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Case 1:06-cv-00738-SLR

Document 206

Filed 06/11/2008

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HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, Defendant and Counterclaim Plaintiff.




I, Dr. Rangaraj Rangayyan, declare as follows: 1. On March 14, 2008, I submitted an initial expert report in this action titled,

"Expert Report of Dr. Rangaraj Rangayyan." Attached as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of that report. 2. Prior to my deposition on May 9, 2008, I submitted an errata sheet titled, "Errata

to Expert Report of Dr. Rangaraj Rangayyan." Attached as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy of that errata sheet.


With the corrections stated in the errata sheet under Exhibit B, the facts and

opinions set forth in my March 14,2008 report are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 4. On April 18, 2008,I submitted a supplemental expert report in this action titled,

"Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. Rangaraj Rangayyan." Attached as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy of that report.


The facts and opinions set forth in my April 18, 2008 supplemental report are true

and correct to the best of my knowledge,

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The full title of the Richard patent is " Contrast Amplifier for Video Images."

Richard patent, p. 1. As I discuss in my expert reports, Richard discloses particular techniques and circuitry for performing contrast enhancement in an image. See Rangayyan Report ¶¶ 101109. Richard discloses a means of contrast enhancement that is locally adaptive, that is, the amount of contrast enhancement applied to a particular pixel changes based on the brightness of pixels in an area around the pixel being enhanced. See id. Thus, the " primary purpose" of the Richard reference is contrast enhancement of images, and it is exactly the type of reference a person of ordinary skill in the art would look to and learn from when developing a locally adaptive contrast enhancement scheme such as that disclosed in the '381 patent. 7. A person of ordinary skill in the art, as I use that term in my expert reports,

would have looked to the Gonzalez Algorithm for disclosures related to contrast enhancement. Some of the reasons that such a person would have looked to the Gonzalez Algorithm are: (1) the Gonzalez Algorithm was part of the Gonzalez text, one of the few premier authorities on image processing, including contrast enhancement, during the relevant time period; (2) a person of ordinary skill in the art would have been directed by the Gonzalez text itself to understand the Gonzalez Algorithm because the text instructs readers to utilize the algorithm to output images; (3) a person or ordinary skill in the art, upon examining the Gonzalez Algorithm, would have understood it to contain a contrast enhancement scheme. For at least these reasons, a person of ordinary skill in the art would have considered the Gonzalez Algorithm as a disclosure of contrast enhancement techniques. 8. A person of ordinary skill in the art would look to the component disclosures of

prior art and appreciate their usefulness in combination with components taught elsewhere.



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A person of ordinary skill in the art, would understand that the various elements

disclosed by a reference ­ such as the mathematical algorithms utilized in a contrast enhancement method - could be combined with elements from other references to perform contrast enhancement functions with specific characteristics. 10. A person of ordinary skill in the art would understand the implications of

particular mathematical expressions used in contrast enhancement algorithms and be able to predict the effect that use of those expressions, alone or in combination with other mathematical expressions, would have on a contrast enhancement algorithm. 11. For the reasons explained in my expert reports and further detailed above, a

person of ordinary skill in the art, when examining the algorithms disclosed in the Richard patent and Gonzalez Algorithm would have had a reasonable expectation that the concepts and mathematical expressions of the two could be combined in a contrast enhancement scheme such as that disclosed in the '381 patent. 12. A person of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate the effect of different

mathematical operations and expressions on a contrast enhancement algorithm ­ such as the use of exponential expressions (or " power-law" functions). A person of ordinary skill would be adept at modifying algebraic functions and predicting the effects of such modifications on the resulting contrast enhancement algorithm. As a result, it would be both trivial and expected that someone of ordinary skill in the art would modify linear contrast enhancement functions to use exponential (or " power-law" ) expressions. The Gonzalez Algorithm itself provides four options for transfer functions, including linear and non-linear functions.



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As I stated in my report, the Lee reference itself discloses several non-linear

functions and would demonstrate to a person of ordinary skill in the art that transfer functions are easily modified to be either linear or non-linear. 14. I understand that Polaroid contends that my article, the " Rangayyan Reference"

" teaches away" from the '381 patent because, Polaroid alleges, the " goal" of my article is to make dark pixels darker and light pixels lighter. See Polaroid's Motion, p. 37. This is incorrect. The " goal" of my article is to discuss adaptive contrast enhancement. That is, a contrast enhancement scheme in which pixels are modified differently across an image based on the brightness of the surrounding pixels adjacent to the pixel being processed. In my opinion, the " goal" of my article is similar to that of the disclosed algorithms in the '381 patent ­ which likewise describe an adaptive contrast scheme. 15. Because my article is not only directed to digital contrast enhancement

algorithms, but specifically to the locally-adaptive variety claimed in the '381 patent, it in no way " teaches away" from claims 1-3 of the '381 patent. 16. algorithms. 17. The Chen patent teaches both contrast enhancement and a method for zooming My article discloses the use of power-law functions in contrast enhancement

into digital images. It is clear from the face of the reference that the fractal modeling portion of Chen is directed to only the zooming aspects of its disclosure. See, e.g., col. 8, line 20 ­ col. 9, line 21. 18. A person of ordinary skill in the art would have examined the Chen patent and

Gonzalez Algorithm and understood that both could contribute components to a contrast enhancement algorithm such as that disclosed in the '381 patent.



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The fact that the Narendra reference includes teachings with respect to a recursive

implementation of its algorithms would not have prevented a person of ordinary skill in the art from appreciating the applicability of its teachings to adaptive contrast enhancement algorithms generally ­ including non-recursive contrast enhancement algorithms as described in the Narendra reference itself. 20. Thus, both the Narendra reference and the Gonzalez Algorithm are directed at

image processing generally and specifically at contrast enhancement. 21. For the reasons discussed above, and in my expert reports, a person of ordinary

skill in the art would understand that components of two references such as the Gonzalez Algorithm and Narendra could be combined to develop contrast enhancement algorithms different from those disclosed in either reference. 22. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dr. Rangaraj Rangayyan

Date: June 5, 2008



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