Statewide Forms Catalog
Published by the Alaska Court System ADM-510 6/09
To Order Court Forms Use the Forms Requisition (ADM-302) to order all court forms and pamphlets. Note: only authorized court personnel may order forms. In the larger court locations each department has certain personnel assigned to order forms. In the small courts normally one person has this responsibility.
Forms Not Listed in This Catalog The only forms which you may order from Court Supply are those listed in this Catalog and those listed for your court in the Localized Forms Catalog. For any other forms, you must follow the instructions inside the back cover concerning requests for new forms.
Catalog Revisions If you have any comments or questions about the catalog, please contact: Dorne Hawxhurst 820 West 4th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501-2005 264-0706 [email protected]
Table of Contents
This catalog lists the latest versions of all statewide court forms as of June 30, 2009. It is available on the court system's website: Please recycle all previous editions. Forms Abbreviation Page
Administrative ......................................................ADM...........................................................................1 Appeal ..................................................................... AP .............................................................................3 Children's Proceedings.....................................CN, CP, DL .....................................................................5 Civil ....................................................................... CIV ............................................................................7 Criminal ..................................................................CR............................................................................12 Domestic Relations ................................................ DR. ...........................................................................16 Domestic Violence..................................................DV............................................................................19 Jury............................................................................J..............................................................................20 Mediation .............................................................. MED ..........................................................................21 Mental Commitment .............................................. MC ...........................................................................22 Probate .....................................................................P..............................................................................23 Probate Guardianship & Conservatorship ............. P/G ...........................................................................25 Small Claims...........................................................SC.............................................................................27 Trial Court............................................................... TF ............................................................................28 Traffic ..................................................................... TR ............................................................................31 Vital Statistics ......................................................... VS ............................................................................32 State Agency & IRS Forms (available through Court Supply) ................................................................33 ADM-500 Forms Request.........................................................................................................................34
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Form No.
Form Name Accounting
ADM-100 ADM-105 ADM-106 ADM-107 ADM-110 ADM-111 ADM-112 ADM-113 ADM-115 ADM-120 ADM-121 ADM-123 ADM-125 ADM-126 ADM-127 ADM-130 ADM-140 ADM-145 ADM-150 ADM-155 ADM-160
ADM-165 ADM-205 ADM-206wt ADM-208 ADM-217 ADM-220 ADM-221 ADM-222 ADM-223 ADM-224
Monthly Affidavit (st.2) 8/05 Petty Cash Receipt (cs) 5/06 Request for Reimbursement of Petty Cash (cs) 7/03 Stop Pay/ Reissue of Court Trust Check 4/06 Trust Fund Record - Cash Journal (cs) 6/87 Request for Disbursement (st.3)(5½ x 8½) 10/90 Trust Fund Bank Reconciliation (cs)(no hole punch) 3/00 Trust Ledger Card (white cdsk 5"x 8")(no hole punch) 11/92 Marriage License Issued Record (cs) 8/05 Interpreter Fees Billing Form (cs) 6/83 Attorney Fees Billing Form (cs) 10/87 Mental Health Billing Form (cs) 2/87 Time Sheet for Overtime Eligible Employees (st.2) 9/04 Time Sheet for Overtime Exempt Employees (st.2) 9/04 Time Sheet for Temporary Employees (st.2) 9/04 *Request for Travel (st.2)(5½ x 8½)(no hole punch) 10/01 Receipt Distribution Report (cs, duplexed) 12/98 *Receipt for Prenumbered Forms (st.4)(5½ x 8½) 8/00 Long Distance Call Register (cs pads) 12/86 Revenue Refund Request (st.2) 4/07 Non-Cash Receipt/Release Form (st.3) 9/90 Travel Authorization (form 02-027, this is per diem request form) Alaska Court System Receipts Administrative Accounting controls distribution of these five Revenue Deposit Slips unnumbered forms. To order, send memo to Accounting Office. Specify your court location. Also, if you have more than one Trust Deposit Slips trust account, specify the account the forms are for. Trust Fund Checks Pay Your Ticket Online (2 ½ x 3 ¼) 8/06 Human Resources Position Description (cs)(bb) 5/04 3/01 **Performance Evaluation Report (Word Template on P:Drive) Judicial Leave Report (Superior Court) 7/82 Supervisor's Referral to Employee Assistance Program (st.3) 12/01 Initial Employee Training Record (Hazcom Program) (st.2) 3/92 Annual Employee Training Record (Hazcom Program) (st.2) 3/92 Judicial Leave Report (District Court & Magistrates) 5/05 Annual Performance Evaluation Report (5 years + in post) 2/06 Annual Performance Evaluation Report 2/06
This form is available only on the court system's intranet. * These forms are used only by Fiscal Operations in Admin. They should not be ordered by the trial courts. ** This form is available only as a Word Template on the P: (Publication) Drive in the court's computer system.
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
June 2009
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Form No. Form 02-035
Form Name
Leave Request/Report This leave slip form must be ordered from the H R Office. Purchasing & Court Supply ADM-300 Supply Requisition (st.4)(no hole punch) 3/99 ADM-301 Special Supply Requisition (st.3)(no hole punch) 5/98 ADM-302 Forms Requisition (st.3) 9/07 ADM-302web Forms Requisition 6/09 ADM-303 Supply Returns (st.3)(no hole punch)(glue left side) 3/99 ADM-304 Equipment Request (st.3)(no hole punch) 5/98 ADM-310 Alaska Court System Intraroute Slip (pad-canary) 9/83 ADM-315 ACS Controlled Property Inventory (st.2)(3-hole punch) 8/98 ADM-316 Transfer of Property (st.4) 4/93 ADM-320 Printing Requisition (st.4) 11/92 ADM-325 Records Storage Box Label (TCB F1.Red) (51/2 x 81/2) 11/95 ADM-326 Records Transfer List (st.3)(3-hole punch) 5/04 ADM-327 Service Request Form (st.3) 6/03 Research Analyst - Statistics ADM-450 Weekly Report of Cases Pending Decision Over Seven Days (cs) 11/83 3/05 ADM-475wt **Court Report Request Form Special Projects - Forms Committee - Misc. ADM-500 Form Request (cs) 9/08 ADM-505 How To Determine Pre & Post-Judgment Interest Rates - 2009 (cs) 1/09 ADM-510 Forms Catalog (Statewide Forms) (cs)(duplex)(3-hole punch) 4/09 ADM-515 Localized Forms Catalog (cs)(duplex)(3-hole punch) 4/09 Records Management Services ADM-702 Box Contents Label Tape Archive (TCB Fl. Green)(5½ x 8½) 7/00 ADM-705 Recorded Magnetic Tape (orange label)(TCB Orange) 1/85 ADM-720 Request For Copy of Audio Recording (cs) 12/07 ADM-720wt Request For Copy of Audio Recording 12/07 ADM-730 Microfilm Inventory Index (st.3)(3-hole punch) 2/87 ADM-735 Historical Records (TCB White) 1/87 ADM-740 Microfilm Target Sheet (cs) 9/06 ADM-745 File/Document Request (from Microfilm Dept.) (cs blue pads) (no hole punch) 7/00 ADM-745wt **File or Document Request Template Version (on P: Drive) 1/04 ADM-750 Mailing Label To Micrographics (TCB Fl. Red)(5½ x 8½) 9/00 ADM-751 Box Contents Label Micrographics (TCB Fl. Red)(5½ x 8½) 9/00 Miscellaneous ADM-800 Customer Service Questionnaire (green) 5/09 ADM-805 Family Law Self-Help Services Info Card (2½" x 3½" natural cvr) 11/05
This form is available only on the court system's intranet. ** This form is available only as a Word Template on the P: (Publication) Drive in the court's computer system.
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
June 2009
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Parties' Forms Notice of Appeal (from District Court) (st.3) Notice of Appeal (from Administrative Agency) (st.3) Notice of Appeal (from DMV to Sup. Ct.) [AS 28.15.166(m)] (st.3) Cash Deposit on Appeal (cs) Request for Approval of Supersedeas Bond (st.3) Motion to Waive or Reduce Cost Bond (st.3) Order Re Cost Bond (st.3) Request and Order (st.3) Response to Request (st.3) Motion and Affidavit for Stay (DMV Appeal to Superior Court) (cs) Order for Stay (DMV Appeal to Sup. Ct. [AS 28.15.166(n)] (cs) Agreement for Waiver of Excerpt of Record (st.3) Instructions For Parties Appellant Instructions - District Ct. to Superior Ct. (grn cvr) Appellee Instructions - District Ct. to Superior Ct. (white cvr) Appellant Instr.-Administrative Appeals to Superior Ct. (tan cvr) Administrative Agency Preparation of Record Appellant Instructions - DMV to Superior Court - AS 28.15.165 License Revocation (gold cvr) Clerk Forms (For Appeals to Trial Courts) Notice of Appeal Deficiency (cs) Notice Setting Appeal Procedure (in Appeals from District Court) (cs) Notice Setting Appeal Procedure (Sentence Appeal to Superior Court) (cs) Notice Setting Appeal Procedure (Administrative Appeals) (cs) Notice for Preparation of Record in an Administrative Appeal (cs) Agency's List of Parties and Attorneys on Appeal (cs) Transmittal of Agency Record (cs) Notice to Appellee (cs) Notice of Dismissal of Appeal (cs) Order of Dismissal (st.3) Submission of Appeal for Decision (cs pads) Notice Re Costs and Attorney Fees on Appeal (cs) Clerk's Award of Costs on Appeal (st.3) Order Upon Conclusion of Appeal (cs) Order Upon Dismissal of Appeal (cs) Notice on Appeal Bond (cs) Order on Appeal Bond Notice and Order on Appeal Bond
AP-100 AP-101 AP-102 AP-110 AP-115 AP-120 AP-130 AP-135 AP-140 AP-145 AP-150 AP-155 AP-200 AP-205 AP-210 AP-215 web AP-220 AP-301 AP-305 AP-306 AP-307 AP-310 AP-311 AP-312 AP-314 AP-315 AP-320 AP-325 AP-333 AP-334 AP-335 AP-336 AP-340 AP-340A AP-340B
2/04 2/04 2/04 1/05 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 10/07 10/07 10/07 1/07 10/07 3/01 3/01 3/01
3/01 3/01 1/05 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 6/04 10/07 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
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Form No. AP-350 AP-375 AP-405 AP-410 AP-475 AP-725 AP-800
Form Name Return of Agency Record (st.2) Appeal ID Label (Appeal to Superior Court) (TCB Orange-remov.) Notice of Completion of Preparation of File (cs) Notice of Transmittal of Record (cs) Appeal ID Label (Appeal to COA/Supreme Court) (TCB green-remov.) Supreme Court/CoA Clerk Forms CONFIDENTIAL CONTENTS Sticker (TCB Fl. Yellow)(4¼ x 5½) Other Appeal ID Label (Superior and Supreme/COA)(green sticker)(TCB green-remov.)
3/01 3/01 3/05 3/05 3/01 6/00 9/96
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
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Form No.
Form Name Child In Need of Aid Summons Child in Need of Aid (st.3) Order Appointing/Denying Counsel CINA (st.5) Order for Temporary Placement CINA (st.4) Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem CINA (st.5) Order for Predisposition Report CINA (st.5) Disposition Order CINA (st.5) Order on Review CINA (st.4) Voluntary Consent Certification (ICWA) (st.4) Order Appointing Attorney for Absent Party Term. Proceedings (st.5) Order re: Jurisdiction Over ICWA Case (cs) Notice of Parent's/Indian Custodian's Position Re: Proposed Transfer of Indian Child (cs) Request for Copies of Motions to Close CINA Hearings (cs) Motion to Close CINA Hearing to Public (cs) Request for Review Hearing on Termination Order (cs) Request for Review Hearing on Visitation (cs) Delinquency Summons to Minor - Delinquency Hearing (st.3) Summon to Parent or Guardian Delinquency Hearing (st.3) Summons - Waiver Proceedings (st.3) Order for Arrest and Detention of a Minor (st.5) Order Appointing/Denying Counsel (st.5) Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem (st.5) Conduct Agreement/Conditions of Probation (st.4) Release Order (st.5) Order for Temporary Detention or Placement (st.5) Order For Temporary Detention Adjudication Upon Admission (st.5) Order Revoking Minor's License to Drive (st.5) Order Deferring Adjudication (st.4) Order for Predisposition Report Delinquent Minor (st.4) Disposition Order Institutional Commitment (st.5) Disposition Order Probation (st.5) Order Amending Disposition Order (st.5) Order for Vacating or Extending Deferred Institutional Placement (st.5) Restitution Order (cs) Order on Review Delinquency (st.4) Request for Relief (cs) Affidavit and Memorandum in Support of the Request (cs)
CN-305 CN-309 CN-310 CN-312 CN-315 CN-320 CN-325 CN-330 CN-335 CN-340 CN-345 CN-350 CN-355 CN-360 CN-365 DL-100 DL-101 DL-102 DL-105 DL-110 DL-113 DL-115 DL-116 DL-120 DL-121 DL-125 DL-126 DL-127 DL-130 DL-135 DL-140 DL-145 DL-147 DL-150 DL-155 DL-161 DL-162
4/07 1/06 9/08 12/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 6/07 1/06 1/06 1/06 6/06 9/07 4/07 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/09 1/06 5/09 5/09
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
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Form No. DL-163 DL-164 DL-165 DL-166 DL-167 CP-405 CP-410 CP-425 CP-420 CP-430 CP-436 CP-440 CP-450 CP-465 CP-470
Form Name Request and Order to Continue or Vacate Hearing (cs) Request for Expedited Consideration (cs) Request to Authorize Placement in a Secure Psychiatric Treatment Center (cs) Request to Order Restitution (cs) Request to Modify/Amend Disposition Order (cs) General Use (CINA & Delinquency Cases) Notice of Hearing Request for Appointed Attorney (cs) Order for Examination of Child (st.5) Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem Subpoena to Appear/Produce (st.3) Order of Dismissal (st.4) Children's Proceedings Child Support Order (st.4) Order Granting/Denying Review Hearing (st.5) Order for Release from Custody/Supervision (st.4) Order for Extension of Custody/Supervision (st.4)
5/09 5/09 5/09 5/09 5/09 9/00 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06 1/06
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
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Form No.
Form Name Actions Prior to Trial Summons and Notice to Both Parties of Judicial Assignment (st.3) Notice to Absent Defendant (Served by Publication) (st.3) Summons on Forcible Entry and Detainer (st.3) How to Serve a Summons in a Civil Lawsuit (booklet) How to Subpoena a Witness (duplex)(no hole punch) Subpoena to Appear & Produce (st.3) Subpoena to Appear (st.3) Subpoena for Taking Deposition (st.3) Notice and Order of Dismissal (for lack of prosecution) (st.3) Notice of Dismissal (for lack of prosecution) Order of Dismissal (for lack of prosecution) Case Description (cs)(ht) Case Description CourtView version for District Court (cs) Case Description CourtView version for Superior Court (cs-ht) Notice and Order of Dismissal for Failure to Serve Defendant (cs) Notice of Dismissal for Failure to Serve Defendant Order of Dismissal for Failure to Serve Defendant Civil Rule 4(f) Affidavit (cs) Affidavit of Proof of Service at Jail Facility (st.2) Request to Serve Defendant by Publication or Alternative Service, and Affidavit of Diligent Inquiry (cs) Calendaring Memorandum to Set Civil Case for Trial (cs) Notice of Pretrial Scheduling Conference (cs) Report of Parties' Planning Meeting (cs) Civil Pretrial Order for a Jury-Tried Case Civil Pretrial Order Calendaring Order Settlement Conference Notice of Judicial Assignment Notice of Judicial Assignment/Hearing-Dissolution Judgments Judgment for Possession (st.3) Actions After Trial Certificate of Facts - Motor Vehicle Accidents (st.4) Cost Bill (cs) Attachment to Cost Bill Trip Information (cs)
CIV-100 CIV-101 CIV-105 CIV-106 CIV-109 CIV-110 CIV-111 CIV-115 CIV-120 CIV-120A CIV-120B CIV-125 CIV-125D CIV-125S CIV-130 CIV-130A CIV-130B CIV-135 CIV-140 CIV-145 CIV-200 CIV-202 CIV-203 CIV-204 CIV-205 CIV-207 CIV-210 CIV-210DISS CIV-300 CIV-405 CIV-410 CIV-411
2/06 12/87 10/05 2/09 1/07 8/96 8/96 8/96 10/07 7/97 7/97 3/07 3/07 4/09 8/93 8/93 8/93 12/00 6/01 6/09 7/98 6/95 2/03 1/04 8/05 9/05 2/04 2/04 4/04 9/06 3/00 11/06
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
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Form No.
Form Name Process After Judgment (Executions, Etc.) Executing on Property Writ of Execution (st.3) Information for Issuance of Writ of Execution (cs) Writ of Execution & Notice of Levy on PFD by Certified Mail (st.2) Executing on the PFD: Creditor Instructions (booklet) Writ of Execution on PFD (st.2) Creditor's Affidavit (st.3) Notice of Levy/Sale of Property/Notice of Right to Exemptions (st.2) Judgment Debtor Booklet (blue cvr) Claim of Exemptions (st.4) Response to Claim of Exemptions (st.3) Exemption Order (st.4) Garnishing Earnings Writ of Execution for Garnishment of Earnings (st.3) Employer's Response to Writ of Execution for Garnishment of Earnings (st.4) Notice of Garnishment and Notice of Right to Exemptions (st.2) Claim of Exemption from Garnishment (st.4) Order of Increased Exemption Amount on Garnishment (st.4) Supplemental Notice to Writ of Execution (st.4) Executing on Personal Property Subject to Value Limits Creditor's Affidavit and Request (st.3) Order to Debtor and Notice of Exemption Rights (st.3) Claim of Exemptions for Property Subject to Value Limits Under AS 09.38.020 (st.3) Exemption Order for Property Subject to Value Limitations (st.3) Other Execution Forms Motion and Order for Judgment Debtor to Appear (st.3) Notice of Hearing Notice of Termination of Writ of Execution (st.4) Post Judgment Record of Transactions (white cdsk) Writ of Execution Tracking Card (8½ x 5½ cdsk)(2-hole punch) Instructions: How To Request Release of Funds (cs) Request To Release Funds (st.2) Affidavit of Attempted Service of Notice (& Diligent Inquiry) (cs) Execution Procedure: Judgment Creditor Booklet (yellow cvr) Notice of Levy by a Court Writ (st.3) Service Instructions for Writ of Execution (cs) Service Instructions for Writ of Execution for Garnishment of Earnings (cs) Summons on Motion to Execute After Five Years (st.3)
CIV-500 CIV-501 CIV-502 CIV-503 CIV-504 CIV-505 CIV-510 CIV-511 CIV-515 CIV-516 CIV-520 CIV-525 CIV-526 CIV-530 CIV-531 CIV-532 CIV-533 CIV-535 CIV-536 CIV-537 CIV-538 CIV-540 CIV-541 CIV-542 CIV-543 CIV-544 CIV-545 CIV-546 CIV-547 CIV-550 CIV-555 CIV-560 CIV-561 CIV-565
7/03 6/09 11/03 6/09 11/03 11/06 3/06 10/08 3/00 10/07 9/02 10/08 10/08 10/08 3/00 10/08 3/87 10/08 10/08 3/00 10/06
12/88 3/87 12/92 4/89 4/04 1/87 9/88 8/96 5/08 4/06 7/92 7/92 11/88
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
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Form No.
Form Name
CIV-575 CIV-580 CIV-600 CIV-610 CIV-615 CIV-640 CIV-645 CIV-646 CIV-650 CIV-655 CIV-660 CIV-661 CIV-665 CIV-666 CIV-670 CIV-675 CIV-680 CIV-685 CIV-690
CIV-691 CIV-692 CIV-693 CIV-694 CIV-695 CIV-696 CIV-697 CIV-698 CIV-699 CIV-700 CIV-701 CIV-702 CIV-703 CIV-704 CIV-705
Other Process After Judgment Writ of Assistance (st.4) 10/06 Writ of Execution for Delivery of Specific Personal Property Listed in 8/96 Judgment (Replevin) (st.3) Miscellaneous Civil Deficiency Memo (st.2) 10/92 Civil Bench Warrant (st.3) * See AST 12-308 on page 8. 9/07 Service Instructions (cs) 6/07 Notice of Filing Foreign Judgment (st.3) 8/96 Notice of Registration of Foreign Support Order (cs) 3/00 Request for Hearing on Registered Order (cs) 3/00 Notice of Motion (Civil Rule 5(g)) (st.3) 6/09 Justification of Sureties (cs) 9/96 Order Appointing Attorney under Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (cs) 11/08 Affidavit of Atty Appointed under Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (cs) 6/09 Mediation Order - Domestic Relations (st.4) 2/03 Mediation Order - Non-Domestic Relations (cs) 5/93 Prisoner Request for Filing Fee Exemption (cs) 6/95 Summons in Condemnation (st.3) 12/95 Master's Report Cover Sheet - Condemnation (cs) 11/95 Order on Non-Conforming Document 9/05 Satisfaction of Judgment (st.3) 6/07 Special Proceedings Change of Name Notice of Judicial Assignment & Referral to Standing Master 2/06 Child's Change of Name Packet (contains CIV-693, 694, 695 & VS2/09 405)(cs) Instructions for Child's Change of Name (cs) 10/07 Petition to Change Child's Name (cs) 9/02 Parental Consent (cs) 9/02 Objection to Name Change (cs) 9/02 Summons Child's Change of Name (st.3) 9/02 Adult Change of Name Packet (contains CIV-699, 700, & VS-405)(cs) 10/07 Instructions for Adult Change of Name (cs) 10/07 Petition for Change of Name (cs) 9/02 Order for Hearing, Publication & Posting (cs) 9/02 Affidavit of Posting (cs) 9/02 Findings on Petition for Change of Name (cs) 9/02 Judgment for Change of Name (st.3) 9/08 Certificate of Name Change (st.3) 8/03
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
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Form No.
Form Name
CIV-710 CIV-711 CIV-712 CIV-713 CIV-720 CIV-725 CIV-730 CIV-733 CIV-734 CIV-735 CIV-740 CIV-745 CIV-750 CIV-751 CIV-752 CIV-753 CIV-754 CIV-755 CIV-756 CIV-757 CIV-758 CIV-760 CIV-761 CIV-762 CIV-763 CIV-764 CIV-765 CIV-766
Presumption of Death Presumptive Death Petition (cs) 11/96 Presumptive Death Verdict (cs) 9/08 Presumptive Death Order (cs) 9/08 Subpoena For Presumptive Death Hearing or Inquest (st.3) 6/97 Forcible Entry and Detainer Eviction Booklet (salmon cvr)(duplex) 2/09 Notice to Quit for Non-Payment of Rent (st.3) 3/04 Complaint for Forcible Entry and Detainer (st.4) 6/09 Expedited Motion for Continuance F.E.D. (cs) 5/04 Order on Expedited Motion for Continuance F.E.D. (cs) 5/04 Answer to F.E.D. Complaint (cs) 5/04 Default Application, Affidavit and Entry (In F.E.D. Action) (cs) 4/09 Default Judgment (F.E.D.) (cs) 5/04 Stalking & Sexual Assault Protective Order Forms Stalking or Sexual Assault Protective Order Packet Cover Sheet (cs8/06 duplex) Instructions for Requesting a Protective Order Against Stalking or 8/06 Sexual Assault (cs-duplex) Petition For Stalking or Sexual Assault Protective Order (cs) 8/06 6 Month Stalking or Sexual Assault Protective Order (st.3) 8/06 Ex Parte Stalking or Sexual Assault Protective Order (20-Day Order) 8/06 (st.3) Emergency Stalking or Sexual Assault Protective Order (72-Hour 8/06 Order) (cs) Denial Order (st.3) 10/06 Order Extending Ex Parte Protective Order (Stalking)(cs) 9/03 Notice of Hearing (cs) 9/03 Post-conviction Relief Forms Application For Post Conviction Relief (cs) 10/07 Order Re Waiver of Fees & Appointment of Counsel (for Post10/07 conviction Relief)(cs) Notice to appointed Counsel (cs) 10/07 Notice to Appointed Counsel of Non-Compliance 60 Day(cs) 10/07 Notice to State of PCR Filing (cs) 10/07 Notice to State of Non-Compliance 45 Day (cs) 10/07 Notice of Filing Fee Due (cs) 10/07
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Motions Motion Packet For Civil Cases (contains CIV-801, 805, 815, & 820) (cs) Motion Instructions for Civil Cases (cs) Motion (cs) Response to Motion Packet for Civil Cases (contains CIV-809, 810 & 820) (cs) Instructions for Responding to Motions in Civil Cases (cs) Response To Motion (cs) Reply To Response (cs) Order On Motion (cs) Civil Bench Warrant Information Sheet (This Alaska State Trooper form should be attached to CIV-610.)
CIV-800 CIV-801 CIV-805 CIV-808 CIV-809 CIV-810 CIV-815 CIV-820 *AST 12-308
7/05 7/05 12/02 7/05 7/05 5/02 7/05 5/02 6/08
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Initiation of Case Certificate of Compliance with Victims' Rights Act of 1991 (cs)(8½ x 5½) Summons (st.3) Arrest Warrant (st.3) Charges Record (Rug/Byrne Courts) Charge Tracking Record (Rug/Byrne Courts) Charge Tracking Continuation Page Criminal Case Initiation Packet (CR-200, CR-270, CR-371) Charges & Hearing Record Request for Temporary Transfer (st.3) Case History Sheet Case History Continuation Sheet Notice of Next Court Appearance & Hearing Record (st.5) Notice of Next Court Appearance & Hearing Record-Superior Ct (st.5) Appearance (st.3) Consent to Misdemeanor Proceedings in Defendant's Absence (st.3) Log Notes for Grand Jury Returns (st.4) Superior Court Arraignment Log Sheet (st.2) Misdemeanor Arraignment Log Notes (st.3) Arraignments Temporary Order (st.5) Trial Court Report Card (st.2) Information for Defendants About Getting a Court-Appointed Attorney (booklet)(blue cvr) Request for Appointed Counsel (st.2) Financial Statement (cs) Order Appointing/Denying Counsel at Public Expense (st.4) Order on Reconsideration of Denial of Ct.-Appointed Counsel (st.4) Request For Review of Order Denying Court-Appointed Counsel and Order on Request For Review (cs) Order On Review of Defendant's Financial Condition (cs) Order of Release on Own Recognizance (st.5) Order and Conditions of Release (st.5) Order and Conditions of Release (st.4) Additional Conditions of Release Domestic Violence (st.4) Third Party Custodian Agreement (st.5) Unsecured Bond (st.3) Cash Bond (st.4) Report of Cash Bail Over $10,000 (cs) Notice to Payor of Bail (cs)
CR-101 CR-105 CR-115 CR-120 CR-120a CR-120b CR-121 CR-125 CR-140 CR-146A CR-146B CR-150 CR-151 CR-160 CR-165 CR-170 CR-171 CR-172 CR-200 CR-202 CR-204 CR-205 CR-206 CR-210 CR-211 CR-212 CR-213 CR-215 CR-220 CR-221 CR-222 CR-224 CR-225 CR-230 CR-231 CR-232
9/94 8/02 11/06 8/04 10/06 10/06 11/06 8/04 9/05 9/06 9/06 12/91 7/93 9/05 12/91 11/06 6/06 8/03 11/06 12/91 5/05 8/07 2/02 9/93 9/93 6/92 6/92 3/01 11/08 11/08 12/06 12/08 8/05 3/06 11/00 11/00
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. CR-235 CR-240 CR-250 CR-260 CR-265 CR-270 CR-300 CR-301 CR-302 CR-303 CR-306 CR-310 CR-311 CR-312 CR-315 CR-320 CR-325 CR-330 CR-335 CR-340 CR-355 CR-365 CR-367 CR-371 CR-435 CR-440 CR-445 CR-450 CR-451 CR-452 CR-455 CR-460 CR-460.B CR-460S CR-461 CR-461.2
Form Name Authorization for Use of Bail Money (cs) Surety Bond (st.4) Consent to Trial by Magistrate (st.3) Order for Psychiatric Examination (st.5) Order of Commitment & Transport Order (st.4) Order to Report for Fingerprinting (st.5) Actions Before Trial Inmate Application for Bail Review Hearing (st.3) Application for First Bail Review Hearing (cs) Application for Second or Subsequent Bail Review Hearing (cs) Prosecutor's Application for Bail Review Hearing (cs) Order on Application for Bail Review (st.3) Waiver of Preliminary Examination and Order Holding Defendant to Answer (st.3) Waiver of Indictment (st.3) Waiver of Trial by Jury (st.3) Preliminary Examination Order Holding/Discharging Defendant (st.4) Venue Motion & Order (st.4) Waiver of Speedy Trial (st.3) Order of Dismissal (st.5) Notice of Next Court Appearance (st.4) Subpoena to Appear/Produce (st.3) Bench Warrant for Criminal Defendant (st.3) Judgment of Forfeiture and Notice (st.5) Order/Amended Judgment after Bail Forfeiture Hearing (st.5) Pretrial Order Trial and Sentencing Notice to DPS of Dismissed Charges (st.2) Notice of Sex Offender Registration Requirements (st.2) Sentencing Affidavit (st.2) Order for Presentence Report (st.2) Notice of Referral to Three-Judge Sentencing Panel (cs pads) Notice of Temporary Transfer of File to 3-Judge Sentencing Panel (st.2) Victim Information Statement (cs) Judgment-District Court (2-page form) (st.5) Blank Judgment District Court Judgment-District Court (same as CR-460 except just 1 page)(st.5) Judgment DUI or Refusal (st.3) Judgment DUI or Refusal (st.3) 2 page version
3/06 2/06 12/91 7/06 6/07 1/98 7/07 11/05 7/07 11/05 9/05 12/91
6/99 12/05 6/97 12/05 12/05 9/07 7/07 3/07 3/00 10/07 8/02 6/03 10/06 7/07 12/05 11/94 8/07 8/07
12/01 11/06 11/06 11/06 1/09 6/09
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. CR-462b CR-464 CR-464 B CR-465 CR-465.1 CR-466 CR-470 CR-471 CR-475 CR-480 CR-481 CR-483 CR-485 CR-490 CR-500 CR-501 CR-503 CR-503 S CR-503 U CR-504 CR-505 CR-506 CR-510 CR-540 CR-540 w/o CR-545 CR-546 CR-700 CR-701 CR-702 CR-704 CR-705 CR-706 CR-707
Form Name Continuation of Hearing Record Judgment District Court Fish & Game (st.5) Blank Judgment Fish & Game Restitution Judgment (cs) Addendum to Restitution Judgment (cs) Judgment Minor Consuming Alcohol (cs) Judgment and Order of Commitment/Probation - Superior Court (cs) Sex Offender Registration Requirements - Attachment to Judgment (cs) Judgment and Commitment Superior Court (cs) Order Suspending Imposition of Sentence and Providing for Probation Superior Court (cs) Ignition Interlock Device Order (st.3) Ignition Interlock Device Information Sheet (cs) Judgment of Acquittal Superior Court (cs) Fingerprint Verification Attachment to Judgment (cs pads) Proceedings After Judgment Order to Modify or Revoke Probation (st.5) Motion to Terminate Probation Minor Consuming or in Possession; Repeat Minor Consuming or in Possession (cs) Notice Prior to Expiration of SIS (st.3) Notice Prior to Expiration of SIS - Formal Notice Prior to Expiration of SIS - Informal Notice of Intent Not to Set Aside Conviction after SIS (st.5) Order of Discharge after Suspended Imposition of Sentence (st.4) Notice of Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation or Sentencing Notice of Failure to Comply with Payment Schedule(st.4) Judgment for Cost of Appointed Counsel (st.3) Judgment for Cost of Appointed Counsel (st.3) (without writ) Request for Payment Schedule or Reduction in Amount Owed (cs) Order on Request for Payment Scheduled. or Reduction in Amount Owed (cs) Miscellaneous Order to Quash Outstanding Warrant (st.2) Outstanding Warrant and Summons Card (st.3) Recall Sheet (st.3)(8½ x 5½) Search Warrant Log (cs)(70 lb. 3-hole punch) Affidavit for Search Warrant (st.4) Search Warrant (st.4) Search Warrant Envelope (9x12 env., no clasp)
12/97 11/06 11/06 1/09 1/06 6/09 1/09 7/01 1/09 4/08 6/06 4/09 9/08 11/94 5/09 9/08 12/91 12/91 12/91 12/91 12/91 1/05 12/91 1/09 1/09 6/92 5/05 11/06 3/92 2/09 12/91 6/07 8/08 11/05
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. CR-708 CR-709
Form Name
Affidavit Supporting Request for Electronic Monitoring Warrant(st.2) 3/07 Authorization for Electronic Monitoring & Recording (st.2) 7/08 Amendment of Authorization for Electronic Monitoring & Recording CR-709.1 10/06 (st.2) CR-710 120-Day Rule Card (white cdsk) (2-hole punch) 8/00 CR-711 Case Record Card (120-Day Rule, etc.) (white cdsk 2-hole punch) 12/91 CR-712 Criminal Deficiency Memo General 6/07 CR-720 Order Exonerating Bond (st.2) 12/91 CR-725 Fine Extension (st.2) 1/06 CR-730 Demand Letter (st.2) 6/06 CR-731 Notice of Transfer and Writ of Execution (st.2) 12/01 CR-732 Fine Collection STOP Card (solar yellow astrobrite 60lb.) 12/93 CR-733 Envelope to AG's Collections Unit (#10 white envelope) 5/89 CR-734 Writ of Execution on PFD to Collect Fines (st.2) 7/98 CR-734CV PFD Writ to Collect Debts Owed to Governments *** (on P: Drive) 8/05 CR-735 Fine Due Card 4" x 6" (white cdsk) 2/04 CR-736 Fine Due Card 5" x 8" (white cdsk)(no hole punch) 12/91 CR-737 Notice of Transfer of Additional Fine & Writ of Execution (st.2) 4/94 Driver License Reinstatements Information Sheet (cs)(no hole CR-740 2/06 punch) CR-745 Prisoner Information "RUSH" Sticker (bright green)(TCB-brt grn) 10/83 CR-750 Fugitive from Justice Temporary Order (st.4) 12/91 CR-755 Fugitive from Justice Waiver of Extradition (st.2) 12/91 CR-765 Release (Jail Form)(st.3) 7/06 CR-770 Request and Order (st.3) 3/00 Statement of Community Work (For Violation of Alcohol CR-775 Possession Laws) Use only if community has voted to ban 1/06 alcohol.(st.2) CR-780 Writ of Habeas Corpus (Ad Testificandum/Ad Prosequendum) (st.4) 11/06 *** This is not a CourtView form, although it has the "CV designation. Admin. Bulletin 43 refers to the form as CR-734CV. The form will keep the "CV" designation for ease of identification.
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Dissolution of Marriage Packet 1: Dissolution of Marriage Forms Joint Filing with Children (cs) Contains: DR-10, PUB-15, DR-105, DR-314, DR-306, DR-110, DR-316, DR-315 & VS-401 Packet 2: Dissolution of Marriage Forms Joint Filing without Children Contains: DR-15, PUB-15, DR-100, DR-110, DR-314, & VS-401 Packet 3: Dissolution of Marriage Forms One Party Filing (cs) Contains: DR-20, DR-200, DR-210, DR-314 & VS-401 Instructions-Husband and Wife (With Minor Children) (cs) Instructions-Husband and Wife (No Children) (cs) Instructions-One Spouse (cs) Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (No Children) (cs) Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (With Minor Children) (cs) Appearance and Waiver of Notice of Hearing (cs) Amendment of Agreement (cs) Amendment of Agreement on Claiming Tax Exemption for Children (cs) Withdrawal of Agreement and Order of Dismissal (st.3) Decree of Dissolution of Marriage (With Children) (st.3) Decree of Dissolution of Marriage (Without Children) (st.3) Request to Modify Decree of Dissolution and Order (st.3) Notice of Dissolution Hearing (st.3) Order Re: Attendance at Dissolution Hearing (st.3) Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit (cs) Direction to Seal Affidavit (st.4) Master's Report Dissolution of Marriage (cs) Petition for Dissolution of Marriage: One Spouse (cs) Affidavit of Diligent Inquiry (cs) Motion and Order for Alternative Service (st.2) Notice to Absent Spouse (st.2) Proof of Notice (cs) Decree of Dissolution of Marriage One Spouse (st.2) Financial Declaration (cs) Order Re CCI Workshop Attendance Child Support Child Support Order (cs) Order for Modification of Child Support (cs) Child Support Guidelines Affidavit (cs) Shared Custody Child Support Calculation (cs) Divided Custody Child Support Calculation (cs) Hybrid Custody Child Support Calculation (cs)
DR-1 DR-2 DR-3 DR-10 DR-15 DR-20 DR-100 DR-105 DR-110 DR-115 DR-115.1 DR-120 DR-125 DR-126 DR-130 DR-140 DR-141 DR-150 DR-151 DR-155 DR-200 DR-210 DR-215 DR-220 DR-225 DR-230 DR-250 DR-254 DR-300 DR-301 DR-305 DR-306 DR-307 DR-308
4/09 11/06 6/07 11/06 11/06 11/06 10/06 4/09 9/08 8/97 6/99 2/04 5/05 5/05 8/97 8/97 2/09 3/03 10/99 9/90 10/06 6/07 10/87 8/97 8/97 5/05 9/07 8/06 4/09 4/09 4/09 4/09 4/09 4/09
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. DR-310 DR-314 DR-315 DR-316 DR-320 DR-321 DR-322 DR-323 DR-330 DR-335 DR-336 DR-337 DR-400 DR-405 DR-406 DR-407 DR-410 DR-411 DR-415 DR-420 DR-425 DR-440 DR-445 DR-450 DR-460 DR-465 DR-475 DR-483 DR-484 DR-485 DR-500
Form Name How to Calculate Child Support Under Civil Rule 90.3 (booklet) Information Sheet (cs) Application for CSSD Services (cs) Information About CSSD (cs-bb) Motion to Continue Support for 18-Year-Old (st.3) Notice of Motion & Response (st.3) Order Re Motion to Continue Support for 18-Year-Old (st.4) Instructions RE Child Support for 18-Year-Olds (cs duplex) Notice to Employer Re: Children's Medical Insurance (st.5) Petition for Expedited Relief from Occupational License Action (cs) Petition for Expedited Relief from Driver's License Action (cs) Order on Petition for Expedited Relief from CSSD License Action(st.3) Custody Forms Custody Investigator Control Card (no hole punch)(5 x 8 white cdsk) Motion for Mediation (st.3) Response to Motion for Mediation (st.3) Order for Mediation (cs) Order for Investigation Re: Custody/Visitation Custody Complaint Packet (duplex) Contains: DR-415, DR-420, CIV-125, DR-150, DR-305, DR-306, DR-315, DR-316, CIV-106 Instructions for Filing Child Custody Case (cs)(duplex) Complaint for Custody of Minor Children (cs) Default Application Child Custody (cs) Answer Packet for Answering a Complaint for Child Custody (cs) Contains: DR-445, DR-450, DR-150, DR-305, DR-306, DR-315, DR-316 Instructions for Answering a Child Custody Complaint (cs)(duplex) Answer to Complaint for Custody (cs) Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law (cs) Custody Judgment (cs) Model Parenting Agreement (cs) Notice of Registration of Child Custody Order of Another State or Country (cs) Request for Hearing on Registered Child Custody Order (cs) Confirmation of Registered Child Custody Order (cs) Uncontested Divorce Master's Report - Uncontested Divorce (cs)
4/09 10/06 10/06 6/06 1/06 4/93 4/93 12/05 10/06 2/08 2/08 12/06
8/97 10/07 7/07 9/07 4/06 4/09 3/05 3/05 4/09 4/09 3/05 3/05 6/01 10/07 4/01 8/07 9/01 10/01 9/91
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Other Forms Log Notes (for Dissolutions and Uncontested Divorces) (st.2) Pro Se Forms for Modifying Custody, Support or Visitation Motion Packet (cs) Contains: DR-701, DR-705, DR-710, DR-150, DR-305, DR-306 & DR-730 Instructions for Motion (cs) Motion to Change Custody, Support or Visitation (cs) Notice of Motion (cs) Response Packet (cs) Contains: DR-721, DR-725, DR-150, DR-305, & DR-306 Instructions for Response (cs) Response to Motion (cs) Reply to Response (cs)
DR-700 DR-701 DR-705 DR-710 DR-720 DR-721 DR-725 DR-730
4/09 4/05 4/05 4/05 4/09 4/05 4/05 4/05
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. DV-l00 DV-101 DV-105 DV-106 DV-110 DV-111 DV-112 DV-114 DV-125 DV-127 DV-l30 DV-135 DV-137 DV-150 DV-200 DV-210
Form Name Petition for Protective Order (Domestic Violence) (st.3) Child Support Information (cs) Domestic Violence Protective Order (st.4) Supplemental Visitation Order (st.4) Ex Parte Protective Order (20-Day Order) (st.4) Order Extending Ex Parte Protective Order (st.4) Emergency Protective Order (72-Hour Order)(st.4) Ex Parte Denial Order/Set Long Term Hearing (st.4) Request for Service and Return of Service (cs) Law Enforcement Information Sheet (Domestic Violence or Stalking) (cs) Notice of Hearing (st.3) Request to Modify or Dissolve Protective Order (st.3) Order Re Request to Modify/Dissolve Protective Order (st.3) Instructions for Requesting a Protective Order (cs)(duplex)(no hole punch) Temporary Child Support Order (Domestic Violence) (cs) CONFIDENTIAL Sticker DV or Stalking Restricted Information (TCB Red 4 x 3½)
1/07 12/06 1/07 8/01 1/07 1/00 1/07 9/08 9/03 9/03 11/96 9/03 1/07 9/04 4/09 9/03
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. J-100 J-101 J-105 J-106 J-107 J-110 J-120 J-121 J-125 J-130 J-135 J-140 J-143 J-145 J-146 J-150 J-155 J-160 J-180 J-190 J-191 J-200 J-250 J-251 J-255 J-260 J-265 J-270 J-421wt J-480
Form Name Jury Questionnaire (computer-generated) Jury Questionnaire (card )(white cdsk) Juror Questionnaire (letter-size) (cs) Jury Questionnaire Reminder Notice(cs) Jury Questionnaire Reminder (white cdsk)(4¼ x 5½) Jury Summons (computer-generated postcard) Summons for Petit Juror (cs) Summons for Petit Juror (call-in) (cs) Summons for Grand Juror (cs) Jury Notice (computer-generated postcard) Jury Notice (postcard) (white cdsk) Record of Juror Attendance (cs) Jury Payment Card Juror Questionnaire (short form) (st.3) Juror Questionnaire (long form) (st.3) Certificate of Jury Attendance (cs) Request for Deletions from Master Jury List (st.2) Request for Stop Payment and/or Re-Issue of Jury Field Warrant (st.3) Trial Jury Handbook (grn cvr) The J-180 Trial Jury Handbook is also available on cassette tape from the Office of Special Projects for persons who are visually impaired. Selection of Jurors (st.2) Selection of Jurors Continuation Sheet (st.2) Sealed Verdict (#14 envelope) Bailiff's Manual (booklet) Information Sheet For Bailiff (cs duplex) Bailiff's Oath of Office (cs) Information For Jurors During Deliberations (cs) Note From The Jury and Judge's Response (cs pads, canary) Juror Rescheduling Form (cs pads 2 3/4 x 4 1/4)(no hole punch) ** Petit Jury Service Reminder Letter Juror Notice Failure to Appear for Jury Service (cs)
9/01 3/02 10/06 1/09 9/07 8/98 11/83 9/06 11/83 8/98 9/07 9/06 4/83 7/88 7/05 7/97 2/98 5/83 4/09 4/08 4/08 1/98 11/06 11/06 9/91 10/91 8/95 8/07 6/08 1/09
** This form is available only as a Word Template on the P: (Publication) Drive in the court's computer system.
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Guardianship Request for Court Sponsored Guardianship Mediation (cs) AGM Mediation Contact List (cs) Child In Need of Aid Request for Court Sponsored CINA Mediation (cs) Order of Referral to Mediation (cs) Order of Referral to FGC (cs) CINA Mediation/FGC Contact List (cs)
MED-100 MED-110 MED-200 MED-205 MED-210 MED-215
2/07 2/07 2/07 7/07 11/07 2/07
This form is available only on the court system's intranet.
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Petitions/Applications Petition for Initiation of Involuntary Commitment (st.3) Peace Officer/Mental Health Professional Application for Examination (st.3) Petition for 30-Day Commitment (st.5) Petition for 90-Day Commitment (st.3) Petition for 180-Day Commitment (st.3) Notices of Hearings Notice of 30-Day Commitment Hearing (st.5) Notice of 90-Day Commitment Hearing (st.5) Notice of 180-Day Commitment Hearing (st.5) Combined 30, 60, 180 days Notice of Mental Commitment Hearing Court Orders Order for Screening Investigation (st.3) Ex Parte Order (Temporary Custody for Examination/Treatment) (st.5) Order for 30-Day Commitment (st.5) Order for 90-Day Commitment (st.5) Order for 180-Day Commitment (st.5) Order of Dismissal of Petition for Commitment (st.5) Order Appointing Counsel for Minor (st.5) Combined 30, 60, 180 days Order for Commitment Forms Used by Evaluation Facility or Treatment Facility Notice of Respondent's Arrival at Evaluation Facility (st.2) Notice of Rights Upon Detention for Evaluation (st.3) Notice of Release (st.2) Notice of Voluntary Admission (st.2) Conditions of Early Release to Outpatient Treatment (cs) Notice to Outpatient to Return to Treatment Facility Where Committed (cs) Notice of Absence from Treatment Facility (st.4) Notice of Extension of Commitment Period (st.3) Other Forms Affidavit of Service of Documents (st.2) Motion for Dismissal of Petition (cs) Affidavit in Support of Motion to Dismiss Petition (cs) Summary of Guardian Ad Litem Contact with Minor (cs) Stipulation to Continue Commitment Hearing (st.5) State Trooper Directions For Service (cs) Refer to p. 28 "STATE AGENCY FORMS & IRS FORMS"
MC-100 MC-105 MC-110 MC-115 MC-120 MC-200 MC-205 MC-210 MC-215 MC-300 MC-305 MC-310 MC-315 MC-320 MC-325 MC-330 MC-335 MC-400 MC-405 MC-410 MC-415 MC-420 MC-425 MC-430 MC-435 MC-500 MC-505 MC-506 MC-510 MC-515 AST 12-343
9/08 1/07 12/87 12/87 12/87 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/06
3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 12/87 3/06 3/01 3/01 3/01 3/01 12/87 12/87 3/01 3/01 3/01 12/87 3/01 12/87 12/87 7/08
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Will Deposit and Informal Disposition of Property Agreement and Receipt for Deposit of Will (st.2) Request for Deposited Will (cs) Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property of Decedent (cs-dup) Affidavit for Release of Property to Temporary Custodian Under AS 12.65.105 (st.3) Inventory of Property Taken by Temporary Custodian Under AS 12.65.105 (st.3) Petition For Appointment as Temporary Property Custodian Under AS 22.15.110(a)(3) (st.2) Order Appointing Temporary Property Custodian Under AS 22.15.110(a)(3) (cs) Trusts Registration of Trust (st.2) Registration of Trust Definitions (cs) Estates Notice and Order of Administrative Closure (st.3) Notice and Order of Administrative Closure - Estate Notice of Administrative Closure - Estate Order Closing Estate Demand for Notice (cs duplex) Claim Against Estate (cs duplex) Adoption Instructions for The Adoption of a Minor Child by a Stepparent (cs) Petition for Adoption By Stepparent (Non-ICWA) (cs) Consent to Stepparent Adoption (From Petitioner's Spouse) (st.2) Consent to Stepparent Adoption (From Parent Giving Up Child) (st.2) Consent to Stepparent Adoption (Consent of Child Age 10 or Older) (st.2) Consent to Stepparent Adoption (Child's Spouse or Guardian) (st.2) Findings of Fact (Stepparent Adoption - Non-ICWA) (cs) Decree of Adoption (Stepparent - Non-ICWA) (cs) Request for Certificate of Adoption or Termination of Parental Rights (cs duplex) Certificate of Adoption or Termination of Parental Rights (cs)
P-100 P-105 P-110 P-120 P-121 P-130 P-131 P-200 P-201 P-300 P-300A P-300B P-301 P-305 P-310 P-400 P-405 P-410 P-415 P-420 P-425 P-430 P-435 P-440 P-445
7/01 7/01 9/08 10/96 10/96 10/96 10/96 2/06 7/82 4/95 4/95 4/95 7/05 9/96 3/00 11/06 11/06 4/97 4/97 4/97 4/97 4/97 11/06 10/97 10/97
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Judicial Bypass (Abortion) (Forms unavailable because the supreme court has declared the Parental Consent Act unconstitutional. See State v. Planned Parenthood of Alaska, Opinion No. 6184, November 2, 2007) Miscellaneous Probate Deficiency Memo (st.2) Notice of Judicial Assignment
P-900 P-905
7/98 9/07
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. PG-100 PG-101 PG-105 PG-110 PG-111 PG-112 PG-115 PG-116 PG-117 PG-118 PG-120 PG-190 PG-195 PG-205 PG-210 PG-215 PG-220 PG-225 PG-230 PG-315 PG-330 PG-335 PG-340 PG-400 PG-401 PG-405 PG-410 PG-415 PG-420 PG-430 PG-433 PG-435 PG-445 PG-448 PG-450
Form Name Petition for Appointment of a Guardian/Conservator for Adult (cs) Emergency Petition for Appointment of a Temporary Guardian (cs) Notice of Respondent's Rights Before Visitor's Interview (st.3) Order for Appointments and Notice of Hearing (cs) Order for Appointments Upon Review (cs) Order for Appointment of Visitor (cs) Notice of Guardianship Hearing (to Interested Persons) (cs) Notice of Conservatorship Hearing (to Interested Persons) (cs) Certificate of Service by Certified Mail (cs) Calendaring Order Guardianship Affirmation Education Requirement Satisfied (cs) Petition for Review of Guardianship/Conservatorship (cs) Notice of Change of Address (cs) Reports Guardianship Implementation Report & Inventory(cs) Guardianship Annual Report (cs) Final Guardianship Report (cs) Conservator's Implementation Report (cs) Conservator's Annual Report Final Conservator's Report Reminder Notices Reminder Notice (Implementation Report Due) Reminder Notice (annual report due) Notice of Failure to File Annual Report Order Appointing Visitor to Review Guardianship & Notice of Hearing Appointment Orders Order Appointing Full Guardian (cs) Guardianship Plan (cs) Order Appointing Partial Guardian (cs) Order Appointing Temporary Guardian (cs) Order Appointing Conservator (cs) Order Authorizing Single Transaction Under AS 13.26.205 (cs) Acceptances Acceptance of Appointment as Guardian(cs) Acceptance of Appointment as Temporary Guardian (cs) Acceptance of Appointment as Conservator (cs) Letters Letters of Guardianship of an Adult (cs) Letters of Temporary Guardian of an Adult (cs) Letters of Conservatorship of an Adult (cs)
9/08 9/02 1/03 7/08 4/08 5/07 5/06 5/06 5/06 9/05 2/07 12/04 1/05 2/05 9/08 2/05 2/05 9/08 2/05 8/04 3/04 9/05 3/04 9/08 1/05 9/08 9/08 9/08 9/08 2/05 2/05 2/05 2/05 2/05 2/05
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Adult Packets & Booklets Adult Guardianship Petition Packet (Coversheet)(cs) Instructions for Adult Guardianship Petition (cs) Powers and Duties of a Full Guardian of an Adult (buff cvr) Coversheet Emergency Petition Packet (Adult Guardianship) Instructions for Emergency Guardianship Petition (cs) Minor Guardianship Minor Guardianship Petition Packet (Non-Indian) (Cover Sheet)(cs) Minor Guardianship Petition Packet (Indian Child) (Cover Sheet) (cs) Instructions Minor Guardianship Petition Packet (Non-Indian)(cs) Instructions Minor Guardianship Petition Packet (Indian Child)(cs) Petition for Appointment of a Guardian for a Minor (cs) Parent's Consent to Appointment of a Guardian (cs) Notice of Guardianship Hearing for Non-Indian Child (cs) Notice of Guardianship Hearing for Indian Child (cs) Request to BIA (cs) Certificate of Service by Certified Mail Order Appointing Guardian of a Minor (cs) Acceptance of Appointment as Guardian of a Minor (cs) Letters of Guardianship of a Minor (cs) Annual Report (cs) Guardianship Packet for Guardian of Minor Appointed by Will (cs) Instructions for Accepting an Appointment Made in a Will (cs) Guardian's Acceptance of Appointment in a Will (cs) Notice to Minor Ward of Guardian's Appointment and Minor's Right to Object (cs) Minor's Objection to Appointment of Testamentary Guardian (cs) Obtaining Life Insurance Proceeds For a Minor Beneficiary Packet Obtaining Life Insurance Proceeds for a Minor Beneficiary Packet (Cover Sheet)(cs) Instructions Obtaining Life Insurance Proceeds for a Minor Beneficiary (cs) Petition to Receive Funds on Behalf of a Minor (cs) Notice of Hearing (cs) Order Appointing Limited Legal Guardian Under AS 13.26.205 (cs) Delegation of Parental Powers Delegation of Powers by Parent or Guardian (cs)(no hole punch)
PG-500 PG-505 PG-510 PG-520 PG-525 PG-600 PG-601 PG-605 PG-606 PG-610 PG-615 PG-620 PG-621 PG-622 PG-623 PG-625 PG-630 PG-635 PG-640 PG-650 PG-651 PG-652 PG-653 PG-654
9/08 9/08 5/06 5/06 5/06 10/06 4/07 10/06 4/07 10/06 10/06 10/06 4/07 4/07 4/07 10/06 10/06 10/06 10/06 6/08 6/08 6/08 6/08 6/08
PG-660 PG-661 PG-662 PG-663 PG-665 PG-700
9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 4/08
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Ct. View Public Website Latest Edition
Form No. SC-1 SC-2 SC-2web SC-3 SC-4 SC-5 SC-6 SC-7 SC-8 SC-9 SC-10 SC-11 SC-12 SC-13 SC-14 SC-15 SC-17 SC-18 SC-23 SC-24 SC-25 SC-26 SC-27 SC-29 SC-31 SC-34 SC-35 SC-36 SC-90 SC-95 SC-100
Form Name Complaint (st.3) Summons (st.3) Summons (cs) (court website version) Answer, Counterclaim & Request for Change of Place of Trial (st.3) Notice Regarding Refused Mail (st.2) Notice to Plaintiff and Plaintiff's Response to Request for Change of Place of Trial (st.2) Order on Request to Change the Place of Trial (st.4) Notice that Complaint Was Served/Not Served (canary cdsk) Default Affidavit and Request For Judgment (cs-duplex) Dismissal (st.3) Order for Formal Procedure, Notice of Change of Case Number & Assignment of Judge (st.3) Notice of Trial (st.3) Default Judgment for Defendant (st.3)(3 white) Default Judgment for Plaintiff (st.3)(3 white) NOTE: Must Be 3 White Sheets of Paper Judgment on the Pleadings or Agreement (st.3) (3 white) Judgment (st.3)(3 white) NOTE: Must Be 3 White Sheets of Paper Satisfaction of Judgment (st.3) Stipulation To Pay Judgment in Installments (st.3) Request/Order for Continuance (st.4) Request/Order to Set Aside Default Judgment (st.4) Agreement that Judgment Be Entered (st.3) Request and Order (st.4) Response to Request (st.2) Notice and Order of Dismissal (for lack of prosecution) (st.3) Request/Order for Telephonic Participation (st.4) Instructions for Envelopes (cs) (tan) Small Claims Deficiency Memo (st.2) Memo Re Notice to Debtor (st.2) Small Claims Certified Mail Instructions (cs-duplex)(no hole punch) Small Claims Information Sheet (cs) Small Claims Handbook (green cvr)
9/04 10/05 10/05 9/04 9/88 9/88 9/99 5/09 4/09 12/04 8/03 11/99 9/88 9/88 9/88 9/88 5/07 8/07 9/88 9/88 5/04 9/88 5/87 12/04 11/04 5/08 9/07 1/87 5/08 2/09 5/09
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name Calendaring Forms Calendaring Order/Assignment of Judge (cbls green) Notice of Setting / Vacating / Rescheduling / Hearing Notice of Rescheduled Hearing Notice of Administrative Reassignment Order of Appointment for Superior Court Judge Pro Tempore Notice of Judicial Reassignment Due to Disqualification Notice of Recusal & Reassignment Request/Order For Reassignment (cs) Order of Referral to Standing Master In-Court Clerk Forms Exhibit List (cs) Exhibit List Continuation Sheet (cs) Receipt For In-House Release of Exhibits (cs) Exhibit Notice Card (orange cdsk) Inventory and Receipt (st.2) Affidavit and Order for Disposal of Exhibits (cs) Affidavit Following Disposal of Exhibits (cs) Exhibit Storage Label (green sticker) (TCB-green) Log Note Title Page (st.3) Log Note Continuation (st.3) Log Note Title Page (st.2) Log Note Continuation Page (st.2) Log Notes Backing Card (buff cdsk) Log Note Title Page (one-part form) (cs) Log Note Continuation Page (one-part form) (cs) Oath Book I (oaths & affirmations are combined) Oath Book II (red cvr) (oaths & affirmations are combined) Witness List (cs) Notice of Motion Taken Under Advisement (cs pads) In-Court Overtime Slip (cs canary pads)(2.83 x 5.5) Records File Request (Civil or Criminal) (pink cdsk) Clerk's Billing Form (cs pads) Records Destruction Request (cs) (3-hole punch) Records Destruction Request (used only by Micrographics) Authentication Form (Exemplification) (cs) STOP Card (pink cdsk) STAY Card (pink cdsk) (2-hole punch) CONFIDENTIAL Sticker (TCB Fl. Red)
TF-105 TF-105 TF-106 TF-115 TF-116 TF-117 TF-118 TF-120 TF-121 TF-200 TF-201 TF-204 TF-205 TF-206 TF-209 TF-210 TF-215 TF-223 TF-224 TF-225 TF-226 TF-227 TF-228 TF-229 TF-230 TF-231 TF-240 TF-245 TF-250 TF-305 TF-306 TF-310 TF-311wt TF-315 TF-320 TF-321 TF-325
2/88 8/05 10/04 2/04 11/07 10/04 8/06 2/88 8/06 9/91 9/91 10/91 12/88 12/88 8/07 8/07 12/90 1/06 1/06 2/02 3/00 10/87 3/00 3/00 6/83 9/04 2/91 6/06 5/98 11/87 10/87 4/04 2/05 5/87 7/95 4/89 8/89
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. TF-335 TF-330 TF-340 TF-345 TF-350 M TF-350 T TF-400 TF-405 TF-410 TF-455 TF-505 TF-600 TF-601 TF-602 TF-603 TF-604 TF-605 TF-610 TF-611 TF-612 TF-614 TF-617 TF-620 TF-625 TF-626 TF-630 TF-900 TF-910 TF-915 TF-920 TF-925 TF-929 TF-930 TF-931
Form Name SUBSTITUTE FILE Label (TCB white) SEALED Sticker (TCB Fl. Pink) CONFIDENTIAL Law Clerk Memo - sticker (TCB orange, 2 3/4 x 4 1/4) File Routing Sheet (salmon cdsk) Confidential Envelope (7.5 x 10 Manila env., 2 hole punch at top, no clasp) Confidential Envelope (7.5 x 10 Tyvek env., 2 hole punch at top, no clasp) Transcript Transcript Request (cs) Transcript Job Card (white cdsk)(6½ x 5¼)(no hole punch) Manual of Transcript Procedures (cherry cvr) Duplicate Tape Order Form (cs pad, 4 ½ x 5 ½)(no hole punch) Pretrial Orders Trial Setting Conference Order (cbls canary) Administrative Criminal Case Number Assignment (#70 paper 3-hole punch) Civil Case Number Assignment (#70 paper 3-hole punch) Coroner Case Number Assignment (#70 paper 3-hole punch) Children's Case Number Assignment (#70 paper 3-hole punch) Probate Case Number Assignment (#70 paper 3-hole punch) Cases Closed (#70 paper 3-hole punch) Deficiency Card - Motions (blue cdsk) Deficiency Card - Accounting (green cdsk) Deficiency Card - Default (blue cdsk) Deficiency Memo - Microfilmed File (st.2) Criminal Deficiency Memo Charging Document (cs) HOLD Card (2¼ x 4 pink cdsk)(duplex)(to hold doc. for opposition, etc.) HOLD Card (2¾ x 4¼ blue cdsk)(to hold doc. for deficiency) HOLD Card (2¾ x 4¼ white cdsk)(for law clerks) HOLD Card (2¾ x 4 green cdsk)(to hold doc. for opposition) Miscellaneous Counsel of Record Card (canary cdsk)(5½ x 8½) Notice of Change of Case Number and Assignment of Judge (st.4) Notice of Temporary Transfer of File (cbls green) Request for Exemption from Payment of Fees (cs) Judge's Court Record Notes (cs)(ht)(buff cdsk) Request For Appointed Counsel (st.2) Order Appointing Counsel (st.5) Notice of Intent To Enter Judgment (st.2)
9/90 8/89 6/94 2/01 6/09 6/09 5/85 11/00 6/07 5/98 1/88 3/85 3/85 3/85 3/85 3/85 3/85 9/91 9/91 9/91 3/95 2/07 3/00 7/96 4/94 5/90 3/00 4/08 12/88 10/06 11/83 3/06 9/93 9/93
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. TF-932 TF-935 TF-940 TF-941 TF-945 TF-946 TF-950 TF-955 TF-960 TF-965 TF-970 TF-972
Form Name
Judgment For Cost of Appointed Counsel (cs) 1/09 Notice of Change of Judge (st.4) 4/08 Affidavit (cs) 9/06 Additional Information Form (cs) 9/06 Application/Approval Media Coverage (st.3) 9/91 Generic Order (CourtView will enter case caption information 4/07 leaving body of order blank for entering text.) Order To Show Cause (st.3) 2/06 Notice of Change of Address / Telephone Number (st.4) 6/07 Note To Case File (cs blue pads)(2-hole punch) 4/03 Bankruptcy Notice 14 Day Stay 12/04 Bankruptcy Notice of Stay 2/05 Letter To Bankruptcy Court Clerk 2/05
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
TRAFFIC (For All Minor Offenses)
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name
TR-100 TR-100 TR-105 TR-106 TR-110 TR-115 TR-120 TR-125 TR-135 TR-140 TR-200 TR-201 TR-210 TR-215 TR-216 TR-218 TR-300 TR-310 TR-320
TR-400 TR-405 TR-420 TR-500 TR-505
Pre-Arraignment Warning Notice (st.2)(4 x 8½)(no hole punch) 11/08 Warning Notice Checklist Memo-Accounting (st.2)(4 x 8½)(no hole punch) 1/89 Checklist Memo-Calendaring (st.2)(no hole punch) 7/98 Temporary Transfer Worksheet (cs pads) 3/92 Clerk's Memo to File (cs pads) 1/89 Summons (st.3)(4 x 8½) 7/98 Order to Show Cause (st.3)(4 x 8½) 7/98 Minor Offense Bench Warrant (st.3)(8 x 8½)(no hole punch) 7/98 Recall Sheet (st.2) 6/83 Arraignment and Plea Request for Rescheduled Arraignment Date (st.2)(4 x 8½)(no hole 4/08 punch) Rescheduled Trial Date-Request and Order (st.4)(4 x 8½)(no hole 9/05 punch) Legal Rights and Court Procedures - Minor Offenses (cs-duplex) 5/08 Plea Form (cs-duplex)(4 x 8½)(no hole punch) 7/98 Plea Form/Deferred Obligation (st.2)(4¼ x 8½) 4/98 Deferred Payment Agreement (st.3)(no-hole punch) 8/06 Pre-Trial and Trial Cash Bond (Minor Offense) (st.4)(8 x 8½)(no hole punch) 7/98 Notice of Next Court Appearance (st.3)(8 x 8½)(no hole punch) 5/08 Printout of Electronic Judgment Pursuant to District Court Criminal 6/06 Rule 8.1 Post Judgment Fine Extension (st.2) 1/89 Request to Reduce Fine (st.2)(4 x 8½)(no hole punch) 7/98 Request to Vacate Judgment (st.3) 9/06 Miscellaneous Minor Offense Log Notes (st.4) 5/09 Notice of Unpaid Check (st.2) 5/83
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No. VS-6 VS-7 VS-l6 VS-121 VS-l26 VS-301 VS-305 VS-323 VS-351(a) VS-361 VS-371 VS-401 VS-405 VS-501 VS-550 VS-601 VS-607wt VS-608
Form Name
Vital Records Order Form (for death, marriage & divorce certificates) 5/07 Birth Certificate Order Form 5/07 Affidavit of Paternity 1/09 Burial Transit Permits (2-part) 5/06 Certificate of Presumptive Death (2-part) 1/92 *Certificate of Marriage, (3-part) 10/08 Certificate of Marriage, Bride and Groom's Copy 10/07 Consent to the Marriage of a Minor 2/99 Marriage License Application 4/09 Information About Marriage License, Ceremony & Certificate (cs12/05 duplex) Checklist for Issuing Marriage Licenses (cs) 7/06 Certificate of Divorce, Dissolution of Marriage or Annulment 4/03 Application or Report of Change of Name 6/06 Report of Adoption 7/04 Descriptive Information Regarding Biological Parents Envelope addressed to Vital Statistics, attn: Registration (9 x 12) 10/05 Clerk's Monthly Vital Statistics Report (Template on the P: Drive 10/05 only) Affidavit for Correction of a Record 5/08 ** Binder for storing court's copy of vital statistics records. Note: These binders must be ordered from the Bureau of Vital Statistics, 5441 Commercial Dr., Juneau, AK 99811
To order form VS-301, send a memo to Administrative Accounting. When you issue a marriage license, please remember to give the parties the pamphlet "Healthy Choices, Healthy Babies". This pamphlet describes the effects on the baby of consuming alcohol during pregnancy. You can order these pamphlets from Court Supply. Distribution of the pamphlet along with the marriage license is required by AS 25.05.111(b).
**Only Vital Statistics Recorders need these items.
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
Public Website Ct. View Latest Edition
Form No.
Form Name
02-019 02-027
04151 04153 AJC-01 AST 12-308 AST 12-343
IRS Form 8300
Fiscal Operations Transportation Request (These TR's must be ordered directly from Fiscal Operations.) Travel Authorization (This form must be ordered directly from Fiscal 4/02 Operations. It is also located on the P: Drive as a template.) Human Resources Leave Request/Report (This leave slip form must be ordered from the Human Resources Office.) Permanent Fund Dividend Assignment Forms PFD Assignment (general assignment form) (cs white) 12/08 PFD-Additional Assignments (attachment to main form) (cs) 8/08 Alaska Judicial Council Information About the Resolution of Civil Cases (cs duplex) 8/99 Alaska State Trooper Forms Civil Bench Warrant Information Sheet (This Alaska State Trooper 6/08 form should be attached to CIV-610.) State Trooper Directions For Service (cs) (This Alaska State Trooper 7/08 form is used when a trooper is ordered to pick up a respondent, take the respondent to API for a mental commitment exam, and serve either MC-300 or MC-305 on API. The form can also be used to order a trooper to take a person to a public or private treatment facility when the court has issued an involuntary alcohol commitment order.) IRS Forms Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or 12/01 Business (cs)
June 2009
A single check mark in the "In Court View" column means that the form is both a CourtView form and a paper form. Double check marks mean that the form exists only in CourtView. There is no paper version. This form is also available at the court's website:
FORM REQUEST Instructions: Complete this form if you want a new form printed or if you want an existing form changed. Please attach a copy of the proposed new form or a copy of the existing form showing the changes you want. Please write any changes by hand, do not type them. Send this request to: Forms, 820 West 4th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501 From: Date: Telephone Number
Person Requesting Form Title and Court Location
Form Number (if any) and Title: How soon do you need a supply of the form? urgent How many forms do you need? How long will the above supply last? How many do you expect to use each month? Revision of Existing Form. Explain reason for change: not urgent
New Form. Describe the purpose of the form, when it will be used and who will use it. (If it is a card, note color and size of card and whether there is printing on the back.) Attach any written instructions you have drafted for the form.
Set Number: __________ [Forms can be printed in carbonless paper "sets" (abbreviated as "st"). For example, "st. 2" means there is an original and one copy. The maximum set size is st. 5 (original and 4 copies).] Distribution: Original to: Copy 1 to: Copy 2 to: Copy 3 to Copy 4 to:
ADM-500 (9/08) (cs) FORM REQUEST
TO REQUEST NEW FORMS OR CHANGES IN FORMS If you want to invent a new form or change an existing form, fill out form ADM-500 (Form Request) and send it along with a copy of your new or revised form to: Dorne Hawxhurst 820 West 4th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501-2005 A copy of ADM-500 is included as the last page of this catalog.
June 2009