Florida Department of Revenue Quarterly Concurrent Employment Report
UCS-71 R. 07/07
Reporting as a common paymaster limits the amount of wages subject to unemployment tax to the first $7,000 of the combined wages for concurrent employees. This may actually increase the total number of quarterly reports to be filed. Quarterly reports still need to be filed for each corporation/ limited liability company (LLC) to report any non-concurrent employees. You must complete and submit this form to the Department by the due date of the Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-6). If you do not send this form on time you will lose common paymaster status, and each corporation/LLC will be required to file a Change to Employer's Quarterly Report (UCT-8A) within ten days. Tax is due on the first $7,000 of wages per employee, not previously reported by each corporation/LLC. If you fail to file the UCT-8A and pay the additonal tax on time, we may assess tax, penalty, and interest and your future tax rate may increase. Each corporation/LLC must reimburse the common paymaster for wages and payroll taxes paid on its behalf. It must also record and expense wages and payroll tax expenses on its own financial statements for federal income tax purposes. If a related company/LLC has not been assigned an unemployment tax account number, you must complete and return the Application to Collect and/or Report Tax in Florida (DR-1), for that company/LLC, along with this report.
Common Paymaster: For Quarter/Year Ending:
UT Account Number
UT Account Number
Name of Related Corporations/LLCs
*Total Quarterly Wages Earned for Concurrent Employees (cannot be zero) Gross Taxable
*Concurrent wages for the quarter represent wages for services performed for that corporation/LLC and will be expensed as wages for federal income tax purposes. They will also be recorded as payable to the common paymaster. Being authorized to execute this report on behalf of the corporations/LLCs named, I confirm that the information provided is true and correct.
Name of common paymaster_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Authorized signature ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Print name ________________________________________________________________ Phone ( __________ )___________________________________________________
Fax this form to 850-488-5997 www.myflorida.com/dor (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
For assistance call: 800-482-8293