Free 2001 TC-20S - Utah

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Pages: 8
Date: January 25, 2002
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State: Utah
Category: Tax Forms
Word Count: 2,631 Words, 16,494 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Preview 2001 TC-20S
Utah State Tax Commission 210 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City Utah 84134

2001 2000
Rev. 12/01

Utah S Corporation Franchise or Income Tax Return

This return is for the calendar year ending Dec. 31, 2001, or fiscal year beginning _________________________ and ending ________________________. AMENDED RETURN Corporation name Address See page 3 for "THE REASONS FOR AMENDING" and enter the number in this box Employer Identification Number Utah Incorporation/Qualification Number Telephone number

City State ZIP code


NOTE: Attach a complete federal return including Schedule K and K-1 for all shareholders. If all shareholders are Utah residents, and there are no corporate built-in gains or other gains to report under UCA §59-7-701, Schedules A through N may not be required.
Check box if this is the first return as a S corporation. If so, attach the IRS "Notice Effective date: _______________ of Acceptance as an S Corporation" designation letter and provide the effective date. Resident Nonresident Total


(a) Number of shares (b) Percentage of shares %

+ + %

= =



Check if this corporation conducted any Utah business activity during the taxable year. Has this S corporation made an election to treat one or more subsidiaries as a "Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary?" Include each "Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary" that is doing business, incorporated, or qualified in Utah, on Schedule M. Net Refund - (from Schedule A, line 18) Net Tax Due - (from Schedule A, line 19) Total the penalties and interest listed below and enter on this line
Extension penalty $ Late filing penalty $ Interest $ Late payment penalty $


4. 5. 6.

4 5 6

00 00 00

7. 8. 9.

Utah Use Tax, if $400 or less Total Refund - (subtract lines 6 and 7 from line 4) Total Tax Remitted - (add lines 5, 6 and 7)
Make check payable to: UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION

7 8 9
Official Use Only

00 00 00

Check the box for each schedule attached

Schedule A Schedule E

Schedule H Schedule J

Schedule M Schedule N

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this return and accompanying schedules are true, correct, and complete.
Signature of officer Preparer's signature Date Date signed Telephone City Check if self-employed Title Preparer's Social Security Number/PTIN EIN State ZIP code

Paid Firm's name (or yours if self-employed) Preparer's Section
Preparer's complete address

Supplemental Information To Be Supplied By All S Corporations
1. Yes No Does this S corporation own more than fifty (50) percent of the voting stock of another corporation?

If yes, provide the following for each corporation so owned: (attach additional pages if necessary)
Employer Identification Number Is this corporation doing business in Utah? Yes Merger Date (only if during period) mm dd yy Employer Identification Number Is this corporation doing business in Utah? Yes Merger Date (only if during period) mm dd yy Employer Identification Number Is this corporation doing business in Utah? Yes Merger Date (only if during period) mm dd yy Employer Identification Number Is this corporation doing business in Utah? Yes Merger Date (only if during period) mm dd yy No Filing Period (only when different from S Corp.) No Filing Period (only when different from S Corp.) Corporation name No Filing Period (only when different from S Corp.) Corporation name No Filing Period (only when different from S Corp.) Corporation name Corporation name Percent of stock ownership at end of tax year








Percent of stock ownership at end of tax year








Percent of stock ownership at end of tax year








Percent of stock ownership at end of tax year








2. Where are the corporate books and records maintained?

3. Which is the state of commercial domicile?

4. What is the last year for which a federal examination has been completed?

Under separate cover, send a summary and supporting schedules for the federal adjustments and the federal tax liability for each year for which federal audit adjustments have not been reported to the Tax Commission and indicate date of final determination. Forward information to Utah State Tax Commission, Auditing Division, 210 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84134-0300. 5. For what years are federal examinations now in progress, or final determination of past examinations still pending?

6. For what years have extensions for proposing additional assessments of federal tax been agreed to with the Internal Revenue Service?

NOTE: An automatic extension of the Statute of Limitations relating to assessments of tax is provided by UCA §59-7-519 for failure to report fully the information required.

Schedule A - Computation of Utah Net Taxable Income and Total Tax Due
Corporation Name Taxable Year Ending Employer Identification Number

TC-20S A Rev. 12/01


Income or loss from federal form 1120S, Schedule K, line 23

1 2 3 4a 4b 00 00 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14a 14b 14c 00 00 00 14

00 00 00 00 00

3. 4.

Charitable contributions that were deducted on federal form 1120S, Schedule K, line 7 Total foreign taxes that were deducted on federal form 1120S, Schedule K, Line 15(g)
Net Income: (a) Total income before nonbusiness income (add line 1, line 2 and line 3) (b) Nonresident inco me (line 4a multiplied by nonresident percentage on form TC-20S, line 1b) Nonbusiness income: (from Schedule H, line 13 and line 26)
(a) (b) Allocated to Utah ($_____________________) times nonresident % on TC-20S, line 1b Allocated outside Utah ($__________________) times nonresident % on TC-20S, line 1b


5a 5b

Nonbusiness income total (add lines 5a and 5b) 6. 7. 8. 9. Net income subject to apportionment (subtract line 5 from line 4b) Apportionment fraction (100% or Schedule J, line 7) Net income apportioned to Utah (line 6 multiplied by line 7) Nonbusiness income allocated to Utah (line 5a)

00 00 % 00 00 00 00 00

on are passed 10. Utah Taxable Income/Loss (add line 8 and line 9) For tax years beginning andor after 1/1/94, lossescarryforward through to the individual shareholders are not available for or carryback. 11. Deduction amount applies for income greater than zero (multiply line 10 by .15)

12. Net Taxable Income (subtract line 11 from line 10) 13. Tax rate 14. Calculation of tax (see instructions page 5) a. b. c. Line 12 multiplied by line 13 Built-in and other gains (see instructions page 5) Amended Returns Only (previous refunds)


Tax amount (add lines 14a through 14c) 15. Refundable Credits and Previous Payments for Amended Returns a. b. c. d. Mineral production withholding (attach TC-675R) Off-highway agricultural gas tax credit Total prepayments (from line 4 of Schedule E below) Amended Returns Only (previous payments)


15a 15b
15c 15d

00 00 00 00 15 16 17 18 19 00 00 00 00 00

Total refundable credits (add lines 15a through 15d) 16. Overpayment - if line 15 is larger than line 14, subtract line 14 from line 15 17. Amount of overpayment to be applied as advance payment for next taxable year 18. Refund (subtract line 17 from line 16) Enter amount here and on form TC-20S, line 4 19. Total tax - if line 14 is larger than line 15, subtract line 15 from line 14. Enter amount here and on line 5 of form TC-20S

Schedule E - Prepayments of Any Type - Enter the total from line 4 below on line 15c above.
1. Overpayment applied from prior year 2. Extension prepayment Date ____________ Check number ______________ Check number Check number Check number Check number 3a 3b 3c 3d 1 2

00 00

3. Other prepayments (attach sheet if necessary) a. Date b. Date c. Date d. Date

00 00 00 00
3 4

Total of other prepayments (add lines 3a through 3d) 4. Total prepayments (add lines 1, 2, and 3, enter on this line and on Schedule A, line 15c)

00 00

Schedule H - Nonbusiness Income Net of Expenses
Corporation Name Taxable Year Ending Employer Identification Number

TC- 20S H Rev. 12/01

Note: Failure to complete all information required below may result in automatic disallowance of the nonbusiness income claimed

Utah Nonbusiness Income (Allocated to Utah) (See instructions page 6)
Description of Utah Nonbusiness Income 1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 2. Total Utah nonbusiness income (add lines 1a through 1d) Enter amount of direct expense Enter amount of direct expense Enter amount of direct expense Enter amount of direct expense 3a. Description of direct expense related to line 1a above 3b. Description of direct expense related to line 1b above 3c. Description of direct expense related to line 1c above 3d. Description of direct expense related to line 1d above 4. 5. Total direct related expenses (add lines 3a through 3d) Utah nonbusiness income net of direct related expenses (subtract line 4 from line 2) Assets Used To Produce Utah Nonbusiness Income Indirect Related Expenses for Utah Nonbusiness Income (Column A) Beginning of year End of year Sum of beginning and ending asset values (add lines 6 and 7) Average assets (line 8 divided by 2) Acquisition Date of Nonbusiness Asset(s) Payor of Nonbusiness Income Beginning Value of Investment Used to Produce Nonbusiness Income Ending Value of Investment Used to Produce Nonbusiness Income Nonbusiness Income

Total Assets (Column B)

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Average Utah nonbusiness assets to average total assets (line 9, column A divided by line 9, column B) 11. Interest expense deducted in computing Utah taxable income (see instructions page 7) 12. Indirect related expenses for Utah nonbusiness income (line 10 multiplied by line 11) 13. Total Utah nonbusiness income net of expenses (subtract line 12 from line 5, enter here and on Schedule A, line 5a)

Non-Utah Nonbusiness Income (Allocated Outside Utah) (See instructions page 7)
Description of Non-Utah Nonbusiness Income 14a. 14b. 14c. 14d. 15. Total non-Utah nonbusiness income (add lines 14a through 14d) 16a. Description of direct expense related to line 14a above 16b. Description of direct expense related to line 14b above 16c. Description of direct expense related to line 14c above 16d. Description of direct expense related to line 14d above 17. Total direct related expenses (add lines 16a through 16d) 18. Non-Utah nonbusiness income net of direct related expenses (subtract line 17 from line 15) Total Assets Used To Indirect Related Expenses for non-Utah Nonbusiness Income Produce Nonbusiness Income (Column A) 19. Beginning of year 20. End of year 21. Sum of beginning and ending asset values (add lines 19 and 20) 22. Average assets (line 21 divided by 2) 23. Average total nonbusiness assets to average total assets (line 22, column A divided by line 22, column B) 24. Interest expense deducted in computing Utah taxable income (see instructions page 7) 25. Indirect related expenses for non-Utah nonbusiness income (line 23 multiplied by line 24) 26. Total non-Utah nonbusiness income net of expenses (subtract line 25 from line 18, enter here and on Schedule A, line 5b) Enter amount of direct expense Enter amount of direct expense Enter amount of direct expense Enter amount of direct expense
Acquisition Date of Nonbusiness Asset(s) Payor of Nonbusiness Income Beginning Value of Investment Used to Produce Nonbusiness Income Ending Value of Investment Used to Produce Nonbusiness Income

Nonbusiness Income

Total Assets (Column B)

Schedule J - Apportionment Schedule
Corporation Name Taxable Year Ending

(For use with TC-20, TC-20S, TC-20REIT, & TC-20UBI)

TC- 20 J, Rev. 12/01

Employer Identification Number

NOTE: Use this schedule only if income is taxable in another state and should be apportioned to Utah. Use this schedule with corporate forms TC-20, TC-20S, TC-20REIT, and TC-20UBI.
Describe briefly the nature and location(s) of your Utah business activities:

1. Tangible Property (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Land Depreciable assets Inventory and supplies Rented property Other tangible property 1(a) 1(b) 1(c) 1(d) 1(e) 2

Inside Utah Column A
00 00 00 00 00 00

Inside and Outside Utah Column B
00 00 00 00 00 00 2(a)

2. Total Tangible Property (total 1(a) through 1(e)) (a) Fraction (column (A), line 2 divided by column (B), line 2)

3. Wages, salaries, commissions, and other includable compensation (a) Fraction (column (A), line 3 divided by column (B), line 3)


00 3(a) 4(a)


4. Gross Receipts from Business (a) Sales (gross receipts less returns and allowances) (b) Sales delivered or shipped to Utah purchasers: (1) Shipped from outside Utah (2) Shipped from within Utah (c) Sales shipped from Utah to: (1) United States Government (2) Purchasers in a state(s) where the taxpayer has no
nexus (The corporation is not taxable in the state of purchaser)


4(b1) 4(b2) 4(c1) 4(c2) 4(d) 4(e) 5

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5(a) 6 7 00 00 00

(d) (e)

Rent and royalty income Service income (attach schedule)

5. Total Sales and Services (total 4(a) through 4(e)) (a) Fraction (column (A), line 5 divided by column (B), line 5)

6. Total of lines 2a, 3a, and 5a 7. Calculate the Apportionment Fraction to six decimals: (line 6 divided by 3 or the number of factors present) Enter the amount from line 7 as follows: TC-20 filers - enter on TC-20, Schedule A, line 9 TC-20S filers - enter on TC-20S, Schedule A, line 7 TC-20REIT filers - enter on TC-20REIT, line 4 TC-20UBI filers - enter on TC-20UBI, line 2

Schedule M - Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiaries Incorporated, Qualified, or Doing Business in Utah
Corporation Name Taxable Year Ending Employer Identification Number TC-20S M Rev. 12/01

Instructions - Corporations for which a Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary election has been made.
1. List only corporations incorporated, qualified, or doing business in Utah on this form. 2. Federal schedules are not acceptable as a substitute since they may include corporations that are excluded from reporting in Utah. 3. Corporations required to file in Utah that are not listed on this form will not be considered to have met the Utah filing requirement. Employer Identification Number Utah Incorporation/ Qualification Number Common Subchapter S Parent Corporation Name

Employer Identification Utah Incorporation/ Qualification Number Number

Subsidiary Corporation name

Acquisition Date

Schedule N - Nonresident Tax Remittance Information
Corporation Name Taxable Year Ending Employer Identification Number

TC-20S N Rev. 12/01

Instructions: S corporations that are making income tax payments on behalf of Nonresident shareholders must complete this form. Part 1 Utah Individual Income Tax
S corporations must list below all nonresident shareholders for which Utah individual income tax is paid on behalf of shareholder. The social security number (SSN), corporate ownership percentage, and the amount of Utah tax paid on behalf of the shareholder must also be indicated for each nonresident shareholder.

This form may be copied to accommodate additional shareholders. Shareholder SSN or EIN
Utah Tax Paid on Percentage of Ownership Behalf of Shareholder

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Total (This amount should equal the amount on Schedule A, line 14a)


Part 2

Nonrefundable Tax Credits

S Corporations must break out nonrefundable tax credits for each shareholder for which nonrefundable tax credits may be claimed on an individual income tax return.

Indicate the type of credit (02-13) and the amount in the columns provided below for each shareholder
(02) = Qualified sheltered workshop cash contribution credit (03) = Energy systems credit (attach form TC-40E) (04) = Clean fuel alternative tax credit (attach form TC-40F) (05) = Clean fuel vehicle tax credit (attach form TC-40V) (06) = Historic preservation tax credit (attach form TC-40H) (07) = Enterprise zone tax credit (08) = Low income housing tax credit (09) = Credit for employers who hire disabled (attach form TC-40HD) (10) = Recycling market development zone tax credit (attach form TC-40R) (12) = Tax credit for increasing research activities (13) = Tax credit for machinery and equipment used to conduct research

Credit type Shareholder

Credit type

Credit type

Credit type

Credit type

Total for each Shareholder

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Total amount for each credit type $ 00 $

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $

00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00 $ 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00