Free Motion for Default Judgment - District Court of Connecticut - Connecticut

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Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
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State: Connecticut
Category: District Court of Connecticut
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,124 Words, 6,065 Characters
Page Size: 613 x 794 pts

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Preview Motion for Default Judgment - District Court of Connecticut
ase 3:03-cv-00936-JCH Document 10-5 Filed 07/22/2004 Page 1 013
DIST/Rl/(T’l` OF (ION/YN/.ECT”l`l(]U']lY`
`Dl,l{l`€C'IQ`V, Im:. ) CQ.I:1s¤:,N/0,: 03·~(,ZV-93(iJ ("QZQ}Z;!,
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_) A_`FtFl`l)AVl"[` (ZW `P/IQ,AIN'l`!Â¥`I*"S C()U`NSl`%1I__.
vs, /\.'l"’Tl`OtI~lN.i*]Y JOHN M. MCLAUCI},/I..t...]1,YN
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New ¤;:0mc:s ttm Amatztt, amd nmlmsa this his :swc_>1‘r1 :4/€z1t¤;211·1¤;2.z11t, undccr the Ijmius; autci
pcnzmilziczs c11`p¤:,1j/L11·y, cnf his own pcrsomxi 1<;11_¤wl¤cdgc:.
(}}ENE`RA.I.., FAC"l"UA.L A,SS,Hl}'l`I()NS
1. I, John MQ McI.,uug]·1ti·:1, rcprcwzznt. thc: LPlt1int·i,l*t’,i,¤.1 thc: z.tlmvr4:—m·1titt 2. I. amt El m<:1·1’1tmr ufttm Qlguw Firm mf ,M.c[I,uLtg1.1]1i_:1 5$z1u1 3, t tmvcz used pztrztlczgtxls from thc: [ima tm,mc: in this cum.
F/\(YY'I`UA..l.. ASSE]R'Ttl(Z)NS AS 'I`(} A'l`*l`()I{N1t]Y'S .i`*`.{iZ]IiZS
4. My 1,m,1z1l lmm·l‘y mtu: is $2(){.},{_}U pur hom?. '],`l1¤:: u.;e;u.a1l [10/urty mtu: 017 tim pz1ra1,lug,z1t.?“
in (mr Hutt is $9(),()() pur l·mm·. "Y`I]".I1c: mutt} l·1mu,rl‘y tmc: <_>;i';su,ppc_>rt. ssta1t`i°` in (nur Hrxtt .i.,;‘
HS75,{[)O _p<;¢r t`1()`I.11‘. 'Htcscze rz-arms; atm `I`“l`“10,l”C 1.E1zm r<2a‘1sac_>1·mtnl¢;e Ihr {C{QCC)1T1`l.I].l,lI}iC5J,t,t(JI`]
civil 1i‘t.i._ga1‘ti.c>11 s_p¤2c:ia11·i:;ts.
5. I atm at mczmtmtf (Il? the Hzclurmi (20111ll1Ltl].iC2Ql[`i(1)l'lS [3m? A:;sm:i&1t.i.¤;>11 amd 1 `hzwc: bout
h !.'{’.¢[)]T1‘z1t<: .tL£ntiti.cs atm C(.)7{. Ii,t¤2,m1fI.y 1]L1,I](1,1"€£d.$ UF[¢t2.tCCOll`1l`i1L`l1}.t(Lil!]HHS ptimcy cztsczss,
6, ' t`h<: time: r¢:<:<.>rd,s have thcczn axctittiucd tu mmcwc cc>;1tH.cic:11t,in¥ <:c:·1·11rmmiuzxtimts with
ase 3:03-cv-00936-JCH Document 10-5 Filed 07/22/2004 Page 2 of 3
the e`l.ie11l;. The Ple.i11li‘lYl" the rig,l1t te emen.i;1 its eieim ‘i·i·_ir z1tEer.i1ey'e
emji eeete siieiilci `Pl.ei11ti.l]i”s (YY}ci>misel. lieve te elztenci ei .i.)eiYe.•.ilJt i"ii0E1l“i.I1.§, em;}. l*"leii·it.i‘f1
mey else beer eerleiri eeste with relieirenee te said l1ee1‘ir1g. "[lilie details; eftiie tim
reeercls ie-dste ere sei. ‘l’0rth below. Alera, I have el;rez1.dy reducer.} the billelnle time
frem the aictuel tirrie speim. cm reviewiiig encl serlririg, my time records te strike imc
eeemmt the lirst circuit ease 0‘l”Ii’1··ews1er v. /Niiklsi/cis, 3 .lE*`ed.3d 488, (lm (Cir. l'~}93Q
wh.i<:i1 provides itiliel attorneys ier werk em. el:Yi·icl21‘vit lbr fees slieuid be billec
ei zi reduced mite.
A"I."ZIY`0.RN EY 'S `i“i`Olll?.S :
5/23/03 Review Dmlit. Cemrple‘i.iit. .80
5/ l 1/04 Review Draft ef Request Bii·l;ry (}`ih.DGf&!.l1ii. .40
”//20/04 Review .M.etieri, Afiiclevlii, lx/lemcmmndum
mid Prepesed erder 1.00
7/20/04 Review Aitemeye Fees
SU`{%'l`(.)’lY`A.l. ef lmurs
SUH?[`(")'ifAL zmwunts $44U.{}0
P..M{Al.JiLGAI..'s H.()`U`RS:
5/23/04 Ylbreli CZIO.m.pI.eii·1t 1.25
5/ l l./04 Q£’repe·re D.rz1.;lTt. e·i"R.eq‘uesl. Eritry ef .{Q.)el’ziuli .80
”//20/04 Prepare Drefi. f)`i~i\·'ii()lQiO11, A_l·`, iM@I`TT(}FE1I].(i11Ll1.l `1 .80
'//20/04 Review Atteriiey's Fees
SUB'I`(}'I]`A.I... ef hours
EelUB'1`O’}Q‘A`!Z.. amount $346.50
Tetel Amount ef I-leurs $786.50
.l?i1ge 2

ase 3:03-cv-00936-JCH Document 10-5 Filed 07/22/2004 Page 3 of 3
7. N0 a1tt0ma:y‘s bawa: been patid by the ` in the uaxsc aat bait bwasamsc tha
cansaz is ccitvazrasai by at c0a1tt.i.i.1gc:11c:y tim a1g;tc:c:11w1·1t amd `[.i.]. aiczvccr be amy aactzami ra:c•;wc.ry.
Ei. "l.`.I.w .lT)cziatu.1t 0;t`t.l1c: D£@,{h@¥'1dE\.i`I.E hats bscti m.1tae:ra:c·i {br iaailum to aappacatr in this amtttiam.
9. (Dat itifdirmaatiuu amd baziiazi`, the D¢:it`amclamt rmt am .i.11i:`a.m1. arr am amd
tim DC“$`iis.`¤I1dE1.l}.Fi is amt in thc:‘y seztvicae
/10. 'iiiw ai.aad•stsi_ag.t.1a:ai believes tha: camairt cam stattutaury CIa1.n.1aa_s.aa:s in this tiztaattazt.
without t¤=s‘t.i.1mm‘y. Yet, if tha; mutt bclicvss t<:sti.m.0n.y mscsssaary tim iF’i.aai1‘1ti‘i*t
will iiaaiiy azampacraatez amd prawidc :i?a>.a;·t. witmzsscs amd a:x.p<:1·t w·itm2sscs ·i.{T·1¢c:quira:a·i.
Stabsc:1‘ilnc:ci amd swarm tam, tti·1a‘1c.rt`h.a: paains amd. jpamaaQit.i.a:s a1i`pmjit1.ry.
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Ldaxaii Acidrasss .Ptaa‘rsai.:a.1.1t 1.0
D. (Beam. .IQ.. Civ. R. 2(Qc):
IF*a11u.mb0, .Pai1a:imbu & C7a1.rri.t.1g,t0n, Yl?’.(QT.
3.93 G`I'21l“\d Sttamt
PHO. Hamx 2518
Waimrbaary. {CT 06732-255 ii 3
`Pai.g,a: 3