Free Case Transferred In - District Transfer - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Date: September 27, 2005
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
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Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 1 of 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page 1 of 100

operation of the Company and to comply with any laws, rules, and regulations relating to the acquisition, operation, or holding of the property of the Company. 10.2 Ai?$.~?~,~. All questions concerning the construction, validity, and interpretation of this Agreement and the performance of the obligations imposed by ~ Agreement shall be governed by the internal law, not the law of corifiicts, of the State of Delaware. ¯ 10.3 ~. The headings herein are inserted as a matter ofconvenience only, and do not define, limit, or describe the ~ope of this Agreemem or the iment of the provisions hereof. 10.4 Bindin~ Provisions. Th~ Agreement is binding upon, and inures to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective succ~sor~ and permitted assigns. 10.5 Separabili_ty of Pmvisions. Each provision of this Agreement shall be considered separable; and if, for any reason, any provision or provisions herein are determined to be invalid and contrary to any existing or future law, such invalidity shall not impair the operation of or affect those portions of this Agreement which are valid. 10.6 Modification. Amendment. Waiver. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in rids Agreement, this Agreement may not be amended without the consent of each Member with respect to any amendment that (i) modifies the limited liabi!ity of a Member, (ii) alters the interest of a Member in Ne~ Profit, Net Loss, other items of, or distributions from, the Company or (iii) alters the number or the voting rights of the Representatives. No modification or amendment of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing, and no party shall be deemed to have waived compliance by any other party with any provision of this Agreement unless such waiver is in writing. The failure of any party at any time to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement shall in no way be construed as a waiver of such provisions and shall not affect the fights of any party thereatier to enforce such provisions in accordance with their terms. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement. No waiver of any breach of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed the waiver of any subsequent breach thereof or any other provision of this Agreement. 10.7 .C,o.glBgl~g~. This Agreement may be executed simul~eously in two or more counte~m'ts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. 10.8 Waiver. No consent or waiver, express or implied, by any Member to or of any breach or default by the other Member in the performance by such other Member of

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its obligations hereunder shall be deemed or construed to be a consent to or waiver of any other breach or default in the performance by such other Member of the same or any other obligation of such Member hereunder. Failure on the part of a Member to complain of any act or failure to ac~ of any other Member or to declare such other Member in default, irrespective of how long such failure continues, shall not constitute a waiver by such Member of its rights hereunder. 10.9 ~dditional Remedies. The rights and remedies of any Member hereunder shall not be mutually exclusive. The respective rights and obligations hereunder shall be enforceable by specific performance, injunction or other equitable remedy, but nothing herein contained is intended to, nor shall it limit or affect, any other rights in equity or

any rights at law or by statute or otherwise of any party aggrieved as against the other for
breach or threatened breach of any provision hereof, it being the intention of this paragraph to make dear the agreement of the parties hereto that their respective rights and obligations hereunder shall b¢ enforceable in equity as well as at law or otherwise.

DO NY~.~4.~A7


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IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of |he date firs~ above written.



By: "

Name: Tiffs:



~ "/~ Namer

Signature Page to ALH Holdings LLC Operating Agreement

DO NYI~45.17

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~ 22:56

['rZ/RZ NO S3101 I~OOS

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JI2ALI4, Asso~ LLC

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A. Aremon Holdings. Ltd. By: Name: Titk;


SELK. LLC By:. Title: Lax~l Equip/Group By: Title:

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A. Arenson Holdings. Ltd. By: Title:

D.A. Gardens, Ltd. By: Title:

JI2ALH, Associates LLC By[ Title:



Laurel Equity Group By: Title:

Signature Page to ALH Holdings LLC Operating Agreement

DO NY/83~4S.17

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A. Arenson Holdings. L~d. By:, Title:

D.A. Gardens, Ltd. By: ....... Name: Tide:

JI2ALH, Associates LLC By:


SELK, LLC By:, Name: Tide:

Laurel Equity Group By: L~ ~ Tide: '~.~ ¯

Signature Page to ALH Holdings LLC Operating Agreement

IX) NW~3~4& I 7

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o$/11/+! 'PBIJ If:i! ITI/ILt NO 1007|

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07/10/08 FR| 16:57 F~T 310 277 2049 K ÷ 6 INC. p.3 ~013

IN WFrNE88 WHEREOF, the part~ h~mto have duly

Dean /~nde:son L.'l.v4~g Trust

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12K + Filed 09/02/2005 Page 11 11 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 B INC. 01/31/2006 Page of of 100 Filed 07/10/98 FRI 10:58 FAX 310 277 2049-

IN W~rNESS WHF-REOF, the parl~m hereto have du~y executed thi~ Agreement the day and year first set forth above. ALH HOLDINGS~LLC



The Rk:hard Clayton Trmt of 1992

RUmr~ C~o., TruCe~

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07110198 ~I 17:11 F~Z 310 277 Z049 08/08/98 15~45 ~10 |77 1049

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07/13/~6 12:01 ~310 Z77 IU4~ & ÷ ~ 1flU. ~ Y ~ J i ~ IJ~ ~u~;



iON 15:oi

[~'~/]~ NO 7007]


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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pmtle~ I~ereto have duly ex~Jt~ this Agreement the day and year first set forth above. ALH HOLDINGS,LLC



07/1~/B8 ~]g) 15:01

7905] ~]003

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07/10198 INC.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe parties hereto have dulyexecuted thb AO~ b~e day. end yeer first set fo~ ~IxNe. ALH HOLDING~,LLC


T~le: TheFogelson Family Trust of 19~2

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IN WITNF.88 ~.]EREOF, ~ mlbs hemto~hsw d,ly exl,:u~l ~


Garl Famil~ That ~I' lg~3

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0"~/10/~! I~! 17:07 i~&X ~10 277 ~04g ¯ K ¯ !~ INC. ~04~'~..-,

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pargel~ hereto have duly Agremnent the day zmd year first set forth above. ALH.HOLDINGS,LLC By:. Name:

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07/10/98 ~o Ul:~J'/p ,~ u¢ I:~I 10:$8 Ir~][ 3i0 277 2049 Howard 1[ +B INC.


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07/10198" 0 0 27"~ 2049 I~1 ¯ __.__ .

IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, Ihe ~ hemtu h~,v~ duly executed thi~ Agreement the dW m~d year flint ~t forth above. AL~ HOLDINGS,LLG

Name: "ntb: AGGElrI~D AND AGREED: .'

N,mne: Title:

Rupert Perry, " Perry F~tlly TruM

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 21 21 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
07/10/9S FRI 1(]:5~ WAX 310 277 2049 K ~- B INC. ~]00~":




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iON 15:01

[TX/ItXNO 70071 ~006

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07/10/98 FR! 18:59 F~ 310 2?7 2048 3~04607229 po3



¯ Name: Jemmy Taft:~er, Tmmel

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07/10/98 FR! t7:00 F~ 310 277 2049 K+B INC.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. lhe parll~ hem~ have duly


~ ,,


Name:. ~ --


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Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 27 27 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100

tN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pad~ hereto have duly executed th~ Agreement the day and year first set fo~ above. ALH HOLDINGS,LLC .By: Name: Title: ACCEPTED AND AGREED: PURCHASERS:

T'~Io: Name: Tdle: By: Name: Ti~e: Name: Tflle: ¯ By: Name: Title: By:. Name: T'dle: By:.. Name:

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 28 28 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
07/10/98 "~'1~"~'~':10-~" '~0 277 2049

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the part~s hereto have duly executed Agreement Ihe day and year first set forth above. ALH HOLDING$,LLG


PURCHAS,~_ERS~ Name: ~---'~~i~~- ~

T~e: The ~ Kaufman LMng That

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 29 29 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
07/10/98 FRI 17:14 F~ 310 277 2049 E + B INC.


Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 30 30 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
07/10/08 FRI 17:04 FAIl 310 277 204g K +.E IHC.




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FRI 17:03 FAT 310 2?7 2049 lION X8:$8 FAT 310 ~77 K + B INC. X .+ S INC.

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07/10/08 FRI 17:15 FAX 310 277 2049 E + B INC. ~064

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07/10/~6 FR| lO:§O ~,'%T. 310 277 2049



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07/10/98 FR! 17:13 FAZ 310 2.77 2049" K + B INC. 1~06~"


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07/10/98 FRI 17:05 FXZ 310 277 2049 K + B INC. ~037



Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 36 36 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
17:12 Y.~I~ 310 277 2049 E + E ;HC. i1~055 ¯



l"itle.~," Trustee

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Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 38 38 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100

IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, the parti~ hereto have duly executed thl~ Agreement the day and year first set forth above. ALHHOLDINGS, LLC

By:. Name:



Trusteo of the Survivor's Trust U/D/T dated 2/13/0~

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PUR~ . R. Camp N~. Tom


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07/10/98 FRI 17:10 F/~.X 310 277 2049 0~./00/08 17:01 K + B INC. ~102"~710~9 '~'310 2?7 1040 E ÷ B INC.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the I~rtles herMo hewe duly Agr~rnent lhe d~y and year tirol s~t forth ebov~ ALH HOLDINGS, LLC By:.





Til~: TI~ I.eon~rd Hirlh~n Tru~

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 41 41 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
07/10/98 FRII7:0?'~,t~ 3~0 277 oe/¢8/08 JfON 18:5~ F,~t~ 310 277 K÷ B


TiSe: ~ Filmily, Tract

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07/10198 FI~I 17:03 F,~ 310 277 204g K + B INC. I~p31~ "

B~. _,



Name: Title;

Stephen Miller

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310 2"77 204~ INC. ii@'~ii~l~ ~ i d~l gipg~u~m'd

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07]10]98 FI~I 17:0~ FAX 310 277 2049

IN W111~58 WHEREOF. the pad~ hereto hav~ du~y ~ ~h~ .~reem~ me day ,,.d year ~m ~t ~ ~bo~. ALH HOLDIN~8,LL.C




Tlllec 199~ Alfred P. ~tem Trust

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 45 45 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
07/10/98 FRI 17:0g ~AI 310 277 2045 06/09/98 11:12 '~'310 2;7 104g K ÷ B- INC. K ÷ B INC.

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Class A Members " ] Percentage of Class Contribution [ Membershi_~ Interest . $6,275,000 62.75%

Names and Addresses Shamrock Holdings of California, Inc. 4444 Lakeside Drive Burbank, CA 91505 Richard Dean Anderson 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 The Richard Clayton Trust of 1992 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 David Corwin 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Daniel Corwin 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Clint Eastwood 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 James Foley 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 ~.__~. ¯













130 NY/B384~.17

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The Fogelson Trus~ of 1992 2049 Century Park East Suite 250O Los Angeles, CA 90087 Ganz Family Trust 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Jason Gedrick 2049 Century Pa~k East Suite 2500 ¯ .Los Angeles, CA 90087 Gerren Keith. 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Ch~opher Penn Suite 2500~ Los Angeles, CA'90087 The Pen'y Family Trust 2049 Century Park East Su/te 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087













Suite 2500~'-.~ Los Angeles, CA 90087 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 The Shallet Chemel Trust of 1994 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 ~... Los Angeles, CA 90087







DO NY/83645.17

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The Tarcher Family Trus~ 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Christopher Thompson 2049 Century Park Eas~ Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Gy Waldron 2049 Century Park Eas~ Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Yorkin Family Limited Partnership 2049 Century park East Suite 2500 Los Ange.les, CA 90087 \








The Roy and Judi Kau .fman Living Trust 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Bemsteln Trust of 1989 2049 Century Parl: East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 David Bernstein 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Lori Bemstein 2049 Century Park East Suite 25OO Los Angeles, CA 90087 ~-~-








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Bunny Wasser 2049 Century Park Eas~ ~ ..... Suit.2500 Los Angeles, CA 900~7 2049 Century Park East~/ Suite 25OO Los Angeles, CA 90087 Noah Fogdson 2049 Century Park East ,,._...~ Suim 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Adam 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087



Andrew Wasser





.25% ~..-..~. ..... $75,000

Harold and Ruth Borden Trust Mr. & Mrs. Harold Borden ~____.. 105~0 Wilshire Boulevard Uni~ 73 Los Angd~s, CA 90024 Mr..Harold Brown Gang, Tyro, Ram~r & Brown, I cn_..~.- 132 S. Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Ms. Hermione Brown Gang, Tyre, Rame~ & Bro~a, I~¢~ 132 $. R~:le~ Drive Beverly ttill~, CN 90212 T~m R. C~mp, 132 $. R~le~ Beverly Hills, CA 90212







00 NY/~3645.17

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Hirshan Family Trust Mr. Leonard Hirshan L...--William Morris Agency 151 El Camino Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Katz Family Trust 9607 W~ndovea Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Stephen M. Miller, M.D. 10594 N. 65~' Strut Longraoat, CO $0503 Mr. Ira Shulman 45 Gladstone Road New Rochelle, NY 10804 Mr. Alfred Stem Schroders 10877 Wilshi~ Boul~a~! Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90024 De~is M. Wasscr, Esq. Wassar, Rosenson & Car~r 2029 Century Park ~ S~t¢ 1200 Los Angeles, CA 900~7













Do .v~-~s.*7


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Clas~ B Members Percentage of Class Membershiu Interesl 12%

Names and Addrfases A. Arenson Holdings, Ltd. 5 Hashita Street P.O Box 3566 Caesera Israel ¯ D. A. Gardens, Ltd. c/o Fimanor AG Seefeldstrasse 45 Zurich 8O08 Switzerland J 12ALH, Assoc/ates LLC Suite 4101 1301 Avenue of the New York, New York 10019 SELK, LLC . ¯ c/o Shalom E. Lamm 489 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10017 Laurel Equity Group c/o Suite 501 HoveniersW~ 2 Antwerp, Belgium

Capital Contribution $700,000


$ 1,000,0000


$1,750,000 by way of cancellation of ALH debt and $250,000 in cash


DO N'YT83645.17

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EXHIBIT C Member Contributed Pro_verW

All fight title and interest in and to 76 shares of common stock of American Landmark Homes Corporation.

All fight title and interest in and to 124 shares of common stock of American Landmark Homes Corporation.

DO NY~3845.17

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EXHIBIT D Officers of the CO~_ ~y

Shalom E. Lamm Jonathan Zich John D. Ho "urihan

President Vice President Secretary and Treasurer

DO NY/E3E45.17

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Lender New South Federal Savings Barnett. Bank Ohio Savings Bank

Maximum Available Amount $3,750,000 $2,000,000.

Balance Outstanding as of March 31, 1998 $2,225,749. $445,834 $330,020

O0 NY/a3645.17

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AMENDMENT TO ALH HOLDINGS LLC OPERATING AGREEMENT Amendment, dated as of March 15, 1999 (the "Amendment"), to the Operating Agreement of ALH Holdings LLC ("the Company") dated as of Jtme 12, 1998 (the "Operating Agreement") by and among Lion ALH Capital LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, the Persons listed on Exhibit A thereto, the Persons listed on Exhibit B thereto, Landmark Equity Investors LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and Shalom E. Larnm. EXPLANATORY STATEMENT The Company and the members of the Company have agreed to amend the Operating Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. As of the date of this Amendment and pursuant to the Subscription Agreement, dated as of June 12, 1998, between the Company and Shalom E. Lamm,'the Class E Member has repaid in full the Elovic Debt and has repaid $900,000 of the $5,600,000 owed on the Arbor Debt. The Class E Member has advised the Company that no Interest Amount or Discount Amount was due in connection with such repayments on the Elovic Debt or Arbor Debt. All capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Operating Agreement. 1. The following definitions are added to Article 1.1. "Bowden Date" means the date on which all closing conditions set forth in Article VIII of the Stock Purchase Agreement have been completely satisfied or waived. "Stock Purchase Agreement" means the Stock Purchase Agreement by and among ALH Tennessee Acquisition, Inc., Donald L. Bowden, Sr. and Helen E. Bowden, and Bowden Building Corporation, dated January 20, 1999. 2. Article 3.2 is amended and restated in its entirety as follows: 3.2 Additional Capital Contributions.

(a) Pursuant to the terms of that certain subscription agreement, dated as of June 12, 1998, between the Company and Shalom E. Lamm, as amended (the "Subscription Agreement"), prior to March 1, 1999, the Class E Member has repaid $2,000,000 in payment of that portion of the American Debt owed to Eugene Elovic (the "El0vic Debt") thereby satisfying the Elovic Debt in full and has also repaid $900,000 in partial payment of that portion of the American Debt owed to Arbor National Commercial Mortgage (the "Arbor Debt"). Pursuant to the Subscription Agreement, on or prior to July 1, 1999, the Class E Member shall contribute to the Company in one or more installments (either in cash for the satisfaction of the Arbor Debt or by direct satisfaction of the Arbor Debt on behalf of ALH) an amount of $2,000,000, in partial payment of the Arbor Debt. Pursuant to the Subscription Agreement, on or prior to November 1, 1999, the Class E Member shall contribute to the Company an amount of $2,700,000 in payment

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of the remainder of the Arbor Debt plus that portion of the Discount Amount relating to the Arbor Debt, if any, plus that portion of the Interest Amount relating to the Arbor Debt, if any, in exchange for an aggregate 100% Class E Membership Interest. Upon the occurrence of an event that gives rise to an obligation of the Company to make payment of any Interest Amount relating to the Arbor Debt, then the Class F. Member shall make further contributions to the Company from time to time promptly following the occurrence of any such event in the amount of such Interest Amount. The Company, the Class A Members, the Class B Members, the Class C Member, the Class D Member and the Class E Member agree that, if the payments described above are made in cash, they (or such lessor amount as may be paid in full satisfaction of the Arbor Debt) will be used to satisfy the Arbor Debt on behalf of ALH. The $2,000,000 paid by the Class E Member to satisfy the Elovic Debt and the $900,000 paid prior to March 1, 1999 by the Class E Member in partial payment of the Arbor Debt together with the $4,700,000 that remains to be paid on the Arbor Debt constitute the "Class E Capital Contribution". The Class. E Capital Contribution will not be deemed paid in full until the Class E Member makes all of the contributions described above, which contributions shall be unconditionally guaranteed by SELK, LLC ("SELK"), a Class B Member. In addition to any other remedies the Company may have as a result of the failure of the Class E Member to make the contributions described above, if SELK fails to perform under such guaranty, SELK's Capital Account and SELK's Unrecovered Class B Capital shall be reduced on a dollar-for-dollar basis by the amount that the Class E Member has failed to contribute pursuant to this Section 3.2. Once SELK's Capital Account is reduced to zero, SELK's Membership Interest will be terminated. (b) On the Bowden Date, each of the Class A Members shall contribute to the Company the amount set forth opposite its name on Exhibit A to the Amendment under the caption entitled "Additional Capital Contribution", comprising $4,687,500 in the aggregate. These additional contributions will be used solely for the purpose of providing funds for the purchase by ALH Tennessee Acquisition, Inc. of Bowden Building Corporation on the terms set forth in the Stock Purchase Agreement. (c) On the Bowden Date, each of the Class B Members shall contribute to the Company the amount set forth opposite its name on Exhibit B to the Amendment under the caption entitled "Additional Capital Contribution", comprising $2,812,500 in the aggregate. These additional contributions will be used solely for the purpose of providing funds for the purchase by ALH Tennessee Acquisition, Inc. of Bowden Building Corporation on the terms set forth in the Stock Purchase Agreement. (d) The Company will give notice to the Class A Members and Class B Members five days prior to the occurrence of the Bowden Date. If the Bowden Date shall not have occurred prior to_May 1, 1999, the obligations of the Class A Members and the Class B Members under paragraphs (b) and (c) above will be terminated and of no further force and effect. The Stock Purchase Agreement may not be altered or amended by the Company, nor may any conditions thereto be waived by the Company, without the prior approval of a majority of Class A Members.



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IN WITNESS WHEREOF. ALH and ~e members of ALH have duly executed this Amendment as of the date first above written. ALH HOLE~OS LLC

Name: Title: ~.~ ~.~,,,.'~,,- k,...~.~ e.~.t,,A ~.,,,.t_


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Title: .

Richard Dean Anderson

The Richard Clayton Trust of 1992

By: Name: Title:

David Corwin

Daniel Corwin

Clint Eastwood

James Foley


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mu~ X~:O~ rA.& ~XU Z77 t049 K.B.O,T.ff. LLC





Richard Dean Anderson

The ~chard Clayton Trus~ of I992

By: Name: Title:

David Corwin

Daniel Corwin




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By: Name; Title:

Richard Dean Anderson

The Richard Clay~on Trust of 1992

Name: Title:

David Corwin

Daniel Corwin

~lim Eastwood.

~ames Fole~


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06/07/99 ~0~ 14:35 FAX 310 277 1049 K.B.O.T.M. LLC




Richard Dean Anderson

The Richard Clayton Trust of 1992 By: N~me: Title:

Dmiel Corwin

Clim Eastwood

J~'nes Foley

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 63 63 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100




Richard Dean Anderson

The Richard Cla~o. Trus~ of 1992

By: Name: Title:

David Corwin


James Foley


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06/07/99 ~0~ 14:34 FAX 310 277 1049 K.B.O.T.M. LLC



Richard ~ ~n

The Richard Clayton Trust of 1992



David Corwin

Jame~ Foley


06107/99 ~ON 14:34

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310 277 1049 K.B.O.T.~'. LLC



l~i 'chard Dean Anderson

The Richatcl Clay~on Trust of 1992

Name: Title:

David Corwin

Dani~l Corwia

Clim F, astwood ~~

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 66 66 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100

The Fogelson Trust of' 1992

Oanz Family Tru.~£ or" 1993

Name: Title:

Jason Gcdrick

Oen'en Kci~h

The Perry Family Trust By: Title:

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 67 67 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100

The Fog¢Ison Trust of 1992

By: Name: Title:

Oanz Family Trust of 1993


Jason Oedrick

Gerrcn Keith

~'uce lq. Itame~:

Thc Perry Family Trust By: 'Tiil~:

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 68 68 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100

The Fogelson Trust of 1992

By: Title:

Oanz Family Trust of ! 993

By: Name:

Gerren Keith

The Pen'3, Family Trust



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The Fog¢lson Trust of 1992 By: N~-ne: Title:

Ganz Family Tr~ of 1993 By: Tide: -....

Jason Oedrick

Gerren Keith

The Perry Family Trust By: Title:

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06110/99 ~ 10:07 r.ll.O.T.II. LL¢ ~1002

The Fo~lsoa By: _ Nsn~:

~ Fsmily Tn~of 1993

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The Fog¢lson Tras~ of 1992

By: Name:

Oanz Family Trus~ of 1993

By: Nsme: Title:

Jason Ocdrick

Gerren K¢ith

Bru~e M o Ranter

By: Title:


Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 72 72 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
HUN 14:~4 F/L& ~10 Z77 1049 K.B.0,T.X. LLC ~ 005

Penn Trus~ of 1992


Ann Ramer

The Shall~ Chemel Trus~ of 1994 By: N~me:


The Tarcher Family Trust


Christopher Thompson

Oy Wa~dron


Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 73 73 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
h. D. U. 1.~11. L,L+~

Penn Trust of' 1992 By: Title:

Ann Ramer

The Sha41~ Chernel Trust of 1994

Name: Title:

The Tarcher Family Trust


Christopher Thompson

Gy Waldron


Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 74 74 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
a$/04/gg TI~ 10.'5~ FAT 310 ~77 /.04~ ~.U.O.T,il. L,I,C muuz

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Penn Trust of 1992 By: Name: Title:

Ann Ramer

The Shall~ Chemel Trust of 1994 By:" ~ Name: Title: 7~~

The Tarher Family Trust

TitR:: ¯



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Yorkin Family Limited Partnership

By: N~a¢: Title:


David Berns1¢in

Lori Bemstein

Bunny W~ss~r

Andrew Wasser

Noah Fogclson

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 77 77 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100 K.B.O,T,M. LLC 06/07/99 M0N 14:36 FAX 310 Z77 1049 FRIED FRANK ~T. ^L, MAR.~ 2. 1999 5:43P~


The Roy and Judy Kau/hu~ Living Trust By:

Bunny Wass~


Aadr~w Wm

Noah Foselson

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 78 78 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
li.~.O.T.I~. LLC

Yorkin Family Limited Parmership By: Title:

The Roy aad Judy Kaufraan Living Trust By: Name: Title:

E~ernstein Trust of 1989

By: Name: Title:

Lori Bemstein

Bunny' W~ssCr "

Andrew Wasser

Noah Fogcl~on


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zool~ JU~ 10 '99 .03:28PM BUENA VISTA TELEVISIO~ P.2

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P~G~ "05/I0/9~ I'~ ~.3:10 F~ 310 2?7 i049 K,]I,.O,T.Io LLC

Yorkin Family Li~ted Pzrcoer~fp


Bemstein Trust of 1989 By:

'Da.vid B~

Lod Be~i~

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 81 81 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100

Harold ~d Ruth Burden Trust


Harold Brown

Ms. Hermione Brown

Tom R. Camp, Esq.

Hirshan Family Trust

Title: Katz Family Trust By:


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06/07/99 M0N 14:36 310 277 1049 K.B.O.T.M, LLC ~023

Adam Fogelson

Harold and Ruth Burden Trust


Ms. Hermione Brown

Tom R_ Camp, Esq.

Hirshan Family Trust

By: Name: Title:

Katz Fxmily Trust




Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 83 83 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
K.B.O.T.}/. LLC

Adam Fogelson

Harold and Ruth Burden Trust


Harold Brown

Ms. Hen'n/one Brown

Tom R. Camp, Esq.

Hirshan Family Trust

Title: .... Katz Fami~t By: Name.. "~~~~ (~'~''~" Title:

Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 84 84 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
,~ry.,.June 12. 1999 1:29AM To: SHERI FOX Page: 2 of 2 06/11/~ ~t| 10:3~ FAZ 310 ~77 104~

l:>Jab M. W~., F.~I.

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06/07/99 MON 14:34 F&X 310 277 1049 K.B.O.T.M. LLC


Ms. Ira Shulman

Mr. Alfred Stem

Dermis M. Wasser, Esq.


Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 86 86 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
K.B.O.T.~. LLC

Stephen M, Miller, M.D.

Ms. lra Shulman

Dennis M. Wasser, Esq.

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06/07/99 MON 14:35 FAX 310 2TT 1049 K.B,O.T.M. LLC

Stephen M. Miller,

¯ ~s. Ira Shulman

Dermis M. Wasser, Esq.


Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 88 88 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100

CLASS B ,MEMBERS By;^" Aragon Hol~. Tid©:


~I~0.,I/, Assoc/aws LLC B~

S~.I~, LLC


Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 89 89 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100

A. Am~-~ Neld~




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A. Arenson Holdings, Ltd.

By: Name: Title:

D.A. Gardens, Ltd.

By: Name: Title:

JI2ALH, Associates LLC By:


SEL~ By: ~ -Name: v~ Title:

Laurel Equity Group




Case 1:06-cv-00062-SLR Document 13-12 Filed 09/02/2005 Page 91 91 100 Case 3:05-cv-00256 Document 22-25 Filed 01/31/2006 Page of of 100
l'~ar" 15 99 11::~8a 212 349-4252

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Title: ~ ~. ~ 3r¢.-/


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Class A Members

Names and Addresses Shamrock Holdings of California, Inc. 4444 Lakeside Drive Burbank, CA 91505 Richard Dean Anderson 2049 Century Park East Suit 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 The Richard Clayton Trust of 1992 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 David Corwin 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Daniel Corwin 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Clint Eastwood 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 .lames Foley 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087

Additional Capital Contribution $2,941,406.25








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The Fogelson Trust of 1992 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Ganz Family Trust 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Jason Gedrick 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Gerren Keith 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Bruce Rarner 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 The Perry Family Trust 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Penn Trust of 1992 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087








$35,156.25 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 " Los Angeles, CA 90087 The Shallet Chemel Trust of 1994 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 $35,156.25


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The Tarcher Family Trust 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Christopher Thompson 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Gy Waldron 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Yorkin Family Limited Partnership 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 The Roy and Judi Kaufman Living Trust 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Bemstein Trust of 1989 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 David Bemstein 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Lori Bemstein 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 _ Los Angeles, CA 90087 Bunny Wasser 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087











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Andrew Wasser 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Noah Fogelson 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Adam Fogelson 2049 Century Park East Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90087 Harold and Ruth Borden Trust Mr. & Mrs. Harold Borden I0580 Wilshir¢ Boulevard, Unit 73 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Mr. Harold Brown Gang, Tyre, Ramer & Brown, Inc. 132 S. Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Ms. Hermione Brown Gang, Tyro, Ramer & Brown, Inc. 132 S. Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Tom R. Camp, Esq. Gang, Tyro, Ramer & Brown, Inc. 132 S. Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Hirshan Family Trust Mr. Leonard Hirshan William Morris Agency _ 151 El Camino Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Katz Family Trust Dr. & Mrs. Albert M. Katz 9607 Wendover Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210











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Stephen M. Miller, M.D. 10594 N. 65th Street Longmont, CO 80503 Mr. Ira Shulman 48 Gladstone Road New Rochelle, NY 10804 Mr. Alfred Stem Schroders 10877 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Dennis M. Wasser, Esq. Wasser, Rosenson & Carter 2029 Century Park East Suite 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90067






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Class B Members

Names and Addresses A. Arenson Holdings, Ltd. 5 Hashita Street P.O. Box 3566 Caesarea, Israel D.A. Gardens, Ltd. c/o Fimanor AG Seefeldstrasse 45 Zurich 8008 Switzerland J 12ALH, Associates LLC Suite 4101 1301 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10019 SELK, LLC c/o Shalom E. Lamm 489 Fit~.h Avenue New York, New York 10017 Laurel Equity Group c/o Suite 501 Hoverfierstraat 2 Antwerp, Belgium

Additional Capital Contribution $468,750 (including contribution by D.A. Oardens, Ltd.)

$468,750 (including contribution by A. Arenson Holdings, Ltd.)


