Free Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Date: May 1, 2007
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Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-10

Filed 05/02/2007

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Filed 05/02/2007

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0 ~ ~ Chart ~ :...................................... ~ ~ i ~ ~ BLA- 1 ..... ~ Cooar.1 Statement ...............................................BJAs-ytdla ................................................... BU................................... BIAuighlighta of PI.1991 A&quenc ~ m h ~ r i z i n ga t u t e s ............................................ . 8 st BIA
~ ~ p r ~ p r i ~m-sry n scarament ............................ tio &ppppropriation language s k C c J u e t i f l c n t i a n of propoeed language c b n g e s Appropriation language ciCatio ns S-~J of r e q u i r e e n t s J u p t i f i c a t i o n of adjustuients t o baae

Tsble of a n c e n t s

............................... ................. ...........................BlABIA.................................... .......................BIA-



AetfMty Sr -Y Indian Ugh- Protection Ib.1 e s t a t e and Financi.1 ?nut Services Tribo/4pn=y Oporasinna Paci1itie.s )(.Mg~rpant .G .General Mmlniatration: Activity Sur~laary. Nmu~emsntu\d hdninlstracion ..... AucomaCmd Date, koce:nsing Services %loyea Componsatio~~ Payments Program h g e - n t Consolidated T r a i n i q i Progrm Tribe/Apncy O p e r a t i ~ > m

.......................................BIA-143 ............................... BU-106 ............... BIA- 158 ................................BU-169
..... ............................ BXA-173 ................. BIA- 178 .... ................ .....
........... ..........................
BIA-179 BIA-191 BIA- 193 BIA-194 BIA-195 BlA-199 BIA-202

Fimcal Year 1991 w e t !ichcdulea

J u s t i f i c a t l m of prosram and perfomarrsa by e c t i v i ~ : Ldufation: ,.chctivlcy summary ... BIA- 31 scho~l OperatiBIA- 32 Johruon-O'Nalloy M u c a c i 0 ~ 1 L S ~ S C ~ C O A BIA- 33 Continuing Education BIAe B1A- 35 ~rib~/~g~ncy operations. T r i b a l Services: ~ c t i v ~ summary ty BfA- 36 ~ r i b . 1 cover-nt Servlcsa ............................. 81.4. 37 s o c i a l service BfA- 45 mforce-nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ............................ EIA- 52 s e l f - ~ e t e m l n a r i ms e ~ i c e s 811 57 mplomnt ~ ~ ~ l o p m m n t 1 1 1 ~ - 61 Tribe/Agcncy Opsrations BIA- " . 78 Navajoftlopi Sstclornnt Program Economic Developenc: ~ceivity w r y . . ~ BIA- 8' ' BlA- 81 susiness Enterprise Development BIAIndian ~ r t a Crafts Board & ~r-b~/~g~~cy ~ p e r a c i o n r . . B1A- go ~etur.1 b e o u r c e s Development: ~ ~ t i ~summary i t y BIA- 92 ~ ~ t ~ rma-ces. .1 General BIA* 93 Agriculture BIA* irrigation. ............................................ EM-103 ............................................... BIA-107 .fore.tq water mrources B1A-1l8 ............... BIA-114 . Wildlife a d mparks g ninerals and i n i n BU-130 ~ ~ i b e / / ~ g ~ n c ya t i o y ~per BIA-135

....................... .............. ...................................... ................ ................................... ........................ ..

Q p m p r i a t i o n swaary s t ~ ~ c e m n i Appropriation 1 m ~ u . g e sheet Appropriation language ct.tarfona S - m a r y o f requirenants J w t i f i c a t i on of adjusrpasntn do baas

............................ BIA-205 ..................................... B I A - ~ ~ O
BIA-206 ............................... BIA-207 ...........................



....................................... .........................................

J u s t i I i c a t i o n of program and perfornolbce by a c t i v i t y : School Operations Johnron.0'~lle.y Lducat.iona1 Aesistance GDntinulng Educati on Education P r o m Hanag.emenC T r i b e / ~ g e n c yDporations

......................................... B~A-214 .................. BIA-232 ..................................... BIA-236 .............................BIA-245 ..................................8 1 ~ - 2 4 7

................................. ................................ ........................... ..................................... ........................ ............................. .............................. ....................................... ............................. ............................................



Appropriation language s h e e t BIA-253 J u s t i f i c a t i o n of proposed Imguagc chmgee EIA-251 Appropriation langurge c i t a t i o n s BIA-255 Program and Perforamce Statement BIA-258 Budgstlxy resources BIA-259 h a l y e i a o f budgatary resources by a c r i v i t y ................ EIA-260 S-ry o f nnquirementa BIA-262 J u s t i f i c a t i o n of M j u a m e n t s t o Base BIA-263

............................... ................. ........................... .......................... ........................................

.................................... .......................

........................................ ..................... .................................... ................................


J u a t i f i c a t d o n of p r o g r m md p e r f o r ~ c e a c t i v i t y : by Building. and U c i l t t i e s Raploye* Howin& B o d Maineaarrrce and Co~utrucCicn Conrttuetion Contraet B~pporc F i s h Hatcharieo Rshabil.lucion 8.lf .CoMmur ยท coapaccn

Irrigation ...............................................BIA-270 . . . n u m g .................................


........................ ....... ........... .......... ................

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Document 60-10

Filed 05/02/2007

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Iha luraau of Indian M f a i r a , craated i n tha war Dapar-nt i n 1824, van t r a r u f a r r a d to eha D a p a r M n t of the I n t x r i o r i n 1849. The hiatory of tha r a l a t i o r u h i p bstvea~n Indian tribes uui cha U. S. Covamaant ravaala t h a t the niamhn of the B U w u founded on a 6 w a r m s n t - t o gata~ntrelstioruhlp md r t r u a t r a a p o r u i b l l i t y -tinu frontraatiam and othar .gra.lwnca with Bktivr y o u p a . Iha bureau. thacefora. u a n a w n t of t h a U. S. Covetluumt, t a c o ~ i z e s fundhwntal renponsibility a Co Assrican Indian tribaa. ,Alam*. Native groups. ~ n d the t r i b a l form of goVermont. Iha buraau's mlmmlon l a to: (1) mcogniza and pcesarvs tha inharant right* of t r i b a l .elf-governinnt; (2) ntrangthen t r i b a l aapacity f o r m e l f - ~ o ~ m n c : : provid. ramourcan f o r tribal gwenumnc (3) programs: (4) protact tha r i g h t s of Indian people i n dealing with ocher g o v a t o s n t o l e n t i t i a n md t h m privata sactor: and (5) f u l f i l l d axacuta the Paderal C w a t o s n t ' s r a r p o r u i b i l i t y f o r t r u a t roaourcaa md property.

The S y Q r A c t of 1921 (42 !:tat. 208; 25 U S C. 131 prwidaa aubatantiva
law f o r appropriatic w e r i n g tha u t i v L i e s of tim Bureau of Indian Affair*. ha acopa . d churactar of the authorization8 conuinad i n n thim Act w r a broadened by t h a Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (45 but. 984: 25 U.S.C. 461 a t -9.); by the Indian F i ~ n c i r I gAct of 1974, u m n d e d (88 S t a t . 77: 25 U.S.C. 1451 e t sap.): by tho Indian k l E D e t a m i r u t i o n md Education Asaimtanca'Aet of 1975, a me.ndsd (88 m S t . 2203; 25 U.S.C. 4%): by t h a Indian Child Ualfara Aec of 1978 (92 S t a t . 3069; 25 U.S.C. 1901 a t meq.)i and by the Anti-Drug Abusa Act o f 1906. a s uandad (25 U.S.C. 2401 a t s a q . ) .
fba Cantral Offica of cha I~uraauof Indian Affair. i s located i n Uuhi q w n . D.C., but tha majority of haadguartarr a t o f f work i n Albuqusrqru. Nawlbxico with a ~ l l a s t d l f contin&ancs located i n othar w a t a r n atatea. r lb Bureau has 12 araa ofi'icas. 83 agenciaa, 3 aub-aganciaa. 6 f i e l d s t a t i o r u . 3 i r r i g a t i o n proj,sct officam.


providea aarvlcam d i r a c t l y o r through contract t o 949,000 Indiuu. Eskimos. and Alalrta uho raaida i n 31 a t a t a a . The bureau c u r i e s out tha g o ~ r n m n t - t o - g o v s n u n n t functions f o r tha Fadaral b v r n n u n t with 310 Indian t r i b e s i n the ' l w a r 48 s u t a s . and wlth 197 A l u k a n Native organlzatiora T b bureau adminiatera 42.385.031 u r s m of tribally-ownad land and 10.226.180 acraa of individually-omad land uhich i s held in tnut a t r ~ t r u . It almo a b i n i a t o r m U2,755 u c a a of federally-omad land. t

lb bur-au



Tha f o l l w i n g pago.
anected f o r FY F1 1992 raqusmt.

p r w i c b a cowariaon betunen the appropciatioru 1991 ud cha I 1992 requaat and highlightm of the T

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Indian Education Programs (Accoune No. 14-2018 -0- 1-501)


Since N 1988. the bureau has had t h e Effective Schools Progrm whlch i s a process f o r Fmprovlng t h e schools with t h e goal of r a i s i n g che achievement l e v e l s of atudants who a t t e n d a11 t h e schools. Since t h a t time, t h e S e c r e t a r y ' s i n i t i a t i v e has been u r a i s e the t e s t score6 t o , meet t h e n a t i o n a l norm by the year 2000. ConsultantsfTrainers have been used t o t r a i n Line Officers and P r i n c i p a l s a t n a t i o n a l t r a i n i n g sessions individual schools have a l s o received t r a i n i n g . This t r a i n i n g i s on-going and w i l l continue f o r f i v e years o r u n t i l a l l achools a r e using the Effective Schools model. To d a t e , 31 of 180 schools have implemented t h i s process. I n FY 1991. a d d i t i o n a l schools rill be addad s o chat by N 1993 a l l schools w i l l have had t h e opportuniey t o become an Effective School. The bureau h a s continued t r a i n i n g i n substance abuse through Ehe use of consultant t r a i n a r s ; however, t h e r e a r e no t r a i n i n g e.atiUiateS a v a i l a b l e since the t r a i n i n g is h e l d primarily i n t h e smmr monthe when school is not i n session.

Tribe/kncy. Operatione by Location The PX 1992 request of $338,555,000 f o r Tribe/Agency Operation. i n baaed on pro6rm ud funding prior1l:ies established a t 220 loeatiorrr In the field. For TY 1992, the Indian Priority System uaa run at $25 million over the W 1991 target a s pa~ct of the Bureau's increased o l l p h ~ i son decision-Wing a t tb local level and e f f o r t s to s t r e q t h e n t r i b a l Triba/eency funding by locatifmn i s diaplayed on the folloring charts. In addition. the following w d i a t r i b u u d Mount6 w i l l l o t o locstione i n TY 1991 and W 1992 buied on workload o r omer approprieta factors.


470.000 for Uwhington .nd Oregon implementation of General u s i s t a n c s Progrrns which, w i l l be distributed t o a6ency locations.

$1,375,000 f o r child abuse i n i t i e t i v e s which w i l l be and distributed b u e d on uork1o.d d e c i r i o ~ progra t rhe local level. S3.075,WO for emerpncy shelters which w i l l bo distributed based on c&letion of t c i l i t i e s and cost of operation.

802.000 for Bureau-operatad law unforcemenr program which w i l l be d l a t r i b ~ t e ~ d 1991 based on workload in data eutrently being collected.

$1.500.000 for operation of juvenile detention f u i l i t i e a uhich w i l l be dlat.ciburad a s the f a c i l i t i e s become operatio~l.

180.000 for IPLGIIS &ta ta~rumisrion costs a t the local level. in the following' #ections of th. budget:

The programs are justified

r r i b a l Sarvicas ........................BU- 66 Econopic Davslppmtnt BU. 90 Natural Resources h ~ l o p . e n t BU-135 Trust Respmibi1:Lties.. .nu-169 Oenoral Mainiatnbtion.. ..BlA-199 Education BU-247


............... ............. ...............................


For self-gwerrunce ccmpsct tribe., the interp.1 trarufera uhich occurred i n N 1991 a r e not always consistent with progrmmmtic dscisionr made by the t r i b e i n the FY 1992 planning process and r e h i l t i n minuses i n some line. it-. Given the' prograo flexibility mailable t o these tribe^^, the totals are the controlling factnr.

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