Free Cross Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Date: November 28, 2005
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Download Cross Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims ( 1,162.8 kB)

Preview Cross Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 1 of 13 o,, No ,s,s.oo99
_#)99 D Employer identification .umbel 1.___

For calendar the business activity

u.s. artnersh,p P
year Name 1999, or tax year bdginning I_ of partnership


u'",.5 0
.......... instructions. 1999. and ending

182 =1·4·1=6907 O

Return of Income
LTD. 75

Internal Oep........Revenue Serv,ce y freer ...... A Principal




i, 2642974 /

B principal product orservicelabel.other, P.O. f_=_,_._, street, ndroom suite a BOX or 1688 no.Ifa 12oftheinstructions· AUTOMOBILES _se, please Cty or town, state, and ZIP code
C Business code number print

E Date business 4 11/I5/97 started"7
F Total asseLs (see page 12 of ,.he instructions)






$ 125818331

G Check applicableboxes: (1) [] Initialreturn (2) [] Finalreturn (3) [] Changein address (4) [] Amendedreturn H Checkaccounting method:(1) [] Cash (2) _] Accrual (3) [] Other(specify)· ....................................... I Numberof Schedules K-I.,Attachoneforeachperson whowas a partnerat anytime during taxyear·.: ...... .3. ................... the . ........ Caution: Include only trade or business income and expenses on lines la through 22 below. See the instructions for more information. 1a lb 2

· la Gross receipts or sales . · · · Less returns and allowances .... -b

....... . ; ..........


:_:__ .._ =.

85349736 19925834 5423902

2 Cost of goods sold (Schedule A, line, 8) · ....... '. . ," .... · . . 3 Gross profit. Subtract line 2 from line lc .... ........... .... i i 4 Ordinary income (loss)from other partnerships, estates, and trusts (attach schedule) .... --¢ 5 Net farm profit (loss) (attach Schedule F (Form 1040)) ............. 6 Net gain (loss)from Form 4797, Part II, line 18....... ...... , .... ·7 Other income (loss) (attach schedule). ......... . . S.CHEDULE .

3 4 5 6 7



, 8

Total income (loss). Combine lines'3 through 7 . _:r;:r_nnetr p_l_s)..." O



i .......

...... : : : : " ' .... , · _


3208309 14745 545610 6(326_R 447_q7

°'1o ' }eae: ' i?:!i

_ 11 p:_b_ndmaintenance.. !;: i_! _:_:_ _= _, 13 Rent ...... ". · · · · _ · _.'_ "I"_ .__ , ;_'' -' · 14 Taxes and licenses ....... _ _ 15 Interest. .....................

..... ............ · : · ....... __;_: _ ; .........

11 13 14 15 _.._

18 19

16a Depreciation (if required, attach Form 4562) ....... ;, b Less depreciation reported on Schedule,A and elsewhere on return 17 Depletion (Do not deduct oil and gas depletion.) ..... 18 Retirement plans, etc . . . . =_. ...... . . _ :19 Employee benefit programs .............. _20 Other deductions (attach schedule) 21 ............

16c,17 187911 2720049 7 9 61 7 2 1

· · · ,. .... S.C.HE.DU.LE . . Z0 21

Total deductions. Add the amounts shown in the far ricjhtcolumn for lines9 throucjh 20


Ordinary income (loss) from trade Or business activities. Subtract line 21 from line 8
Under penalties of perjury. I dec are that have examined and belief, it is true. correct, and complete· Declaration


( 1 0 34 7 3 6 )

ths return includ ng accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge of prepa_ (other than general partner or limited liability company member) is based on atl



informat 0n of which preparer has any knowl_A_,.%w...._pfwill__l F SignOre o_ener_ p/artner/_m,_ed

! liabilitpr_pany member _



_ati/__/, I _P_at t }


)_ " '

Firm's name_
yours if self-employed) and address

Ce_e_m_o;ed· =
" ·

----- -- - ---- i

6T_8 3 -

· Use 0nly

"" . " .....


. p-


E_N >_._
ZIP code 1_

For PaperworkReductionAct Notice, see separateinstructions.


Form1065 (1999)


Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 2 of 13




Page2 Cost of Goods S01d (see page 17 of the instructions)

Schedule .A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9a

Inventory at beginning of year Purchases less cost of items withdrawn for personal use ................ Cost of labor .... . . Additional section 263A costs (attach schedule) ................. Other costs (attach schedule). _ ...........

1 545982 2 IROSfi4oq7 3 I 4 5 "759853


·b c d e

Total. Add lines 1 through 5 " . . . . 6 RF_-/_3"77 1 Inventory at encl of year ' .7 1-6857937 Cost of goods sold. Subtract line7 from line 6. Enter here and on page1, line 2 ..... 8 1"799 2 5 8 34 Check all methods used for valuing closing inventory: (i) [] Cost as described in Regulations section 1.471-3 (ii) E} Lower of cost or market as described in Regulations section 1.471-4 (iii) [] Other (specify method used and attach explanation) I_ Check this box if there was a writedown of "subnormal" goods as described in Regulations section 1.471-2(c). . I_ [] Check this box if the LIFO inventory method was adopted this tax year for any goods (if checked, attach Form 970). . b. [] Do the rules of section 263A (for property produced or acquired for resale) apply to the partnership?. [] Yes [] No Was there any change in determining quantities, cost, or valuations between opening and closing inventory? [] Yes [] No If "Yes,"'attach explanation. B Other Information No C [] Limited liabilitycompany · ...... ' : . X X Z

Schedule 1

What type of entity is filing this return? Check the applicable box: a [] General partnership b _] Limited partnership d [] Limited liabilitypartnership e [] Other I_ 2 Are any partners in this partnership also partnerships? ............. 3 Is this partnership a partner in another partnership? 4

Is this partnership subject, to the consolidated audit procedures of sections 6221 through 6233? If "Yes," see Designation of Tax Matters Partner below 5 Does this partnership meet ALL THREE of the following requirements? a The partnership's total receipts for the tax year were less than $250,000; b The partnership'stotal assets at the end of the tax year were less than $600.000; AND c Schedules K-1 are fi!ed with the return and furnished to the partners on or before the due date (including extensions) for the partnership return. If "Yes," the partnership is not required to complete Schedules L_, -1, and M-2; Item F on page 1 of Form 1065; M or Item J on Schedule K-1 .......... ' .................... 6 Does this partnership have any foreign partners? 7 Is this partnership a publicly traded partnership as defined in section 469(k)(2)? ........... 8 Has this partnership filed, or is it required to file, Form 8264, Application for Registration of a Tax Shelter?. ·9 At any time during calendar year 1999, did the partnership have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account)? See page 18 of the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1. If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country. I_ " During the tax year, did the partnership receive a distribution from, or was it the grantor of, or transferor to, a foreign trust? If "Yes," the partnership may have to file Form 3520. See page 18 of the instructions ....



10 11

Was there a distribution of property or a transfer (e.g., by sale or death) of a partnership interest during the tax year? If "Yes." you may elect to adjust the basis of the partnership's assets under section 754 by attaching the statement described under Elections Made B_tthe Partnershi 7 of the instructions Designation of Tax Matters Partner (see page 18 of the instructions) Enter below the general partner designated as the tax matters partner (TMP) for the tax year of this return: Name of designated TMP _ Address of · designated TMP · Identifying number of TMP IV

Form 1065 (1999)

Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA
L Form 1065 (1999)

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 3 of 13
Page 3

Partners' 1 Z 3a b c ,-, u_ o _ F: u = -O

Shares of Income, Credits, Deductions, (a) Distributive sh'areitems

(b) Total amount

Ordinaryincome (loss)from trade or business activities(page 1. line 22) Net income (loss)from rentalreal estate activities(attach Form 8825) ........ Gross incomefrom other rental activities Expensesfrom other rental activities(attach schedule) .... Net income (loss)from other rentalactivities.Subtract line 3b from line 3a -. '

( 10347





3c 4a ( 4b 4c 4d ( )_,:_/) 4e(2} 4f S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12a(1: 12a(Z 12a(3', 12,1(4' 12b 12c 12d 13 14a 14b(1) 141=(2) 15a 16659 74 21884 ) )

4 Portfolioincome(loss): a Interest income b c d e


Ordinarydividends ........................ Royaltyincome ..... .................... Net short-term capital gain (loss)(attach Schedule D (Form 1065)) " . SCHEDULE " Net long-term capital gain (loss) (attach Schedule D (Form 1065)): (1) 28% rategain(loss)I_ ........................... (2) Total for year ....... l_ f Other portfolioincome (loss)(attach schedule) . . . .MA.R.GI.N.I.NTE .1RE.ST . 5 Guaranteedpayments to partnerls ..... .... .......... 6 Net section 1231 gain (loss)(other than due to casualty or theft) (attach Form 4797) .. 7 Other income (loss)(attach schedule) .................. Charitablecontributions (attach schedule) Sectio 179 expense deduction(attach I:orm 4562). n Deductionsrelated to portfolioincome (itemize) ............... Other deductions(attach schedule) ....................

2 9 57



_ 8 ._ _ 9 O 10 11



12a Low-incomehousingcredit: (1) Frompartnerships whichsection420)(5) to appliesfor propertyplacedin servicebefore1990. (2) Other than on line 12a(1)for propertyplaced in servicebefore 1990 ...... . (3) Frompartnershipsto whichsection 42(j)(5)appliesforproperty placedin serviceafter 1989 _O (4) Other than on line 12a(3)for property placed in service after 1989 ...... . . b Qualifiedrehabilitationexpendituresrelatedto rental real estate activities(attach Form 3468) " c Credits (other than creditsshownon lines 12a and 12b) relatedto rentalreal estate activities d. Credits related to other rental activities........ . .......... 13 Other credits ....................... · .... 14a Interestexpense on investment ebts .................. d b (1) Investmentincomeincludedon lines4a, 4b, 4c. and 4f above (2) Investmentexpensesincluded on line 10 above.............. 15a Net earnings(loss)from self-employment...... b Grossfarming or fishing income ...... c Grossnonfarm income ............. . ........... , ' ........ . ....... .. ....

--¢E_ ' _' _'E

lSb 15¢ 16a 16b 16c . 16d(1) 16(1(2) 16e ":,;_;?, 17c 17d 17e 17f 17_1 18b 19 20 21 22 _ /

_= _== 16a Depreciationadjustmenton propertyplaced in service after 1986 ........... = b Adjustedgain or loss " _ _ _ E c Depletion(otherthan oil and gas) . . _ ..... ,............ _- _ d (1) Gross income from oil.gas, and geothermalproperties " = "_ (2) Deductionsallocableto oil, gas, and geothermalproperties .......... _ e Other adjustmentsand tax preference items (attach schedule) . . · ........ v_ 17a Type of income · .................. .: .... x b Name of foreigncountry or U.S. possession · ........................................................ m I-c Total gross incomefrom sourcesoutside the United States (attach schedule) ..... {: O_ d Total applicable deductions and losses (attach schedule) . .. ...... , : "_. e Total foreign taxes (check one): >. [] Paid [] Accrued ' 0 f Reduction in taxes availablefor cr.edit(attach schedule) ............ It. g Other foreicjn tax information (attach schedule) ............... 18 Section 59(e)(2)expenditures: a Type · .......................................... 119 Tax-exempt interest income ...... ; ....... i20 21 22 23 24 · .....




b Amount · . .

Other tax-exempt income . " '....... _ .... " " '· " ..... Nondeductible expenses . . .............. . ..... Distributionsof money (cash and marketable securities) ........ ·.... Distributions of property other than money . .... ........... Otheritemsand amounts requiredto be reportedseparately partners(attachschedule) .... to

1295758 10 1 9 7 4 2 9 I Form 1065 (1999)

Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA
Form 106,5 ;1999)

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 4 of 13
Page 4

Analysis i I

of Net Income

(Loss) i 1 i(1077391 )

Net income(Ioss). Combine Schedule K. nnes " mrouah 7 in column (b). From the result, subtract [he _JmofScheduiei-: lines8tnrougnl'i :4a _Te. andl8b ............. (i) Coraorate l (ii) Inaw_clua {active_ {iii) Ina_vic, ua: (oassive', i (iv) Parmersni3 =

2 Analysis ov partner type:

(v) Exemot oraantzauon

l(vi) Nominee/Other I

a General partners . ( 10773)E b Limited partners ' i ( 1066618 ) j f.=%'4;T_t;mFJIIli Balance Sheets. per Books (Not required if Question 5 on Schedule Beginningof tax year Assets (a) (b) 1 Cash .......... :...... 2a Trade notes and accounts receivable .... b Less allowance for bad debtm ...... 3 Inventories ........ ,..... U.S. government obligations . . ;..... Tax-exempt securities .... . .... Other current assets (attach schedule) Mortgage and real estate loans ...... Other investments (attach schedule) .... Buildings andother depreciation ...... Less accumulated depreciable assets Depletable assets .......... Less accumulated depletion ....... Land (net of any amortization) ...... Intangible assets (amortizable only). Less accumulated amortization ...... .

B is answered "Yes.") Endof tax year (c) (d) 0

(630592) 2878228
0 2878228 5459821

I 0

4 5 .6 7 8 9a " b 10a , b 11 12a b

-19999 : ., 1079307 152753 .."

92£)5 54
; ...... _: :_; :'._._i " .....

"" - .



14 Total assets (attach schedule) ...... " _13 Other assets Liabilities and Capital 15 Accounts payable · ......... · 16 Mortgage's. notes, bonds payableil_less than 1 year. 17 Other current liabilities (attach schedule). 19 20 18 21 22 Mortgages,notes,bondspayablein 1 year or more , Other liabilities (attach ......... Allnonrecourseloans schedule) ....... Partners'capitalaccounts Total liabilities and capital M-1 ....... "

_ 13954 ._,:;:.:';"/_"" : :.14,;_,_:_::_.8667964 :°"i_;i_::',_ '_"

iTi::,. :"!:-'!_ -: ,:_', _._:"_!:::_i;f!"_i_i}:.:'.,j_;_."


..... :.,_,,.-.-.,,:_.,:. _4_._...._,.:-:... ,.,,,: _,_-,,;,_,_,._:r:Z,_l_: -_',;.,.-_-';_;_._'_ ' " _ ' '"_'"_" ,_._.. _--,-..; _,_ _,.::,.,_-_._ __;,'_ 5550492 __ ,__ 1290258 _

0 ..L_,_.:..,'z._:;_;!_,_ - '.'.:,i

' 0 0

- Ill ___-!!i=ii!-_i _'_" .. 451905 8667964 _


Schedule 1 2

'3 4

Net income Income included on Schedule K, lines 1 through 4, 6, and 7, not recorded on books this year (itemize): Guaranteed payments (other than health insurance) ......... ' . . . Expenses recorded on booksthis year not included on Schedule K, lines 1 through 11, 14a. 17e, and 18b (itemize): a Depreciation $ b Travel and entertainment $ ....... .........

Reconciliation Income(Loss)per BooksWith Income(Loss)per Return of (Not required Question5 on ScheduleB is answered"Yes." See page 29 of the instructions.) if (loss) per books. . . . . (1109939) S Incomerecorded onbooksthisyearnotincluOed
on Schedule K, lines ] through7 (itemize): a Tax-exempt interest $ ....................... " 7 Deductions included on Schedule K. lines 1 through 11, 14a. 17e, and 18b, notcharged against book income thisyear (itemize): a Depreciation $ ............................... ................................................. Add lines 6 and 7

2?538 i( 1077391 ) Ca )ital Accounts



._,E:.$._RYE,S .......... ................... S Add lines 1 throu(:jh 4 ....... l,f'4,'l"¢l_rnRll_V_,,i Analysis of Partners'
1 2 ,3 4 5 Balance at beginning of year . Capital contributed during year. Net income (loss) per books .... Other increases (itemize): Add lines 1 through 4 .......

6 7 8 9

Income (loss) (Analysis of Net Income (Loss), ( line 1). Subtract line 8 from line 5 ..... 10"77391 ) (Not required if Question 5 on Schedule B is answered "Yes.") Distributions: a Cash b Property Other decreases (itemize): Add lines 6 and 7 . . : ..... Balance endof year.Subtractine8 from line 5 at l

, . . 451905 _ . . L2_1221 .( ._U..Q,9.,9..,3._


[ 1493187

0 1065

Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 5 of 13
OMB.o. ,S_5-0,72 _99

Department of the Treasury ,e(s) shown on return


Depreciation and Amortization (including Information on Listed Property)
IP See separate instructions,
I Business or

Internal Revenue Service GRAPEVINE

I_ Attach this form to your return.
activity to which this form relates

Sequence 67 No.
Identifying number







Election complete 1 2 3 4 5

To Expense Certain Tangible Pr_operty (Section Part V before you complete Part/.)

179) (Note: If you have any "listed property," 1 2 $19,000 $200,000

Maximum dollar limitation. If an enterprise zone business, see page 2 of the instructions . . iTotal cost of section 179 property placed in service. See page 2 of the instructions. . .. . Threshold cost of section 179 property before reduction in limitation ...... .... 'Reduction in limitation. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, enter -0. . .... Dollar limitation for tax year. Subtract line 4 from line 1. If zero or lessl enter -0-. If married .filing separately, see page 2 of the instructions ............... . (a)Descriptionf property. o :. ----r--'----C°st us _ (business (¢)Elected cost

i:...:/i... ji_':::. I

7 8 9

Listed property. Enter amount from line 27. Total elected cost of section 179 property. Add amounts in column (c), lines 6 and 7 .Tentative deduction. Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 ............

.... i '.

· _" ! 8 I


'_::: ,.




10 C'arryover of disallowed deduction from 1998. See page 2 of the instructions. . .... 11 Businessincomelimitation. Enterthe smallerof businessincome (not lessthanzero)or line 5 (seeinstructions) 1111 I 12 Section 179 expense deduction. Add lines 9 and 10, but do not enter more than line 11 . . 13 Carryover Ofdisallowed deduction to 2000. Add lines 9 and 10, less line 12 IP I 13 I "" ' " ." Note: Do not use Part II or Part III below for listed property (automobiles, certain other vehicles, cellular telephones, . certain computers, or property used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement). Instead, use Part V for listed propert}z. MACRS Depreciation Listed Property.) for Assets Placed in Service ONLY During Your 1999 Tax Year (Do Not Include



Section A---General Asset Account Election If you are making the election under section 168(i)(4) to group any assets placed in service during the tax year into one or more general asset accounts, check this box. See page 3 of the instructions ............ I_ [] Section B---General DepreciationS ,stem (GDS) (See page 3 of the instructions.
(ai Classification of property (b) Month and year placed in service (c) Basis for depreciation business/investment use onl,/--see instructions) (d) Recovery period (e) Convention (f) Method (g) Depreciation deduction

15a b c d

3-year property 7-year property _10-year property

' "' "

._ ".

"_4q'/ 25963 20223


R59 3151


e 15-year property f 20-year property g 25-year property h Residential rental property Nonresidential real .joroDertv Section 16a Class life b 12-year c 40-year Ir.ET_=III Other 17 18 19 i

25 yrs. 27.5 27.5 ?'re. ?'re. MM MM

S/L S/L S/ L

, I




I 39 yrs. MM $/L I I MM S/ L ! System (ADS) (See page 5 of theinsVuctions. ! $/L 1 i ! 12 yrs. 40 yrs. Property.) S/L MM ! S/L (See page 5 of the instructions. I 17 I { 18 i I 19 l


I (Do Not Include


GDS and ADS deductions for assets placed in service in tax years beginning before 1999' .Propecty subject to section 168(f)(1) election ................. ACRS and other depreciation " Summary (See page 6 of the instru(;tionsJ


i:/I"_aL'I "_

I 20 I Listed property. Enter amount from line 26. ' I I Total. Add deductions on line 12. lines 15and 16 in column (g), and lines 17 through 20. Enter here, t I and on the appropriate lines of.your return. Partnerships and S corporations--see instructions. For assets shown above and placed in service during the current year, { enter the port!on of the basis attributable to section 263A costs / 22 Cat.No.12906N · I 21

j_; 7..: 4722

f I



· For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 9 of the instructi0ns.

Form4562 (1999)





Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA
Form4562 (1999) .

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 6 of 13
Page2 Certain Computers, and

Listed Property--Automobiles, Ce_ain Other Vehicles, Cellular Telephones, Property Used for Entertainment, Recreation, or Amusement

Note: For any vehicle for which you are using the standard mileage rate or deducting lease expense, complete or'_ 23a, 23b, columns (at through (c) of Section A, all of Section B, and Section C if applicable. Section A--Depreciation and Other Information (Caution:.See page 7 of the instructions for limits for passenger automobiles.) 23a Doy0uhaveevidenceo support he business/investment t t useclaimed? Yes [] No I 23b If "Yes," is the evidencewritten? Yes [-] N,_ [] [] (c) · e


Type property I Dateplaced I investment of (list in I

· 24

r,^_,^, ^,k^, luas=s ,____-' I .. :?"_, .......... =, . foroepreciationl Necover,/ Metnocv vehicles first) ' I service I percentage use I basis I (business/investment ..... I L;°nventl°n useonly) I period Property used more than 50% in a qualified busine, s use (See page 6 of the instructions.): s













Depreciation deduction

Elected section cost 179

VEHICLES 1998 100%

23612 % 23612 5YRS 4722

25 · Property used 50% or lessina Qualified businessuse

ee pa@e 6 of theinstructions.):

_ ,__. __;._r, _ · ,_,'!_

Add amounts in column (h). Enter the total here and on line 20, page 1. ' .... _ I 26 47 2 2 :_':?_3i_;ii_::'_;... ,.- .... ..: Add amounts in column (it. Enter the total here and on line 7, page1 . . . . . ._ ....... Section B--information on Use of Vehicles Complete this section for vehicles used by a sole proprietor, partner, or other "more than 5% owner," or related person. /f youprovidedvehiclesto your employees,irstanswerthequestionsin SectionC to see if ,ou meetan exception completing f to thissectionfor thosevehicles. 28 - Total usiness/investment b milesdriven during . theyear(DONOTinclude ommuting iles-c m seepage1 of the instructions).... 29 Total ommuting ilesdriven c m during theyea[ 30 31 Total other personal (noncommuting) miles driven Total .miles driven during the year. Add lines 28 through 30. . . . : , · Yes Was the vehicle available for personal use during off-duty hours? ..... Was the vehicle used primarily by a more than 5% owneror related person? Is another vehicle available for personal use? ........ :" " No (al Vehicle 1 (b) Vehicle 2 .(c) Vehicle . 3 (ol Vehicle 4 (el' Vehicle 5 it1 Vehicle 6

26 27











32 33 34


Section C_Questions for Employers Who Provide Vehicles for Use by Their Employees Answer these questions to determine if you meet an exception to completing Section .B for vehicles used by employees who are not more than 5% owners or related persons. ; 35 36 37 38 Do you maintain a written policy statement that prohibits all personal use of vehicles, including commuting, by your employees? . ...... . .... - . _ .... . . . . _ . . .' ....... Do youmaintaina writtenpolicystatementthatprohibitspersonaluseof vehicles,exceptcommuting, y youremployees? b See page 8 of the instructions vehiclesused by corporateofficers,directors,or 1% or more owners ..... for Yes No

.D° you treat all use of vehicles by employees as personal use? ........ . ... . : . . . Do you provide more than five vehicles to your employees, obtain ,information from your employees about . the use of the vehicles, and retain the information received? ......... . ........ 39 Do you meet the requirements concerning qualified automobile demonstration use? See page 8 of the instructions . Note: If your answer to 35, 36, 37, 38/or 39 is "Yes," you need not complete Section B for the covered vehicles. i :,_'T; _ il Amortization W ' (at Description costs of (b) Dateamortization begins .(c) Amortizable amount (01 "" , Code section (e) I Amortization I period I or percentage I (f) Amortization for thisyear

40 41 42

'Amortization of costs that begins during]your 1999 tax year: Amortization of costs that began before 1999 ................. Total. Enter here and on "Other Deductions" or "Other Expenses" line of your return (_ Pn'ntednrecycledaper o p

41 . Form4562 (1999)

Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 7 of 13




$1217419 3512 282152 $1503083



24112 1328058 133657 64756 371618 43618 142108 56532 177401 204006 43084 47974 5758 77367

_ 2720049


$10000003 9978119 $21884

Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 8 of 13

Depmtment of t.e Treasuxy

Partner's Share of Income, Credits, Deductions, etc.

o_B ,o.,5,s.oo.

Partner'sidentifJting__ 75-1998230 Partner's name,address, nd ZIP code a T-TECH, INC. 4415 MEANDERING WAY COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS 76034

,Partnership'siclentifyincjnumberlp 75 12642974 Partnership'same,address, nd ZIP code n a GRAPEVINE P. O. BOX GRAPEVINE, IMPORTS, LTD. 1688 TEXAS 76099

A This partneris a [] general artner [] limitedpartner p F ·17 limitedliability companymember B WhattypeOfentity thispartner? · .... S....C.O.R...P.....L.. is C Is this partnera [] domesticor a [] f_eign partner? (_Sef=e change G D Enter ortem_tk_% O0 ndf H E % Profitpartner's sharing percentage .............. or: _ o : Losssharing , 1 % ....... Q %

; ; ;


Partner's shareof liabilities (see insuuctJons): Nonrecourse ......... $ .................... Qualified nonrecourse financing $ Other .......... $ .................... Taxshelterregisvazion numL_r. I_ · Check here if this parr, nership is a publicly traded partnership definedin section469(k)(2} ..... as [] Chackapplicabteboxes: (1)_]FinalK-1 (2)l--lAmendedK-1

E IRSCenterwherepartnershtpflledreturn: AUSTIN J
be_nnlngof year diatmjyear


3, 4,sct,e
(4 W1thdrawMs (,s,_*_ and


3807 (_mm_uu_ , 2 4

2041Q mare _m



13118 _ A.mum


(a) u_,xj.coigmtts (_ 0

_J104o am,munt ¢oMm _ me _mm_ e._ _ I]_=:_.:.K.,

_.__..).o_._.._,_e_ Netincome (loss)romrentalrealestate f activities.... Portfolio Income (loss):
Interest';..... .......



1 Z

(10348) ' (167) 0
( 218_

!... ·...... .......... '

I1_ i . :_i.48 . , 4b
4¢ 4cl

Sch.B,Partt, Bnel


b Ordinary ividends. " d ...... c Royalties . capital . ....... d Net short-term
gain (Ioss)

Sch. ,PanII,_ S B
Sch. E, Pa_lI. IMe 4 I sch. o,,nes, c_._

_ --

(1) 28% for year ................ (2) Total rategain0oss) f OO_rportfolioincome 0oss)(aUach schedu/e)...... 6 7 Netse_ion1231gain(toss) other ( than duetoc.asu_ ortl_ Other Income (loss) (a_mch schedu/e) .

i_e_)! 41 s 6 7

SCh. line 12, c Sch. D,line:12, ol (g) 0, cOL_) .( 29) a_ =,m=,_ =i_w_..=

J Form _0SS). _ =_ _v, tp =


9 10 11 12a

Section 179expense dedtx:lk)n. . . ........ 9 Ded_relamdtopanfoaoincom(atrachschedule)... , 10 Otherdeductionsact) _). _ 11 Low.Incomeous_gcredit: h (1) FromsecUon42_(5) _ for propertyplacedin service beforelcjgo .............. a(1)

See pagesand of 7 e Pam_s_m_x Sct,_ule -_Form K 1065).


' (3) Og_ than_n ('2) Fromsection42_)(5)partnerships insawtce ef°m1990 _ lira12a(1)o_pr°palY for propertyplacedin f I_aced b



Farm 8586,m 5 I

b Qualified on ltne12a(3) expenditures I_aced serv_.e reiated in r after1989 ed4) (4) OtherrehabilKaUon forproperty to rental eal estate _ _ acthdtles 12b c CredRs(ozherthancredltsshownonlines12aanc112b)related _ '
to rental real estate actlvtties ............. d Creditsrelated ott_ rentalactivities ........ to 13 Other_re_,Ls for Form 10tiS. 12¢ 12d

_,tnstxuctk)ns Seepageeo_Pmmr's forSdleduie K.1 '
/ (Folln 1(]_5).

Cat. NO 11394R



For Pa mnmwk Redu¢lJon Act NoUce, see I_

Schedllde K-1 (Form 1011S) 199_


Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA
ScheduleK.1 (Form_'065) 1999 (a) Dis_but_e

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 9 of 13
Page 2

share item

(b) Amount

amountin column (b)on: Form 4952: line1 | See page ofpartner's 9 Insl_cttonsf_' ScheduleK-1 J(Form l_ss). _ _9 ofP_'s Instnctlonsfor Scheclule K-1 } Sch, E.Section or B S A See page gofPwtm,'s _C_s_ K-1
_(Fo, 1065)andm

(c) 1040 fi_

enter the


Interest xpense e offinvestment debts......... (1) Investme_t income included lines 4b, 4c, and4f . . on 4a. (2) investment expensesncluded line10....... _ on

14a I)(1) I)(2) 15b

Gross farming fishing or income ........... ] lS_ Neteeming.s (loss) romself-employmem.. ...... f Adjusted gainor loss _ ............ Dep_ (o_ themo_a_ gas). . .........

leb 1_

(1) Gross income _ oil. gas. and geothecms[ properties . . (2) Deductions allocableooil. gas,and geothermal t properties

¢1_ likl _
17d 17e


forFn 6251

I !164 Delxeciationd_stment propertypleced a on inservice after1986 Oth_ adJustme_and_ _'e_


_rach _du_

Total ap_b_ deductions and I_s_ (atCmchschedu/e)... Total foreign taxes (check _te): I_ I'-IPald I--IAccl_ed...

Form 1116_Part l!


Reduction intaxesavailable forcredit(a_achscheduPJ. . . forek:Jn taxinformatk)n (affachschecA_ ...... Amoum ..... . . , .... ...... Section 59(e)(2) expenditures:. ypeI_ ......................... T ·_ _-_ _:or_,. ............

17f l?li 181) ii_

Form 1116. art11 P I see Insmctlens orm k_r 11i6. F Form 10ss). } _ _rSch_ K:,



ols_-t_io_ of money(cash and marketables_.m¢_l .... ObUtbutlens property _mrthanmoney .... of o . . . From_ 42_S) I_'_ Other them line24a......... on supplem_taJ i_
rlSed_: ...... _............ :...............

..... " ......

! 2"71 1 . _ 407 _ 24b
' ·


" K-1 Form_. "


Form _,._ e _

required be reported to separately eachparmm(attachad_Z_na/schedu_; #'more space/s to
, .............................................................................................. ::..._...

.. ....................................... ................ · .......


., .............. ...................

,.; ............... ,... ......................

. .... ;...... ... ......

:...... ; ....

. .... ;...................................................


........... .:......: ...................... ...... - ............... ;.... ........ . .......................... :............................................ . ........ °o... ........


:..................................... ..... ,_.......... . ....................

:............ · .... . ......


........................................................................................ ......... ................................... ..... :.................................. --: .... " ........... :- ....... --'---:-- .......................... " ......................... ":"i ...... ..... _
......... ............ . ......... .....o ......... o ......... . ................. . ........... . ..... _. ...........................................



_................... ." ....................

, .................

: ...........


: ......................

. .................................. . .......................................


;_....................................................... .







. ....



· ...................

; .........



K-1 (Form 106S) 1999

Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 10 of 13

_._/R._._.Tre_y SCHEDULE _-.._,(F°rm K'I Ilos5) _,_ _

For Partner'- ----------- of Income, Credits, a.d _/._ - - --- _"_il se_rm m_o_ etc.· see .1,,_ Deductions, _,.g

. .

I°MB _)99 "°:'s'5°°99

Partner'sidentif_ncj_l_ ----------3 Partners name. address, and ZiP code JOSEPH J. TIGUE ------------COLLEYVILLE, A --76034

Partnership'sklenUf]dngnumberl_ 75 5642974 Partnership's name, address, and ZIP code GRAPEVINE P. O. BOX GRAPEVINE, F IMPORTS, 1688 TEXAS LTD. 76099


This partner is a I-i general partner [] limited partner E] .limited liability company member B What typeof entity is thispartner?. I). I NDZ.V.Z_UA/_.. C D Isthisparmera [] domesttcora Q Ekefixe [] foreign_ change Enterpartner's percentageof: _to..,_ of
.... ..Y_.0o

Partner's sham of liabilities(see Instructions): Nonmcouise ........ $ .................... Qualified nonrecourse financing $ $ li_ ........... :..............

Other .......... G Tax shelter registrationnumber,

Profit haring s .....

. . .4.9.,._. %

% H Check hem_rthispartnership a pubNc_j is traded

LOSSsharing ....... Z_9...5. % ...... D. % partnership as defined In section 469(kX2) , . . . . [] Ownership of capital .... 4,9.5. % ...... 0. % E IRSCenterwhempartners,hipfiledreturn: AUSTIN I Check applicableboxes: (1)_]FInalK-1 (2)l-lAmendedK-1 J . Analysis of partlrl_s ¢_ pital Ii&nmmm_ (c:)_-tner'sshem gnes I of (e)Capi_ ocr.oum azendof (a)Capital accourlat 0=lCal_ co_ 3, 4, a.d 7, Fomt 065. 1 (dl_RI_ and yIw__ ¢olum_(a) be_mg of yeer ==_g year Sc,KUe M-Z , d_rmueom =m=j. (cO) 224049 6065405 (549420) ( 5740034) q (a) _,_,k_ 1 2 _1 4 'a ,m,, _m 1 2 3

_ammn ( 5 12 19 4 )

(ct _o4om,r, ,,te, om m, mml hi c=llmm(Mu,, Seepa3ee of P=t.=', mtructlom SchKluR f= K.1 j (Fo_m 10SS). ..... . . Sc,.B. Pa, l. liml Sch.E,Part I. llne 4 Sch.B. PartII,coL_ Sch.O _eS, line5 Sch.0, line12, col:(.q) Sch.D. line12. col, (I) . [rewonm_hdy_r,e=m Seepage of Partner's s forSchedule InstxuctJons K.I (Form_OSS),




Ordinaryincome (loss)from trade or business activities .... Net income (loss)fromrantal maJ estate activities ..... Net income(Io_...s,).from rentalactivAies other ........ ' " Portfolioincome (loss]: " Interest".:::. "..... ; .... - ..........

: " '



41a 4¢ 411> 4¢1




C Royalties . . . . . . . , . ......... b Ordinanj dlvide,ds d Net short-tarm capital ga_n(loss) ..........



37 10833_

8 * !=

, N,_ _.g-,erm _=,_


e(1) e_) 41# Ii e (. 1 4_4_ ., ·


(1) 28% rate gain (loss) (2) Total for year. ................ f OtherporlfoltoincomeOoss)(attachsctteOUte) ...... S ' Guaranteedpaymentsto partner ' " S Nm _1231gain (k)ss).(otherthandueto casualty theft) . or

9 10 11

o_ mume_ss)(a,_, sc_)



9 10 11


,,,,, =,_,.,,m.,,=.,.

Sect/on 179 expense deduction Deductionsrelatedto pa_ income (attach schedu/e). Other deductions (attach ,sdledu/e).........

. _

Seepages amle of 7 Pinatas Insaucttons for Schedule -1(Fore11065), K

_za Low-income hous_cre_
(1) From section 42_(5) parmershipsfor property placed in

_ii a(1) I
li_i _

servce efore990 ............... b 1
(2) OUlertmnonll.ne12a(1).ferproperty t placed service in before1990 (3) Fromsection 420)(5) partner311tpsor property placed in f

,Fore1 8586.Hne 5


_ce am, _989 , . . : ........... .
b (4) Otherthanon line 12a(3}for property Qualifiedrehabilitationexpendituresrelatedto rental real estate placed servt:e in a_er 1989 activities . . . ................ Credits (other than credits shownon lines 12a and 12b) related to rentel real estate activities d Credits relatedto other rental aclJvitJe_ ........ c

=12bi _l_ lZc 12d

seepage Sof Partmrs ,Instru_lons forSchedulo-1 K (Form tOsS) ...... _K-1 (From 10e6)1_







ForPa immm'kR_lu¢llon Act Notice, see I_

h_ Form 1066.


c_ No.11394R

Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA
ScheduieK-1 (Form1065)1999

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 11 of 13
Page 2

(a) DisU'ibt_lve share item

(b) Amount

(c) 1040 liters _ the amount in column (b) on:

14a Interest expense on investment debts ..... . .... b (1) Investment Income Included on lInes 4a, 4b, 4c, and 4f · (2) InVestment expenses included on line 10 ....... lSa b c l(kl b ·c d · 17a b Net earnMgs (loss) from self-employment., Gross farmIng or fishing Income. ' · Gross nonfarm income .............. Depreciation adjustment on property placed in service after 1986 Ad_ustJBclgain0rloss Depletion (other than oil and gas) (1) Gross income from oli_ gas. and geo_ermal Other a_ts properties .

14a I)(1) b(2) tSa tSb 16¢ lea l(Nb 16¢ d(1) 16e

Form 4952, line 1 _ See pageg of partner's Instructionsor ScheduleK-1 f j {Form1065). Sch. SE, Sectio_ A or B _ see pageo of parmet'q _' I_ for Schad_ K.1 ) _Form 1065), 1 / Seepage9 of paltner's tmmxlJons ) _r ScheduleK-1 j 0Form 106S)and Form 1116, check boxes

and tax preference items (attach schedule_

TyPe of income I_ ................................................. Name:of foreign country or possession I_ .......................

· C Totaigrossin_-'omefromsourcesoutside_eUn|tadStatos(at_ach

, Form 1116. Part

d e g Total applicable deductions and losses (attach schedule). Tota! foreign taxes' (check one):'l_ Other forekjn tax information · b Amount ....... ............ : .......... . . . . . Tax-exempt interest income 20 . other rex-exempt 122 21 ra,1 24 b 26 income. J--I Paid [] Accrued. ......

17d 11o


Form1116, Pan It

f Reductionin taxesavaileb4e credit(attach.¢'hedu_ . . . for
(aUach schedu/e) "........................

17g 18b 19 20 22 21 ZZ _i 641525 ..:1 6 1: 1 l " " 1

Form 111e. artt P ,
SeeI,_xeoes forFee. 111S. _ _or Sdlel:ll_ K-1 Form loes). Form1040, llne 8b Pannm's_ _ ScheduMK-l(Fcm11065_. j see pagese and10 o* .....


OisffibutJons of money (cash and merketable securitles) Nondeductible property .............. c)_'t_Uons ofexpenses omerthan"rnoney.... -. Recapture of low-Income h0using crod_

. ..
. .




a Fromsection 420)(6)I_mer'_t_
Other than on line 24a...


24b to each partner _



_ a
more space is

Supplemental information required to be reported separa_







. ..........

.. ...........................


°. ...............






° .......











? ......


.' ..........



. ........





. ...........................



· _i.


. :£.............................................................



o ..........


o ......

o ..................

. ...............

o ....................................

o ..........



_._ Q. '1=. V)

.... ..... ......................

.... ..................
.°. ",.... ........ ....o

. ..............................



. .....

· ..................... .....


...... ,.............................


_.. .....................................................................


o ...............................................................

o ..........


o .....

o ......................

_. ......................


Schedule K-1 Fort.

IOU) ll91

Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 12 of 13

I,mmS Rm_ue

Partner's ·Shareof Income,Credits,Deductions, etc.

iom,o ,s,soo.

o+eenmm(F°rm +106§) 'o,_ Sem_¢_ I+ Fro" _ '_"_+ _ ---- -- - - m" _ I_ See separate insmictions. and _ . 1999. " . Parmer's_numl_l_ ----------,9 Partmemhip'side.tff_mamberl,. 75i2642974 Partner's name. address+and ZiP code Partnership's name, address, and ZIP code --------------------------COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS 76034 This panner is a [] general partner _ limited partner [] limited liability company member _ S What bA_e entityis this partner?. I_ I.ND.I..V.I.D.U...A.L.. of C Is this partner a [_ domestic or a [] foreign partr,er? D Enterpartner'sporcemage of: (_ae_rec_mgeort (iIF._of A F GRAPEVINE P. 0. BOX GRAPEVINE, IMPORTS, 1688 TEXAS LTD. 76099

[ I]+99

Pammr's share of liabilities(see instructions): Nonrecourse ......... $ · Qualified nonrecourse financing " $. ................... Other $ .................... G Tax shelter registratlon number . 1_ ..... +.... ................. partnership as defined In section 469(k)(2) ...... I []

_nt m-+ing . .. : .... " ,_ .
Loss.sharing ; ..... : Ownership of capital ..... E _IRS Center wherepartnershipfiled

......_... a Crock V thLs mt_m,+r, a p,mm:_ ++ mr, p _ tram+
Check applicable boxes: (1) [_Final K-1 (2) [] AJmended K-1

.49...:.5. % ..... .0...% -49-.5 % ..... .0.. % return: AUSTIN

..J·,mu_, mr arm=_ ,pm===omrm p = =
begln_ngt year o · 22404'c_' · 1. t 3 4

¢ludngem y 6065406
. , ,' .

3. 4,and7, Form 1065.Schedule M-2 (5494-_0)

(d)WlUtdrawaB 'disotbuclom and 5740035 )

_ar (combine .mmu_i_ o01umm Oz) -_3


(a} oimmlmllm item sham +

' (MAmour=

_ +owmer,=,=, _
amoum In c=e,mm(M o_


Ordina_ incomems) from trede or businessacttvitles . . 1 Net income Ooss) E'omrental reat estate activities .... i 2 Net income+Io_;) .fromother rental activities......... ( 3 Portfolioincome (loss):' -. . · . _1


_ _r_u_ K-1 IFennlOSS). _ ..... ..... . . '

,_ _,, · _

a Interest".""...... .

. . .' ...:.....
: .
I ..........

. .; . ..... .
" "_

41¢ 4¢1


3 7. _.0833)

s¢,.S. an,.in, P 1
sch. a. PartI,.t_ s Sch.E, PartlolMe4, · S_, O.lm S,col.m Sch.O._ 12.col. (9) sc_. o/me 17.. =. (O o e,me. m_wl h of_r ne,_ msmcfjomsee page sofforPmr_'SSchedule 1<4

b Ordinary dividends. ; . ... C RogUe5 . . '.'. . . . ; .... ' d Net short-termcapital gain (loss) .......


e f S 8

(1) 28% rate gain (loss) ' (g_Total for year. .... Net long-termcapital gain 0oss):. Otherporffo,oincome(in_(affachschedule) ...... Guaranteed+ aymentsto partner . ......... p NetsectJon1231gatn.(Ioss)(otherthanduetecasuaityottheft)


e(l_) e_ 4f S
6 .




+ omer co,,m _m,_ m _o=) _


. ?


++ j,
. , g ,11 : : . +. ·

Section 179 expense deductloO........... mW, _come (attach scheobie) .... Otherd_(attach_)ed .......

o __
. ..,

9 10 11

0o+ ]+..1..+
Seepa_=Tamleo_ pam_'s ,nsaucUms Schedule .+(Form _x K 10SS).

1211 Low-inomme_ oredtt: (1) From section 42¢(5] .partnershlps for property placed In

se_.e.be_ore _0


Ill ,(1)!

, Form8Se6.I_ S

(2) OtherItmnon line 12_1) for property plac_lin sen'icebefore1990 _ From section 42_(5) part_mships for property placed in

O_ · ' .i. ' ''

sen,_e _


: ..............

t; 121, _ 1241: 12d 13 Cat No.11394R

; Seepage of l=_tmr's e +Ittstmctlons forS¢lteduM K.1, (Form 1o653. . Schedule K-t 0:ofln 10U) 191111

b (4) 0tt_r thanon line12a(3) f_: property Qualifiedrehabilitationexpe_litures.related to rental real estate ptaced service m armr1989 activities , . . . .... ....... .....

c Credits (othermon credlts shownon lines 12aand12b)relatad to rental real estate activities. , ........... d Creditsrelatedto otter rental actlvltles ........ 13 Other credits. ... For Paperw_k Redu¢;Ik:m Notice, see InsUuctlensfor Form 106S. Act

Case 1:05-cv-00296-FMA
Sclledule .1(Form K 1065)1999 · (a) _

Document 38-10

Filed 11/28/2005

Page 13 of 13
Page2 (c) 1040fliers enter the amountin column(b)o_:


(b) Amount



interestexpense on investmentdebts. " · ....... (1) investmentincome includedon lines4a, 4b. 4c. and 4f . (2) Investmentexpenses includedon tine 10 ....... b. G_ossfam'lingor fishingincome. .......... © Gross nonfarm income. . . ............


| Seepage Partner's 9of _. nsmctfons Schedule I tot K-1 j _Fon._0eS). _ foe_ ofPmlner'sK-1

Deprec_Uonadjustment n propertyplacedin serviceafter1986 o b Adjustedgain or loss " d (1) G4"0S3 Income from oiJ,gas, arid geothermal properties . . (2) Dedu_ allocableto oil. gas. and geotherntalproperties ¢ DepielJon(ozhmthan oiltax preference items ' ' · and and gas) 17e Type of income li, ................................................. ¢ Name of foreigncounuy or possessionI_ ....................... b ToteigmssincomefromsourcosoutsldetheUnRedStates (attach
SC_U_ o , . ,. , , , · · · · · · , · , · · ·

Seepage ot Parmer's 9 _, Inst_ctlons ' t | (Form 1065) nd a


/ _

) forSc_ee_'K-1

,o, orm F ,,5!

Fom_ 1116,checl( oxes b , Form1118,Pm I

·._ ,0

d Total foreign taxes {checkorm): losses (attach schedule). deduct:¢_ and I> I"]Pald r']Accrued.. e Total f R_luctton in taxes availablefor credit (at_J1 schedu/e) . tax information(attach schedule) ...... b Amount .................. Tax-exempt interestIncome ............ Other tax-exempt income.............


Form1116, mll P Form1116,Pa/tIII se. I.._mLtk__ Form 1._ J (Fc_ 10ss). Form1040,_ nb

19 20 ..

2,1 zs, 24 I b 2s

Dls_ributlons (cash ofmormy andmarketable _)
ms_zJons Or _ oe_erme. money Recsptmeof Iow.incomel_ng cred_ From sectio. 420)(5}partnerships .......... OtJ_er hanon line 24a Z su_ta( need_: ......




F(_rn eli11.Ine 8 separatelyto each pam_


required to be rewxt_
............ o.o.o.o.°..°..°


add/Uonat scheot_/f

rnom space is




...° .... °.°°o°°°.°.o.°.





.. °..°o°.




. ........


.... o._°o°..°°o°.°.°.i


o.°o ......

° .....






.... ... .... ..*......o..



.... ° ............


............. :2.......... ; ........................................................ t/1
........................................................................................ ....... .............. ... .............. ....o.......o°. ..... ... ..... o ......

. ..... . .............. . ......... ° .................. ... .......... ...o............°..o...oo ...........................


ScheduleK-1 (Form1066) 1911_