Free 2007 - Texas

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Pages: 1
Date: July 25, 2008
File Format: PDF
State: Texas
Category: Tax Forms
Word Count: 530 Words, 3,477 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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50-253 (Rev. 08-07/16)

Comptroller of Public Accounts Property Tax Division

2007 rePorT on vAlue losT beCAuse of The sChool TAx limiTATion on homesTeADs of The elDerly/DisAbleD
Please submit original and one copy of this form to the Property Tax Division's reporting section. Submit a certified recap that corresponds with the values reported on this report. (See instructions for due dates.) The Property Tax Division's address is P.O. Box 13528, Austin, Texas 78711-3528. Our fax number is (512) 305-9801 or (512) 463-2427. The Reporting Section staff is available at (800) 252-9121 to answer questions.

All information requested is for the 2007 tax year.
School District Name CAD Name County/Dist./CAD No. SR0001/SR0002


1. 2.

Total number of age 65 or older, disabled and qualified age 55 or older surviving spouse homesteads in the school district on which a tax ceiling exists for the 2007 tax year. 2007 total appraised value (if the value is capped @ 10 percent per year, use the capped value) of the age 65 or older, disabled and qualified age 55 or older surviving $ spouse homesteads reported in Item 1 above before exemptions are deducted. 2007 total appraised value lost to allowable exemptions granted on the age 65 or older, disabled and qualified age 55 or older surviving spouse homesteads reported in Item 1. (Include losses due to state-mandated $15,000 exemptions; $10,000 age 65 or older or disabled exemptions; disabled or deceased veteran's survivor(s) exemptions; water conservation exemption; solar and wind-powered exemptions and historical $ exemptions). Do noT inCluDe Any loCAl oPTionAl exemPTions. Total 2007 taxable value of age 65 or older, disabled and qualified age 55 or older surviving spouse homesteads reported in Item 1 after allowable exemptions are deducted. (Must equal the remainder of Item 2 minus Item 3.)






5. 6.

2007 total school district tax rate.



Total 2007 levy on age 65 or older, disabled and qualified age 55 or older surviving spouse homesteads reported in Item 1 that would have been generated (paid) without the tax ceiling. (Must equal the levy calculated by multiplying the tax rate reported $ in Item 5 times the value reported in Item 4 times 0.01.) Actual 2007 total levy on age 65 or older, disabled and qualified age 55 or older surviving spouse homesteads reported in Item 1. (will be paid) Total 2007 levy lost on age 65 or older, disabled and qualified age 55 or older surviving spouse homesteads reported in Item 1. (Must equal the remainder of Item 6 minus Item 7.) (will not be paid) Total 2007 value lost on age 65 or older, disabled and qualified age 55 or older surviving spouse homesteads reported in Item 1. (Must equal Item 8 divided by Item 5 times 100.)


7. 8.





10. 2007 total appraised value deducted for local optional age 65 or older, disabled and local optional percent exemptions granted on the age 65 or older and qualified age $ 55 or older surviving spouse homesteads reported in Item 1. 11. Total 2007 value lost on age 65 or older, disabled and qualified age 55 or older surviving spouse homesteads reported in Item 1. (Item 9 minus Item 10)



By signing this report, I agree that the values are true and correct as certified to this school district by chief appraiser.


