Free Motion for Summary Judgment - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Pages: 5
Date: June 10, 2005
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State: federal
Category: District
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,373 Words, 7,363 Characters
Page Size: 622 x 792 pts

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Preview Motion for Summary Judgment - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:05-cv-00216-SGB

Document 9-4 SER LAURELNS FOREST Filed 06/10/2005

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D~p~tment of .&t~l~Itar~ I~ile Co~e: 245016S70 Datl~.:May 2003 ][4,


~CM Timber 42]90Hwy 63 N £dchtou, 39476 MS DearMr. Mills: On Febmaxy25, 2003, },our w~re s~nt a letter ~ad bill for ~ll~d~ mqueminspa~ent of ~35,~00.00 ~r ~e bal~c~ of the ~ pa~en~ {n~ ~d a~v~ co~ for Co~t 477 timb~ s~e. Yo~ pa~t w~ due upon ~et~ o f the Febm~ 25 le~, but no tat~ 6aaD M~ch 29, 2003. ~s ~ent is now p~ d~. Payment $35,743.67is due the Forest Set, ca upon":eceilZ oftl'ds l~.ter m~d of encIo.~ed Bill fi,r Co]]ccSon,but no later than June13, 2003. This i~eludes $35,600.00 downpayment, interest ph~ ~.nd adminstrative cost. P!ease makeyour paymentby money ord,~, batik draft, or check, pay~tble to the Forest Service, USDA. Plcaae m~il your payment, along with the white copy of the enclo~ed bit1 for collection to Unit Collection Officer, Shei|a Thomas. Unless payment received by the due date, weare :re£uired to as.",ea~ intere~ penalty, and is adrnjt~istrative costs on the outstanding prine/pal ofthb debt. Ifthb bill ~s not paid ha ful[ by&a due dat%you ~'ill be char8~l irrtarest at the Department Treamu"y in effect onthe date of the bill's of rate issue or at the promptpayment rate, whicheveris bigber~ calculated from the date of the bill's Addit[ormlly, you will be charged an admirdstrative cx,st amount,to cover processing and h~adling the overduedebt. Finally, if this bill i~ not paid in full by 90 day~aftw the due date, ih add~tbnto the interest and administrative cos~s, you will be cbaq~eda penalty of 6 porte,at per year on m~y principal amountoverdue 90 days or more, c~lculatad from the b[ll's due date. The Debt Coil~'tion ImprovementAct of 1996 requi~es federal a~neies to refer det~ ou~nding in excess of 180 da~ to the U. S. Departmentof the Treasury (Tre.amary). The Forest Set'vlce ~pcrata~ under an agreementwith Treasury wherebyTreasury effects all ,-'olbction on debt~ due the I:orest 5erv'iee that are 60 day~delinquent. Please be ~dvisec[, if you dr, not pay this debt or take one of the ~c6or~desca'~bedb~lowwithin 60 days of the date ot this leIte¢ wewill submit ~ur debt b "['~easury for fm'tIaer collection aedot~, whichmayinekrde: 1. Ddsclosing debt to a consumer the re/~3rtinl; agencya~d that you are responsible for this


Case 1:05-cv-00216-SGB

FOREST 06/10/2005 SER tdS Document 9-4 Filed LAUREL L~FS bIFS MB IN

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p~tduedeb~ 2. ReferrJag to a private collection age~cy ftu,-ther ~olle~don the debt for acfion~ 3. Cotlccting by admLaistmtive offset, arC/or 4. Referringthe debt to the Department Iusticz for civil litigation. of Interest, pena]t3, sad administrative costs, indud~ co.rts of this r,;ferral to Trgasury continueto will ~ be addedto the debt. Treasurywill also enter this debt into the TreasuryOffset Program (TOP),and will reduce ~n'thhold of youreligible fedcl'ai payments the ~mount may by of'die debt. This process, [caowtlas "offset," is au~or~ed by@e Debt CollectionAct of 1982and meDebt Co/lection Itoprove~e~t Act of 1996.:[~ur~is.n~t r~quiredJo_further.not~f~ Federal yp~ js payment eligible for,adminSstrativeoffer include: 1. Income refimds, tax 2. Federalsalary pay, ~naluding military pay, 3. Federal retlrement, i~cludingm{litaryrefrzracntpay, 4. Cor~traetor/vendor payment s, 5. Certain federal benefit payments~ ~s S¢.cial Secur~'ty,RailroadRetirement such (other ~ma tier 2), and BlackLung(part B) benefits~ fromadrninist~a~ve ¯ 6. Otherfederal payznents,including certa£~ loans, ~t sre not exempt offset. Before referring ~e debt to Treasury,weare required':o notify youof ycrur fight to: I. Inspectand copyour recordsrelated to this .Jebt. You mustp~yfor the copying co~;ts, 2. Enter into a written ~tgreetoen% whichmustbe approved the Fores~Set'dee, to pay the by debr~ 3. Requestreviewofour determinationthat yt~ owethe debt, and 4. Ahearingif wedczermine a hearingis ;'equJred, that Please see Attachment for addRio~aI A information. Toavoidreftrrra] to Treasury,youmustdo one of the followingby Junet 3, 2003. 1. P_AY~T]~ DEBT: pay the debt, send a cheek or money To order, payable to "USDA ForestSere'ice"for the full atoountowed to" UnitCollection Officer~ Sheila Thomas 100 W. CapholSt 1141 .~aekson, MS 39269


Case 1:05-cv-00216-SGB

Document 9-4

Filed 06/10/2005

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2. A.G,,~EE A..PAY~ TO .M-.ENT PLAN: /fyo~ are unable to p~y the debt in full, you must contact RandallSmith,ContractingOfficer, enter iutc a written ilaymeutagreement ~cept~bleto the .Forest Service, and make payments accordaacewilh the agreement. in 3. ILEQU~ST I~_V_I~WIF YOU k BBLIH,V~,,THIiD~BT NOT IS OWED: you bd~v~ If all or part of the debt is not past due or legally cnforo~able~ musts~:~dev~dmace supl:~rt your you to position to the aboveaddress, Arm:RandallSmith,ContractingOfficer. We ~'/11 infor'mym:of our decision regardingthe debt. If youhavefiled for bankruptcy are not subject t,~ administrative you off-set if~n automati~ bankrupt%" is in effect. Please notify us of th~ s~ayby smad~ng stay evidenceconcerning the bankruptcy. If youmake provideany knowingly or fal~e or fiS.voh~ug ata~emcnta, representations,or avid, race, youmay tiable for penal'de~ be underthe Fa/se Clain: s Act (3 ! U.g.C.3729-3731), oth~ or applicable statures, and/orcriminal penalties under11~U.S,C.2E5~ 2~7, 1001,and I002, or ether applicable stamms., U.nless p,r,o,,h_ib~t.~_by~.]~.w, o~".c.o,n.tmc-t, e..ydllp.mmpt y,v. ~y_~'~.ftmd u.,ount~ byyou DYg., paid or. deduetadf'mm your paymen~t the debt whieh~e tter waived,or foundnot owed tha U hired ~'~r 1 to States. If youhaveany questionsaboutthis letter or your fights, youst~ould immediately,


Case 1:05-cv-00216-SGB



FORESTSER LAUREL N$ Document 9-4 Filed 06/10/2005

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~F YOU FIL..E_A$OlNT INCO1V~F~TAX P,.EJITR~..: If youfile a joint income ~ you~hou|d tax ~ontaetthe Internal Revenue Servicebeforefilingyou r return re~ardingthe steps to take to p:otect the share of the incometax refund whichmay pay'$~leto your spouse, who not a delhuql~ent be is debtor to the UnitedStates. IF~_A FEDJEx~LA.L Your curr,.'nt E~ net disposable p~y i~ surJ0j ect to offset if ~a do not pay ~e debt or ~ke ~ action d.~s~bed above. Un~ ~e TOP, T~~ ~ll ~uct up to 15% of~ ~osable net p~y (~ sp~fie ~otmt if ~o~) be#~i~ in the pay p~od ~e debt i~ ~u~ to TOP(s~ei~ pay p~c,d, if ~o~), ~d ~nfinuing ev~, payp~od ~1 the d~k inclu~ iate~t, admi~ve ~, md p~ally ch~, i~ pa~d in ~11. If you ~sh to p~ti~ ~r a wMv~ h~ to di~:te ~e eMs~:~ce or ~o~t of ~e deb~ or the ~ ~t of ~e pa~ d~u~o~ ~u mu~ file a ~,m requ~t for ~ h~n8 no lal~ ~ 3(I ~om ~e date of~s leaer. ~e~dy filing ofa pefi 5on for h~ ~I1 slay ~h~ ~en~e~t sal~ offs~ p~c~in~. A fin~ dec~i~ ~ ~e h~ ~g (Jr one is r~u~) ~11 be issued ~ 60 a~ aff~ ~e fil~ ofa p~on ~u~g ~ h~ng, ~es~ extended by ~e b~afi~g official. If youmake pro-,6de any knovdngly or false or frivolc,us statements, relTrcseatadons,or c~d~,~e,in addition to other penalties, youmay subjea to disciplLuaryac6ong. be



Case 1:05-cv-00216-SGB 681-426-6148

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