Free 1997 - Michigan

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State: Michigan
Category: Court Forms - Local
Author: c16
Word Count: 917 Words, 5,769 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case Evaluator Selection Criteria (A) The applicant must have been a practicing lawyer for at least 5 years as of the appointment date, January 1 of the year following the date of application, and be a member in good standing of the State Bar of Michigan. (B) The applicant must reside, maintain an office, or have an active practice in Macomb County. (C) The applicant must demonstrate that a substantial portion of the applicant's practice for the last 5 years has been devoted to civil litigation matters, including investigation, discovery, motion practice, mediation, settlement, trial preparation, and/or trial. (D) Applicants for the personal injury list must demonstrate additional skill and experience and complete the appropriate section in this application. Applications will be reviewed annually. Applications must be received by the Court Administrator by the close of business on October 1st of the preceding year to be eligible for addition to the list in the following January. Case evaluators will be appointed for staggered terms, not exceeding five years. Appointments will be made without regard to race, ethnic origin or gender. Applicants who are not appointed will be notified of the decision. Applicants may seek reconsideration by writing to the Chief Judge within 30 days after the decision is mailed to the applicant. No hearing will be held. The Chief Judge will inform the applicant of the decision on the appeal in writing.

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Name: Business address: Firm name, if applicable



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GENDER/RACE/ETHNICITY INFORMATION - OPTIONAL In order to evaluate our efforts to provide bias free case evaluation panels and diversity, we ask you to voluntarily identify your gender/race/ethnicity. Please check the appropriate box: G G G G Male Female African American Asian American G G G Hispanic Caucasian Multiracial (means having parents of different races).


What case evaluator list are you applying for? (Select one) G General Civil G Personal Injury (subdivided into plaintiff, neutral and defense case evaluators): G G G Plaintiff Neutral Defense


2. Do you have any MCR 2.403 evaluation experience? G Yes G No. Please describe:

3. 4. 5.

When were you admitted to the practice of law (month/year)? Are you a member in good standing of the State Bar of Michigan? G Yes G No

Do you qualify for service in this jurisdiction by (a) G residing in Macomb County (b) G maintaining an office in Macomb County, or (c) G having an active practice in Macomb County? Please provide factual support for your qualifications under question 5 by providing your Macomb County address (if different than your business address above) or a description of your "active practice" on the following lines:



Please demonstrate that a substantial portion of your practice for the last 5 years has been devoted to civil litigation matters. Provide some descriptive verification of each of the elements of practice identified in MCR 2.404(B)(2)(c): (1) Investigation:

(2) Discovery:


(3) Motion Practice:

(4) Case evaluation under MCR 2.403 (formerly "mediation"):

(5) Settlement:

(6) Trial preparation:

(7) Trial:

If you are applying for service on the Personal Injury List pursuant to MCR 2.404(B)(4), please answer the following questions. All others skip to the certification section.
1. In your practice, do you primarily represent: G G G Plaintiffs? Defendants? Not identifiable?

2. In the past three years, what percentage of your practice has been personal injury matters? % 3

3. In the past three years, have you actively engaged in investigative, discovery and motion practice related to your personal injury cases? G Yes. G No. 4. How many cases on average have you handled during MCR 2.403 case evaluation (formerly "mediation") as counsel for a party over the last three years? . 5. How many cases on average have you arbitrated as counsel for a party over the last three years? . 6. How many cases on average have you participated in facilitation as counsel for a party over the last three years? . 7. How many days of the year have you acted as a case evaluator under MCR 2.403 (formerly "mediator") over the past three years, in personal injury cases? . 8. How many days of the year have you acted as an arbitrator over the past three years, in personal injury cases? . 9 How many days of the year have you acted as a facilitator over the past three years, in personal injury cases? . 10. How many personal injury cases did you resolve by way of settlement over the past three years on an annual basis? . 11. How many personal injury cases did you try to a verdict over the past three years? . 12. Within your personal injury practice, what percentage of your cases are: A. Personal injury? B. Products Liability? C. Professional malpractice? D. Employment? % % % %



If you have other experience or a speciality beyond what has been discussed which you feel bears on your qualifications as a case evaluator, please provide that information on separate sheets and attach them to this application.

(All applicants must complete this certification)

I certify, pursuant to MCR 2.404(B)(1), that I meet the requirements for service under the Macomb County Circuit Court's selection plan and that I will not discriminate against parties, attorneys, or other case evaluators on the basis of race, ethnic origin, gender, or other protected personal characteristic.



Return this application to: Case Evaluation Clerk 40 N. Main Mt. Clemens, MI 48043

