Free Motion to Amend/Correct - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Pages: 5
Date: July 10, 2008
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State: federal
Category: District
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,206 Words, 6,853 Characters
Page Size: 614 x 792 pts

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Case 1:06-cv-00945-FMA

Document 62-3

Filed 07/10/2008

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Exhibit 2

Case 1:06-cv-00945-FMA

Document 62-3

Filed 07/10/2008

Page 2 of 5

FL D a ee Box
GRS 3rga - N~7-~'~!:37 Procurement, Supply, a~ Grant Records. 8. Inventory Requisition File. R,eq~siti0ns for supplies and equipme~at for e~ent inventory, b. ~] ot]~ copies,

ORS 9/3s- N36-@7-8139 Travel and Trma~rtation Records. 3, Noncommercial, Reimbursable T~ve] Fries. Copies ofr~ords relmi~ lo reh~b~sing individuals, s~eb as travel orders, ~ diem vouchers. ~d all o~die~ do--tents relating to official travel by officers, employees, dependents, or othe~~ authori~d by law to travel, a. Travel ad~_lini~tralJve Office files.

GRS 231I - N36-07-8140 Reeard~ Common t~ MosI Offices WitbAn Agencies 1. Office Administrative Files. Records accumulated by individual offices ~hat relate m the ir~/emal a~inislration ~r houseke~pi~g activities of the office rather than the fun~ction for which the of'flee exists~ In ger~eral, the~e records relate to the office organizations, staffing, procedures, ~md communications, including facsimile machine logs; the expen, dirure of funds, induing budget records; dayqo4tm_,j ~n of office p~onr~el m~l~ading ~g ~d ~'d; zup~ies a~d o~ee ~e~ mad recluests ~d ~'eeeip~s; and the use of office .space m~dUtilities. They may also include copies of is~mal acd~db' ~.d workload repert~ gwo~ ~ogt~e~, stafl~e~l~ and narrative reports pr~ep~ed in t~e office and to l~ghex levels) and. oth~ matins that do not serve a-s unique documentation of the programs of the office. G~ 23/7 - 1~'3@~7q1141 R~ord~ Common lo Mo~t 0ffi~s Wi~in Agenci,s 7. lr~lory File~. Documenls of ~arMerrn interest lmve no ~umem~ o:r evidential value and nobly need not be kept more than 90 days. Examples ~t~,silory corr~denee ere N1own bel~w. 11

Case 1:06-cv-00945-FMA

Document 62-3

Filed 07/10/2008

Page 3 of 5

Lend . -~ tncl~e, but ~o~ l~ited to, ~ foilo~g :ecords: Conveys: d~L f¢~ p~l, o,der ~te~, e~l~v~5IN l~d (Mtotted ~d ~lto, tt~), F~outs ~f el~ni~ mail, doe~¢n~s ereated through ~d processing ~md so~'a~re applications, ~su~p.o.~g doeumenta.tion~ ~[ related eon'es~ndenee, Pre-eo~yar~:e: certificate of. gj~ convey~ce d~ent, proelamatt~n, ~b-al :~esol~ion agreein~ to exe_hanl~e ~ ,sam by tnrbe te individual, ap~sa| report, e~es~a~ justifying trar~aetion, title opinJQn by .legal counsel, pe6tion for sate. ~geney rel~rt~; . certificate of indebtedness, h,ome~tead p~enls, restricted real.prop~ inwa~anee policies, relaled land indexes, tiIle or opinions of private sector, o6~n~ bid, ~a~n of bid, adve~iseraent, hei~ written consem m ~ell, deed ~abtisNng transfer of o~er:ship, ~¢ys, env~t~ ~npae,t ~a~e,ments m~d ~esam~nla. o~l~ ~A doemnents, arc~ologieaI rope, s, ~ plat and tract books showing land ~io~ and legal[ descriptiox~ ofland (subdivision, settlers, townsNp, r~ge, and ecreage), withdrawals, resep,,oirs, agenes' arm sehoo] re, se~ves, aborted la~d ~-.~tions {~Jtions lo se[t, transfer, Or alienate d#ts of~), print~als of eiecl~nie mNl~ cre~ted through word processing and ~prezd~hee~ so.,hare, applieafior~s, supporting documentation, and related eorreNnondenee, TR~613-P~- N~6dF/dt143 ~d Mapa mud Pla~i. Include, but ~t limited 1o, the following r~;ords: scope of work, ~dget, stn~eg, surve~-~, t~ts, assessments, field notes, audits, analyses, statement.s, evaluations, cons~ltati~.s, results, reports, plans, annotated na~s ~howing townships, reserx, atSons, boundaries,~ legation oflar~d p~eha~s trader the Indian Reorganization Act. photos, p~i~ut~ of elecl~oNc marl, doctmlenls erealed through we~d processing and seizure applications0 e~, mad related eor~es1~ndence. Tlt-461~PS - N36-07-8144 L~ Aequisition Map Book Ineiude, but ~ 1k~ted l~, the following ~e~mrds: appt~¢ati~ e~t form, tribal re~olufion, maps, al:rNoved gsrmal form~ e~fieate of completie~ ftrr rig~*of.way or e~eme~t or pea~it~ ~amed over Indian land for roads,, power, lines, rmlroada, communication lines, irrigation diiehes, canals, and pipelk~es. TR'4616~P5" N36~7"8145 Indian Land RigN-of-Ways and ~me~t$, 2

Case 1:06-cv-00945-FMA

Document 62-3

Filed 07/10/2008

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|nc|ude, bm riol t~d 'to.~ the !r~}owb~$ rezo~s: Pre-de~i~iom nl~p, licadon~ eo~'.ti f~, tribal resohaion, maF~, ~,t ~l~s, n~zed land survey, ¢n~dronmemal assessmema, appraisal, s~ety bond, service line agr~mcn1~ prin~uts crf dectronic mail, documents er~l through word pressing ~ spreadshee~ applications. supporting docmnen,ation, and related correspondence. Decision: dghts-ofaway, easements, change orders, modifications,, prir~to~ of electronic mail do~me~.s crested through word processing and spreadsheet soR~vare appli~ions, suppor~ng d~tion, a~ r~ed eorresponder~e. Pom-d~i~: .esfim, t~ ¢~feq~habls ¢ompens~ s~dules-ofdamages~ m~,o~ !fl~S, ~touts of e:l~e maiL, st, trporting 4oeu~tm:~n,-aud feasted ¢~Mcnee~ Accmm~g: j~ w~h~, distribution ~y, bill for c~l]eetJons, #t~outs of electronic mail d~en~ created through word processing and sp~ad~hec, so::~,+,vp, re applications, supl)~ng TR~1618-]~- N~f-07*146 Indian Land Lea~e Case Files. Include+ but no~ limited to, th~ following records: Pre-deoision: csfimales; appraisals; reswietior~s; a~davi*; individual land owners consem; lease proposal; lease compliance, inspection, stipulations; tide ~atus re~rt; ah~raet of title; map~ a~d |arid ~ct surveys; lease plan; access pemdt~ so!ieitor aI~rOv~I; power of attorney; acceptance of lesse++r; Categorical Excludon ~e~ck tis~ ~,¢ircmrn~m'~d Asses~ts~ inmrranee po]ic~e~oe~cates; rental value m~,nnorandmw; pdntoulS ofdeotron~¢ mail; docum~mts created through ~vo~ processing and spread~shee~ software applications; mpporting doctwaentafion; and relined correzpor~dence. Decision: lease, lease bcmd, le~e and bond trar~smittal form, modifications., statement/certificate of award, con~t, notice of lease tennina~on, unitization ap:eements and ratification, #nicks of deezronic mail, d~ents created ~ugh word p~ess~g a~d spreadsheet softie application~, suppo~g do and related eorre~ndenee+ Post-deeiM~n: not~ of Iea.,~e expiration, trespass report, ope3ati~l)reports.. ~,'otux rela~ doc~s, F~dings of No Sign printouls of electronic mail, doeumenlS ctea~ed tk~ough word l~meessing and spread~heel software applieaiions, s~ppo~ing do~mnentatlon, and related c~e, pondene~. " Accounting: zOyaity reports, ro~i-y i~crost doctwnents, c~hc~k ~.s, delinquent l=~ee li~th~g, ac~ount distillation vouchers, 90+day notice, a~orily m execute irrevocable l~tex of credit doeumem, p~o~ s of ele~aic mzil, documents ~ ~hro~gh word processing a!~d -spre~ softwa~ applications+ sup.~r~ docmn~fion, and re]fated eozrespondencc. RECORDS S't~JECT TO ~ PRIVACY ACT - 5 USC 557~,

Case 1:06-cv-00945-FMA

Document 62-3

Filed 07/10/2008

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