Free Memorandum - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Pages: 21
Date: June 9, 2008
File Format: PDF
State: federal
Category: District
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,860 Words, 10,199 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 1:05-cv-00187-JFM

Document 54-4

Filed 06/09/2008

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Case 1:05-cv-00187-JFM

Document 54-4

Filed 06/09/2008

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Dec. 30, 1969

Filed May 5. 1967






Case 1:05-cv-00187-JFM

Document 54-4

Filed 06/09/2008

Page 3 of 21

United States Patent Oflice
3,486J40 GAS TURBINE PONERPLANT WITH & W S F O R COOLING CO&IPRl?,SSED AIR Anlhony A. dn Ponf, Rolling Hills, and Edward N. H m l s , Pnlos Verdes Pcniasuln, CdU, nnd 'ihomar T. Schroh tcr. Tempe, Ariz, ussignors to ?be G m e l t Corpontloo, L w h g d e s , CnUf., n corpontton of CnliEomln Filed Mny 5, 1967, Sw. N . 636,344 o Int. Cl. FOZg 1/00; FOZk 3/02 US. CI. 60--262 1 Claim

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intake funs 17 and 18 mounted on a rotatable shaft 19. Bctwecn lhc fans 17 and IS an disposed suitzblc stationm ary staging bladcr 21. The f 17 and I S dmw air through thc intake1 14 and move it toward the n o d c 15. After the air u discharged by the fan it is divided into two p a m by a cylindrical parlition 22 that is h d d maxkdly with the housing 13 by suitnble struts 23 disposed nround the panition and only one of which is shown. Air passing through thc space bctwccn thc par13 tition 22 and the housinz -~will be referred to ns bv. ~ . -- ~ p a s o r primary air, end the nir entering the cylindri& partition 22 will be referred t o as secondary air. ABSTRACT O F THE DISCLOSURE The sewndarv air ir conduclrd lo n ~-~ . .--. - fuel-t-air -...... hent exchnngcr 26 and cooled to above the dew paint, I.=., thc A bypars gas t u i b i c powerplant having a mulLirtase nir compressor wherein interstagc cooling is provided 15 freezing point of water, to avoid icing problems. Tho by cryogenic fuel. R n p mcans ere providcd between comsecondary air leaves that heat exchanger 26 and entcrs a first stage compressor 27 to be cornprcswd again. T h o pressor srages to vary the air bypass ratio. secondary air leaving the compressor 27 is guided radially outward and into another fuel-tc-air heat cxchangcr 28. 10 gcnenl, a gas turbioc power plant includes an air Z0 The air is cooled a second time before it entcrs n second s:age compressor 29. A suitable baiAe 31 is provided to comprcssor ior compressing thc intake air before it is keep the warm nit separated by the coal air. The secondburnt with fuel so that work may be pcrfarmcd efficiently. ary nir leaving the comprcssor 29 enters an mnular comIt is well known that if air is compressed isathcrmally bustion chamber 32 where it h burned with fuel. the amount of energy, required to comprcsa the air, would The fuel is supplied to the chamber 32 through a pipe be less than when the compression is adiabatic, without 25 nny extraction of hear. 33 that exlcnds from a fuel tank (not &own) in the airc n i t 11 through thc strut member 12 and one of the The prior art suggested that in a turbine for a jet struts 23. The pipe 33 communicates with the heat cxcnginc, the compressed air should be cooled with air in changer 26 so that thc fuel enters the hcnt exchanger a byparis stream. Then, after combustion, the bypass air is mixed with thc combustion products before they are 30 and absorbs heat from the air. The fuel leaves the cxchanger 26 through a pipe 34. The p i p 34 communicates jetted from a noulc, thus the cxtractcd heat from the wilh the alhcr heat exchanger ond the fuel eirculalca high compressed air is reclnimcd as thrust. This arrangemen1 providcs satisfoctary efficient pcrformancc at rclnthere-through absorbing hent. The fuel lcnves through lively low o r subsonic speeds. However, the forward n pipe 36 thot communicales with a hollow ring 37. Thc speed o i thc jet engine is limited because the exit velocity 36 ring 37 in turn hag a piurollty of suilnblc fuel torches 38. Of tho mixcd gases, is., the combustion products nnd The hot goses, leaving the combustion cbnmbcr, exhaust the bypassed air, is lower tho4 thc exit velocity of the through a first turbine wbccl 41 causing n hollow shaft combustion products alone, discharging from the n o d c . 42 to rolntc. The Arst and second stage compressors arc Theicforc, an objcct of this invcntiao is to provide n 40 powered by shaft 42. The hot gnscs then pass through il stntionary stator 43 and exhaust through o sccond turmeans for interstage cooling of the comprcsscd gar, without degrading the n o d e exit velocity of exhaust gaxes. binc whccl 44, causing the shaft 19 to rotalc. In turn. tho fan blades 17 and 18 are rolated. T h t exhaust gases Ano:hcr objcct is to provide n mcnns for interstage from the turbine arc then mixcd with the primary air cooling of the compressed gas with cryogenic fucls. and exhausted from the n o d e 16 to provide thrust. Basically, the invention comprises a gar turbine powerTho ratio of primary air and secondary air could be any plant, prefernbly on nircraft jet cnginc, that urcs cryo- 45 value and still the fuel would provide sufficient cooling to genic fuel, such as liquid hydrogen or liquid methane. the sccnndary nir to cause nearly isothcrrnal comprcssion. The cnginc cycle includes the Step:, of mmprusing the The amount of cooling available for the secondary air in intake air in an axial flow compressor, cooling the comthis invention is indcpendcnt of the mass ralc of the pripressed air in an air-lo-fuel heat exchanger to n tempcraturc above the dew point to prevent icing problems, 6o mary nir. Thus suitable flaps arc provided o n the ironr compressing thc cooled air n second Lime, burning the air end of the cylindrical partition 22 to vnry the n t i o of the mass rate of the primary air to the mnss rate of tbc with the fuel. Thc hot combustion producls power n turbine which drives the compressors, and then exhaust secondary air. Then when the aircraft is laking ofi thc through n noul: to provide t h m t . When the is 55 ?ti0 could be made l a r ~ c provide relatively low velociLo tlcs and a high mass rate to the gases leaving the noalc. providing power to an aircraft travelling at subsonic velocity the combustion products could bc mixed with When the aircraft is lravclling at high speeds the ratio bypass air to increase thc efiicicncy and whsn the aircould be dccreaxd as tho aircraft spccd incrcascs to maincraft is travelling above sonic velocity, there would be tain the vclocily of the gases leaving the noules above thc no miring a f thc combustion products with bypars air Speed Of the aircraft In this invention still more nearly in ordcr to maintain the n o d e vclocity of the exhaust O0 isothcrmal comprcssion could be obhincd by cooling the slationary blades 1 7 in the compressors wilh fuel by suitgas above ihe velocity of the aircraft. able piping and ducling, not shown. Other objccts, featurn and advantnges of h c invcnWhat is claimed is: tion are presented in the following description and 1. A turbojct engine comprising: claims, and iilunrsred in the accompanying drawings, lo o j intake. mcanr for inlaking air into A d cnginc, which thc sole Rgure schematicaUy shows a Nrbojcl engine i s incorpoming the fcaturcs of h invention. compressar means for cornpresskg said air, The figure shows a turbojet cnginc 10 in arial crossn combustion chamber for burning said air with fuel l o produce combustion gases, wcuon and attached to the fuselage o f a suilnblc nircraft 11 by a strut member 12. The engine 10 has c y l i - 70 turbine meanr. driven by said combuatioo gaws to drive said compieslior mcans, drical housing 13 with an intake 14 and an exit n d c 16 dispowd a t opposite ends. The engine 10 has suitable means for cooling said air wilh said fuel os said nir is







Case 1:05-cv-00187-JFM

Document 54-4

Filed 06/09/2008

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being comprcscd and before the f u d is burned in snid chambcr, raid compressor mcam c o m p d n g an intake fan, a first-step compressor and n secaod-stnge comprcssor so that the air h t p s u w thmugh said fan. then is first comprcned in aaid first stage and then in mid second slagc, mcnnr for dividing said air after pasing thmugh said intake means into a primary air slrcam and a secondary air slream, said means including flop mmns for varying tho ratio of primary air b ascondary nir dc~cndent the s w d of fhc craft bdnc - . on - nrowlltd b;thc turbojet cn&c, and mcms are pmvidcd for mixing said combustion gasu wilh said primary air before being exhauslcd from said engine.


WJ3J 2,602,289 7/1952 2363.744 8/1951 3,016.698 111962 3,107,690 10/1963

~eferenk Cued S T A T E PAENTS Anxionnnz ---------Prica Sobey -------------Pope ---------------


CARLTON R. CROYLE, Primary Eraminer DOUGLAS HART, Asistant Enminer

U S C1. X.R. ..
6G-39.66. 39.71, 267


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Filed 06/09/2008

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