Free Response - District Court of Connecticut - Connecticut

File Size: 59.2 kB
Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Connecticut
Category: District Court of Connecticut
Author: unknown
Word Count: 511 Words, 3,636 Characters
Page Size: 611.28 x 790.92 pts

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Preview Response - District Court of Connecticut
»·. - Case 3:03-cv-00383-WIG Document 418-3 Filed 08/08/2008 Page 1 013
1 “
Exhibit B

» iri ioi 7 ;n coseu3u;O3.¢o¤Oi383-wnincsii DQCLlmém.418*3-----Flledp-8/08/2OiO§. TFi餢42iil€·iti3sln i
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i · Acknowlodgomsnt Lottsr
[ Wssloy Products . Inc . n ] lN$ERT.NJ£`xWtE ANU . ‘
—‘ [ B7 Spring Lam _] ADDRESS {JF FLAN
[ s1usuv111.u, cc ce¤s2—¤¤¤¤ ] SPONSOR G5:
_ ______ ____ __ _____ _ _,__ ,,__ ,___ __ [____rCF?l?l..=. ....... ..9$:.9.€§?r§.?3.)u.rr .... ......... . ............ .W... .. .... .] .......... . .....c p@Wg.{:;.gp.,akrrT p;N.E.y.». .... ---»- -— ---- -·-.- ---- ----
Plan mgmg; Wosloy Products , too . , £rUl {ki Profit: iihsrics lilou
- Flon Number: Un?
“ _ [lnssrr lhros-digit plan number] ` _
n Control No.: .- O A
{ro no oomplctocl b t|1cln!:¤m lR&v¤nu¤5oNi¤o] · . `
Roooivsd Dato: fz gf G25 { smog I .
[to bo nom lctoul by thu Interns! Rcvonuo Srsrvico] `
Tho lntsrnol Rsvsnuo Sorvios, Employcs Plans Voluntary Gomplianco,
i n hss rsosivsd your VCP Submission for tho sbovs-captionso plan- Your
r roqusst has lossn sssignsd ths control nuimbsr llslod cbovo. This number
Q sho-uid bs rsfsrrocl to in any oommunioslion to us oonoorning your .
~ submission, - r
I - You will bo ;-- oontootcd whsn ths cass is assignod to on sgont. lfyou nsso to
‘ inquire about tho status of your oaso, plsoss call (52l'5)3’l2-·4921 (not s toll—frsc
nurnbsr). Plsoso lssvs sn MESSEQB with tho nsrns of tho Plan, ths Control
Numbsr, your homo ond s phono numlaor whsrs you can bs rosohsd,
Thank you for your coopcration. ` ·
Q .
l _ .
l . F .

i ‘‘ ``‘ .. .. .. ;. `. .. . .`..`.. case $§.0ss¤v>0_03s2iwlG i `bonoomént 4.1.8-3 t `l§l l `¢§l ongrqa/200g " ·__Pago._3.pi`i‘5 .` ‘ " it
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Aol-gnovdodgomont Lattor
i - ‘ -i P=•=·¤1¤=i¤¤ Moldina Company, Inn. l INSEF-1T NAME AND `
{ B? Spr:i.11. Lana ‘ ADQRESS QF PLAN
, [ a1.=ls.¤v¤.J,1o, cm uaoaz-noun I SPONSOR OR .
»... .. .... . .... .. . ..».. ...a.r. ,.,. ....... QF.?} ....i ?Ei.5..¤<$.}.. ...... ...... ..... . ....... . ....;`[email protected]. ..... . ..... .. . .. . .... . ..»- - ------ · -- --- ---- -
Plan Naméii Picacisiou Molding Company, Ina. 4D1(k} Profit Sharing Plan
‘ [insart plan mama]
_- Plan Nurnioar; GW-
· linoorrthraa-digit plan numb? ‘
· Control No.: Q /[ é -5-, .
[to no oootplatoo wx lnrarn l Ravanua‘Sowloo]
Raoaivad Dato: 4 Ci? G? {50g U
U [to ba oomplatad by tha Inlcarnai. Ravarzua Sarvioa]
Tha intarnal Ravenna Sarvios, smpioyoo Plans Voluntary Clompliarloa, _ ` l
i i has raooivaci your VCP Submission for tha above-captions:. plan. Your
raquost has boon assigned tha control nu mbor ilstod abova. This number _ `
should bo rafarrad to in any oomrrlunioation to us oonoarningg your
submission. ._
l You wifi ba oontaotaci whom tha oasa is assignad to an agant. if you nasa to ·
inquira about tha status of your casa, plaasa oall (52E)3’i 241-S21 (not a toll-fraa -
‘ number). Piaass laava a rnassago with tha nama of tha Plan, tha Control
Nurnbsr, your nama, and a phono numbor whoro you oan ba raaohoci.
Thank you for your oooparatlorl. ‘ . ` ` ` ` l
g .