Free Memorandum - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Pages: 1
Date: July 17, 2007
File Format: PDF
State: federal
Category: District
Author: unknown
Word Count: 514 Words, 3,100 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Preview Memorandum - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:97-cv-00582-MMS

Document 43-3

Filed 07/17/2007

Page 1 of 1

Initial Notice of Intent
To Terminate or Extend Low -Income

u.s. Department of Housing
and UrbarrDlivulopmen!



Affordability Restrictions

Federal Houdng Commissioner


[Pul~uanl to S~:do~l 2t 2 of Ih~ LowJncome Hous~ Pmsen,'a~r= and Reddenl HomeownershlgAd o~ t~30} OMB Approval No. 2502.0459 Public reporting burden for ~Js collecuon of intomlaenn ~s esornaled to ave=age 2.0 hours per response, including IJ~ t~me for revmwmg instructions, sem'd~in~ exislJng data sources, gathering and maintaining the dale needed, and cam'prolOng and raviewlng Ihe colleel~on oliNormal~on- Se.d comments regarding l~s bu~en estimate or any o'.ller aspect of Ibis collection olinformal]on" including suggestions torreducing this burden, I~ IbeRepodS Mar~geme~tOlfl.clu'..O_ffi~ of Information Policies and Svstems~ U.S. Departmen{of Housing and Urban Develogment, Washington, D.G.20410-~60Oand to lheO~fice of M anagementano uudge~, Papen~o~, Reduclion Project (~592-0459}, Washington, D.G. 20503. [~ not snnd ~ls completed form to eiIb~ 01U~e~:n addressees. This Nol~ce must I~e filed simultaneously with (1) the local HUD Reid O~ce. (2} the chic! exeoul~ve officer of the aRorowiata Stem or local government, (3) the morlgagee, (~*) tenants el the property0 and (5] all known representatives o| the tanants.

Data of this No~ice _July 20, 1992
Purpose of this Notice (Check one): [] ~:t~nd the low income atiordability' restrictions by requesting incentives: or [] Offer tO Soil the he.using to a qualified ptrrchasar. [] .Terminate Ihe low income allo~dabilily restrictions through wepaymant o! the mortgage ~ voluntary termination of the mortgage Insurance; Borrower and Project reformation:

a. Borr0werEn~ ~nahe~m GardP~s: a L~m~t~d. Partnership
b. FHA,Project Number ~22-44£ 78-~P
c. Stale Agency Project Number (If project is Section 235 non-i~sured.) 13./a

d. PrejectName e.

Anaheim Gardens 1535 West Anaheim St,, Los Angeles,, CA 90710

Project Address(include Clly. Slate, and Zip Code)

I. Date el Final Endorsement

August 24, 1973

" NameolMortgagge F@deral National Mort~ase Association " ~ousing Preservation and Production Departmen~ Name o! State or IocaJ Agency Receiving th~s Notice OI Intent City of Los Anqeles, Gary Squier., General Man~
Owner's Ce~tication I, the undersigned, cerl~fy thai this Nolica el Intent has bean submitted and dis~ibutad in accordance with the requirements o| the statute "as sbecifled above. [] | certify thai | know ol no tenant rep~esenlalwe. Under the panallJes and provision el ~tales Code, Seclmn 1001, the statements c~ontalned in the re.)St a.d iLs attachmanls have been examined by me and, to {~J..j~'-~.~ot my knowledge and beliel are true, correcL and complain.

Narr~ (Owner) L. S .~'~e~al partner
Address (Include Cily, 5lale, and Zip Coda) ' "

6z //


25332 Narbonne Avenue l',r~nll-~, ~ 90717

Important Information about this Notice of Intent is on the back ofthis form.
tel. Hanalxlai~ 4350.6 t0rm HUn:91101z (04/03.'9#1

IRH 0000028