Free Motion for Departure - District Court of Connecticut - Connecticut

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Pages: 4
Date: February 9, 2006
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State: Connecticut
Category: District Court of Connecticut
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,080 Words, 7,124 Characters
Page Size: 612.72 x 1008 pts

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Preview Motion for Departure - District Court of Connecticut
Case 3:00-cr-00040-CFD Document 53 Filed O2/ 9/2006 Page1 of4 I
“ I
JAMES MOORE, Case No. gow Q/Q_ LQ
‘ Petitioner: I
V . I
Respondent: I I
COMES NOW, the Petitioner, James Moore, prI—se (Hereinafter, _ I
"Petitioner"U and hereby respectfully submits Ihe instant Memorandum I
of Law in Support of his Motion For a DownwardIdeparture pursuant I
to Title 18 U.S.C. § 3553(b) and U.S.S.G. § 5KA.O, for a downward I
departure from the United States Sentencing GuIdelines based on
post-conviction rehabilitation. In support 0fI it is stated:
The Petitioner assumes this Honorable CourI is familiar with I
all other pertinent facts of this case as set- orth in prior filed I
motion(s). I I
" Discussion l I
The Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 (The ActI invites the sen- I
ceasing court to consider a departure from ranIe provided by the I
Sentencing Guidelines, U.S.S.G. finds there maIgexist aggravating I
or mitigating circumstances of a kind, or to aIdegree not adequately I
I taken intogionsideration by the Sentencing ComIi§§ion in formulating I I
FFFF I the Guidelf&es." 18 U.S.C. § 3553(b); see alIo@%U.S.S.G. Ch. 1 I
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. Case 3:00-cr-00040-CFD Document 53 Filed 02/ 9/2006 Page 2 of 4
A l
Furthermore, the Guidelines themselves make clear that a court
should consider in every case, not only in rareacircumstances I
whether a departure is appropriate, see, U.S.S. · § 1B1.1(i). ln I
making this inquiry, the sentencing court begini by considering p
whether some aspect of the case "takes it outsiie the Guideline p
Heartland, and makes it of a special or unusualRcase." there isn't X
any case law that Petitioner knows which suggest what a defendant i
gmust do to demonstrate the level of rehabilitatbon which puts ones' g g
case outside the Heartland of the Guidelines. vibe Second Circuit . j
suggests "a highly successful rehabilitation is [N]ot taken into I
consideration appropriately (in kind and degree) by U.S.S.G. See, )
United States v. Core, 125 F.3d at 77; D. C. iircuit suggests that E
post-sentencing rehabilitation may be the basii for a downward l
departure only if it presents "an exceptional i"degree"U; United K
States v. Rhodes, 145 F.3d at 1383. The District Court has authority F
to depart downward for post—sentencing conducti as a basis for de- i
I parture upon resentencing, United States v. WhItaker, 152 F.3d 5
1238 (10th Cir. 1998). R Q
The Supreme Court has held and specificall stated that a g
district court cannot be precluded categoricaliy from considering `
n ANY FACTOR, at sentencing so long as the factoi is not one of the I E
"forbidden" factors outlined in the Guidelines Koon v. United I
States, 518 U.S. 81, 116 S.Ct. 2035, 135 L.Ed.Id 392 (1996). In !
pthe present case Petitioner has sought_and coniinues seeking all _gi
opportunities at rehabilitation. Since he has been incarcerated, Q
ggtitioner has endeavored to take adv£@tage of all the institu— nnll - E
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i · Case 3:00-cr-00040-CFD Document 53 Filed O2/ 9/2006 Page30f4
» l
In the last three (3) years Petitioner hasi't received any I
disciplinary write-ups or failed one single urjne test analysis., i
» Petitioner has maintained clear conduct and a Jreat work performance
, reputation. i N
Likewise, Petitioner has taken several programs and completed i
them, such as, but not limited to Cage Your Ra%e; anger Managment, <
Coping With Stress, and Kids Awareness. Petitaoner honestly be- A
lieves that he has been rehabilitated with the federal system and I
his past clear conduct and determination to doaright, supports i
such downward departure motion. See, Whitaker supra.
Finally, Petitioner asks the Court to take,Judicial Notice of
the fact that this Court recommended the SOO Hjur Drug Program — i
which resulted in Petitioner's transfer to FCIiFairton, N.J. where K
he is presently on the waiting list. With all said this Honorable i
Court should find under the circumstances that a downward departure 5
is warranted. Q
Conclusion 5
WHEREFORE, based on all the foregoing, thi- Honorable Court
should grant the instant petition and/or other relief as this Court l
may deem just and proper.
Respectfullylsubmitted W
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I, %· C. ,hereby certify that IN have served a true
" N and correct copy ofthe foregoing: -- - - - . .. . N __ _ _ _ _ _ _ N
. ` 1 ,
Which is deemed tiled at the time it was delivered to prison autho N ies for forwarding to
tbe court, Houston vs. Lack, 101 L.Ed.2d 245 (1988), upon the co and parties to ` ‘ `
· litigation and/or bis/her attorney(s) of record, by placing same in a ealed, postage 1
prepaid envelope addressed to: N N
and deposited same ia the United States Postal Mail at the United » tates Penitentiary, ‘ N
Signed on this ?;)\ day of N _ I l
‘ . 1 ` P espectfully Submitted, l N
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