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Date: June 17, 2005
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Case 1:01-cv-00116-FMA

Document 179-2

Filed 06/17/2005

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Case 1:01-cv-00116-FMA

Document 179-2

Filed 06/17/2005

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Proceedingsof the 1983 Civilian Radioactive Waste Management information Meeting
December 12-15, 1983 Washington,D.C.

February 1984

Sponsored by: U,S, Department Energy of Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Washington, D.C. 20585

Protected Matedal Subject ProtectiveOrder to SN069588[D]


Case 1:01-cv-00116-FMA

Document 179-2

Filed 06/17/2005

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On January Ig83,President 7, Reagansignedintothe law the Ruclear WastePolicy Act of ]gRz.This act established process a whereby the President, Congress, affected the the individual Statesand Indian tribes, the U.S.Department Energy o~ and otherFederal agencies couldwork together the siting, in Thisproceedings document fromthe IgR3 Civilian Radioactive WasteManagement Infor~atlon Meeting se~ves to highlight developments sincethe passage the Act, and reviews of program activities necessary to provide for the permanent disposal and storage co~merclally oF generated high-level radioactive waste. Presentations included this program in covertopics concerning interim spentfuel,monitored retrievable

ProtectedMatedalSubject to Protective Order : 2 SN069589 SNP0118460

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Filed 06/17/2005

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t~UCLEAR WASTE FUt(D M#~tAGEME~T Loring Mills, Vice President

We r~cogniz~ thata k~y thatunlocked the Congressional log-jam achieve to the wastehill was the establishment contracts, gob of and

budget minimizing amountoF outFlo~ the by the of money,and ~e must resistthat.CongTess

Protected Matedal Subject Protective to Order


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Filed 06/17/2005

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580 Main Street,

Telephone (508) 779-67; T]4/X 7"~0.380-761g

Botton, Massachusetts 01740-1398

Septe~iber 25, 1992 92-621

U.S. Department of Energy DOE Contracting officer Office of Placement ~nd Administration PR-322.1 I000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20585 Dear sir or Madam:

Enclosed are completed Delivery Commitment Schedules for Yankee Atomic Electric Company. Please note that because the Yankee Nuclear Po¢er Station is perm~nently shutdow~ and to facilitate decommissioning, we are requesting that DOE accept all of the spent nuclear fuel~in storage at the station over a three year period starting in 1998 as indicated on the DCSs. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions.


~. M. Grube, Dlr_eetor. Fuel Management Depai-tment

Enclosu~ce U.S. Depar~ment of Energ~ Chief, Logistics and Utility Interface Branch Office of civilian Radioactive Waste Management RW-432 i000 Independence Avenue, Washington, DC 20585



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Filed 06/17/2005

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A.C. J. M. A. ~. 1%.A. F. X.

Buchheit H. Koch Mellur Qulnn


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1.0 IDENTIFICATIONINFORMATION 1.1 DCS ldentilication Number:. 985601442801 1.2 ContactPerson: (a) Name: J. }~. ~ct~el~ (b) Telephone (include AreaCede}: 1.3 Contract Number: 2,0 DELIVERYCOMMITMENT INFORMATION TypeCaskRequired (Maximum loadedlifting welght, In Ions): Shipping Lot Number: (Not Required) (Assigned bv DOE} Proposed ShippingMede: Truck ~; ; Rail .; Barge___ Proposed Delivery Date: DOE Assigned Delivery Commitment Date: (Not ReouIred) ~Asstqned DOE) by 1o ! 91 Range Discharge of Dates: 2 12 72 Mo Day'/Y'~" -Mo/ Day / to / (Earliestto Latest) 2.7 MetricTonsUran~Jm: (initial) 34,.B (Discharged) (Not Renulr~) ?-8 NumberofAssemblies: BWR__ PWR 135 Other__ 2,1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 CERTIFICATIONS Information: 1.4 Reactor/Facility (b) Address: s~ ~outa (c) C~y. State & ~p ~e: RO~, ~ 01367

N~ma (Pl~e'P~po PdnI) or


4.0 NOTIFICATIONOF DO~-APPROVAL 4.1 Approvedby DOE TeChnlC,W Repre~ntat~vo 4.2 l~e Dale



Case 1:01-cv-00116-FMA

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Filed 06/17/2005

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1,0 IDENTIFICATION INFORMA'IION 1.1 DCS Identification Number. 9956014.4280 | 12 ContactPerson: (a) Name:, (b) Telephone ude AreaCede):.So~,-?79-671 (~nc 1.3 Contract Number. 2.0 DEUVERY COMMITMENT INFORMATION TypeCaskRequired (Maximum loadedI~lng weight, in tons): ShippingLot Number: (Not geaulred~(Assl~rmd DOE'I bv ProposedShippingMode: Truck x " Rail ; Ba~e_____ Proposed Delivery Date: 19~e DOE Assigned Delivery Commitment Date: (Not Reaulred)~'Asslened DOE) bY Range Discharge of Dates: 2 12 7.2 to ~ 91 (Ead[esttoLatest) MolDaylYr to Mo/Day/Yr 2.7 MetdoTonsUran[um: (Discharged) (NotRe~ulred~ (Initial) 45.1 2.8 NumberofAssembltes: BWR__ PWR 194 Other__ 3,0 CERTIFICATIONS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 1.4 ReactodFac~ity Information: (b) Address: s~= (c) City, State

N~mo (Ple~o Type or Pdnl)







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1.1 D'CS Identification Number:.

1.2 ContactPerson: (a} Name:. ;r. H. mschh=:L= (b) Telephone udeAreaCode):. (inc 1.3 Contract Number:.
DE,-CF.Q ! -83H~44,t28

1.4 Reactor/FacilityInformation: (a) Name: ~=.~e I;u=z~= eowec s~lun (b) A~rass: s~ Rou¢~ (c) C~y, State & ~p ~e:
. . Rowe, ~ Ot367

2.0 DELIVERYCOMMITMENT INFORMATION Type Cask Required (Maximum loaded li~ting weight,in tons): 37 Shipp~=lg Number:. Lot (Not Reaulred)(Assigned bY E) DO Pmposed Shipping Mode: Track x .; Ra~ .; Barge.__ 2.000 Proposed Delivery Date: DOE Ass[gned Delivery Comm~tment Date: (Not-Reoutred} ('Assh]nedbvDOE} Range Discharge of Dates: (Earliestto Latest) Me! Day/ Yr to Me/ Day/ Yr 2.7 Metro TonsUranium: (Initial) 4";. t (Discharged) (Not Reeulre~) 2.8 NumberofAssembffes: BWR__ PWR 20__4 Other__ 3.0 CER'RFICATIONS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2_4 2.5 2.6





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Department of Energy W~shlngton, ~0585 DC

Contrac~AdmtnL'~..~,g'b~ ~ YankeeAtomic E~ect~Ic~5~pany 580 Hain Street 8olton, HA 01740-139B Oear Nr. Buchheit: The Department of Energy (DOE) has-reviewed the three Delivery Commitment Schedules (DCS) submitted by Yankee Atomic Electric Company(YAEC), dated September 25, lggz (DCS numbers 98-5601-4428-0I, 99-5601-4428-01, and 00-560]-44Z8-01). Ne have determined that Item 2.7 (Hetric Tons Uranium} each DCSwas incorrectly completed. In accordance with the StandardContractfor the Disnosal Snent of Fuji ~nd/or Hinh-Level Was~(10 CFR Fart 95]), an annual Acceptance ~riortty Ranking(APE) reportand an AnnualCapacityReport(ACR) are issued.The establishes the order in whichDOE allocates projected spentnuclearfuel (SNF} acceptance capacity. requiredby the StandardContract,the priority As rankingis based on the d~te the SNF was permanently discharged, with the ownersof the oldestSNF, on an industry-wlde basis,given the highest priority.The APR is the basis for allocating SNF acceptance capacityto each owner in the ACR. The ACR .appliese ten-yearprojected wasteacceptance rate to the APR, resultingin individual capacityallocations projected ef acceptance capacity (measured metrictons of uranium- MTU)..The in allocations the ACR are t~e basisfor DCS submittals. in As statedin the DC$ Instructions Item 2.7, for designated for deliverymust not exceedthe allocation the ACR; exceeding in the allocation will resultin disapproval the bCS{s)."Based on the of December 1991 AnnualCapacity Report(ACR),.YAE~exceededits allocations for each ~ Year AlJocetlon AC~ in 9,84 HTU 10.09MTU 9.65 HTU Item ~.7 of pG~ 47.1MTU 45.1 ~TU 47.1MTU

9B-5601-442B-O!1998 99-5601-~2B-01 1999 00-5601-442B-012000

Note that once Item ~.7 is revised,Item 2.8 will requirerevisionas well. As a r~sultof'theseerrors,DCS numbersg~-5601-44Z8~01, 99-5601-44Z8-01, and 00-5601-442B-01 have'been disapproved..Consistent ArticleV.B.I.ofthe wltb StandardCon~ra¢~for Disnosalof $~ent NuclearFuel'and/or Hieh-Level-Radioactive ~.~ste.I am requesting that you submitrevisedD¢$s to coFrect these errorswithin30 days of receiptof this notification, assistyou in To revising the=eI)~$s,a copy of the "Instr~ctlons Completing for the Appendix Delivery Com~Itment Schedule" enclosed are additional is as DCS forms.


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Should you have any questions concerning this action, please contact Nick Graham my staff on (202)634-4415 or Nancy Hontgomeryof the of Department's OFfice Civilian of Radioactive WasteHanagement on (202) ~B6-8320. ~ I~ndaStrand , Contracting Officer Office Placement of and Administration Encl osures cc: R. M, Grube



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Filed 06/17/2005

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MEMORANDUM YANKEE ATOMIC - BOLTON R. M. Grubs J. M. Bucb-heit YANKEE DELIVERY CO~T~ ]}a/~ , September.2S 1992 r ~.0~ LA~J .... Y-L~.3-04-0~

SCHEDULES (DOS] SUb~LARY/REC0~ATiON The standard Contract for spent fuel disposal requires Yankee to submit a Delivery Commitment Schedule (DOS) to DOE for at least the first year of cperatimn of DOE~s Waste Management System (WMS), currently considered by DOE to be 1998, by September 1992. DOE'S instructions for DOS submittal specify that the quantity which DOE will accept must not exceed allocations specified in the December 1991 AIunual Capacity Report (ACE). Along with year one, DCSs can also be submitted for any of succeeding year's allocations listed in the AC~. We recommend that Yard~ee dcviate from DOErs instructions to comply wi~--h ACE allocations and request that DOE accept all of Yankee's spent fuel in the first three years of WMS operation. D~SCUSSTON The Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel/Nigh Level Radioactive Waste rag%aires that purchasers who have allocations for spent fuel disposal in the 1991 ACR in the first year of WMS operation, currently considered by DOE to be 1998, must submit a DCS for this allocation to DOE by no later than September 30, 1992. Failure to do so will result in Yankee loosing its place in the queue; i.e~ Yankee would have no allocation rights in year one. A .copy of the DOS form is .~ttached. A pttrchaser's allocation is based on the 1991 Acceptance Priority Ranking which is a listing of all domestic spent fuel discharged through December 1990 in chronological order, with oldest fuel first. Although a purchaser is only required to submit a DCS if it has an allocation in the first year, DOE does.not prohibit submittals for any cf the purchaser's allocations during the i0 years mfWMS operation shown in the ACR. In fact, DOE requests that eec/~ purchaser submit DCSs for as many allocations as possible to assist them in the planning of the WMS. I have attached the schedule from the ACR showing Y~nkee's projected delivery allocation during the initial !0 years of WMS operation. ~t shows that DOE will accept a total of 56.!MTU of spent fuel duIingthe period. Deliveries are s~heduled in years one through four and six and eight. This quantity is less than half the fuel in the peel. Although, instructions for completing


YDK037423 YDK037423

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R, M. Grubs September 25, IS92 Page 2 the DCSS say DOE will reJsct those which do not ccrzespcnd with the alloc~tions shown in the 1991 ~cK, it is recommended that we deviate from DOE's instructions and request DOE accept all of ~S spent fuel d~ing the first t~ee ye~s of In do~g ~is we will not jeop~dize o~ right to ~ allocation in the initial year uf ~S operation. Howev~, DOE has ~e right to reject o~ retest ~d if rejected will re~e us to s~mit revised DCSs. ~er, if DOE does not accept ~e revised DCSs, we ~e re~ired to negotiate an acceptable schedule wi~ DOE. Acceptance of all ~S spen~ fuel wi~in ~ee years of ~s startup is consistent wi~ Ya~ee's desire to r~ove spent fuel from ~e sit~ as so~n zs p~ssibl~ to p~it orderly deco~ission~g. It should also be logistically possible to remove all of ~e spen~ fuel ever proper cmmpl~ent of multi-e!~ent ~ck casks. More si~ificantly, c~ retest to deliver all ~s spent fuel on an accelerated schedule will highlight the ~port~ce to us for timely accept~ce ~d r~o~l Hopefully, our retest will have positive effects especially for those reactors which ~e dec~issioned or ~z c~ntly cunt~p!ating deco~issioning; i.e. ~at it will play a rule in convincing DOE to either give priority to pendently shutdu~ reactors or p~haps increase accept~ce reims as a me~s of ass~g t~ely deco~ission~.

A. C. Ead~k A..A.H. Koch F. X. Qui .nn R. A. Mellcr


YDK037424 YDK037424

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1.O iDENTIFICATIONINFORMATION 1,1 DCS ldentilicatioe Number:, 1.2 Contact Person: (a) Name: (b) Telephone (include Area Code): 1.3 Contract Number: DELIVERY COMMITMENT INFORMATION Type CaskRequired (Maximum loadedlifting weight, in tons): Shipping Lot Number: (No~: Required) (AssiGnedby DOE~ " Barge_.~ Proposed Shipping Mode: Truck " Rail Pn3posed Delivery Date: (Not Required) (Assic~nedby DOE) DOE AssignedDelivery Commitment Date: Range DischargeDates: of MoI Day/ Yr to Mo! DayI Yr (Earliestto Latest) (Discharged) 2.7 MetdcTons Uranium: (initial) (Not Reoutred') 2.8 Number Assemblies: of BWR__ PWR__ Other__ 3.0 CERTIFICATIONS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 1.4 Reactor/Facilitylnlormaticm: (a) Name: (b) Address: (c) C~[y, State & Zip Code:



Name (Plez~se Typ~or Pt~l)

T~tle (PleaseTypeor Print)

fraudulentstalemen~ ~ ~nymaterwithin IIs jurisdiction. ~





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Yankee Annual Allocatlou From the ISs! Annual

Fo~ Deliver~ to DOE Camacitv ReDort

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 Total M~U

9.8 10el 9.7 8.6 9.4

8.5 56.1



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Case 1:01-cv-00116-FMA

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