Free Letter - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 180.5 kB
Pages: 1
Date: August 20, 2007
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 268 Words, 1,538 Characters
Page Size: 612 x 806.4 pts

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Preview Letter - District Court of Delaware
Case 1:07-cv-00218-JJF Document 11 Filed 08/20/2007 Page 1 of 1
MIQHAEL J. Hsien. r.r.e
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"£C·'R.lTER.'$ EMAJL: rnl1eed@rnjhlav¤tnei
August 2U, EUG?
Via E-Filing
Judge Mary Pat Thynge
Distri et Ceurt ef Delaware
S44 lslerth King Street, Reern 42119
Leek Hex 13
Wilminglen, DE 193111
Attn: Clerk ef the Ceurt
RE: Halchuk v. Williams
CA. Ne.: G?-128 1***
Dear Judge Thyuge:
With this letter I have enelesed a lvletien te Extend Time pursuant te F.R.C.P. 4(rn). I
understand the rules stipulate that all metiens sheuld he aceernpanied hy a brief Hewever, in
this instance, Iam seniewhat cenfused as te the need ef a hrietl The metien is ehvieusly self
explanatery. There is ne ceunsel fer the defense, theugh an atterney has netitied me that he will
enter an appearance ence the plaintiff gets service upen the defendant. Secendly, while there
eertainly is case law regarding this rule, it is discretiena.ry_en the part ef the Judge whether this is
geed eause er net. `
lf the Ceurt deems it apprepriate, I will cerr ly tile a hrief and have ne desire te fleut
the rules. Hewever, in this instance itjust did net see apprepriate under the circurnstanees.
I arn at the Ceurt’s dispesal. 2.
Respectfully yeurs, ,·
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lvliehael J. Heed, Esquire
ce; Clerk ef Ceurt [via hand delivery]