Free New York Land Contract Legal Forms

  • Land Contract
  • This Land Contract, also known as a Contract for Deed, states that the seller of the property will hold the legal title to that property until the purchaser has paid the full price of the property in periodic installments.

  • Contract For Deed
  • This Contract for Deed is also known as a Land Contract or a Real Estate Installment Agreement. This contract states that the seller of the property will hold the legal title to that property until the purchaser has paid the full price of the property in perio

  • Quitclaim Deed Forms
  • This Quitclaim Deed form is required to convey an interest in a property from the Grantor to the Grantee, such as one spouse (Grantor) disclaiming any interest in a property that the other spouse (Grantee) owns.

  • Warranty Deed
  • This is the most commonly used Deed and the one preferred by title companies. The Warranty Deed conveys an interest in a piece of real estate and guarantees that the title conveyed is good and that its transfer is rightful.