Free Affidavit - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 893 Words, 5,885 Characters
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E Case 1:04-cv-01494-JJF Document 247-33 Filed 11/30/2007 Page1 0f 3

W Case 1 :04-cv-01494-JJF Document 247-33 Filed 1 1/30/2007 Page 2 of 3
` Paid, Hastings, Janufsky & Waiter un
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The Bane; ef New York,
as Trustee under the Indenture
Qas czlefmed beiew§
201 E»zr<:1a·yS:reer, 21 Wes:
New York, New Ynrk 1*3236
Pmenzionz Vice Presidem, Cerperare Tmsi; Acirrzirxiszmtion
Re: Nerrhwestem Energy, LLC, {formerly known as The Montana
Power LLC., successor by merger re The Momzana Power
C`0mpar1y}fQUIP$ issued under the Trusr Agreernent éared HS of
November 1, 1996 · Transfer of éssers and Liabiiities by
Ngrrhwestem Em: L.L.§Q tg NQr‘;h`\}¤€?`estern Qgmgrangn
Ladies and Genrlemen:
This opinion is fumished #:0 you pumuam to Sections ISE., l1Cl(_c;) and 2203 of che
€¤C]»€¤¤srS, éated an oi: November 2, I996 (she “Ln5jg:_r;§p_;g”), between Nomhwrestcm Energy,
LLC {“N0rth`*X’esaem Ene@*"}, ferrrzerljx known as The Menrana }Power, LLC. {which is the
Sutcieswr by meger zo The Mcnrana Fewer Company and you, as Trustee {the “Trustce”}, and
relazes se the transfer of the property and assets ef Noztiwweszem Energy subsranziaiiy as an
rsniirew ro N<;>r€%;\}G’e5¤;ern Corporation ("NOH§E\x?€S[€@’y), as such transfer reiates te rhe
assumptzen hy"Nor¤;hWestem of the iiabiiiries and obligations ef Neriimwesrem Energy under the
indenture and the Nonhweswzern Energy Qnameriy Income Preferred Secunaies (she: “QU$§s”)
rssued unéer the inderxiture.
In rendering the foiicwirrg capirnens, we have read and are famiiiar with aim covenants and
cenciniiens cemained in Axricies ll and 12 of the indenture, she cevenanzs anci cemditiexzs
presided fer in ine Indenmre ·ari¥;h respect me eempiiance with which tris ogzairxaien is rendered {the
"@ ‘·‘‘ veeamcs anri §Qc_;e.diriegg"§, and rhe deiinirions ie she Indenture relazing aérerew. in addimen,
we have exernined eriginais, or eopies eerriHe& 20 our sazisfaczrien, of che various certiticaies and
eeszmanenrs prepamd Ln wnipiiaezce wich zh: Covenants and Cendiriem, {he ékssec and Szncrk
Transier Agreernenr, dared as ef November 15, ZECZ, by and between NorrE2\3}*'es€em Energy and
xGI"€h"¤Y¢;€$€€£'B {ine “A5eet Transfer “·reernen£,’° together Wien all rransacaiens comempiazed
wee-rem: r
Ceniicientiai MGI-?19B327

` e Case 1:04-cv-01494-JJF Document 247-33 Filed 11/30/2007 Page 3 of 3
· Pauiitnstings 5
&etel;>§;, the ";l;;a, ae ? rt"§ and such other instrttrnents ané tioeements ann made such
examsnation as we lzaee rieemed necessary: as a basis for art infertrted opinion. ln such
` exaznénatron, we have assumed the geneéneness of all signatures {except with respect to signatures
on eelrali of l`~$ortEt‘=X’estem and E`~Eorttt\?€;'estetn Eneg on the Asset Transfer Qreement and other
documents tieiivered to the Trustee in eortneetion with the assumption by l‘·~Io1·rl1‘~$€¢’esterr1 of the
éraerlittes and obligations of E\EortZ;J·X?esten·t Energy under the indenture md the QUIFSL the
autlzeetititgr of all tloettmente soerrtittecl to as originals, the conformity with the original
tlocuments of all tiotzttmertte subrnittetl to ns as copies and the authenticity of the originals of seth
latte: documents. to various questions of tact rmterial to this opinion, tnlomaation with respect
to winch is in the possession of Nortlt‘¢€*’estern Energy, we have, when relevent facts were not
tndependentljr established, relied upon representattons or certifications by officers ot
Nerthwestem Energy. In our opinion, we have made such ettemirration and Lnvestigation m is
necessary to enzalole tts to express an informed opinion as to whether or not the Covenants and
Comtiitions have been complied with and, in out o-pinion, the Ccwenants and Conditions have been
eornplieé with.
All eapitaljzed terms set forth herein, anti not otherwise defined herein, are used herein as
tlefinecl Ln the Indenture.
Based upon the foregoing, we are of the opinion that;
i. The Transaction com iles watt: Article El of the lntienmre anti all conditions
. . ? ...r
reeedent te. the lnclenture meitrdm an covenants com lrarree mth when constreutes a
Q . . . g Y , P . t
conclstron precedent) at they relate to the 'fransacttott have neen cotnplzetl with.
2. al The Third Supplemental Indenture, dateci as of November E5, EOG2,
between Nortlinlélestetn anti the Trustee {the “St1g;;le@_ ent"} complies with Pntlcie it of the
Inéetttuteg all eonrlitions precedent provided for in the Indezzture as they telate to the
Supplement {lncltzding any covenants compliance with which constitutes a condition precedent),
including the execution mo delivery of the Supplement by the parties thereto, have been complied
with; and le} the execution and ciegtvery of the Supplement is permitted or authorized by the
We are members of the bar of tlae State of New York and we do not express any opinion
as- to matters governed bylaws other than the laws of the State of New York and the Federal laws
ot the United States of America.
Very truly yours,
/9 e F e ‘ szmr M//’
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§€'Y"5Si'226?35 E
Cooéidentral NGR198328