Free Exhibit List - District Court of Connecticut - Connecticut

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Pages: 4
Date: February 2, 2004
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State: Connecticut
Category: District Court of Connecticut
Author: unknown
Word Count: 825 Words, 5,626 Characters
Page Size: 612.72 x 1008 pts

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`;; .‘``` 'Ca§eJ §§ooLei}Zoo994egaNo`i C ”`'”= G `beneuiviehfis Filed 61-S/SCLEOO4 Page 1 of 4 —m—_Ti
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B, Defendants’ Exhibits r 5 i
/2.+ let bl i- lo ti ?1"a.sro;7. C12
1. Raytek Operatofs Manual- Thermalert T30 Series
/ ,Q7,0%/W2. 6/ 1/99 memo from Rick Ganyo to Scott Dusel
3. 6/7/99 letter from Alan Roehrig to Robert Goodman
4. 7/16/97 letter from Hans Melgaard to Rick Ganyo
5. 2/25/99 (11:11 a.m.) e-mail from Tim Pankow to Scott Dusel
6. 2/25/99(l2:52 p.m.) e-mail from Tim Pankow to Scott Dusel
[ gl . Stanley Orzechowski day planner (1/5/98-4/26/98)
8. 2/23/99 Quality Control reports
9. 3/9/99 memo from Mike Hakes to Mike Walsh re: test instruments
10. 2/24/99 (1:51 p.m.) e—;mail from Tim Pankow to Mike Hakes and Scott Dusel _
j gl 7.0*/ U 1. 7/ 18/97 Purchase Order Specification for BGK Corporation X
I ·,2 2. 5/6/98 ITW BGK Invoice \
13. 5/30/00 letter from Alan Roehrig to Robert Goodman 1
[ - ,? '}- 14. 8/3/OO letter from Bruce Martino to Stephen Taylor
15. 5/25/00 letter from Robert Goodman to Alan Roehrig
16. 5/ 14/99 letter from Robert Goodman to Alan Roehrig
17. 4/26/99 letter from Scott Dusel to Bob Goodman
30 i

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! 18. 4/22/99 lcttcr from Robcxt Goodman to Scott Duscl J
1 .
19. 6/2/97 lcttcr from Robcrt Goodman to GFG Corporation acccpting proposal
20. 7/7/98 c-mail from Tim Pankow to Alan Rochrig, Scott Duscl, Mikc Hakes, Tom
Tcichcn, Qcomp—.TcffKamin
l I/E2 21. 3/29/99 ITW BGK Scrvicc Rcport by Jakc Smith /
j , 6/ 1/99 ITW BGK fax from Rick Ganyo to Scott Duscl
23. 4/30/01 Rcport by Richard Ganyo *
/ W2 7* . 4/23/01 Rcport by Hans Schncidcr R
25. 4/7/98 BGK fax from Gary Mctzgcr to Bob Goodman
/_O?7,Jy 26. 4/10/98 BGK fax from Gary Mctzgcr to Mikc Hakos
MM 27. 5/18/99 lcttcr from Scott Duscl to Bob Goodman
,1 ,4; 7,0*y 28. 4/9/98 handwritten notcs on John Hcnry Fostcr, Mirmcsota, Inc. lcttcrhcad (6 I
W paw) I
[HQ 4/6/98 ITW BGK Scrvicc Rcport by William Thompson I
‘ [ {G2} Equipment Safety Guidclincs rc OVBH System
{_ rr 31. 6/5/97 ITW BGK ordcr form
,, tf 32. 3/19/97 BGK "Numbar Q6433"
H _ I 33. 9/24/97 Trip Rcport from Hans Mclgaard to Gary Mctzgcr 1
il U 34. 7/22/97 GFG Purchasc Ordcr 1
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X . J _. ·· Case 3jOO-CV-OO994{B_NC Document 78 Filed O1/30,[2l)O4 Page 3 of 4 [
` / “ G? O. James Weekley Consulting Agreement
f i Finishing Systems Specialists, Inc. Daily Reports (6/29/98 —— 7/2/98)
N H 37. 7/4/98 letter from O. James Weekley to Bob Goodman i
N , I 38. 8/19/98 handwritten notes of Lou Hamilton
N _, 39. 12/8/98 handwritten notes of Lou Hamilton
N _ I 40. 1/28/99 handwritten notes of Lou Hamilton
H 4 i 41. 6/24/98 letter from O. James Weekley to Bob Goodman I
H , I 42. 6/30/98 handwritten notes by O. James Weekley
H _' 43. Finishing Systems Specialists, Inc. Operating Manual "Notebook"
' , ll 44. Whitford Corporation Material Safety Data Sheets
,, ,. 45. Dupont Material Safety Data Sheets
p, ., 46. Porcelen, Inc. Recipe Controls
*‘ " 47. . 7/17/97 ITW BGK fax from Rick Ganyo to Hans Melgaard
48. 4/6/98 BGK fax from Gary Metzger to Bob Goodman 1
[ *02},5, 4/7/98 BGK fax from Gary Metzger to Bob Goodman
U ,, 50. 4/10/98 BGK fax from Gary Metzger to Mike Hakes
i t · . 51. Q—Comp Technologies, Inc. Invoice
¤( ¤ I 52. 7/23/98 Porcelen, Inc. Recipe Control
I l
32 i

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i I ·’ 62 7' 3. Porcelen, Inc. Modified Recipes
it ,, 54. 7/ 16/97 memo from Hans Melgaard to Rick Ganyo
H it 55. 3/28/00 letter from Mike Hakes to Porcelen, Inc. Specrail
_` , , 56. ’ 3/30/00 letter from Mike Hakes to Porcelen, Inc. Specrail
57. 5/4/O0 letter from Mike Hakes to Porcelen, Inc. Specrail \
58. 5/ 13/97 GFG Proposal W696l4-3 i
/ _ 2 . 5/25/00 letter from Robert Goodman to Alan Roehrig
,` si 60. 5/ 18/99 letter from Scott Dusel to Gary Metzger I
( l ,, 61. 5/ 19/99 letter from Alan Roehtig to Bob Goodman
_ ( i. 62._ 7/27/98 (10:05 a.m.) e--mail from Jeff Kamin to Scott Dusel g
63. 4/27/98 (8:16 a.m.) e—mail from Tim Pankow to Alan Roehrig, Tom Teichen and
Scott Dusel
64. Documents regarding the consulting work provided and recommendations made
By O. James Weekley
65. GFG documents regarding the Porcelen project from conception until after date of
alleged loss _
66. ITW/BGK documents regarding the Porcelen project from conception until after
date of loss
67. Porcelen documents regarding the Porcelen proj ect from conception until after
date of alleged loss
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