Free Motion for Summary Judgment - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Pages: 13
Date: September 4, 2003
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Category: District
Author: unknown
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. Case 1:03-cv-00289-FMA

Document 20-10

. .... Filed 08/21/2003

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A. .
. .


cr) o o f ~ n l t i o n . Aa u i n thlr provlaion-r d (1) .toYcmt of 0 t e r r o r f a t c o r n t w i n c l u d t r t h e a t r t e nd the gowrrr*nt of. a trrrorlrt -try, u mil y p l f t i u l rhdlvirion, og.ncy, or i r m ty theroof. nn ml t r i t (2) .Terrorist c o u l t r p reom r c a n t r y d e t e r r r i r * d b, t h e L e c r o t r y of t t r t e , wder r r c t f a n &J)(l)(rr) of the t t o k I corntry t h e govrrmt o f ai& hra r - r t d t y Export hlnirtrrtion k o f 19Tp (50 U.S.C. App. 2COS(J)(i)(A)), pr~i&d rr~port a c t s of i n t e r n 8 t i o r u l t e r r o r i m . A8 of tho date of thlr p r o v i r f o n , t w r o r i r t c a n t r f n i n c l d e : for , f r , Iraq, Libya,WorthKorer, Sudan, ond Syria. (3) L t i g n i f i c n tI n t e r e s t " m w - ( f ) Onrrrhip of or k n f l c i r l i n t e r e s t in 5 percent or more o f ' t h e fim1'8 or r L b i d l a r y ' a 8 o c u r f t l ~ . y in n e ai m e m n e f i c i a l i n t e r e s t Incldea h o l d i n g f percent or =re o f m class o f t h e firm'$ a ~ u r i t l r r ~ n shares," " r t r e e t m " 8, or other method of h o t d i m 8rcurities that doea not disclose the beneficial o m r ; (ii)Holding r r r r u g e n M t p o a l t i m In the fim, such as r d i r e c t o r or offleer; (iii) b i l i t y t o c o n t r o l or i n f l u c r w e t h e e l e c t i m , q+mIntment, or tmure o f d i r o c t o r r of officer. in the A
firm; ( I v )D m r r h i po f 10 p r c e n t or mare of aslets the of r f i r m such I S e d n t buildings, rorl q p m, or other tmgible assits of the ffm; or {v) Holding 50 p c r c m t or more o f t h e i n d e b t c d n c s o f r fim. (b) P r o h i b i t i m on rwrrd. In u c o r d u r e with 10 U.S.C. 2327, no contract r y k awarded t o 8 f i r m or I rrkidirry o f I firm i f the r i g n i f i c m t i n t e r e s t i n the fim or rlrhldiry, m l n r I wiwr 18 g r r n t d by the g o v e m t of a t e r r o r i r t c a n t r y has Secretary of Defense. (C] Disclosure. I f t h e p o v e r m t o f r t e r r o r i s t c o v l t r y hac a r i g n i f i c m t i n t e r e s t In the Offeror O r r 8 c k m i d i B y o f the Offaror, the O f f e r o r s h a l t d i r c l o o e such i n t e r e s t In on attachment t o i t s o f f e r . I f t h e O f f e r o r i s 8 r b f d i r r y , I s h a l l a180 t disclose m s i g n i f i c a n t i n t e r e s t t h e eovermrent o f I t e r r o r i s t c m t r y haa i n ony ffm t h a t owns or c o n t r o l s t h e y srtmfdiary. 'The disclosure $hat\ include-(1) I d e n t i f i c r t i m o f each wverrncntholding a s i p n i f i c m t i n t e r e s t ; nd (2) A d e s c r i p t i o n o f the s i g n i f i c a n t l n t e r c r t h e l d by each t o v e r m t .

I 1 252.209-7003


(a) D e f i n i t i o n s . "Goverment o f a t e r r o r i s t c m t r v end U t e r r o r l s t comtry" are with the Governnnt of a T e r r o r i s t Cantry c l a u s e o f t h i s s o l i c i t a t i o n .

d e f i n e d in the Reporting of

Ccrmrrcial T r a n s a c t f a u

(b) Disclosure.
(1) Section 843 oftheNational Defense Authorization Act f o r F i s c a l Year 1WC (Pub. L. 103-160) rcquires offerors to dfsclose c m r c i a l t r v l s e c t i o n s c - t d u i t h thegovtrrmentof a terrorist corntry. If t h i s o f f e r exceeds SS,M)O,000, and i f the Offeror has c w x b c t e d such transactions, the Offeror shall disclose, i n an attachment t o i t 8 o f f e r , i t has c o n d u c t d with t h e g o v e r m n t o f a t e r r o r i s t c m t r y since Februrry 28, 1994. The each cmmercial transaction that disclosure shall i n c l u d e - ( 0 I d e n t i f i c a t i o n of the Q o v e r m t u f t h which crch transaction was F e t e d ; uld (ii) The nature o f each t r a n s a c t i m . Thia disclosure requirsmmt doe0 rot apply t o - ( 1 ) f r w r c t i w a c o r d r t e d by a f f f l i a t c s or p h i d i a r i e s o f theOfferor; or (ii) P a m t or r e c e i p t o f p a y a m t o f a judpcnt or auard ordered by I court or a r b i t r a l tribvul o f ,isdiction.




Case 1:03-cv-00289-FMA

Document 20-10

Filed 08/21/2003

Page 2 of 13

. .

q a m n parent," as used in this solicitation provision, mans that corporate entity that OW or controls an affiliated g r o g of corporations that files its fcderal i e r = tax returns on a consolidat& brsis, a d of vhich the offeror i s a mwber. l@Corprate status,H as in this solicitation provision, mans a designation I S to whether the offeror i s 8 corporare entfty, an unincorporrted entity (e.O., role proprietorship or pwtnrship), or a corporation providing hcdicrl and herlth j care services. II "Taxpayer Identification U m b e r (llU),w a s used in this solicitation provision, means the nunbtr rquired b~ the I P S to by the offeror reportinp no e tax a d other returns. in icm (b) A l l offerorr are riquircd to subnit the informatian rcquired in paragraphs ( c ) through (e) o f this solicftation provlsion in order to conply uith reporting r q u i r m n t r of 26 U.S.C. 6041, 6041A, and 60SW a d fnplarntfne regutations issued by the Internal Revenue Service ( J E T ) . I f the resulting contract is subject' to the reporting rcpJiremntr described in FAR L.903, the failure or refusal by the cfferor t o furnish the inferntion m y result in a 31 percent trdwtion of p r p n t s otherwise due under the contrrct. (E) Taxpayer Identification U m b e r ( t l k ) . ( ) 11g: ( ) T 1 U has been q \ e for. pi d ( 1 T I N is net required k c a u s e : ( ) Offerer is a n0nresider.t zlien, foreign corporation, cr forcipn pcr:nerrhip that does ner have incorn effectively connected with the cohdvct cf a t r d c or business in t h t U.S. and does nct hrve an office or p l a c e cf business cr a fircrl paying agent in the U.S.; ( ) Offerer i s an agency or ins::sentclity cf I foreign S e v e r m n t ; ( ) Offercr is an rscncy c r ir.s:rmnta[ity c f I federal, sttte cr local g c v e r m n t ; ( ) 0:hcr. S:trc tssis. (c) Corporote S t s t u s .



1 tcrporstion prcviding meliczL z-d b.e;lth

Ctre services, cr engated i n the billing and ccllc:;in3cf



..... .

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0-K-14. KOV 93



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Filed 08/21/2003

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cR- n c P 7



(a) Definitions. The definitions at FAR 5.104-L are hereby incorporated in this provirion. (b) Certification. A S required in paragraph (c) of this provision, the Officer or crrp\oype responsible for this offer shall execute the follouing certification: CERllFlCATE OF PROCURENEWT IWTECRllY



Joe W. Smith, Jr.

( N w

of certifier), am the officer or mployee responsible for the preparation

o f this offer and hereby certify that, to k s t of y knowledge and klief, uith the exception of any information the

dekribcd in thiscertificate, I have no i n f o r m t i o n c w e r n i n pa violation or possible violation subsection 27(a), (b), of (d), or (f) of the Office of Federal Procurmmt Policy Act, as amndd (41 U.S.C. 423) (hereinafter referred toas "the (solicitation Actw) as irrplmnted in the FAR, occurring during the conduct of this procurmwnt-1 70-91-I -0987 ? nulkr). (2) As required by subsection27(e)(l)(B) of the Act, I further certify that, to the best of my tnouledge and belief, each officer, erployee, agent representative, and consultant o f u t p d Md ( U r n of offeror) who has participated personally a d substantially in the preparatim or sutmission cf this offer has certified that he or she is familiar uith, a d will corrply uith, the rquircmcnts of s h s c c t i m 27(a) of the Act, as inpleincnted in the FAR, and vi11 report imndiately to m any informtion concerning violation or possible vlolation of *s&scctions a 27(r), (b) (6). or ( f ) of the Act, a s i r p l m n t e d in the FAR, pertaining to this procurmnt. ( 5 ) Violations or possible violations: (Continue on plain bond paper if necessary and label Certificate of P r o c u r m n t Integrity (Continuation Sheet). ENTER "NONE" I f NONE EXISIS) NOIV? (C) 1 agree that, if awarded a contract d e r this solicitation, the certifications required by subsection Zl(e)(l)(B)-of the Act shall be pintained in accordance with paragraph (f) of this provision.


(Signiture of the officer or q l o y e e responsible for the offer and date)

Joe W. Smith, Jr., Executive Vice President
( T u p e d name of the officer o r m p l o y e e responsible for the offer) *Svbsections 27(a), (b) and ( d ) are effective onD e c d x r 1,1990. Subsection 2 7 ( 0 is effective om J m c 1, 1 W 1 . THIS CERTIFICATION CONCERNS A U T T E R W I T H I N THE JURISDlCTlOU OF AU AGENCY OF THE UYllED S T A T f i f LED !ME IrAKlYC OF A FALSE, FICTlTlWS OR FRAUDULENT CERTlFlCATICW UAY RENDER THE UAYER SUBJECT TO PROSECUTIOU U N X R T I T L E 18, UNIlE3 STATES C M E , SECTION 1001. (End of Certiiication) ' (c)(l) For procurements using sealedbidding procedures, the signed certificaticcs shall be suhitted b each bidder uith the bid subnission except for procurements using two-step sealed bidding procedure (see Subpart 14.5). For those procurements, the certifications shall be subnitted with submission of the srep tu0 s e a l e d bids. A certificate is not rqJired fcr indefinite delivery contrac:s (see Subpart 16.5) wless the total estimated value o f all orders eventually to be placed d e r the contract is expected to exceed 1100,000. (2) for contracts and contract d i f i c a t i o n s which include options, a certificate i s required rhen the aggregate value of the contract a r d contract modification and all options (see S.lOL-L(e)) exceeds SlOO,OOO, (3) Failure of a bidder to sukmit the signed certificate uith its bid shall rendcr the bid nonresponsive. (d) Pursuant to FAR 3.10:-9(d), the Offeror m y be rquested to execute additional certifications at the request of the Covernnent. Failure of an Offeror to s u h i r the additional certifications shal( cause its offer to be rejected. (e) A certification containing a disclosure of a violation or possible violation will not necessarily result in the withholding of award M e r this soticitation. However, the Covermnt, after evaluation of the disclosure, m y cancel this procurement or take any other appropriate actions in the interest of the C o v e r m n t , such as disquatificatisn of the Offeror. (1) In making the certification in paragraph (2) of the certificate, the cfferor or enployee of the ccrrpeting Contractor responsible for the offer ray rely upon a one-tinc Certification f r a each irdivicbal required t3 subnit a certification to the carpeting contractor, suwl&nted by pcricdic training. These certifications shall be obtained at the earliest possible date after an individual required to certify begins errployment o r association with the contractor. I f a Contractor decides to rely on a certification executed prior to the suspension of section 2 7 (i.e., pricr to D e c d r 1, 19891, the Contractor shall ensure that an individual who has S O certified i s notified t h a t section 27 has Secn reinstated. These certifications shall be fraintained by the Contractor f o r 6 years f r w the date a certifying Mployee's erplcyment uith the conpany ends or, for an agent, representative, or consu!tant, 6 years fran the date such individual ceases to act on behalf of the Contractor. ( 9 ) Certificatim d e r parasraphs (b) and ( d ) of this provision are mteriel representations o f f a c t upon which reliance uilt be placed in awarding a contract.


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The O f f e r o r c e r t i f i e s , t o t h e k s t o f i t s knowledgeandbelief,that (i) The O f f e r o r and/or a n y c f i t s P r i n c i p a l s (A)

or declared i n e l i g i b l e f o r



) a r en o t



by a n y f t d e r a l . a g e n c y .

( 8 ) Have ( ) h a v en o t (X),within a t h r e e - y e a r p e r i o d p r e c e d i n g t h i s o f f e r , been c o n v i c t e d o f or h 4 . a c i v i l j u d p n t r e n d e r e da g a i n s t: h mf o r :c e m n i s s i o no ff r a u d o r a c r i m i n a l o f f e n s e in c o n n e c t i o n uith o b t a i n i n g , a t t m p t i n g t o o b t a i n , or p c r f o r m i n g a prblic ( F e d e r a l , s t a t e or l o c r l ) c o n t r a c t or s & - c o n t r a c t : v i o l a t i o n o f F e d e r a l ' o r s t a t e anti-

t r u s ts t a t u t e sr e l a t i n g

to t h e s u t m i s s i o n o f o f f e r s ; o r ; c u r m i s s i o n o f . m k r r l c m e n t , t h e f t , f o r g e r y ,

bribery, f r l r i f i c a t i o n


or d c r t r u c t i o o o f r e c o r d sm a k i n gf a l s es t a t e m - t so rr e c e i v i n gs t o l e np r o p e r t y ; and (C) Are ( ) a r e n o t (X)p r e s e n t l y i n d i c t e d f o r , o r o t h e r w i s e c r i m i n a l l y o r c i v i l l y c h a r g e d by a g o v e r m c n t a l e n t i t y with, c m i s s i o n o f any o f t h e o f f e n s e s m m c r a t e d i n r u b d i v i s i m (a)Cl)(i)(E) of this provision. (ii) The O f f e r o r has ( ) h a sn o t ( X ) within a t h r e e - y e a r p e r i o d p r e c e j n g t h i s o f f e r , contractsterminatedfordefault by a f e d e r a l Agency.

had one o r mare

( 2 ) " F r i n c i p a l s 8 ' ,f o rt h e

plrposes o f t h i s C e r t i f i c a t i o n ,
or b u s i n e s s se-nt,

mans o f f i c e r s ;d i r e c t o r s ;

owners; p a r t n e r s ; and, p e r s o n s


within a b u s i n e s s e n t i t y
and s i m i l a r p o s i t i o n s ) .

head o f a s u b s i d i a r y , d i v i s i o n ,


( 0 ) The O f f e r o r s h a l l p r o v i d e i m n e d i e t e w r i t t e n n o t i c e t o t h e C o n t r a c t i n g O f f i c c r i f , a t any tm p r i o r t o c o n t r f c t i e award, t h e O f f e r o r l e a r n s that i t s c e r t i f i c a t i o n sas erroneous h e n s t k n i t t e d o r h a s k c m e erroneous by reasonofchanged circmstan:cs.


A c e r t i f i c s t i o n th8t any o f t h e

items i n paragraph ( a ) o f t h i s p r o v i s i o n e x i s t s

wl n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e s u l t i l


. ..y t h h o l d i n ; ..? .

of an sward under this solicitation; However, t h e c e r t i f i c a t i o n wl be c o i s i d e r e d i n c o n n e c t i o n u i t h a il - & t e r m i n a l i o no ft h eO f f e r o r ' sr e s p n s i b i l i r y .f a i l u r eo f: h e . O f f e r o rt of u r n i s h a c e r t i f i c a t i o n or p r o v i d e such a d d i t i o n a l i d c r r a z i o r . a s r e q u e s t 4 by t h e C o n t r a c t i n g . O f f i c e r r a y r e n d e r t h e O f f e r o r n o n r e s p n s i b l e .


in t h ef o r e g o i n gs h z l l

be c o n s t r u e d t o r e q u i r e e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f

a s y s t e mo fr e c o r d s

i n o r d e rt o


in g x d f a i t h , t h e C e r t i f i c a t i o n

rc-quird by p a r a g r a f i ( a ) o ft h i sp r o v i s i o n .l h ek n o w l e d g e

a d i n f o r r a t i o no f


Offeroris-not deal inps.

required t o exceed t h a t v h i c h i s n o r r a l l y

possessed by c prudentperson

i n t h eo r d i n a r yc o u r s eo fb v s i n e s s
o f f a c t upon u h i c h r e l i a n c e


The c e r t i f i c a t i o n in paragraph(a)

of ; h i s p r o v i s i o n i s

a r a t e r i a lr e p r e s e n t a t i o n


p l a c e d when % k i n g award.

I f i t i sl a t e rd e t e r n i n t dt h a tt h eO f f e r o rk n o u i n g t yr e n j e r e da ne r r o n e o u sc e r t i f i c r t i o n ,
t o t h eG o v c , - m n t ,t h eC o n t r a c t i n gO f f i c e rr a yt e r m i n a t et h ec o n t r a c t


a d i t i o n 10 o t h e rr e m e d i e sa v a i l a b l e t h i ss c l i c i t a r i o nf o rd e f a u l t .

in r e s d t i n g frm




JAt;. $2'


OCT 8 9






Case 1:03-cv-00289-FMA

Document 20-10

Filed 08/21/2003

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Sdxtltutt thefoltoulngforparr(ci

In F A 2 c l a o s r 52.203-0:
i n excesc o f tl00,000 mode u s i n gI 2 r o c r d l r r so t h e rt h a n

( c )f o rp r o c u r m n t s ,i n c l u d i n gc o n t r r c tm o d i f i C l t i O n S ,




be c t b n i t t t d hy t l l cc c c c c s 5 f u IO f f c r n r

\hr: C ~ ~ : ~ t r a c t ( n p G f l l c culthln tha tlm r

p e r i o d s p e c i f i e d by t h e C o n t r a c t i n g O f f i c e r t h e n r e q u e s t i n g t h c c t r t l f l c a t e c , cr:ept as p r o v i d e d In s & p & r c @ r @ ; h m ( c ) ( l ) l n n3 e v e n t s h o l l t h e c c r t i i i c h t r : tx :trhnitted s t l r ~ t ttn n u s r d of n Cnntract o r t h r w g h ( c ) ( 5 ) of t h i r c l a u s e . e x e c u t i e n of

a contractmcdification:
For l e t t e r c o n t r a c t s ,

other q r l c e d c m t r a c t r , or t r p r l c c : !c o n t r o c tl r l s t i i f i c o t i o t \ s ,! A c t h e r

o r hot t h e

v r p r i c t d con:roct

or d i f i c s t i o n c m r a i n s o maximon o r not t o cxcecdprice. the c l o n t d c c r t i f i c r t l o w o h a l l k rutmltttd priortotheaurrdoftheLettercontroct, v l p r i c c d c r m t r a c t , or &?riccd c o n t r a c t d i f i c a t i o n , and p r i o r t o t h e or Khc e s t a b l i s h m m t o f he p r i c e o f the q r l c e d c o n t r a c t or u v r i c t d c o n t r a c t &finitixarion of.the letter cmtrac: award of t h e l e t t e r C e c w r c t a d e r a c u t i m of dificotion. The r e c o r d c e r t i f i c r t i o n s h a l l a p p l y M I Y t o t h e p e r i o d h e t u e e n thedocvnentdefinitizinathelettercontract,or award o f t h e m p r l c d c o n t r r c t o r q w i c e d C M t r O C t C o d i f l c a t l o n rrrO e r e c u t i o n o f the d c c u n n t e s t a b l i s h i n g t h e d e f i n i t i v e p r i c e o f such v \ p r i c c d c o n t r o e t or u j i d c o n t r r c t b o d l f i c s t i m . nwr ( 2 ) :-. b c i c o r d e r i n g agreements, p r i o r t o theexecution of & . p r i c e d o r d - r ; p r i o r t o t h e l x r c u t l m o f a n unprltotl order, r h e t h e r or mt t h e u - p r i c e d order c o n t a l n s o mxlmn cr not K O exceedprice; and, p r l o r t o e m t a b l l r h i n g t h e p r i c e of rn u r p r i c c d o r d e r . l h e s e c o n d c e r t i f i c s t e t o k s d x n i t t t d f o r w r l c d o r d c r c r h o l l s w l y only t o t h e p r r l o d b e t u e m burrd of t h c m p r i c c d c r d r r a n de x c c u t i o n of t h e d o c m n t c s t a b l i s h l n j the d e f i n i t i v e p r i c e f o r c x h o r d e r . ( 5 ) 1 c e r t i f i c a t e i s n o t rewired Yor i n d c f i n i t r d e l i v e r y c o n t r a c t s . (see St-rt 16.5) tn\el;s t h t t o t r l e r t h a t c d
v a l u e o f a l l orders e v e n t u a l l y t o

be p l a c e d d c r t h e c o n t r n c t i s

expected t o exceed 1100,000.

(4) (5)

For c o n t r a c t s and c o n t r o c td i f i c r t i o n ru h i c hi n : l d eo p t i o n s ,

value of t h e c o q t r r c t o r c o n t r a c t d i f i c e t i o n contrscts.
t h e award

a d a l l o>tions

(see S.lOL-&(el)excecdr

a c e r t i f i c a t e i s required L103.000.

d~tli the


For prrpdses o f c o n t r a c t s e n t e r e d i n t o

m h r rcction

C(n1 o f t h e SRA, the I m i n e s s e n t i t y u i t h uhcm t h e SOA
of rdxc!ciior:

a d not t h e SBA, s h a l l be required t o conply

t h ec e r t i l i c a t i a nr c q u i r e m e r \ t r


Ilrc SCA

shall o b t a i n t h e r i p v d c e r t i f i c n t e

from t h e b u s i n e s s c n r i t y

c d forrrard the c e r t i f i c a t e t o t n c Contracting Officer prior t c
t i w prt!scriL:d


a ContraL;

t o t h e SBA.

Ffiilure o f e n Offeror t c s u k i t t h e s i g n c t l c e r t i f i c a t c u i t h i n
t o Ix r e j e c t e d .

by tllt Con:rac.:in?


s h a l l Cause t h i or:rr

Case 1:03-cv-00289-FMA

Document 20-10

Filed 08/21/2003

Page 6 of 13


- Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors
Sections I and I1 General Information


1. Proposals will be evaluatedo r both technical merit and f price reasonableness following the evaluation procedures in Section "M" of this solicitation.
2. Section I - Technical Proposal, which follows, has been formatted to assist you in preparinga complete technical proposal, In order to provide full consideration of your qualification for contract award,you are encouraged to ensure that the information furnished in supportof your technical proposal is factual, accurate and complete.

Section I1 - Business Proposal, makes reference to the documentation that is required.
3'. The Department of Defense (DoD) is committed to applying "Best Value" contracting as a means to rely on industry for timely delivery of quality products, while reducing the Government's To administrative costs associated with contractor oversight. this end, we are evaluating factors in addition to price under this solicitation. Since an offeror's Past Performance, Product Availability, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Capabilities, Customer Support, Surge Readiness and Sustainment, Socioeconomic Considerations, and Small and Small Disadvantaged Entrepreneurial Enhancement Development (SEED) Programs translate into better quality, & fewer delivery delinquencies, increased opportunities for small small disadvantaged business concerns, reduced administrative and lower overall costs the Government, we will be using your Technical to Proposal to assess the relative merit your company. Moreover, of those offerors who have consistently demonstrated exceptional ability in these areas will receive more favorable consideration than those who do not.

You may provide additional technical information you believe

will enhance your proposal; however, overly elaborate presentations are not desired.
5. Failure to provide the information requested may render the offeror's proposal technically unacceptable.

6. The Government reserves the right to verify the information provided for evaluation purposes.

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Section 4 - Technical Proposal




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Unless the offeror takes exception to the Statement of Work requirements, it is assumed that it is ableto meet all requirements. Any features proposed in excess of the minimum requirements will be written into the contract award document so that the ordering facilities are aware of these additional features.

Please answer all questions in t h e same oreer as listed. PAST PERFORMANCE : Please provide the following data concerning your firm's past performance as a prime vendor:
A. The total number of years your firm has performed as a prime vendor for medical/surgical supplies.

B. Your firm's prime vendor sales dollar volume for its latest yearly reporting period.
C. The name, address, telephone number, and point of contact for your five largest medical/surgical product suppliers by dollar volume.

D. A description of thePrime Vendor, Government and/or Commercial contracts that you have performed in the past three years. For each contract you list provide the name, address and telephone number of the contracting organization, a point of contact in that organization, the contract number and dollar value, date of contract, period of performance.
E. Please submit historical data (eliminating the 60 day startup time) showing your average fill-rate achieved in each region you have received a DPSC Medical Surgical Prime Vendor award. Indicate the time period covered for such data. If you have not previously received a prime vendor award, provide your average fill rates for every awa d your firm has had in effect f o r the past twelve months
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LJ"tL3"x. F. Provide documentation regarding any past Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Drug Enforcement Agency ( D E A ) and/or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) notices, warnings etc. concerning failure of your facilities to meet the FDA's, EPA's, DEA's and/or OSHA's regulations over the past three years. Detail all corrective actions to resolve the problem s ) and preclude recurr nce. - ? \ < c ~ ~c ~ ~ A : L , ~ 7>A iLL.4-4

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l,ro.',cl< r,ll c3r u c + ~ ~ c,- ~ ; s r 4 ~ sd rib\ems , G. Percentage-wise, - how - muchc , of + ; o ~~f +LG Vendor d pr&uctk your,Prim& d be~r&gc,c,L~c b-, " yoLL 4 A L presently an kc 9 -ntc distributed are MED/SURG products? (EX.>&% are 3 % actual Prime Vendor who distributes 2 0 different drugitems and 80 different MED/SURG items in an average day, you would answer: 80%).


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A. Describe how your firm proposes to handle Just-In-Time Orders (JITOs) and Extended Delivery Orders (EDOs) under your Prime Vendor EOE system.* Sales mustbe captured, and all orders placed, through the Prime' Vendor Program. i ... . j ,.,. c.) !; : a t- ;-- -.*L
i -





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State what fill rates you are committing to for Just-In-Time and Extended Delivery Orders.

C. How will you ensure that separate fill rate calculations are kept for Just-In-Time Orders (JITOs) Extended Delivery and Orders


D. Please identify any category products that your corporate of policy will not allow you todistribute or any manufacturers that your corporate policy will not allow you to distribute from.
E. State the locationand distance (in miles) that the distribution facilities you will use to furnish supplies the are to activities in the region they will servicing. be F. What is your ordering cut-off time for next day delivery for in each of the ordering activities listed Attachmentn?
G. What type of delivery service will your firm use for emergency shipments?
H. What will your transportation and handling cost be, f o r emergency shipments in excess of two, for each facility?



A. Describe how your firm will conduct the required training on your EOE system at each ordering point. B. Describe the steps your firm has taken to ensure you can transmit and/or receive business documents ANSI X12 format within in six months of award (the 850, 855, & 832 documents). Describe the steps your firm has taken to ensure i t can transmit the ANSI X12 invoice to DPSC's payment office at time of award. C. How will your firm ensure that the ordering facilities will be able to place orders a single contractor order receipt point to without havingto distinguish between divisions?
D. Describe your firm's electronic price and product cat.alog and how your firm will accomplish loading items for which all the ordering facilities have provided usage data, within days of contract award. 60

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E. How will your EOE system distinguish between IDTC/DAPA and non-IDTC/non-DAPA items prior to order placement. The Prime Vendor of program includes the direct processing orders by the Services' legacy systems. Consequently, ANSI X12 Purchase Orders (850) will be generated outside your proposed EOE system. How will your firm. prevent orders for non-DAPA/non-IDTC items from processing?


F. Will your order confirmation show rejection of non-IDTC/nonitems?

G. Can your firm currently provide an electronic order confirmation to the ordering facility within two hours following transmission of the order from the ordering facility (in every case)? Clarification: The electronic order confirmation identified here refers to an ANSI X12 (855) Order Confirmation.
H. Describe the "help" procedures that will be availableto if Government ordering personnel a problem is encountered when using your ordering system.


I. Does your electronic catalog provide search capability based manufacturer part number? If not, on generic product name and/or capability. Indicate which type (or describe your catalog's search -types] of search capability presently exists your electronic in catalog your firm is offering. (Check all that apply)
(a Search by generic product name s a single search criteria*)











* "single search criteria" means the researcher does not have to know more than the indicated single type of information in order to conduct the search. (For example, if the researcher needs to know both the manufacturer part number and the vendor number to conduct the search, then your firm cannot take credit for the above "search by manufacturer part number.")
J. Describe any user-friendly features of both your on-line catalog and EOE system?

K. Describe the system redundancy or "continuity operations" of plans you have in place to ensure against lost system's capability. you have established for formal system backup. Include any provisions Clearly identify which parts are on-site and which parts are off-site. What is the maximum length of time you anticipate our facilities will a be unable to place orders through your system in the event of "worse-case" disaster?

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L. Does yourEOE system rely on manual intervention any stage at of the process in order comply with the to SOW? Is your EOE system able to differentiate betweenJITOs (which will be usage data items) and EDOs (which can be either usage non-usage data items), without or manual intervention?

M. How many years has your proposed EOE system(s) been used by your firm? How many of your current customers use it?
N. The DAPA database willbe given to you on a diskette. Please to load your electronic catalog with the indicate how you are going necessary DAPA information - manually or electronically?
0. What are the minimum hardware and software configuration PC requirements neededto run yourEOE system and electronic catalog?

PC Hardware
RAM Memory Required Required

Hard Disk


What Type of Software is Required
P. Does your firrn haver!gxxperience transmitting/receiving ANSI X12 810, 850, 855, and 832 transactions sets? How many months or

years of experience with each transaction set listed, if any? Provide the number of trading partners presently deal with and the you approximate number of ANSI X12 810, 850, 855, and 832 transaction sets transmitted and/or received each month (address each transaction set separately).









A. Describe how you will meet the solicitation requirements for recalls. Please indicate the time frame and method (i.e. telephone, fax, in-person visit) you will use notify the activities of to recalls.

B. Please provide a sample copy a completed packing slip as of you intend to supply it with your shipment.

C. State t h e method you willuse to notify ordering offices of manufacturers' backorders.

D. What will be your ratio of assigned sales representatives per ordering facility? State what your firm considers to be the responsibilities of your sales representative(s).

per month?

Do you intend to make more than the required onesite visit I f yes, please explain.

F. Describe how you intend to monitor customer support and customer satisfaction at the ordering facility level. Provide point a

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of contact and phone number for the ordering facility to use to escalate customer support problems.



(Submit this data in Section - Business Proposal) I1

. i,


If a responding small business indicates, it will receive credit for its portion of the performance under the contract.(EX., A small 90% of the work reflected in its distribution business who performs fee can receive credit the same if 90% of the work was as subcontracted to another small business.) Any who has not done firm so, should complete and submit the chart shown below 6Factor'' in th " -e : original--proposal: You can only get credit you complete the chart. if

. . ', ' .

Only large businesses need complete Clause52.219-9, Small and to Small Disadvantaged BusinTss Subcontracting,Plan. ( A guide for completion was-an attachment to the originarsolicitation') The 6. subcontracting plan is separate from Factor Both large & small business offerors shall indicate what portions of (SB) their proposal will be subcontracted to Small Business & Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) concerns in terms of percentages and of dollars. The offeror shall describe the proposed extent socially and economically SDB concerns participation in the performance of the and subcontractor levels. Include contract at both the contractor of plans to increase the extent proposed participation through the life of the contract. The following is a sample format to be used. The example is based a distribution fee of 1.0% and estimated on requirements of $10 million. NOTE: Do not list dollar figures in your technical proposal.

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Dollars )


Annual Distribution Fee 1 Total to be Subcontracted 2 a. To Large Business Concerns 3 b. To Small Business Concerns 3

( $ 60,000) ( $ 30,000)

100% 50%

( $ 30,000)


(ii)To Non-disadvantaged Concerns 4 EXPLANATION TO OFFERORS:

( $ 10,000)



Offeror is required to provide a description of the efforts they will make to assure thatSB and SDB concerns, as outlined above, will have an equitable opportunity to compete for subcontracts in this acquisition. Offeror must name the employee responsible for ensuring that an equitable opportunity is afforded the SB and SDB firms to compete for contracts. The offeror must additionally identify the employee's position and-provide a description of the employee's duties in relation to the plan. Offeror may be required to cooperate in studies or surveys in order allow the Government to determine the extent of subcontracting opportunities identified for this acquisition. to

NOTE: Since the solicitation will cover a base year plus four option years, goals contained in the subcontracting plan must be distinguished by separately identifying percentages and dollars for subcontracting with SB and SDB concerns for the base year and each option y e a r .

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(Submit this data in Section I1 - Business Proposal) BOTH LARGE AND SMALL BUSINESSES MUST ADDRESS THIS FACTOR, IF THEY HAVE NOT DONE SO ALREADY. The Prime Vendor Small Business Mentoring Program ensures growth opportunities and participation for small business small and disadvantaged business concerns in the prime vendor program. Each offeror must demonstrate that it has established a mentoring program that will provide opportunities to small businesses and small disadvantaged businesses for increased business growth, and participation in the DPSC Prime Vendor Program. The increase in business and participation should be measurable and meaningful. The offeror must also explain the initiatives it has taken reach the to goal of having one ormore agreements betweenthe offeror and a small business or small disadvantaged firm who participates carrying out in the requirements of the prime vendor contract. The offeror's must provide the following information regarding its mentoring program: a. Participants: The offeror's criteria in selecting a firm with whom to mentor. In addition, provide the following information with all submissions: Name, Address and Plant Location for contract holder and potential small business concern participants. Point of Contact, job title, and phone numberof all personnel involved in the development and oversight of any agreement from both parties. The number of people employed by the small business concern. b. Aqreement Type: A description of the type of agreement by agreed upon or that will be agreed upon the contractholder and the small business concern. The agreement shouldstate the benefits of the plan for both parties.DPSC will review the plan ensure that to the agreement will not jeopardize future contract performance. The agreements should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each party. Plans which identify new business ventures, rather than expansion of existing agreements are preferred. c. Assistance: The mentoring plan or agreement shall (i.e. specifically identify the areas of developmental assistance management/technical) that will be provided. Provide a discussion of the areas chosen for mentoring.
