Free Articles of Organization

These Articles of Organization are for use in setting up a limited liability company. The articles include the name, address and purpose of the company, initial resident agent and the identities of company’s management. These Articles of Organization must be filed with the state where the company is located.

Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.


The undersigned, with the intention of creating a _________________________ Limited Liability Company files the following Articles of Organization:
(1) Name of the Limited Liability Company is: _____________________________________________
(2) Purpose of the Limited Liability Company is: ___________________________________________
(3) Address of the Limited Liability Company is: ___________________________________________
(4) Initial resident agent of the Limited Liability Company is: _________________________________
(5) Management of the Limited Liability Company is: _______________________________________


The forms on this site are provided "As-Is." By using these forms you agree that you are using them at your own risk. Most of the free forms are not prepared by an attorney and may need substantial modification. Additional disclaimers can be found in our Terms of Use.