Administration & Management
March 27, 1997
ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION NO. 101 SUBJECT: Personnel and Data Management Information Reporting Policies and Procedures for Implementation of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) References: (a) DoD Instruction 5000.55, "Reporting Management Information on DoD Military and Civilian Acquisition Personnel and Positions," November 1, 1991 (b) Sections 1586 and 1701-1764 of title 10, United States Code (c) DoD 5000.52-M, "Acquisition Career Development Program," November 1995, authorized by DoD Directive 5000.52, October 25, 1991 (d) DoD Directive 5000.52, "Defense Acquisition Education, Training, and Career Development Program," October 25, 1991 (e) through ( j ) , see enclosure 1 1. PURPOSE This Instruction: 1.1. Implements policies and procedures in references (a) through (j). 1.2. Assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures for the review, recruitment, placement, and staffing of acquisition workforce positions, the reporting of acquisition workforce data into the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) , and for providing information on acquisition training records.
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2. APPLICABILITY This Instruction applies to: 2.1. The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, Defense Legal Services Agency, Defense Security Assistance Agency, American Forces Information Service, Defense Medical Program Activity, Defense POW/MIA Office, Defense Technology Security Administration, Office of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services, Office of Economic Adjustment, and Washington Headquarters Services (WHS) , hereinafter referred to collectively as "the OSD and WHS Components." 2.2. All OSD and WHS civilian and military positions designated as acquisition positions and established to perform an acquisition function. (An acquisition position shall be in one of the 15 identified acquisition position categories referenced at enclosure 2.) 2.3. All personnel who are in the acquisition workforce and are currently employed in one of the 15 acquisition position categories, or any position that may be determined by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology (OUSD(A&T)) to be an acquisition position. 3. POLICY It is DoD policy under references (a) through (j): 3.1. To establish within the Department of Defense a management information system capable of providing standardized information on acquisition positions and persons serving in acquisition positions, as set forth in DoD Instruction 5000.55 (reference (a)). 3.2. That the Director, Acquisition Education, Training, and Career Development in the OUSD(A&T) shall prepare an annual report for the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology to submit to the Secretary of Defense under Section 1762 of 10 U.S.C. (reference (b)). The basis of this annual report shall be derived from the management information reported by the OSD and WHS Components under reference (a). 3.3. That the Heads of the OSD and WHS Components shall develop and
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implement procedures that provide appropriate education, training, and career development opportunities for members of the acquisition workforce to achieve full competence to perform their assigned duties. As resources permit, acquisition workforce members shall receive individually planned development to prepare them to qualify for assignments of increased responsibility within their career fields. An Individual Development Plan, or its equivalent, shall be prepared for each civilian member of the acquisition workforce, until certification at Level III is achieved as described in DoD 5000.52-M (reference (c)). 3.4. That each OSD and WHS Component establish a certification program through which the Component determines that each acquisition workforce member meets the mandatory standards (education, training, and experience) established for a career level (i.e., I, II, or III) in an acquisition career field. In so doing, each OSD and WHS Component shall establish a certification process that ensures that the fulfillment of training requirements or waivers of mandatory standards leading to individual certification are based on the attainment of competencies (knowledges, skills, and abilities) at the applicable level in the related career field. 3.5. That properly authenticated, individual certifications and waivers of mandatory standards shall be afforded reciprocal recognition in all the OSD and WHS Components. That policy shall apply to all personnel processes, including: 3.5.1. Quality ranking of candidates for acquisition workforce positions; 3.5.2. Selection and development of Acquisition Corps members; 3.5.3. Selection of individuals for training, development, or career enhancing assignments; 3.5.4. Reduction-in-force; 3.5.5. Priority placement; and 3.5.6. Performance management (including appraisal). 3.6. That people employed as Contracting Officers, or in 1102 series positions, or those who desire membership in the Acquisition Corps (a requirement to encumber a critical acquisition position) demonstrate the attainment of certain educational objectives. A civilian employee tuition assistance program (to include tuition assistance leading to a degree) shall be established in the OSD and WHS Components to support completion of the education requirements of 10 U.S.C. 1701-1764
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(reference (b)) to the extent practicable. 3.7. That timely and accurate reporting on the status of acquisition workforce positions and personnel is an integral part of an effective Acquisition Career Management Program (ACMP) as referenced in DoD 5000.58-R (reference (h)). The reporting shall include the preparation of timely and accurate DoD quarterly and annual reports. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1. The Heads of the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Washington Headquarters Services Components, working through their Acquisition Program Managers, shall: 4.1.1. Ensure that new position requirements imposed by DAWIA are reflected in position descriptions of record. Position descriptions for CAPS must include the following statements according to the OASD(FM&P) Memorandum (reference (f)): "This is a Critical Acquisition Position. Unless specifically waived by the appropriate Component Official, (i.e., the Director of Acquisition Career Management for the Component, the Service Acquisition Executive, or the Service Secretary) or, if the employee is "grandfathered" under 10 U.S.C. 1736(c)(1), the following are statutorily mandated requirements (Reference: 10 U.S.C. 1733 and 1737): (1) the selectee must be a member of the Acquisition Corps at the time of appointment; and (2) the selectee must execute, as a condition of appointment, a written agreement to remain in Federal service in this position for at least 3 years. In signing this agreement, the employee does not forfeit any employment rights, nor does the agreement alter any other terms or conditions of employment." 4.1.2. Ensure that selection for membership in the Defense Acquisition Corps shall include a review of the individual's qualifications as prescribed by DoD 5000.52-M and DoD Directive 5000.52 (references (c) and (d)). Copies of documentation used to determine eligibility for Corps membership shall be retained for as long as the individual is assigned to the OSD and WHS Component. Copies of Acquisition Corps admission documentation should be provided to individual Corps members according to DoD Instruction 5000.55 (reference (a)). 4.1.3. Ensure that acquisition personnel within the OSD and WHS Components complete mandatory training established for their career field and that data reported on the training status of the DoD acquisition workforce be collected and stored.
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4.1.4. Provide for a review of each acquisition workforce member's education, training, and experience for purposes of certification at a career level within the designated career field, or within any other career field requested by the employee. The mandatory education, training, and experience standards for each career field or position category, which are described in reference (c), constitute the basic career development plans for the OSD and WHS Components. The OSD and WHS Components cannot impose requirements in addition to those specified in reference (c) , except as follows: Requirements are Component-specific; Requirements have been listed as "desired" in reference (c) and do not conflict with Office of Personnel Management (OPM) policies or other governing regulation or statute; and Additional requirements have been approved by the Acquisition Career Program Board under DoD 5000.58-R (reference (h)). 4.1.5. Ensure the effective implementation of the Acquisition Career Management Program (ACMP) with regard to the treatment of military members who are working in OSD and WHS acquisition workforce positions. The Military Departments are responsible for providing career development and the mandatory acquisition education, training, and experience required by DoD 5000.52-M (reference (c)) of their personnel assigned outside the Military Departments. To meet the career development objectives of military personnel assigned to OSD and WHS Components, the Military Departments should advise the receiving OSD and WHS Components of the career development plans and objectives of these individuals during the assignment process in accordance with DoD 5000.58-R (reference (h)). 4.1.6. Establish procedures to collect and retain information on waivers of qualifications, assignments, tenure policies, procedures, and practices. Upon approval by the appropriate authorities, the OSD and WHS Component should forward a copy of the waiver documentation to the Human Resource Services Center (HRSC), Personnel Services Directorate (PSD), for employees GS-15 and below, or to the Civilian Personnel Operations Group (CPOG), Executive Personnel Division (EPD) for Senior Executive Service members for filing in the acquisition incumbent Performance File. Each Military Service shall handle waivers for its respective military acquisition personnel and file this documentation in the Service Military Personnel File. Information on approved waivers should be input into the DCPDS in the quarter the approval occurs.
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4.1.7. Work with the HRSC, PSD, the CPOG, EPD, and the Military Personnel Division (MPD) to provide required acquisition information for input into the DCPDS; e.g., acquisition position data; acquisition qualifications data; training documentation, including fulfillments; waivers; Acquisition Corps admission; Career Field Level certifications; CAP Service Agreement, as required; warrant authorization for contracting officers; and CAP Review and Assignment Change documentation. These documents should be included in the civilian incumbent's Official Personnel Folder (OPF) or Performance File, or in the military acquisition incumbent's Service Military Personnel File. All acquisition documentation should be filed in the civilian incumbent's Performance File with the exception of the CAP Service Agreement, which is filed in the OPF. The MPD is required to maintain only position acquisition information related to the OSD and WHS Component's military acquisition positions. All other non-position acquisition information related to military acquisition personnel shall be collected by the respective Military Service and maintained in the acquisition incumbent's Service Military Personnel File. 4.1.8. Ensure the accuracy of acquisition information contained in the DCPDS, by reviewing and updating OSD and WHS Component acquisition workforce employees' computer career briefs at least semi-annually. Briefs contain both acquisition position and incumbent qualifications information. The OSD and WHS Component should review and reconcile briefs within two weeks of receipt to ensure that the review is being conducted on current acquisition data. After the OSD and WHS Component reviews the briefs, those requiring changes should be returned to the HRSC, PSD, or the CPOG, EPD, or the MPD, as appropriate, for input into in the DCPDS. 4.1.9. Implement requirements of the Central Referral System (CRS) as cited in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology) Memorandum (reference (e)) by providing copies of CRS booklets to each OSD and WHS Component employee who is a member of the Defense Acquisition Corps. 4.2. The Component Acquisition Supervisor; i. e., the person who is the supervisor of record of the acquisition workforce position(s), shall: 4.2.1. Sign all Acquisition Position Description Coding Sheets (APDCSs) covering acquisition positions under his or her supervision. This coding sheet verifies the inclusion or deletion of civilian and military acquisition positions in the acquisition workforce database. A coding sheet to collect this information is provided at enclosure 3. (See footnote below.)1
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4.2.2. Sign all Acquisition Workforce Qualifications Coding Sheets (AWQCSs). This coding sheet provides qualifications information about the people being hired to fill acquisition positions or persons encumbering acquisition positions. Attached to this coding sheet should be all related qualifications documentation for inclusion in the civilian employee's Performance File; e.g., Acquisition Corps admission; and Career Field Level certification. A coding sheet to collect this information is provided at enclosure 4. (See footnote below.)1 Both coding sheets (enclosures 3 and 4) shall be updated as changes occur in the reporting requirements outlined in DoD Instruction 5000.55 (reference (a)). 4.2.3. Sign, as the supervisor of record, all CAP Service Agreements (enclosure 5). (See footnote below.)1 CAP employees are required to execute agreements as a condition of employment. This includes employees in CAP positions GS/GM-14 and above, and military grades O-5 and above. 4.3. The Director for Personnel and Security, as the proponent of this Instruction, shall be responsible for the overall administration of the acquisition policy for the OSD and WHS Components through its Office of Planning, Policy Analysis, and External Liaison. The following Directorate for Personnel and Security (DP&S) operations: the HRSC, PSD; the CPOG, EPD; and the MPD, in concert with the OSD and WHS Component managers, and supervisors shall:
1 Electronic versions of these SD Forms are available on the World Wide Web under DefenseLINK Publications. Hard copies of these forms are available from the Blank Forms Center, the Pentagon, 3A, Corridors 3 & 4, (703) 695-7143.
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4.3.1. Review all positions in the acquisition workforce; conduct recruitment, placement, and staffing activities related to filling acquisition positions, both GS-15 and below, and SES; oversee the training and education of the acquisition workforce including the data entry and maintenance of mandatory acquisition training records; and collect, verify, update, and input all required acquisition information into the DCPDS as delineated in Instruction 5000.55 (reference (a)). This information will be contained in the APDCS (enclosure 3) and in the AWQCS (enclosure 4). All required acquisition information on civilians shall be maintained in their OPFs and Performance Files, and for military acquisition incumbents, in their Military Personnel File and Service Military Personnel File. The HRSC, PSD, shall handle all acquisition information for acquisition workforce members GS-15 and below, and the CPOG, EPD, for SES members. The MPD shall handle only military acquisition position data for military incumbents in OSD and WHS Components. 4.3.2. Coordinate within their respective areas the display of the CRS booklets in the HRSC, PSD, the CPOG, EPD, and the MPD to ensure that all interested persons have access to the CRS placement information and know how to register. 4.3.3. Implement the policy outlined in the OASD(FM&P) Memorandum (reference (f)) regarding the entitlement of certain persons to placement in Reduction-in-Force (RIF), registration and consideration within the Priority Placement Program (PPP), and placement on return to the United States from overseas assignments under 10 U.S.C. 1586 (reference (b)). This policy covers the RIF rights of employees "grandfathered" or waived into contracting positions or CAPs; the PPP rights of employees "grandfathered" or waived into CAPs; and the assignment rights of overseas returnees. 4.3.4. Participate in the periodic evaluation process as requested by OSD and WHS Components and conducted by the Deputy Director, Acquisition Career Management. This evaluation shall include a review of matters such as regulatory compliance, the management of the acquisition information system, including accuracy of data and reports submitted, workforce awareness of the acquisition career program, execution of delegated authorities, and waiver practices. 5. PROCEDURES 5.1. Identification, Collection, and Input of Acquisition Workforce Positions
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5.1.1. The identification of acquisition positions, both civilian and military, for inclusion in the DCPDS is critical to ensure the accuracy of the OSD and WHS Components' acquisition workforce information on acquisition positions (filled and vacant), to meet reporting requirements, and to perform required personnel actions and activities. 5.1.2. The APDCS (enclosure 3), signed by the supervisor of the position, must be submitted together with the civilian "Request for Personnel Action" (SF-52-B) and the "Position Description" (OF-8), or the "Office of the Secretary of Defense Request for Nomination and Position Description of Military Personnel" (SD Form 37), for all new or revised positions to be included in the acquisition workforce. Positions being deleted from the acquisition workforce require only the completion of questions 1 and 2 on the APDCS and the supervisor's signature. In the Remarks Section of the civilian OF-8, and the military SD-37, the following notation should be made for all acquisition workforce positions: "This position falls under the Acquisition Career Program." Additionally, if the position is a CAP, this also should be noted in the Remarks Section of the OF-8, or the SD Form 37. (See paragraph 5.3.3., below.) To ensure the accuracy and currency of the acquisition workforce position data, new or revised vacant positions designated for inclusion in the acquisition workforce must be entered into the DCPDS at the time of designation as workforce positions and not when candidates are selected for placement. 5.1.3. The HRSC, Personnel Information Management Directorate (PIMD), shall input all APDCS data for all civilian acquisition positions, GS-15 and below and SES. The MPD shall track all OSD and WHS Components' acquisition military position(s). The MPD shall be responsible for sending the APDCS data directly to the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC). Original copies of the APDCSs establishing the OSD and WHS Components' acquisition military position(s) will be maintained by the MPD. 5.2. Collection and Input of Acquisition Workforce Qualifications Data 5.2.1. When candidates are selected to fill vacant acquisition positions, information about the individuals' acquisition qualifications must be collected and entered into the DCPDS. Acquisition qualifications information on new hires should be recorded on the AWQCSs (enclosure 4). This coding sheet, completed by the OSD and WHS Component Acquisition Program Manager together with the Administrative Officer, and signed by the supervisor of the position, should be forwarded to the HRSC, PSD or the CPOG, EPD for civilian positions, 3-work days before the effective
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date of the personnel action. This will ensure timely entry of the acquisition qualifications data into the DCPDS. 5.2.2. As qualifications data on acquisition workforce incumbents is obtained or changes occur, this information must be input into the DCPDS. The AWQCS at enclosure 4 is to be used to update incumbent qualifications on a continuing basis. The OSD and WHS Component should ensure that incumbent qualifications data is collected and recorded on the AWQCS in a timely manner and forwarded to the HRSC, PSD, or the CPOG, EPD, for input into the DCPDS. Reporting procedures and a schedule of data requirements can be found under DoD Instruction 5000.55 (reference (a)). 5.2.3. The HRSC, PSD, and the CPOG, EPD, shall input and update data in the DCPDS related to the acquisition incumbent's qualifications as provided by the OSD and WHS Components. Each Military Service shall collect and input this information for their respective military acquisition personnel serving within OSD and WHS Components. To ensure the currency and accuracy of the DCPDS acquisition data for the HRSC, PSD, and the CPOG, EPD, information entered or updated in the DCPDS must be input no later than 5-working days before the end of each quarter. Each quarter, the acquisition information in the DCPDS is downloaded to the DMDC, which maintains the personnel data on all DoD personnel civilian and military. It is from the DMDC that the Office of the Director, Acquisition Career Management Program (ACMP) extracts information related to the OSD and WHS Components acquisition positions and the qualifications of the personnel serving in these positions. 5.3. Recruitment and Placement of Acquisition Workforce Personnel. 5.3.1. The HRSC, PSD, and the CPOG, EPD, shall prepare Job Opportunity Announcements (JOAs), as requested, for acquisition workforce positions covering GS-15 and below, and SES vacancies, respectively. The MPD shall requisition for qualified military acquisition personnel to fill acquisition billets within the OSD and WHS Components in accordance with DoD Directive 1315.7 (reference (j)), as well as identify the requirements of the acquisition position to be filled according to DoD 5000.52-M (reference (c)). According to DoD 5000.58-G (reference (g)) and DoD 5000.58-R (reference (h)), a JOA should identify if the position falls under the Acquisition Career Program. The JOA should provide the following acquisition position information: the acquisition position category and/or career field, level, and if the position is a CAP. If the position is a CAP, the JOA must state that the signing
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of a 3-year service agreement is required as a condition of employment in accordance with DoD Instruction 5000.58 (reference (i)). The JOA should state the minimum qualifications as outlined by the U.S. OPM for the occupational series and grade level, and the mandatory acquisition position education, training, and experiences required as outlined in DoD 5000.52-M (reference (c)). Mandatory requirements will be used as quality ranking factors in competitive assignments in accordance with DoD Directive 5000.52 (reference (d)). A statement should be added to the JOA after mandatory requirements that states: "there are allowable substitutions and possible waivers for these requirements." If the position is a CAP, the JOA must state that only candidates meeting the requirements for Acquisition Corps admission will be selected, unless a waiver for Corps membership is approved before a CAP assignment. 5.3.2. In accordance with DoD 5000.58-R (reference (h)), CAP vacancies in all of the OSD and WHS Components outside the Military Departments must be advertised through the CRS when competitive staffing procedures are used. CAP JOAs must be advertised in the CRS for a minimum open period of 30 calendar days. The CRS Service Provider must be given all CAP JOAs not later than the opening date of the announcement. The minimum area of consideration for all CAP JOAs shall be the members of the Defense Acquisition Corps. Advertisement in the CRS meets all area of consideration legal requirements even though all Acquisition Corps members may not be registered with the CRS. The HRSC, PSD, and the CPOG, EPD, shall provide position candidate information to the CRS Service Provider as requested by the Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) and described in DoD 5000.58-G (reference (g)). The proponent for the CRS is the DACM in the OUSD(A&T). The HRSC, PSD, the CPOG, EPD, and the MPD shall advertise the existence of the CRS by displaying CRS booklets. These booklets provide information about the CRS registration process and its placement and referral services. The CRS is open to all DoD civilian and military personnel and all other interested persons. 5.3.3. The HRSC, PSD and the CPOG, EPD, shall ensure that CAP service agreements are signed when individuals enter on duty (EOD). The original will be placed on the left (temporary) side of the employee's OPF. A copy of the CAP Service Agreement can be found at enclosure 5. A notation should be made in the Remarks Section of the "Notification of Personnel Action," SF 50-B, for all CAPS as
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follows: This is a Critical Acquisition Position (CAP) that requires the signing of a 3-year service agreement, which was executed on (insert date agreement signed). The effective date of the SF-50 will be the date marking the beginning of the 3-year service agreement period. Each Military Service is responsible for the execution of CAP Service Agreements for its military personnel. 5.3.4. The HRSC, PSD and the CPOG, EPD, shall maintain copies of required acquisition workforce personnel records and documents required by DoD Instruction 5000.55; 10 U.S.C. 1701-1764; DoD 5000.52-M; and DoD Directive 5000.52 (references (a) through (d)). Most acquisition documents required to be retained must be kept in the Performance File. These include the following: Acquisition Corps admission, career-level certifications, training certificates, fulfillment and waiver documentation forms, and CAP Review and Assignment Change documentation. The exception is the CAP service agreement, which is kept in the OPF. 5.4. Acquisition Training Information and Documentation 5.4.1. The Component Acquisition Program Manager, working with the CPOG, Workforce Development Division, and the Human Resource Service Center (HRSC) shall: Ensure that the acquisition workforce is being educated and trained; conduct needs assessment surveys to secure course quotas and obtain funding for travel and per diem; counsel acquisition personnel; enroll acquisition personnel in the appropriate courses; and track course completions (duty hours and non-duty hours). Ensure that acquisition personnel training records are continually updated showing the completion of mandatory and other acquisition courses by providing the HRSC with the following information: A certificate of course completion that identifies the course name, attendance dates (start and completion), school's name, and duty hours. Grade completion report that shows the college or university's name, name of completed course, credit hours (specify quarter or semester), attendance dates (start and completion), and letter grade. If subparagraph or, above, cannot be provided, a memorandum, signed by the employee, that includes the required information must be submitted to the HRSC. The employee's immediate supervisor
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should sign the memorandum, not as a verifier, but to acknowledge the information being submitted to HRSC. 5.4.2. The HRSC shall input fulfillment data into the DCPDS on approved fulfillments, in the quarter approved. 5.5. All Acquisition Workforce Employees --Civilian and Military-- are encouraged to maintain a personal file of all their acquisition documents, both current and historical, as a resource and backup to the data contained and maintained in their civilian OPF and Performance File, or Service Military Personnel File and Military Personnel File. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This Instruction is effective immediately.
Enclosures - 5 E1. References, continued E2. Definitions E3. DoD Acquisition Position Description Coding Sheet (APDCS) E4. DoD Acquisition Workforce Qualifications Coding Sheet (AWQCS) E5. Critical Acquisition Position Service Agreement
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E1. ENCLOSURE 1 REFERENCES, continued (e) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology) Memorandum, "Central Referral System," August 25, 1993 (f) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management and Personnel) (OASD(FM&P)) Memorandum, "Assignment Rights Policy for Certain Acquisition Personnel," June 7, 1993 (g) DoD 5000.58-G, "Central Referral System (CRS) Guide," June 1995, authorized by DoD Instruction 5000.58, January 14, 1992 (h) DoD 5000.58-R, "Acquisition Career Management Program (ACMP)," January 1993, authorized by DoD Instruction 5000.58, January 14, 1992 (i) DoD Instruction 5000.58, "Defense Acquisition Workforce," January 14, 1992 (j) DoD Directive 1315.7, "Military Personnel Assignments," January 9, 1987
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E2. ENCLOSURE 2 DEFINITIONS E2.1.1. Acquisition Positions. Civilian positions and military billets that are in the DoD acquisition system, have acquisition duties, and fall into an acquisition position category established by the OUSD(A&T). While most frequently located in organizations having an acquisition mission, acquisition positions may also be located in other organizations. E2.1.2. Acquisition Position Categories. Functional subsets of acquisition positions. There are 15 acquisition position categories: Program Management; Program Management Oversight; Communications-Computer Systems; Contracting (including contracting for construction); Purchasing and Procurement Technician; Industrial and Contract Property Management; Business, Cost Estimating and Financial Management; Auditing; Quality Assurance; Manufacturing and Production; Acquisition Logistics; Systems Planning, Research, Development and Engineering; Test and Evaluation Engineering; Education, Training, and Career Development; and Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Multifunction Management. (The acquisition position categories are described in DoD 5000.52-M, reference (c).) E2.1.3. Acquisition Workforce. All permanent civilian personnel and military members who occupy acquisition positions, or who are members of an Acquisition Corps, or who are in acquisition development programs. E2.1.4. Career Field. One or more occupations that require similar knowledge and skills. There are 11 acquisition career fields: Program Management; Communications--Computer Systems; Contracting (including contracting for construction); Purchasing and Procurement Technician; Industrial and Contract Property Management; Business, Cost Estimating and Financial Management; Auditing; Manufacturing, Production, and Quality Assurance; Acquisition Logistics; Systems Planning, Research, Development and Engineering; and Test and Evaluation Engineering. (The career fields are the same as the acquisition position categories with the exception of Program Management Oversight; Education, Training, and Career Development; and DLA Multifunction Management. These three areas are acquisition position categories and not career fields because there are no associated career paths.) E2.1.5. Central Referral Service (CRS). The DAWIA requires a referral program
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to ensure the availability and selection of well-qualified candidates to fill civilian CAPS. The CRS was created as the official source of information on CAP vacancies outside the Military Departments. The CRS promotes the functional, organizational, and geographic mobility of Defense Acquisition Corps members. E2.1.6. Critical Acquisition Position (CAP). Senior positions carrying significant responsibility, primarily involving supervisory or management duties, in the DoD acquisition system. These positions are designated by the Secretary of Defense, based on the recommendations of the DoD Component Acquisition Executives, and include any acquisition position required to be filled by an employee in the civilian grade of GS-14, or above, or military grades O-5, or above. CAPs also include all Program Executive Officers (PEOs), Deputy PEOs, Program Managers (PMs) , Deputy PMs for major Defense Acquisition Programs, PMs of significant non-major programs, and Senior Contracting Officials (10 U.S.C. 1733, reference (b)). E2.1.7. Critical Acquisition Position (CAP) Service Agreement. A CAP service agreement is required of all employees assigned to or selected to fill a CAP on and after October 1, 1993. This includes employees in CAPs GS-14, and above, and military grades O-5, and above. All employees in CAPs on, or before, September 30, 1993, are not required to sign service agreements. The agreement requires that employees remain in their CAPs for at least 3 years, unless the obligation is waived by the Director, Acquisition Education, Training, and Career Development. The signing of a service agreement is a condition of employment. CAP employees must sign service agreements at the time they EOD. A new service agreement is required each time a new CAP is assumed. The service agreement must be signed by both the employee and his or her immediate supervisor. The original will be kept in the civilian employee's Official Personnel File (OPF), or in the Services' Military Personnel File for military personnel. E2.1.8. Division Head. The official in a CAP with responsibility for managing an acquisition organization or major subordinate unit, the mission and function of which is to support or administer acquisition functions. E2.1.9. Fulfillment. A process by which acquisition workforce members may satisfy mandatory training requirements based on previous experience, education, and/or alternative training successfully completed and documented in accordance with course competency standards and procedures. Fulfillment documentation must be recorded on DD Form 2518. Fulfillments shall terminate, by law, on October 1, 1997.
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