTypbl , He nOBneKWliI1I1 nocneACTBIiIII1 , npeAYCMOTpeHHblX nYHKTOM 1 HaCTOs:lLl\ell1 CTaTblil , B03MeLl\aeTCs:I no OCHOBaHliIs:lM iii B nOps:lAKe , KoTopble npeAycMoTpeHbl CTaTbell1 1069 HaCTOs:lLl\ero KoAeKca. BpeA, nplil41i1HeHHblll1 nplil ocYLl\eCTBneHliI1iI npaBocYAliIs:I
B03MeLl\aeTCs:I B BcTynlilBwliIM B 3aKoHHYIO



BIiIHa CYAblil ycTaHoBneHa nplilroBopoM



Case 1:04-cv-01482-GMS
CTaTbs:l 1102.

Document 48-7

Filed 03/31/2005

Page 20 of 20


nIilLlO, KoTopoe

06s:13aHHOCTb B03BpaTIiITb HeOCHOBaTenbHoe 060raLl\eHlile 6e3 ycTaHoBneHHblx 3aKOHOM IiIHblMIiI npaBoBblMIiI aKTaMIiI


cAenKoll1 OCHOBaHliI1I1 nplil06peno
nplil06peTeHHoe IiInlil

c6eperno IiIMYLl\eCTBo (npIil06peTaTenb)
CTaTbell111 09 HaCTOs:lLl\erO KoAeKca.

3a C4eT

APyroro nlilLla (noTepneBwero), 06s:13aHO B03BpaTIiITb nocneAHeMY HeOCHOBaTenbHO
c6epe)/(eHHOe IiIMYLl\eCTBo (HeocHoBaTenbHoe 060raLl\eHlile), 3a

IiICKnlO4eHlileM cnY4aeB ,

npaBlilna , npeAycMoTpeHHble HaCTOs:lLl\ell1 rnaBOIl1 , nplilMeHs:lIOTCs:I He3aBlilCIiIMO OT TOro s:lBlilnOCb nlil HeOCHOBaTenbHoe 060raLl\eHlile pe3ynbTaToM nOBeAeHliIs:I nplil06peTaTens:l IiIMYLl.\eCTBa , caMoro nOTepneBwero , TpeTblilx nlilLllilnlil npolil30wno nOMIiIMO IiIX Bonlil.
CTaTbs:l 1103. CooTHoweHlile Tpe60BaHIiIII1 0 B03BpaTe HeOCHOBaTenbHoro 060raLl\eHIiIs:I C APyrlilMIiI Tpe60BaHIiIs:lMIII 0 3aLl\IiITe rpa)/(,QaHcKlilx npaB

nOCKonbKY IiIHoe He YCTaHOBneHO HaCTOs:lLl\IiIM KOAeKCOM , APyrlilMIiI 3aKOHaMIiI IIInlil IiIHblMIiI npaBOBblMIiI aKTaMIiI iii He BblTeKaeT iii CYLl\eCTBa COOTBeTCTBYIOLl\IiIX OTHOWeHIiIII1 , npaBlilna, npeAYCMOTpeHHble HaCTOs:lLl\ell1 rnaBOIl1 , nOAne)/(aT nplilMeHeHlil1O
TaK)f(e K Tpe60BaHliIs:lM:

1) 0 B03BpaTe IiIcnonHeHHoro no HeAell1CTBIiITenbHOIl1 CAenKe;

2) 06 IiIcTpe60BaHIiIIiI IiIMYLl\eCTBa c06cTBeHHIiIKoM 1i13 4Y)/(Oro He3aKoHHoro BnaAeHliIs:I;
3) OAHOIl1

CTOpOHbl B 06s:13aTenbcTBe K APyroll1 0 B03BpaTe IiIcnonHeHHoro B CBs:l31i1 C
B TOM 41i1Cne

3TIiIM 06s:13aTenbcTBoM;

4) 0 B03MeLl\eHIiIIiI BpeAa , 060raTIiIBwerocs:I nlilLla.

nplil4111HeHHoro HeA06poCOBeCTHbiM nOBeAeHlileM