Free Letter - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 2
Date: April 2, 2008
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 412 Words, 2,694 Characters
Page Size: 612.36 x 790.92 pts

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Case 1 :07-cv-00218-JJF Document 34 Filed 04/01 /2008 Page 1 of 2
7 MIGHAE1;. J. HooD. mc
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WILMINGTON, DE 19806 wr1.Mn~1croN, DE ross-:0
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warrE1t·s EMAIL: mhood@mjhlawnet
April 2, 2008
Via E-Filing
Judge Joseph J. Farnan, Jr.
District Court of Delaware
844 North King Street, Room 4209
Lock Box T8
Wilmington, DE l980l
Attn: Clerk of the Court
RE: Halchuk v. Williams
C.A. No.: 07-218 (JJF)
Dear Judge Farnan:
As the Court probably is aware, I represent the plaintiff in this action. The
reason I am writing is that the Court has required a proposed pre-trial scheduling order to
be submitted to the Court on or before Wednesday, April 2, 2008. A
I assume that the Court is aware that a third-party defendants have just filed a
response in which they have now sued a fourth-party defendant. That has just happened
within the last week. Service has not been made on the fourth—par·ty defendant as we
speak. This case was filed sometime ago, but it took the plaintiff seven (7) months to Q
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Obviously, the defendant filed a third-party complaint and now we have a fourth-party
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The reason for writing this letter is that is seems to be premature to do a proposed
scheduling order when there is a party that has not even been served in this action. We
· · · will certainly do as the Court requires, but I do want to alert the Court to the posture of ` ` ` "
this case as we speak today. Q
I have spoken with the attorney for the defendant, Roger Landon, Esquire and
also the attorney for the third-party defendantsffourth-party plaintiffs, Bernie Conaway,
Esquire and they agree with this letter.

Case 1 :07-cv-00218-JJF Document 34 Filed O4/O1/2008 Page 2 of 2
E Judge Joseph J. Faman, Jr.
Page -2-
April 2, 2008 (
We are at the Cou11’s disposal. Please let us know what the Court would like us
to do.
Res lly yo
Michael J. Hood, Esquire
cc: Clerk of Court (via hand delivery)
Roger Landon, Esquire (via e—tile)
Bernie Conaway, Esquire (via e—file)

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