Free Notice of Service - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Date: January 28, 2008
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
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Preview Notice of Service - District Court of Delaware
Case1:O4—cv-01494-JJF Document 278-2 Filed O1/28/2008 Page10f3

Case 1 :O4—cv—O1494-JJ F Docu ment 278-2 Filed O1/28/2008 Page 2 of 3

_' Issued by the ‘
Magten Asset Managment Corporation and
Law Debenture Trust Company of New York,
V- _ C` il A ti N . 04-1494 HF
N0¤hW¤¤¢m C0¤'P0¤'¤¤¤¤.D Pébding iri,1‘he?J.S. Districi Cdurt for the
efendant. District of Delaware

_ V- _ _ Civic Action N . 05-499 JJF
M¤¤h¤¤l 1. Hanson and Erme J. Kmdt. Pendiilrg in the U?s. Disu-ici Coim for the

TO: Records Custodian =
875 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
D YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the United States District court at the place, date, and time specified below to
testify in the above case.
vuctaor rasrnuonv counmoom
one mo nm:
XK YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear at the place, date, and time specified below to testify at the taking of a deposition
in the above case. It ‘
PLACE OF DEPOSITION Frank Harris & Jacobson DATE AND TIME 9 • 3 . m .
1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washmgton, DC 20004* February 15 , 2008*
B YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce and pemtit inspection and copying ofthe following documents or objects at the
place, date, and time specified below (list documents or objects):
Documents identified in attached Schedule A.
vutce Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson LLP `°·“'E*"'"'”"E 5 ’ 00 P ·m·
1001 P¤¤¤Sy1v¤¤¤¤ AVC-, NW, Washington, DC 20004 February 5 , 2008
U YOU ARE COMMANDBD to permit inspection ofthe following premises at the date and time specified below.
rnsmtsas \ oxra mo TIME
Any organization not a party to this sult that ls subpoenaed for the taking of a deposition shall designate one or more officers,
directors, or managing agents, or other persons who consent to testify on its behalf, and may set forth, for each person designated, the
matters on which the person will testify. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 30(b)(6).
ISSUING omcaivs SIGNATURE AND TITLE (rNbrcATE rr arrorwav FOR r·r.AtNTrr=r= on DEFENDANT) mrs
’ ggtornex for Plaintiff 1/25/08
. ten sset: Mana ement Cor .
rssumo omcarvs NAME, Aooaess AND PHONE NUMBER .
Dale R . Dube, Esquire , Blank Rome LLP , 1201 Market: Street , Suite 800 ,
Wilmington, DE 19801 (302) 425-6467
(see RHI! $5, Fil] Illkl OIGVII PIDKVIL Srrbdivhion (e), (dj, and nn nut page)
‘ [faction is pending ir district other than district oflssumce, state district under case number.
* Deponent will not be required to appear if the documents are produced by the
date and time specified herein.

Case 1 :04-cv-01494-JJF Document 278-2 Filed O1/28/2008 Page 3 of 3
s•¢¢ 3___;i· · ;____ __" . .-

DATE 1 7 25 7 08 PLACE Paul Hastings , ct al . , 875 l5t:h Street, N.W. »
Washin ton D . C . 20005
settvtau g ’

Records Gus todian Sgrved by hgnd _ on Kathryn M . Med ipa ,
Paul Hastings , et al ’ ’ W O W8S aut O1'1ZBd CO 8 Cépt S€`I.‘V C6 Ofl
behal f of Records Cus todian .
J0 s eph R . Da Sant: is Coordinator , Managing At torney ' s Of f ice

I declare under penalty ofpcrjury under the laws ofthe United States of America that the foregoing information contained
in the Proof of Serv icc is true and correct.
Executed on January 2§ , 2008 Q ~
00l P rmsylvania Avenue , N .W. ,
Suite 800 , Washington; D. C . 20004-2505

Rule 45, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Subdivisions (c). (d), and (c). rs amended on December I, 2006:
(e) Pttorccrtort or Persons Sunrecr rosusroerns to or affected by the subpoena. qsastr or rnodily the subpoena or, lf the party in whose betrstt
(I) A psrsyorsn attorney responsible forthe issuaneeand service ofa subpoena shall tale the subpoena is issued shows a substantial need for the testimony or material that cannot be
reasonable steps to avoid imporirrg undue bunhr or expense on a person subject to tht otherwise met without tutdtte hardship end assures that the person to whom the subpoena is
subpoena. The court on behnlfof which the subpoena was issued shall enforce thi dury and addressed will he reasonably compensated, the court may order appearance or poduetion only
impose upon the pany or attomey ln breach of this dray an appropriate sanction. which may upon specified wnditions.
include, but is not limited to, lost esmings and a reasonable attomey’s fee.
(2) (A) A person eonnnanded to produce and permit inspection. copying. renin;. or (d) Dtm » in ttnssortotrro ro Sunroewt.
sampling ofdesignated elecrronicelly storod information, boolts. pspcrs. documents or tangible (t) (A) A person responding to a subpoena to produce documents shall produce them as
tltingse or inspeuion of premises need not appear in person st the place of production or they are lteptin the usual course ofbusirtossorsltell organize and label them to correspond with
inspection unless commanded to appear for dcposiliort. hearing or trial. the categoricr ln the demand.
(B) Subjectto paragraph (tl)(2) oftltia rule, s personeommanded tn produce and permit (B)lfasubpoena does notspecifythe form or forms forprodueingeleetronieally stored
inspection. ¤¤r-ryinr. twins. orumpling my. wlrltln I4 dayrahrr service of the subpoena or information. r person responding to a subpoena nnrrt produce me tnforrnanon in a form or
before the time specified for compliance ifsuclt time its less than I4 days aflcr service, serve forms in which tlte person ordinarily maintains it or in a form or forma that are reasonably
upon the party or attomey designated inthe subponta written objection no producing any orsll usable.
ofthe designated marerlslsor inspection ofthe premises Morro producing electronically stored (C) A person rerporrdingto a subpoena need not produeerlts sarneslectronlcally stored
infomation in the form or forrns requested. lfobjection isrrmde,th• party serving the rttbpoenu information in more than one form.
shall rtotbe entitled tolnspeet. copy. llll, or sample the rnatwlals orirtspect the premises except (D) A pcrson rerpstrtrllng to a subpoena need not provide discovery of electronically
pursuant to an order ofthe court ly which the sulrpoens wsa issued lfobjeetion has been made. stored information from sources tltnt the person identifiesu not reasonably accessible because
the party rerving the subpoena may, uporr notice to the person wsttrtartded to produce. move of undue burden or cost. On motion to eornpel discovery or toquaslt. the person from whom
at any time for an order to compel the production. inspection. copying. testing. or rampling. diacovery ir sought musrshow that the information sought is nor rurorrably aceersdrlebeeause
Such an order to compel shall protect any person who is not a patty oran officer of a pny from of undue burden or cost. If that showing is made, the court rnay nonethelerr order discovery
significant expense resulting from the inspection. copying, testing, or mnpling corntnanded. from ruclt rotrrccs lf the requesting perry shows good csuse, considering the lirnitationsoflkttle
(J) (A)0n timely motion, the coun by which a subpoena was issued shall quash or modify 26(bX2)(C). The court may specify conditions for the discovery.
the subpoena if it (2) (A) When information subject to a subpoena is withheld on a claim that it it privileged
(i) fails to allow reasonable time for compliance; or sublet to protection er trial·prepsration materials, the claim shell be msde ntpreasly Utd
(ii) requires s person who is not a suny or srt officer of s party to tr·avel to s place shall be supptrted by a description ofthe nature of the documutls. communications. or thingr
tnoretltarr 100 miles from the place where that person resides, isemployedor regularly transaets It¤l produced that is sufficient to utsble the demanding party to eonteat the elalrn.
business In person. except that, rubjecttotlre provisions of clause (e)(3)(B)(lii)oftltis rule,ruelt (B) lfinfomistion is produced in response to s subpoena that is subject to s clsira of
s person may in order to attend trial be commanded to travel from any such place within tl·¢ privilege or of protection as trial·preparation materiaL the person rrralting the claim rosy notify
stare in which the trial it held; IW WNY that received the information of the claim end the basis for it. After being notified.
(iii) requires disclosure of privileged or other protected matter and no exception or a party must promptly retum, requester. or destroy the specified infomation and any copies it
waiver applies; or has and may not use or disclose the information until the elim is resolved. A receivit\| party
(iv) subjects a person to undue burden. may promptly present the information to the court under seal for a determination of the claim.
(B) lfa subpoena lf the receiving pany disclosed the infomation before being notified. ir must use reasonable
(i) requires disclosure of a trade secret or otherconlidential research, deveIop•neeL steps to rctrivc it, The pcrsort who produced the information must prererve the infomation
or commercial information. or until the claim is resolved.
(ii) requires disclosure of sn urtretsined e:tper1's ophtion or Infomation not
describing specific events oroccursences ln dispute and resulting from the ¤pen‘r study made (e) Cohrrcstrt. Failure of any person vvirhont adequate excuse toobey s subpoena served upon
not at the request ofsny puny, or tlret person rnay bc deemed e contempt ofthe coun from which the subpoena issued. An
(iii) rcquircsa person who ra not aparry or an oflicer efa parryto incur subatannal adequate causc for failure to obey exists when a subpoena purports to rerprire a nonparty to
cxpcosc to travel more tltsn l00milcs toattend trial, theeourt may. to protect a persorrsuhjecl attend or produce st a place not within the liniu provided try clause (ii) of subpurarpsplt