Department of Defense
NUMBER 5100.55 February 27, 2006 USD(P) SUBJECT: United States Security Authority for North Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs (USSAN) References: (a) DoD Directive 5100.55, "United States Security Authority for North Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs," April 21, 1982 (hereby canceled) (b) USSAN Instruction 1-69, "Implementation of NATO Security Procedures," April 21, 19821 (c) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Document C-M(2002)49, "Security Within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (U)," June 17, 20021 (d) NATO Security Directives AC/35-D/2000 through D/2005, June 17, 20021 (e) NATO Document C-M(64)39, "Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information (U)," May 5, 19641 (f) NATO Document C-M(68)41 (5th Revision), "Administrative Arrangements to Implement the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation Regarding ATOMAL Information," February 20, 19891
1. REISSUANCE AND PURPOSE This Directive: 1.1. Reissues Reference (a) to update policies and guidance on the United States Security Authority for North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Affairs (USSAN). 1.2. Outlines the method for transmitting NATO security policies within the Department of Defense and assigns responsibilities for maintaining NATO security worldwide. 1.3. Implements the United States (U.S.) provisions for the protection of NATO classified information contained in Reference (b). 1.4. States the Secretary of Defense's Terms of Reference (Enclosure 1) as the USSAN.
Reference may be obtained from the Central U.S. Registry.
DoDD 5100.55, February 27, 2006
2. APPLICABILITY This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities in the Department of Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as the "DoD Components").
3. POLICY As a NATO member nation, the United States is committed to ensuring the security of NATO information entrusted to it. The USSAN shall implement the necessary measures to protect NATO information in conformity with NATO standards and requirements.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy (ASD(ISP), under the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, shall: 4.1.1 Take actions for or re-delegate USSAN matters for which the Secretary of Defense has responsibility, except issuing USSAN instructions applicable to the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. 4.1.2. Formulate policy and issue guidance, criteria, instructions, and procedures required for ensuring compliance with and implementation of NATO security policy and procedures, including those set forth in NATO Document C-M(2002)49, NATO Security Directives AC/35-D/2000 through D/2005, NATO Document C-M(64)39, and NATO Document C-M(68)41 (References (c) through (f)) and their successors. 4.1.3. Ensure NATO security policy and procedures and USSAN Instructions are sent to the Heads of the DoD Components and to other concerned U.S. Government Agencies. 4.1.4. Provide representation to the NATO Security Committee and its working groups. 4.2. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Heads of the DoD Components (those involved with NATO matters) shall: 4.2.1. Maintain and supervise the NATO security system within their jurisdictions. 4.2.2. Arrange for clearance and certification of their personnel who may have access to NATO classified information.
DoDD 5100.55, February 27, 2006
4.2.3. Operate, direct, and control COSMIC TOP SECRET2 or ATOMAL3 subregistries and control points. 4.2.4. Develop security plans and procedures and issue necessary guidance to prevent NATO classified information and material from being compromised. 4.3. The Secretary of the Army shall: 4.3.1. Operate, direct, and control the Central U.S. Registry for NATO documents4, including the release of NATO documents to the U.S. Departments and Agencies, except material transmitted by the U.S. Mission to NATO for the Department of State. 4.3.2. Implement guidance from the ASD(ISP) regarding the interpreting and applying of NATO security policy. 4.3.3. Administratively support the Central U.S. Registry requirement for conducting inspections, on a worldwide basis, of the security arrangements for the protection of NATO classified information at U.S. subregistries, control points, and communications centers.
5. EFFECTIVE DATE This Directive is effective immediately.
Enclosures - 1 E1. Terms of Reference for the USSAN
A NATO marking and classification which is equivalent to U.S. TOP SECRET.
Information designated as "RESTRICTED DATA" or "FORMERLY RESTRICTED DATA" that is provided by the U.S. Government or "UK ATOMIC Information" that is provided by the Government of the United Kingdom to other NATO components under Reference (e).
The term "document" includes any recorded information, regardless of its physical form or characteristics, e.g., printed matter, reproductions, resident or removable computer storage media.
DoDD 5100.55, February 27, 2006
E1.1. INTRODUCTION E1.1.1 The North Atlantic Council of NATO has agreed that each member nation shall establish a National Security Authority responsible for the security of NATO classified information entrusted to the nation. E1.1.2. Regulations setting forth the requirements for safeguarding and handling this classified information are contained in References (c) through (f) and their successor documents.
E1.2. DEFINITION The term "security" as set forth herein shall be limited in meaning and scope as used in Reference (c).
E1.3. UNITED STATES SECURITY AUTHORITY FOR NATO AFFAIRS The Secretary of Defense is the USSAN and oversees NATO security within the United States and its Agencies abroad.
E1.4. RESPONSIBILITIES E1.4.1. The USSAN, the Secretary of Defense (or a designee), shall: E1.4.1.1. Develop, interpret, and disseminate policy governing the handling of NATO security matters. E1.4.1.2. Decide security issues relating to NATO affairs when the U.S. Departments and Agencies are not in agreement. E1.4.1.3. Ensure all U.S. personnel who require access to NATO classified material and information are certified and cleared for access.
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E1.4.1.4. Maintain direction and control of the Central U.S. Registry for NATO documents, including the release of NATO classified documents to U.S. Departments and Agencies, except material transmitted by the U.S. Mission to NATO for the Department of State. E1.4.1.5. Authorize the establishment of NATO COSMIC TOP SECRET and ATOMAL subregistries. E1.4.1.6. Ensure emergency security plans are coordinated with other interested National Security Authorities, and issue instructions to prevent NATO classified material and information from being compromised. E1.4.1.7. Supervise the NATO security systems in the U.S. Departments and Agencies involved, including COSMIC TOP SECRET and ATOMAL subregistries and systems of communication, to control NATO classified documents worldwide. E1.4.1.8. Ensure security arrangements for the protection of NATO classified information in all national agencies at all levels, civil and military, are inspected at required intervals.
E1.5. RELATIONSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION E1.5.1. The USSAN shall maintain close coordination and cooperation with U.S. Government Departments and Agencies on NATO security matters. E1.5.2. The Secretary of Defense (or a designee) shall provide administrative support to carry out responsibilities as the USSAN.