Free Notice (Other) - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Date: December 31, 1969
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
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Case 1 :07-cv—OOOO5-SLR Document 36 Filed O4/O9/2008 Page 1 of 4
Plaintiff, )
) C.A. No. 1:07—·005—~SLR
v. )
Defendant. )
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE tliat, pursuant to Rule 45 ofthe Federal Rules of Civil
I’roeedure, Defendant will serve the attached subpoena duces tecum on the following.
Dr. Peter Bandera, MD. -
Trolley Square, Suite B10
Wilmington, DE 19806
By: _
Ie er i ler Brady (#2874)
Jennifer We son @*4933)
Hercules Plaza, 6Â¥ Floor
i3l3 N. Market Street
P.O. Box 95l
Wilmington, DE 19899-0951
(302) 984-6000 — Telephone
(302) 658-1192 —· Facsimile
j wasson@gotte1·a11derson.eon1
Dated: April 9, 2008
858457 / 3 E959 Attorneys for Defendant Chrysler LLC

Case 1 :07-cv—OOOO5-SLR Document 36 Filed O4/O9/2008 Page 2 of 4
Issued by the
UNITED STATES Disrnicr Conair
District of Delaware
¤’·‘V'¤ A· $Mi'—E"· r sUB1>oENA IN A own. cAsE
Case Number? i·U7‘005·Si—R
TO: Dr. Peter Bandera, MDL
Trolley Square, Suite B10
Wiimingtori, DEE 19806
I;] YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear inthe United States District court at the place, date, and timespecitied below to
testify in the above case. -
PLACE or Tssrtmoiw cookriiooivt
DATE AND rims n
S YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear at the place, date, and time specified below to testify at the taking of a deposition
in the above case.
1>LAca or Darosrrxou k DATE Arm TIIVIE
El YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce and permit inspection and copying ofthe following documents or objects at the
place, date, and time specified below (list documents or objects): '
Your entire file on David A. Smiley ( ii **-*4 ), ` ‘ · ‘
PLACE Potter Anderson 8i Corroon LLP i i _ DATE ANDTW U l
· isis iii. Marker street, i¤.o. aux esi, wiimingien, oe isset . 4/15/2008 WOO em -
El YOU ARE COMMANDED to pennit inspection ofthe following premises at the date and time specified below. ·
rrtszvusss IDATE Ms'D'£`IME
Any organization not a party to this suit that is subpoenaed for the taking of a deposition shalt designate one or more officers,
directors, or managing agents, or other persons who consent to testify on its behalf, and may set forth, for each person designated, the
matters on which the person will testify. Federal Ruie of Civil Procedure 30(b){6).
4 . - 1 ·
1 , :- »· · AND TirLE (INDICATE rr ArroRNeY ron PLArz~iT11=1= OR DEFENDANT) DATE _
lhnn ( { 1 Attorney for Defendant 4/9/2008
1 ii o if CER’S NAME, ADD SS AND Puoiss isumisau
' ermiter C. Wasson (#4933) Tel: 302-897-6165
Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP, 1313 N. Market Street, 6th Fi., Wilmington, DE 19801 Attorneys for Defendant
{See Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45 (c), {rl), and (e), on next page)
* if action is pending in district other than district of issuance, state district under case number.

Case 1 :07-cv-00005-SLR Docu ment 36 F1 led O4/O9/2008 Page 3 of 4

Idcclaxa under penalty ofpcrjury under the laws ofthe United States ofzxmericathat thc forgning i11f0rmat10n c:0nta1mqd
in thc Proof of Scrvicc is true and correct.
Executed on
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45 (c), (d), and (c), as amended on December 1, 2007:
(c) PRGTECTENG A PERSON SUBJECT T0 A Su'B?0£NA. (i} shows u substantial mzcd for thc testimony urmatcrial that cannot bc otherwise
{1) Avoiding Undu: Burden ur Expcnsc; Sanctions. A party or atbumcy responsible for met without undue hardship; and ·
issuing and serving a subpoena must take rcusonabkc szcps to avoid imposing Lmduc burcicn or G5) ensures that the subpcenaeé person will br: reasonably compensated
cxpcnsc on a person subject to She subpoena. The issuing com must enforce this duty and
impose an appropriate sauciiun —— which may iuclugic lost earnings and reasonable att¤mzy’s (d) DUTIES IN RESPONDIHG T0 A SUBPOENA.
fccs —— on a pany or auomay who fails to comp}; (1) Producing Documents or Eiectznnicaliy Stored infonmation. These procedures appiy
(2} Command to Produce Materials nr Permj: inspection. to producing docurncms or clcctmnicallya stcrcd information:
{A) Appcamncc Not Rcquircdh A person comxuamicd to produce documents, (A) Documents. A person responding tc a subpoena hc produce documents must
electronically gtorcd inform ation, or tangihic things, onc•pcm1§t111pinspccti¤n ufprcmises, need produce them as may are keptin the urdiunxy course cfbusiuzss oriuust organize and iabc! them _
nm appear in penscm at 111: place ofproducticn or inspection unless also ccmmanxéad to appear to correspond to the categories in the demand.
for a écpositiun, hearing, or trial. (B) Form for Producing Electronically Stored Information Nut Specified. If ¤
(B) Objections. A person commanded an produce documents ur tangible things or tn subpoena éuus not specify a fum: for producing zlccircuicaily stored infomation, the pcrscm
pemnit inspection may serve uu thc party cr atmmcy designated in thc subpoena a written responding mus: produce it in a ibm or forms in which it is ordinarily maintained 01 in a .
clgiccticm to inspecting, copying, testing nr sampiing any uml! ofthe materials ono impacting rcasozmbiy usubic form or forms.
thc ;:rcmiscs—o:tcpr0du¤ingelccirnnicailysturcd iufm-mationimhe furmor fnmsrequested. (C) Hléctrunicaliy Szcrcd information Produced iu Only One Form. The person
The nbjenticn must be serves! bcfurc thc caxlicr ofthe time spccificd for compliance or 14 days responding need not produce the same clcctrcxfacailystorcd information i.¥1_m0¥¢ than oncform. .
after Exc subpoena is served. If emoljcctioxz is mazda, shc {allowing mlizs spp]; (D) Inacwssibie E1eclx¤:1i¤aEIySt5»rcqi infommtion. The person responding need not
(5) At any time, cm notice tn the commanded person, thc serving party maymuve provide dismveryufclcctronioaky stored infcrmsiiimi from sources that the person idcutiécs as
the issuing court for an order compelling production or inspection. not rcascuabiy accessible because cfunduc burdm or cost, On motion to compel discovery or
· (ii) Tlucsc acts may be required only as directed ihlshc order, and the urdcr must for a protective order, thc person responding must show Hm the information is HDI reasonably
protect a person who is neither a party nur a PBITYS nfticcr fiom sig-n‘¤ant expense resulting awnessibic bzzausn nfundue burden at cost. Ifthat showing is made, thc court may nmzcthclcss
from ccmpiiancu. order discqvcry from such sources if the requesting party shows good cmxss, cansidering the
(3) Quashing or Modifying a Subpocua. limitations of Rule ;6{b}(2)(C). The cmp; may specify conditinng for the discovery. _
{A) when Raquircd. On timciy motion, the issuing coun must quash ur modify a (2) Claiming Priviicgc cr Protection. `
subpoena that: (A) Enfarmaéuu Widzhuid. A pzrson uéthhokding suivpccmaed information under u
{5) fails to nlkow a rcasunabic time to compkyg claim that it is priviicgcd or subject to protection as trial-preparation material must; '
(ii) requires a person who is neither a party nur a pmtys officer tu travel more (i) cxpressty make the claim; and
than EOD miles Rom whcrc that person resides, is employed, or regularly sruusacts business in (ii) describn the nature cfthc xvitlzhcld documents, communications, cr
person -- except Bm, subject to Rule 45(c)(3)(B){§ii), the person may bc commanded to attend tangible things in ammmcr sim, withcutrevcal ing iufumnsticnitscifpxiwfilcgcd or promoted, wiil
u nin] by traveling from any such pkacc wi£hi¤ the smc where thc trial is held; cnabiu the parties to assess the ciaim.
(iii) requires disckmsurc cf privileged or othcr protcctcd matics, if nc exception (B) Infomation Produced. If infurmalcion produced in response tu s subpoena is
or waiver applies; cr subject an a claim of privilege or nfprotzcsion as trial-prcparaiicn material, the pcrsun making
(iv) subjects a person m undue Burden. thc claim may notify any party that received the information cf the ciaim and the basis for it
(B) When Pmnittcd. To protect a pcmm subject to or aH'ccwd by a subpoena, the After being notified, a party must prcnmptiy whim, scqucstcr, or destroy the specified
issuing court may, an motion, quash or modify thc subpoena if it requires: information and any copies it has; must not usc or disciasc the information until the claim is
(i) disckcsing a trade secret or other coniidcutiai research, development, or resolved; must mke reasonable steps tn rclricve the information if thu party disclosed Et bzfcre
cummarcial information; being notified; and may pmmptky present thc information to thc court under sca! for a
{ii) disclosing an unrczaiucd cxpcrfs opinion or informatics: that docs not dztmxzizmicu of E18 claim. The person who produced the information must preserve the
describe specific mxmrrcnccs in dispute and rcsulm Som the cacpczfs study that was not informatim1 until the claim is resolved.
requested by a party; or
(iii} a pnrsun who is neither a pany nur n party’s ufficcr tc incur substantial (c) CQNTEMPT.
cnqseusc tn travel more than 100 miles to attend trial The issuing court mayhcid in contempt sz person who, having been served, fails without
(C) Specifying Conditions as an Altcmativc, In the circumstances described in Rule adequate: cxcusc to obey the subpoena. A ncmpurtys failure tu nbey must be excused if the
4$(c)(3)(B), the court may, instead of quashimg 0: modifying a subpoena, order sppcarancc cr mbpnena purports to requh the nnnpartytn amend ur produce at a plwc cmsidc the Eimits of
production under spnciiicd conditions if the serving party: Rule 45(c)(3)(A)(ii).

Case 1:07-cv—OOOO5-SLR Document 36 Filed O4/O9/2008 Page 4 of 4
I hereby certify this 9th clay of April, 2008, that a true and correct copy of the
was served by Federal Express to the following:
David A. Smiley, pro se
26 Mackay Ln.
Newark, DE l97l3
David A. Smiley, pro se
814 Village Circle, Apt. B
Newark, DE 19713 / `
. f .
Je J fer son (No. 4933)
Hercules Plaza —- Sixth Floor
1313 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 984-6165 (Telephone)
(302) 658-1192 (Facsimile)
jwasson@,potteranders0n,com (Email)